Steel and Fury (DCC)

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Steel and Fury

Combat Maneuvers of the Mighty

Marzio Muscedere

Steel and Fury
Combat Maneuvers of the Mighty
Author: Marzio Muscedere
Editing: Marzio Muscedere, Mark Gedak
Layout: Mark Gedak
Art: Gary Dupuis, Matt Morrow
Feedback: Daniel J. Bishop

Playtesters: Mark Gedak, Perry Fehr, Kent Little, Pat-

rick Kossman, Thomas Boxall, Tommy Williams, Mar-
co Carbone, Greg Dunlop, Said Khayat, Enzo Musce-
dere, Tina Muscedere

Special Thanks To: Tina Muscedere for the extra set

of eyes and computer skills. Daniel J. Bishop for the
advice, wisdom and knowledge. Mark Gedak for tak-
ing a chance on me. And most especially thank you to
my wife, Mirna and kids, Maxim and Marcus for inter-
rupting me every chance they got.

INTRODUCTION flesh rending, and the final result - victory, and a slain
foe at your feet. Combat in a fantasy setting should be
“He grunted with satisfaction. The feel of the hilt more than just standing toe to toe and simply following
cheered him and gave him a glow of confidence. What- the pattern of...I go. Combat is dynamic and
ever webs of conspiracy were drawn about him, what- fluid, with combatants taking advantage of tactics and
ever trickery and treachery ensnared him, this knife their surroundings. But most of all combat is dangerous
was real. The great muscles of his right arm swelled in and in the hands of a skilled warrior combat is down-
anticipation of murderous blows.” right deadly. A warrior does the dirty work up close
- Robert E. Howard: The Hour of the Dragon and personal with grisly effect. Yet in the gaming world,
outside of a lucky critical hit, this doesn’t always seem to
Fighter...reaver...slayer...destroyer. No matter what title translate well.
you prefer, the warrior is the cornerstone of any fantasy
RPG. After all, when was the last time you adventured Take for example the difference between how a wizard
without a warrior in your party? And if you did, chances and warrior deal with an inferior opponent. A high level
are you hired one to accompany you. There is no deny- spell caster can dispose of a simple adversary relatively
ing the versatility of the warrior class. Royal knight, quick and with ease. Burning a man to ash or turning
mercenary, barbarian, dwarf, archer, these are just some his flesh to stone. Where as an equal level warrior, will
of the many examples of which you can play. Although undoubtedly deliver his foe to the same fate, must do so
each archetype lends to its own unique style of gaming, through a more deliberate and slow process, methodi-
what they all share in common is that they are tough, cally beating down his foe until death. To speak of it
deadly and an integral part of any adventuring party. purely in game terms, why must the warrior slowly drain
his opponent of hit points round after round where the
Take for instance the old debate between high and low spell caster can fry them in one? Does Conan need to
fantasy in both literature and RPG’s. Epic fantasy or toil when bringing down a simple bandit cut throat? Is
sword & sorcery? Which one is better? There is of course he pressed to fight a galley slave round after round before
no correct answer per se. It all boils down to a matter of eventually delivering him to his inevitable demise? The
preference. While some enjoy to adventure in Middle answer is simply no. Conan would make quick work of
Earth, others choose to seek gold and glory in the Hy- these lowly adversaries, removing limbs and heads from
borian Age. Yet no matter which style of fantasy setting bodies with expertly placed attacks. And so should you.
you prefer, what is not debatable is that in all fantasy,
warriors abound! And rightfully so. It was no accident Through Mighty Deeds of Arms warriors become even
that sword came before sorcery when they coined the more deadly and rightfully so. Relying on their skillful
term to define the genre. After all, what are the likes of mastery of arms, not simple luck. Warriors can sever
fell magics before the mighty blade of Howard’s iron- limbs, pulverize organs with terrible blows, crack bones
thewed Conan, or the blood thirsty axe of Frazetta’s and deliver wicked wounds that bleed uncontrollably...
Death Dealer, or the indomitable savagery of Wagner’s and that is just to name of few. The ability to deliver
mystic swordsman Kane? Warriors have always been re- devastating attacks and use your environment to execute
vered in both literature and the real world. Some of our precise and skillful maneuvers lends a more cinematic
most iconic historical figures have been warriors. Geng- and visceral feel to your game. Making the warrior a fun
his Khan, Alexander the Great, Joan Of Arc and Attila and deadly class to play, not simply a meat shield able to
the Hun, just to name a few. absorb damage.

