Name: Mark Francis Zalsos BS Agriculture Major in Animal Science AN1-A Activity
Name: Mark Francis Zalsos BS Agriculture Major in Animal Science AN1-A Activity
Name: Mark Francis Zalsos BS Agriculture Major in Animal Science AN1-A Activity
In your own words, state what is the meaning of self for each of the
following philosophers? After doing so, explain how your concept of self is compatible with
how they conceived of the self.
1. Socrates - Base of my understanding, one’s true self cannot be identified with what we already
own like neither our social status, reputation, nor our physical appearance but our true self is our
soul. i believe of what Socrates stated that our true self is defined through our soul. Because no
matter what social status a person had its soul will never change.
2. Plato - Plato believed that soul is the one true self of a person but he argue that the soul is form
three parts which are the rational soul, which is the part of intellect of a human, second the spirited
part which is the part of emotions and lastly the appetitive soul which is the part of eating, drinking
and other things that is related to physical interactions.
3. Augustine- He believes that attaining the true self people must recognize the Gods love and
presence because he a person could not achieve inner peace without finding Gods love.
4. Descartes- Descarte believes that a person only has a body and mind which he concluded that
the body is just simply a machine the controlled by the mind. if a person have the body but don’t
have the mind that will think and create the idea of a work, then that person is not what it makes
him a person.
5. Hume- He believes that knowing the self of a person is can be done with experience and sensing
them, with this, a person can attain the knowledge of knowing other one self. So by his means that
the self is all just a collection of different perception. So with that a knowing the self will need a
collection of different experience with some particular people.
6. Kant- He claims that self is not just all about the experience and sensing others but he believes
that knowing true self is an actively engaged intelligence. So he claims that the self is the
knowledge for all human persons.
7. Ryle- Ryle believes that self is just an entity just to simply use as name of the behaviors of
peoples. he claims that knowing your self is the behavior that manifest the person in its day to day
8. Merleau-Ponty- He believes that a body and mind is connected and cannot be separated
therefore knowing one true self is attaining the an experience that are embodied. Thought,
emotions and experience are all in one.
9. Freud- He believes of understanding the self should have conscious, preconscious and
unconscious. With this mean the ability to analyze any situations given with the conflict terms, is
the thing of knowing the self.