The Voice of Thanksgiving
The Voice of Thanksgiving
The Voice of Thanksgiving
The house of our God shall re - ech - o with praise For bless - ings He show’rs on our way.
In eve - ry sweet to - ken that comes from a - bove, His good - ness and mer - cy we trace.
Our strength in His ser - vice we’ll ear - ly em - ploy, And sing, “Bless the Lord, O my soul.”
We’ll praise Him, we’ll praise Him, Our gifts on His al - tar we’ll lay;
We’ll praise Him, we’ll praise Him, Our gifts on His al - tar we’ll lay;
We’ll praise Him, we’ll praise Him, On this, our glad fes - ti - val day.
We’ll praise Him, we’ll praise Him,
WORDS: Eliza E. Hewitt, ca.1898. MUSIC: George W. Stockton, ca.1898. Public Domain.