It is right to both fear and respect the warrior. A life For when sorcery and science fail, when civilizations
devoted to combat and the skill of arms. The mastery of crumble and fade, when tooth and claw once again hold
both weapon and body that leaves bloody carnage in his sway across the land, humanity will pray for a warrior
wake. The very embodiment of savagery, the discipline with a sword in hand. So be ready to live by your brawn
of steel, the unique blend of strength and speed coupled and cunning, to face down your enemies with steel and
with the iron will to withstand pain and fatigue. Locked fury, be ready for combat as Appendix N intended.
in deadly combat, your foe’s hot breath burning on your
face, the smell of blood, the sound of bones snapping, Go ahead and flip to a’s go time!
Combat as Appendix N Intended roll results in a severed arm on a creature with no arms
The following work offers a collection of Mighty Deeds then the judge can change it in a manner he sees fit. A
of Arms torn straight from the bloody pages of Appendix judge may also slide the warrior’s deed result up or down
N material that warriors may enjoy as they quest for gold on the table dependent upon the situation, strength of
and glory. Although watching a cultist burn after kicking opponent or any other contributing factor. The charts
him into a raging bonfire or shouldering an archer from presented offer examples and ideas of Mighty Deeds to
the top of a tower and hearing him scream as he plum- use in your game. They are by no means gospel and will
mets to his doom is a fun and effective way of using a undoubtedly lead to players and judges expanding or
Mighty Deed, sometimes you just want to shatter your creating their own Mighty Deed charts. Remember the
foe’s spine or split someone’s skull to the teeth in a spray words of the Dark Master, the judge is always right. Let
of blood and brains. Stand triumphant over your enemy the rules bend to you not the other way around.
as he futilely attempts to stuff ropes of intestine back
into his torn body or pulverize your foe’s internal organs Mighty Deeds and Burning Luck
with blunt force trauma. Many of the following Mighty As a general rule Luck can not be burned to effect the
Deeds focus on weapon specific results, allowing warriors outcome of your Mighty Deed. The same as Luck can
the ability to showcase mastery over the weapons they not be burned to score a critical hit in combat. A natu-
wield through brutal and deadly attacks. But be warned, ral deed die roll determines the effect of your Deed and
high reward comes with high risk, triumph and disaster can not be effected by burning Luck. The attack die on
are always opposite sides of the same coin. the other hand can. Therefore, you may burn Luck to
add to your attack roll in order to hit an opponent, but
Mighty Fumble and Mighty Critical by rule you can not burn Luck to alter the outcome of
The Mighty Deeds presented in this book use an option- your deed roll.
al rule called Mighty Fumble and Mighty Critical. These
are both good and bad results specific to the deed at-
tempted and result in wildly heroic or horrific outcomes.
Mighty Deeds of Arms
Fortune after all, favors the bold! “Is there a greater truth in all the land than the war-
rior and blade?
A Mighty Fumble occurs when a natural roll of 1 is
made on both your attack die and deed die results. It is only the fool that places their trust into that of the
The Mighty Fumble result is used in place of a regular unknown. The fleeting luck of the rogue, the fickle
fumble result. whims of the gods or the dark mysteries of the arcane.
Is it not the hand that wields the blade the most truth?
A Mighty Critical is achieved by successfully scoring a The rise and fall of empire, the giver of life and bringer
critical hit with your attack die and rolling the highest of death. All in the flash of the blade, the point of the
possible number on your deed die. The Mighty Criti- spear, the hew of the axe. For the discipline of steel car-
cal result is used in place of a normal critical hit result.
ries with it no mystery...only truth.
For example, a 6th level warrior scores a Mighty Critical
with a natural attack roll of 18-20 (so long as the attack
is successful) and a natural deed roll of 8. The sword alone can not kill.

Judge’s Discretion But placed in the hands of the mighty it becomes a tool.
Nothing replaces judge’s discretion. Although the tables An instrument of death, the destroyer of worlds. For I
presented in this book are filled with outcomes, some of tell you this, it is through mighty deeds of arms that the
them might not apply to your given situation. It is after book of legend is written - and with every slash is red.”
all impossible to present a chart that takes into account
every possible situation or outcome. It is up to the judge - Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms
to determine if the outcome rolled works in that situ-
ation. If the judge doesn’t think a warrior’s punch can
shatter a dragon’s jaw...then it can’t. Or if a warrior’s

Bind & Strike
(Two-Weapon Fighting)
“The remaining Pict, a chief by the scarlet tip of his eagle-feather, came savagely to the attack....The Cimmerian
had the advantage of a greater intelligence, and a weapon in each hand. The hatchet, checking its downward
sweep, struck the spear aside, and the knife in the Cimmerian’s left hand ripped upward into the painted belly.
An awful howl burst from the Pict’s lips as he crumpled, disemboweled...”
- Robert E. Howard: The Black Stranger


When fighting with two-weapons you use your off-hand weapon to bind or pin down an
opponent’s weapon, opening up an opportunity for a clean follow up attack.

ROLL Result
Mighty Your attempt ends in disaster as your strike yourself... twice! Take normal damage plus roll
Fumble two crits on yourself using your crit die and table. You also lose both weapons as they fly from
your grasp 1d10+5 feet away in opposite directions. You must spend an action to retrieve each
3 Your attack hinders your opponent’s range of motion. On next attack opponent suffers a -2
attack penalty.
4 Your off-hand attack redirects your opponent’s arm hindering foe’s next attack and leaving an
opening for you. On next attack opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty and you gain a +2 bonus
to your attack.
5 You expertly impede your opponent’s next attack and leave foe’s flank unprotected. On next
attack opponent suffers a -4 attack penalty and you gain a +4 bonus to your attack.
6 You pin your opponent’s weapon arm with your off-hand attack. Opponent unable to attack
with that arm next round and you receive a +5 attack bonus on your next attack.
7+ You skewer your opponent’s arm pinning the limb to foe’s own flank. Opponent can no lon-
ger use pinned arm to attack for as long as arm is pinned down. Warrior may continue to pin
arm with a successful opposed Strength check each round. Warrior may attack with primary
hand at a +6 bonus for each round that pin is maintained.
Mighty In one fluid and deadly attack you pierce each of your opponent’s limbs pinning them to foe’s
Critical own body. Opponent falls to his knees unable to free skewered limbs - you oblige, freeing your
weapons and bringing them down in a deadly scissoring motion beheading your opponent in a
spray of blood.

