Figure 1: High Flaring and Venting of Associated Gas Per Barrel of Oil

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The World Bank (WB) estimates, as at 2000, the annual volume of natural gas being flared and vented worldwide at about 110 billion cubic meters (bcm), enough to provide for the annual gas consumption of Central and South America or that of Germany and Italy.1 The WB further found that developing countries account for more than 85 percent of gas flaring and venting, with Nigeria, Iraq, and the Islamic Republic of Iran each flaring or venting 1020 bcm of associated gas annually (see figure 1).2

Nigeria which is Africas largest oil producer and the worlds 6 largest oil exporter,3 and indeed the 7 largest gas reserve province, paradoxically, is the highest in gas flaring in the world.4 The Russian Federation which flares about 16 bcm a year is second only to Nigeria. Figure 1: High Flaring and Venting of Associated Gas per barrel of oil


A study by the U.S Department of Energy calculated a release of 11 million metric tones (Mmt) of atmospheric carbon by Nigerias flares in 1998, 12 Mmt in 2001 and more than 300 Mmt since 1963. Thus, gas flaring in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria makes up some 20% of the world total.5 A more recent estimate by the Shell

Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) puts the amount of gas being produced by Nigeria to 2.6 billion standard cubic feet per year (scf/y), and until 1999, about 75% of the lot was flared.

(Nigeria gas flaring and petroleum training journal (PTJ),vol.1, 2nd july.2007)

Every year about 150 bcm or 14 bscfd of natural gas associated with crude oil production are flared all around the world. (lemigas).
Flare losses are typically the largest source of variable losses in a refinery or chemical plant. Since most plant flare systems are complex, there can be many opportunities to reduce costs. Losses to the flare can include process gases, fuel gas, steam, nitrogen, and natural gas. By properly operating and maintaining the flare system and with minor improvements, significant savings can be achieved.

Flaring is the controlled burning of natural gas in the course of routine oil and gas production operations. A complete flare system consists of the flare stack or boom and pipes which collect the gases to be flared. A flare is normally visible and generates both noise and heat. Gas flaring therefore, refers to the burning of natural gas that is associated with crude oil. In petroleum producing industries, where insufficient investments is in place to harness the potentials of flared natural gas, flaring is employed. In Nigeria, when oil companies began production in 1960s, the cheapest way to separate the identified product, crude oil, from the associated natural gas was to burn the gas. Gas flaring not only wasted a potentially valuable source of energy, it also adds significant carbon monoxide emission to the atmosphere. In Nigeria, where about 75% of natural gas being produced is flared, this amounts to 17.2billion m3 of natural gas flared annually.

During flaring, the burned gas generates mainly water vapour and carbon dioxide. Effi cient combustion in the fl ame depends on achieving good mixing between the fuel gas and air, and on the absence of liquids. Lowpressure pipe fl ares are not intended to handle liquids and do not perform effi ciently when hydrocarbon liquids are released into the fl are system. The percentage combustion effi ciency of a well designed and operated fl are is in the high ninety percent range. Recent work by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has shown that combustion effi ciencies are often greater than 98% (Ref. 2) 3. Gas being fl ared may come from a variety of sources. It may be excess to that which can be supplied commercially to customers. It may be unburned process gas from the processing facilities. It may be vapours collected from the tops of tanks as they are being fi lled. Sometimes, the gas may be from process upsets, equipment changeover or maintenance. Occasionally, a production

shutdown may require the temporary fl aring of all the gas stored on or arriving at a facility, to release high pressure and avoid a catastrophic situation occurring. It is in the oil companys interest to realise as much value as possible from the hydrocarbon accumulations the company is producing. Therefore, it is also in the companys interest to minimise the amount of gas being fl ared. In this respect, the commercial aims of the company are consistent with good environmental practice.

