The Gospel Trumpet
The Gospel Trumpet
The Gospel Trumpet
Sound the news to all cre - a - tion, Christ will set you free;
Wake the slum - b’ring, sin - ful na - tions on the brink of woe;
Till its melt - ing pow - er brings the lost to Je - sus’ blood;
Free - dom, free - dom for the cap - tive in his sin - ful robe;
He will break the chains of bond - age, let the tid - ings sound,
Tell them of that cleans - ing foun - tain flow - ing deep and wide
Com - pass eve - ry heath - en na - tion filled with sin - ful dearth,
Search in eve - ry hid - den cor - ner for the hon - est ones,
He is a - ble, do not doubt Him, let His grace a - bound.
From Mount Cal - v’ry’s sa - cred sum - mit, from His pierc - ed side.
Scat - ter light and truth from heav - en o - ver all the earth.
Use the time and work for Je - sus till the judg - ment comes.
WORDS: Barney E. Warren, pub.1900. MUSIC: Clarence E. Hunter, pub.1900. Public Domain.