Bleeding Strike
(Piercing or Slashing Weapons)
“The panther leapt, forelegs extended, and Gazul let fly...The arrow cut the wet air and caught the animal just
under the foreleg, parting the short pale fur, then speared the chest cavity and blood spewed along the barrel. Dark
ropes of blood. Heart’s blood.”
- James Silke: Tooth and Claw


Your attack opens a jagged wound that bleeds uncontrollably, weakening your opponent
and eventually draining them of life.

Roll Result
Mighty Karma is a bitch. You stumble in your haste to cut your foe and somehow manage to open a
Fumble gruesome wound on yourself. Take normal damage plus using the table below take a #5 deed
roll result modified by Luck (subtracting a positive modifier from the result and adding a nega-
tive modifier to the result) and apply it to the damage on yourself. You are considered prone
and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You draw blood, opening a nice gash along one of your opponent’s limbs. The blow did not
hit a major artery but the wound is significant enough to deliver an extra 1d3 damage. The
opponent will take an extra 1d3 bleeding damage each round until either healed or a successful
DC 13 Fort save is made.
4 Blood will flow! You open a nice wound in your opponent’s leg. The blow did not hit a major
artery but the wound is significant enough to deliver an extra 1d4 damage. The opponent will
take an extra 1d4 bleeding damage each round until either healed or a successful DC 14 Fort
save is made.
5 Wicked cut to the chest! A steady pool of crimson begins to puddle at your opponent’s feet.
The blow did not hit a major artery but the wound is significant enough to deliver an extra
1d5 damage. The opponent will take an extra 1d5 bleeding damage each round until either
healed or a successful DC 15 Fort save is made.
6 You are showered in red! Your devastating blow opens a grisly wound in your opponent’s flank
damaging a major artery. Each round opponent takes an extra 1d6 bleeding damage and a tem-
porary loss of 1 Stamina point until either healed or a DC 16 Fort save is made.
7+ It’s raining blood! All in a 15 foot arc are sprayed with blood as you open a gruesome wound
across your opponent’s neck damaging a major artery. Each round opponent takes an extra
1d7 bleeding damage and a temporary loss of 2 Stamina points until either healed or a DC 17
Fort save is made.
Mighty You open your opponent’s jugular with a savage strike. Blood fountains from the grisly wound
Critical as your foe slumps to the ground dying in a spreading pool of gore.

Blinding Attack*
“The blinding speed of the barbarian paralyzed the senses of the police and made their actions futile gestures.
Caught flat-footed and dazed by his quickness and ferocity, half of them would have been down before they had a
chance to fight back, except Posthumo, more luck than skill, threw his arms about the Cimmerian, pinioning his
sword-arm. Conan’s left hand leaped to the guard’s head, and Posthumo fell away and writhed shrieking on the
floor, clutching a gaping red socket where an eye had been.”
- Robert E. Howard: The God in the Bowl


Blinding attacks usually involve making a called shot to an enemy’s eyes. Examples in-
clude throwing sand in an enemy’s face, stabbing a knife through a visor, or impaling a
target’s eyeball with an arrow. Blinding attacks obviously must take place where appropri-
ate to the enemy; they are useless against oozes, for example. Against certain opponents,
such as a cyclops, the judge may “bump up” results to the next-higher level, given the
more serious effect of blinding blows against such creatures.

Roll Result
Mighty You stumble in your attempt and go crashing to the ground. During the fall you somehow
Fumble manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die
and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a
prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Opponent’s eyes are irritated and stinging, and he has difficulty seeing. On his next attack, the
opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty
4 Opponent is temporarily blinded. He suffers a -4 penalty to his next attack roll and may only
move at half speed.
5 Opponent is completely blinded for 1d4 rounds. He flails about with wild attacks, suffering a
-8 penalty to attack rolls, and can move only in a random direction at half speed.
6 Opponent is completely blinded, as above, for 2d6 rounds.
7+ Opponent is blinded for the next 24 hours. Additionally, he must make a Fort save against the
warrior’s attack roll. On a failure, he is permanently blinded.
Mighty You completely destroy your opponent’s eyes with a grisly attack. Foe is permanently blinded
Critical and falls to the ground paralyzed with shock.

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference

Bone Crusher
(Two-Handed Blunt Weapons)
“...the helmeted Barbarian turned the axe flat, swung it and caught the second bat soldier full in the chest as he
galloped past. His hollow, birdlike bones disintegrated on impact, and he was driven out of his saddle. He hit the
ground with a slap, the middle of his body as shapeless as a bloody leather sack.”
- James Silke: Lords of Destruction


You leave your foe a shattered ruin by delivering a crushing blow to the torso with enough
force to pulverize bones.

Roll Result
Mighty You go crashing to the ground, knocking the air out of your lungs leaving you gasping for
Fumble breath. During the fall you somehow manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage plus roll
a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action
to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Your blow slams into opponent’s torso and bruises rib cage. Opponent stumbles desperately try-
ing to catch his breath. On next attack opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty.
4 Your attack snaps 2d3 of your opponent’s ribs. Opponent suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls
until healed.
5 You shatter your opponent’s pelvic bone. Blood begins to leak from nearby orifices...yes those
nearby orifices! Opponent falls prone and must spend next attack action to stand. Opponent
suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls, loses any Agility bonus to AC and is reduced to moving at
½ speed until healed. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 You smash opponent’s rib cage and pierce a lung. Blood begins to bubble from opponent’s
mouth and nose. Attack causes an extra 1d7 damage from internal bleeding. Opponent suf-
fers a -4 on all future attack rolls until healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend
next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ Your blow shatters opponent’s sternum splintering ribs and collapsing a lung. Blow causes 1d8
points of additional damage from internal bleeding. Opponent must make a Fort save against
warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d8 in total). Failed Save: Opponent falls to the ground
in shock and is considered helpless for 2d4 rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent
receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -5 on all future attack rolls until
healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action to stand.
Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Mighty Your blow lands directly on the top of your opponent’s skull with a hollow thud. Foe’s neck is
Critical compressed snapping the spinal column like a twig and forcing both eyeballs to shoot out of
skull 1d10 +5 feet away. In case you were wondering...opponent dies instantly.