Environmental issues People outside the oil and gas industry sometimes express concerns about the environmental impacts of fl aring and venting. One such concern relates to the potential for global climate change. Both carbon dioxide and methane (the major component of natural gas) are known as greenhouse gases associated with concerns about global warming. Flaring produces predominantly carbon dioxide emissions, while venting produces predominantly methane emissions. The two gases have different effects, however. The global warming potential of a kilogram of methane is estimated to be twenty-one times that of a kilogram of carbon dioxide when the effects are considered over one hundred years. When considered in this context, fl aring will generally be preferred over venting the same amount of gas in the design of new facilities where suffi cient amounts of gas will be produced to run a fl are. While there are still many uncertainties in our understanding of the complex issue of climate change, it makes sense to avoid the unnecessary release of carbon dioxide or methane into the atmosphere, where practicable. This points to a need to reduce emissions in a reasonably practicable way. The case studies in this booklet illustrate some of the ways the oil and gas industry is achieving those reductions. However, it is important to recognise that other environmental impacts also need to be managed. Sometimes those needs can confl ict with managing greenhouse gas emissions. This confl ict may take a variety of forms, but usually relates to the need to manage potential contributions to local environmental impacts, such as air quality, alongside global issues, such as climate change. Although the global warming potential of methane when compared to carbon dioxide usually

suggests that fl aring is a more environmentally attractive option than venting, neighbours of onshore oil and gas developments sometimes prefer venting because it is less visible and produces less noise. In all cases, the company has the responsibility to make parties involved aware of all aspects of the issue to ensure reasoned decisions are taken and supported. Case Study No. 4 illustrates the way in which local factors need to be taken into account when designing fl are systems.

Case study 1: The role of market forces fl aring and the Nigerian oil industry

Most of Nigerias oil facilities were built in the 1960s and 1970s. In those days gas was not a popular energy source. Gas was more diffi cult to produce and transport than crude oil; there were few market outlets (domestic and international) for gas and there was little environmental awareness of the consequences of gas fl aring. In the 1960s and 1970s, the main interest was in the development of the countrys oil reserves. At this initial stage, the existing oil fi elds did not produce signifi cant amounts of associated gas. This fact, coupled with the lack of a domestic gas market and commercial energy pricing policy, meant that installation of an expensive network of compression facilities and pipelines needed to link these scattered fi elds and market the gas could not be economically justifi ed. Consequently, when the fi rst small volumes of gas did start to fl ow to Nigerian industry, they were from non-associated gas reservoirs, which were a cheaper and more reliable source because they were produced at high pressure and did not depend on oil production. One of the earliest solutions to the dilemma of gas fl aring in Nigeria was the re-injection of produced associated gas into underground reservoirs. SPDC (Shell Petroleum Development Company) was the fi rst company in Nigeria to re-inject gas, at Oguta in 1978. However, associated gas re-injection proved not to be a viable proposition in all cases. Most Nigerian oil reservoirs are technically unsuitable for large-scale re-injection. From the standpoint of export markets, Nigerias physical isolation from the nearest major international gas markets in Europe ruled out a pipeline. This left the technologically more complex and expensive option of liquefying and shipping the gas. Nigerias fi rst liquefi ed natural gas (LNG) plant is currently being installed.

There are already plans for future expansion. However LNG is only part of the answer. Any successful programme to end gas fl aring in Nigeria depends on creating local markets. The key to achieving this lies with industry, which alone can harness the sort of volumes required. Although many industries are connected to gas pipelines, the major users of large volumes of gas so far are the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) which uses gas to generate electricity and the National Fertiliser Company (NAFCON). Several new projects that will use associated gas are being planned, but there remains a need for more gas-based industrial development. For that to happen, consumers need incentives to use gas rather than other energy sources, and suppliers need incentives to build expensive gas gathering, compression and treatment systems. Harnessing the gas which is currently being fl ared must, at the end of the day, be an economic proposition. The price has to be right to justify the use of gas by the consumer. The price must also justify the suppliers investment in the necessary plant and equipment. To achieve this, allowances have to be made in fi scal and gas pricing policies and in operating agreements. The oil industry in Nigeria is working with the government to accomplish these objectives.

Flare losses are typically the largest source of variable losses in a refinery or chemical plant. Since most plant flare systems are complex, there can be many opportunities to reduce costs. Losses to the flare can include process gases, fuel gas, steam, nitrogen, and natural gas. By properly operating and maintaining the flare system and with minor improvements, significant savings can be achieved.

Reducing Flared Gas Losses Minimizing flaring is a significant opportunity for many plants. Sites that have modified
their start-up and shut-down procedures to minimize losses have been able to reduce their start-up and shut-down flare losses by 50%. A team of technical, operations, and rotating equipment personnel should review the existing startup/shutdown operating procedures for opportunities to reduce both flaring volume and duration. The improved start ups/shut downs planning can also make more organized events. The lessons learned from the revised startup/shutdown procedures can be used to reduce flare losses during upsets. It is also important to review normal operating procedures that include venting to the flare for cost saving opportunities.

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