Cripple Arm
(Blunt Weapons)
“Olivia cried out at the fury of that stroke. Above the crunch of rending mail, she distinctly heard the snap of the
shoulder-bone. The Hyrkanian reeled back, suddenly ashen, blood spurting over the links of his hauberk; his saber
slipped from nerveless fingers.”
- Robert E. Howard: Iron Shadows in the Moon


With a mighty blow you crush one of your opponent’s arms (tentacle, appendage, extremity,
etc.) rendering the limb useless.

Roll Result
Mighty Your rage has unbalanced you. The force of your wild swing results in a dislocated elbow ren-
Fumble dering your weapon arm useless until healed. You also somehow manage to strike yourself as
your momentum swings you around 360 degrees to the ground in what looks like your own
personal ballet of the absurd. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die
and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone
character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You smash your opponent in the arm fracturing bones. On next attack opponent suffers a -2
attack penalty. Humanoid creature with a weapon must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack
roll or drop weapon. An attack action must be used to pick up dropped weapon.
4 Your blow slams into opponent’s hand breaking 1d4 fingers (assuming the opponent has fin-
gers). Humanoid creature with a weapon drops its weapon and must use an attack action to
retrieve it. Both humanoids and monsters suffer a -2 on all future attack rolls due to the broken
5 Your savage blow crushes opponent’s elbow into fragments. If opponent does not have elbow,
blow still damages limb. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage total.
Failed Save: Opponent can no longer use limb to attack or hold weapon/shield until healed.
Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls until healed.
6 Your blow lands with a sickening crunch! Compound fracture causes bone to snap and break
through skin. Blow causes 1d7 points of additional damage. Opponent can no longer use limb
to attack or hold weapon/shield until healed.
7+ Your blow obliterates clavicle, completely dislocating arm from shoulder and sends splinter-
ing bone tearing through surrounding blood vessels. Limb is completely useless and can not be
used to attack or hold weapon/shield until healed. Blow causes 1d8 points of additional damage
from internal bleeding. Opponent falls to the ground howling in pain and is considered helpless
for 2d3 rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus.
Mighty Your blow completely destroys appendage with such force it is removed from the body in a
Critical bloody broken mess. Opponent falls to the ground unconscious and bleeds to death in 2d6
messy rounds.
Cripple Leg
(Blunt Weapons)
“The giants answered with roars like the grinding of ice-bergs on a frozen shore and heaved up their shinning axes
as the maddened Cimmerian hurled himself upon them. A frosty blade flashed before his eyes, blinding him with
its brightness, and he gave back a terrible stroke that sheared through his foe’s thigh. With a groan the victim
- Robert E. Howard: The Frost-Giant’s Daughter


You target your foe’s leg, crippling and rendering the limb useless.

Roll Result
Mighty You smash your weapon against the ground where it ricochets back striking you straight in the
Fumble face knocking 1d4 of your teeth through the air. You fall prone and take normal damage plus
roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. If you wield a mundane weapon it is ruined.
Magical weapons are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away. You are considered prone and
must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus. An attack ac-
tion must be used to retrieve dropped weapon.
3 Your blow slams into opponent’s foot crushing bones and breaking 1d4 toes. On next attack
opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty from loss of balance.
4 You fracture opponent’s ankle. Opponent is reduced to moving at ½ speed, loses any Agility
bonus to AC and suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls until healed.
5 You crush your opponent’s knee-cap rupturing the surrounding tendons and cartilage. Oppo-
nent is reduced to moving at ½ speed, loses any Agility bonus to AC and suffers a -3 on all fu-
ture attack rolls until healed. Opponent falls prone and must spend next attack action to stand.
Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 Your blow lands with a sickening crunch, causing foe’s thigh bone to snap and break through
skin. Opponent can only crawl at 5 movement speed and loses any Agility bonus to AC un-
til healed. Blow causes 1d7 points of additional damage. Opponent must make a Fort save
against warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d7 in total). Failed Save: Opponent falls to the
ground screaming in pain and is considered helpless for 2d3 rounds. Melee attacks against a
helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -4 on all future
attack rolls until healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action to
stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ You shatter opponent’s hipbone dislocating leg. Opponent falls to the ground howling in pain
and can no longer stand. Foe can only crawl at 5 movement speed and loses any Agility bonus
to AC until healed. Blow causes 1d8 points of additional damage. Opponent is considered
helpless for 2d3 rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus.
Mighty You shatter opponent’s hip and pelvis. Splintering bone fragments tear through major artery.
Critical Foe falls to the ground and bleeds to death in a pain filled 2d3 rounds.
Death From Above
(Mounted Attack)
“A second killer had followed almost on the heels of the first, but Kane’s draw was faster and the keen blade
sheared through the beast’s skull. His horse reared in panic as the others closed in, and Kane had to clamp his legs
to its flanks tightly to stay on. Another wolf went down, its skull smashed by the plunging hooves.”
- Karl Edward Wagner: Death Angel’s Shadow


You and your mount become a single instrument of death against an unmounted foe.

Roll Result
Mighty You spurn your mount too hard and it stumbles and falls taking you down with it in a thunderous
Fumble crash! Your mount is lame until healed and you take 2d6 damage from the fall. For every damage die
that comes up a 6, you break a bone. For each broken bone, you permanently lose 1 point of Strength
or Agility (player’s choice). The affected limb, rib, or vertebrae never heals quite right and affects the
character in some fashion from then on. There is also a 50% chance you are pinned under your mount.
A pinned character may attempt a DC 20 Strength check each round until freed. A pinned character is
considered entangled and suffers a -1d to attack rolls. Attacks against an entangled character receive a
+1d bonus.
3 Your steed butts into foe. Opponent suffers an additional 1d3 damage from the mount’s charge. Hu-
manoid creature with a weapon must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll or drop weapon. An
attack action must be used to pick up dropped weapon.
4 You deliver your attack from on high as your steed rams into opponent. Opponent suffers an addi-
tional 1d4 damage from the mount’s charge. Opponent must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack
roll. Failure means opponent is knocked prone and must spend its next action to stand. Melee attacks
against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
5 You simultaneously strike your opponent as your steed slams into foe. Opponent suffers an additional
1d5 damage from the mount’s charge. Opponent is knocked prone and must spend its next action to
stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 You run down your opponent. Opponent is knocked back a distance equal to half the steed’s move-
ment and suffers an additional 1d6 damage from the mount’s charge. If the damage die roll comes up
a 6, foe breaks a bone. Opponent with a broken bone permanently loses 1 point of Strength or Agil-
ity. Opponent must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2
7+ Your steed tramples opponent. Opponent is knocked prone and suffers an additional 1d7 damage. If
the damage die roll comes up a 6 or 7, foe breaks a bone. Opponent with a broken bone permanently
loses 1 point of Strength or Agility. Opponent also loses weapon and is considered stunned for the
next 1d4 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee against a stunned creature
receive a +2 bonus. Opponent must spend an action to pick up dropped weapon.
Mighty Your attack is worthy of a circus acrobat. You vault from your mount delivering a killing blow to your
Critical opponent and vault back onto your mount as it passes all in a single fluid attack...yup that just hap-

Decapitating Strike
(Slashing Weapon)
“The fellow’s head thudded on the flags; the body staggered drunkenly, an arch of blood jetting from the severed
jugular; then it fell heavily.”
- Robert E. Howard: Xuthal of the Dusk


You slice your opponent’s head clean off with an expertly placed attack.

Roll Result
Mighty You slash nothing but air. The force of your swing hyperextends your elbow rendering your
Fumble weapon arm useless until healed. You also managed to strike yourself in the process. Take nor-
mal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table
3 You narrowly miss beheading your foe as your blade slices off opponent’s ear. Next round, op-
ponent suffers a -2 from loss of balance. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect.
There is a 70% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the attack.
4 Your opponent ducks just in time, but not before your blade cleaves the top of your foe’s head
removing his scalp and a portion of his skull. Foe is partially blinded as a steady flow of blood
washes over his eyes from the torn scalp. Foe suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and all melee
attacks against foe receive a +2 bonus until healed. If foe is wearing a helmet the deed has no
effect. There is a 75% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the attack
5 Your blade comes to a jarring halt as it embeds itself in your opponent’s skull. Foe collapses
to the ground and is considered stunned for 2d4 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty
to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. If foe is wearing a
helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 80% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from
the attack
6 You hack into your foe’s neck. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage
total. Failed Save: Opponent’s head is sliced clean off trailing blood as it sails 1d10+5 feet
through the air. Successful Save: You cut your opponent across the neck damaging a major
artery, each round opponent takes an extra 1d6 bleeding damage and a temporary loss of 1
Stamina point until either healed or a DC 16 Fort save is made.
7+ Your blade streaks through the air slicing through opponent’s neck. Opponent must make a
Fort save against warrior’s damage total. Failed Save: Opponent’s head is sliced clean off trail-
ing blood as it sails 1d10+5 feet through the air. Successful Save: You turn opponent into a
giant Pez dispenser cleaving through neck muscles, voice box and jugular. Opponent can no
longer speak, takes an extra 1d8 bleeding damage and a temporary loss of 2 Stamina points
each round until either healed or a DC 17 Fort save is made.
Mighty Your blade shears through foe’s neck with surgical precision. Opponent’s head shoots up from
Critical shoulders in an arching fount of blood landing 1d10+5 feet away.

Defensive Fighting
“The warriors of Xuthal howled like mad wolves. Unaccustomed to battle, they were ridiculously slow and clumsy
compared to the tigerish barbarian whose motions were blurs of quickness possible only to steel thews knit to a
perfect fighting brain...they struck too quick or too soon, and cut only empty air. He was never motionless or in
the same place an instant: springing, side-stepping, whirling, twisting, he offered a constantly shifting target for
their swords, while his own curved blade sang death about their ears.”
- Robert E. Howard: Xuthal of the Dusk


You chose to fight defensively while attacking, limiting your offensive effectiveness and focusing
on your defense. For the purpose of this Deed, the deed die rolled does not apply to your damage
total but rather is used to increase your AC.

Roll Result
Mighty You stumble and leave yourself wide open for attack. Your primary opponent automatically
Fumble lands a critical strike on you regardless if their turn has passed or not. Roll on the appropriate
table and apply the results.
3 You spring aside and dodge your opponent’s attack gaining a +1 AC bonus for the remainder
of the round. Do not apply your deed roll to your damage total.
4 You side-step away and dip from danger gaining a +2 AC bonus for the remainder of the
round. Do not apply your deed roll to your damage total.
5 You whirl and dive gaining a +3 AC bonus for the remainder of the round. Do not apply
your deed roll to your damage total.
6 You twist and duck gaining a +4 AC bonus for the remainder of the round. Do not apply
your deed roll to your damage total.
7+ You are a constantly shifting target as you dodge your opponent gaining a +5 AC bonus for
the remainder of the round. Do not apply your deed roll to your damage total.
Mighty You dodge, dip, dive, duck and dodge your opponent’s attack with the skill of a trained acro-
Critical bat or Dodgeball champion, causing them to fumble. Roll on the appropriate fumble table
and apply result to your foe. You also manage to land a critical hit on your enemy as your
tiger like reflexes allows for a free attack against your foe.

Defensive Maneuvers*
“It seemed to Conan that his sweat-blinded eyes looked down into a rising ocean of steel that seethed and eddied,
filling the valley from ridge to ridge. The fight was at a bloody deadlock. The hillmen held the ridges, and the
mercenaries, gripping their dipping pikes, bracing their feet in the bloody earth, held the Pass. Superior position
and armor for a space balanced the advantage of overwhelming numbers.”
- Robert E. Howard: Black Colossus


In certain circumstances, a warrior’s greatest Deed may be allowing his comrades to live to fight
another day. Shield walls, fighting withdrawals, and back-to-back combat maneuvers can some-
times allow the warrior to support his entire party.

Roll Result
Mighty You stumble and fall, tripping over one of your allies as you try to form-up in a defensive posi-
Fumble tion. The next attack on you is an automatic crit and all of your allies involved in the forma-
tion suffer a -3 to AC next round. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand.
Melee attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 The warrior fights defensively, improving his chances of surviving. He receives a +1 AC bonus
for the next round.
4 The warrior organizes a defensive formation among his allies, such as a shield wall, that is well-
suited to the opponent he fights. In addition to causing damage, he positions himself to “an-
chor” the defensive maneuver, granting a +1 AC bonus to himself and two allies who must be
adjacent for the next round.
5 The warrior forms up his allies to best defend themselves. None of the participating allies can
move or the defensive position is disrupted. As long as none of the allies move, the warrior and
the allies receive a +1 AC bonus for the next round. Up to four allies can benefit.
6 As above, and the warrior organizes a particularly effective defensive position that grants a +2
AC bonus to himself and up to four allies, as long as no one moves. The warrior must continue
using his Deed for this specific use to maintain the position. Subsequent Deed rolls do not
need to roll 6 or higher, but the warrior cannot attempt another Deed without disrupting the
defensive formation. If the warrior chooses to move and he scores an attack die roll of 6 or bet-
ter, he can maintain a +1 AC bonus for himself and his four allies, provided they move in the
same direction at the same speed and maintain their formation.
7+ As above, and the AC bonus is +3 if not moving or +2 if moving.
Mighty Your defensive formation is impregnable. You and an unlimited amount of allies can be formed
Critical up in the defensive position which grants a +6 AC bonus if not moving and a +4 AC if mov-
ing. Your formation is worthy of the Battle of Thermopylae.

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference.

Disable Creature’s Wing
“But the demon spawn did not dart away....The thick membrane crinkled at the joints like thin parchment, and
the horny appendages closed around Gath’s body.
Gath sank low trying to avoid the hand, and hacked at the lower edge of the wing. The blade bit into finger-
bone, cracking it, and the wing twisted and unfolded causing it to pass above...
Gath backed away snorting flames, then suddenly charged. He got inside the wings before they could close, and
pivoted, swinging his axe. He hammered one wing aside with a ear-shattering clang, kept pivoting with light-
ning speed and buried the axe into the chest of the bat.”
- James Silke: Lords of Destruction


Your attack disables a creature’s wing, limiting its ability to fly.

Roll Result
Mighty You miss wildly and go crashing to the ground in a massive heap. During the fall you some-
Fumble how manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your
crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks
against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You strike a glancing blow against creature’s wing. Next round creature suffers a -2 AC penalty
from loss of balance.
4 You damage creature’s wing. If the attack was successful while creature was in the air, it must
land immediately. Creature suffers a -2 AC penalty until healed and is unable to fly for 1d3
5 You open a large hole in creature’s wing. Creature unable to fly for 2d3 rounds. If the attack
was successful while creature was in the air, foe must make a Reflex save against warrior’s dam-
age total. Failed Save: Creature crashes to the ground for ½ falling damage. Successful Save:
Creature safely lands but suffers a -3 AC penalty until healed.
6 You shatter a bone in creature’s wing. Creature unable to fly until healed. If the attack was
successful while creature was in the air, creature crashes to the ground. Foe must make a
Reflex save against warrior’s damage total. Failed Save: Creature crashes to the ground for full
falling damage. Successful Save: Creature suffers ½ falling damage.
7+ You sever creature’s wing with a precision attack. If the attack was successful while creature
was in the air, creature crashes to the ground for full falling damage. Creature can no longer
Mighty With one mighty blow you tear through creature’s wings and spine completely destroying
Critical both. Creature is paralyzed and can no longer move. You may dispatch it at your will.

Disarming Attacks*
“Steel Suit, with a malignant grin, let his mammoth sword play with Gath’s axe head. His blows mangled the
blade and sent reverberations up the shaft, through the Barbarian’s grip and into his arm and shoulder. Numb-
ness spread back down his arm and into Gath’s grip. Sensing this, Steel Suit, discarded his grin and struck Gath’s
axe where the head joined the handle, ripping it out of the Barbarian’s numbed grip.”
- James Silke: The Prisoner of the Horned Helmet


Disarming attacks include called shots to the hand, shattering an opponent’s weapon, severing a spear shaft,
entangling a sword arm, and using the flat of a blade to smack a weapon from an enemy’s hand. Obviously, the
opponent must have a weapon for this Deed to succeed; disarming an unarmed opponent would serve no purpose.
Creatures with natural weapons – claws, fangs, horns, etc. – cannot be “disarmed” in the traditional sense but can
have the use of their weapons limited. See the table below for examples.

Roll Result
Mighty The momentum of your strike carries you forward and you go crashing to the ground in a massive heap. During the fall you
Fumble somehow manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are
considered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 A humanoid creature with a weapon drops its weapon. There is a 50% chance the weapon is knocked out of reach. If the
weapon is out of reach, the creature must move to retrieve it and cannot simultaneously attack on its next round (unless
it chooses to fight unarmed or draw a new weapon). If the weapon is within reach, the creature can use its next action to
recover the weapon and still attack. (Alternate results: stabbed hand throbs in pain, imposing a -1 attack penalty to future
rolls; entangled sword arm is tied up, and as long as warrior devotes future combat rounds to maintain the entanglement,
the enemy cannot attack.)
4 A humanoid creature with a weapon drops its weapon, which automatically lands out of reach (as above). There is a 50%
chance a mundane weapon is sundered in the process. A sundered weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be used (ex-
cept as an improvised weapon). Magic weapons are never sundered. (Alternate results: stabbed hand is crippled, imposing a
-4 attack penalty to future rolls.)
5 A humanoid creature with a mundane weapon has it automatically sundered; a magical weapon is disarmed and lands out
of reach. A monster with a natural attack method, such as claws or a bite, has its claws or teeth shattered, imposing a -4
penalty to damage rolls with the affected natural attack for the rest of the combat. Very large monsters, such as dragons,
may not be affected or may receive a lesser penalty to damage rolls. (Alternate results: targeted hand is completely severed,
requiring attacker to use off-hand for the balance of combat (reference two-weapon combat, core rules p94); sword arm is
so thoroughly entangled that the warrior can release his weapon and make attacks with a new one while the target struggles
to free itself in 1d4 rounds.)
6 Both humanoids and monsters have a weapon completely compromised. Manufactured weapons are either sundered or
disarmed and land out of reach, while natural weapons are shattered. The attacking arm (or mouth or tentacle or whatever)
is wounded and future attacks take at least a -4 penalty to damage rolls.
7+ Both humanoids and monsters have a weapon completely compromised. Manufactured weapons are either sundered or
disarmed and land out of reach, while natural weapons are shattered. The attacking arm (or mouth or tentacle or whatever)
is considered useless and can not be used to attack until healed.
Mighty You land a devastating strike to your opponent’s spine. Foe falls to the ground completely paralyzed...oh yeah and disarmed
Critical too.

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference.

Flurry of Blows
(Staff Attacks)
“....the staff in the tall Khitan’s hand licked out, seeming to elongate itself as the yellow man thrust. The point
touched the bosom of Thutothmes and he staggered; again and yet again the staff licked out, and Thutothmes
reeled and fell dead...”
- Robert E. Howard: The Hour of the Dragon


Rather than making your normal attack you opt for a series of less powerful, lightning quick strikes that disarm,
knock down and stun your opponent. On a successful Flurry of Blows Deed your opponent takes normal damage
from your attack, regardless of how many blows actually land. The damage is a representation of the cumulative
effects of the multiple yet less powerful and quicker strikes.

Example: A warrior wielding a staff has successfully hit his opponent and rolled a 5 on his deed die. He still only
rolls 1d4 damage (plus any modifiers) regardless of the fact that four blows were landed against his opponent.

Roll Result
Mighty You swing your staff around only to lose control striking youself in the face, shattering your nose and leaving you with two
Fumble black eyes as you crash to the ground in a whirlwind of ineptitude. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using
your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive
a +2 bonus.
3 You land two quick blows each to the head and stomach knocking your opponent off balance. On next attack, opponent
suffers a -2 attack penalty.
4 You land a three blow combo. Strike to the gut, then to the head and back to the gut, staggering your opponent. Op-
ponent must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is knocked prone and must spend next
action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent is not prone but
suffers a -4 attack penalty on next attack.
5 You deliver four rapid fire attacks. Striking the head, body, back to head and finishing by knocking your opponent to the
ground with a sweeping leg strike. Opponent is considered prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks
against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. In addition, opponent wielding a weapon must make a Ref save against
warrior’s attack roll. Failure means weapon goes flying 1d10+5 feet out of reach. An attack action must be used to retrieve
dropped weapon.
6 You strike with five lighting quick blows. Striking the head, body, back to head, then weapon arm and finally finishing
with a spinning strike to the legs sending both opponent and their weapon (if wielding a weapon) flying through the air
1d10+5 feet in opposite directions. Opponent is stunned for 2d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to at-
tack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. An attack action must be used to retrieve dropped
7+ You become a blur of motion. Landing six devastating strikes. Hitting the body, head, body, head, then swinging your
staff up through the groin lifting opponent off its feet only to land your final blow, a massive two handed overhead chop
that strikes your opponent in mid-air driving them into the ground. If opponent is wielding a weapon it is knocked
1d10+5 feet out of reach. Opponent must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is knocked
unconscious for 2d3 rounds. Unconscious creatures are considered helpless. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent
receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Opponent is stunned for 2d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to at-
tack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. An attack action must be used to retrieve dropped
Mighty You become a whirlwind of motion striking from all directions and angles, resulting in a mewling broken thing lying at
Critical your feet in a spreading pool of crimson. Opponent slowly dies from a crushed skull and multiple broken bones.

Grappling Holds/Chokes
His face twisted in bestial fury, Kane grappled with the sea captain. Mavrsal, an experienced fighter at rough
and tumble, found himself tossed about like a frail child. Kane’s other hand circled its long fingers about his
throat, choking off his breath. Desperately he sought to break Kane’s hold, beat at him with a mangled wrist, as
Kane with savage laughter carried him back against the wall, holding him by the neck like a broken puppet.”
- Karl Edward Wagner: Undertow


Warrior uses joint locks and choke holds when grappling an opponent, resulting in either a forced submission,
broken bones, loss of consciousness or worse. For the purpose of this Deed a warrior rolls their deed die along
with the opposed grapple attack roll. The deed die result determines the maneuver applied so long as the grapple
attempt succeeds.

Roll Result
Mighty Bad technique! You dislocate your hip as you awkwardly try to grapple with your foe. Your leg is useless and you can only
Fumble move at ½ speed and lose any Agility bonus to your AC until healed. You are considered prone and must use an action to
stand. Melee attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You catch your opponent in an arm bar. Opponent must make a Fort save against the differential in the opposed attack
rolls. Failed Save: Opponent must immediately submit or have arm broken. Alternatively, the warrior may choose to break
foe’s arm regardless of submission. A broken limb is considered useless until healed. Successful Save: Arm is not broken but
foe is still considered pinned and cannot move or take significant action until he frees himself from the pin by succeeding
on next grapple attempt. Warrior receives a +2 bonus on next grapple attempt.
4 You gain side control and put your opponent in a headlock. Opponent must make a Fort save against the differential in the
opposed attack rolls. Failed Save: Opponent must immediately submit or be knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds. Alter-
natively, the warrior may choose to knock foe unconscious regardless of submission. Unconscious opponents are considered
helpless. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Foe is not knocked unconscious
but is still considered pinned and cannot move or take significant action until he frees himself from the pin by succeeding
on next grapple attempt. Warrior receives a +4 bonus on next grapple attempt.
5 You trap your opponent in a nasty leg lock. Opponent must make a Fort save against the differential in the opposed attack
rolls. Failed Save: Opponent must immediately submit or have leg snapped. Alternatively, the warrior may choose to snap
foe’s leg regardless of submission. A broken leg is considered useless and opponent is reduced to ½ movement speed until
healed. Successful Save: Leg is not broken but foe is still considered pinned and cannot move or take significant action
until he frees himself from the pin by succeeding on next grapple attempt. Warrior receives a +6 bonus on next grapple at-
6 You position yourself around your opponent catching foe in a deadly rear naked choke hold. Opponent must make a Fort
save against the differential in the opposed attack rolls. Failed Save: Opponent must immediately submit or be knocked
unconscious for 2d4 rounds. Alternatively, the warrior may choose to knock foe unconscious regardless of submission.
Unconscious opponents are considered helpless. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Success-
ful Save: Foe is not knocked unconscious but is still considered pinned and cannot move or take significant action until he
frees himself from the pin by succeeding in another grapple check. Warrior receives a +8 bonus on next grapple attempt.
7+ You twist your opponent up in the dreaded crucifix hold. Opponent must make a Fort save against the differential in the
opposed attack rolls. Failed Save: Opponent must immediately submit or have both shoulders dislocated. Alternatively,
the warrior may choose to dislocate foe’s shoulders regardless of submission. Dislocated shoulders result in both limbs
considered useless and foe considered helpless until healed. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus.
Successful Save: Shoulders are not dislocated but foe is still considered pinned and cannot move or take significant action
until he frees himself from the pin by succeeding in another grapple check. Warrior receives a +10 bonus on next grapple
Mighty You expertly pin, hold and twist your opponent with the efficiency of a python. Foe’s whimpering sobs are suddenly
Critical drowned out by the crunching sound of their cracking spine. Opponent is completely paralyzed and dies in your hands.
“Gath charged forward, drove his head into the huge man’s gut and knocked him to the ground. He kept driving,
stepped on the Kitzakk’s thigh and chest...”
- James Silke: Prisoner of The Horned Helmet


Coupled with your melee weapon attack you smash your foe with a devastating headbutt. A headbutt that is
coupled with a melee weapon attack does not use one of the warrior’s attack actions. A warrior need only roll once
for his regular weapon attack. The result of the headbutt is determined by the deed die. A warrior may also use
the Headbutt Deed as his primary attack when fighting unarmed.

Example: A 2nd level warrior rolls a 1d20 (action die) plus 1d4 (deed die) to attack with a longsword and Head-
butt Deed in the same round. The deed die determines the effect of the headbutt so long as the weapon attack is

Roll Result
Mighty Your headbutt is way off target resulting in a permanently crooked nose as it shatters against your
Fumble opponent’s chest before you fall to the ground. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using
your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a
prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You follow up your melee weapon attack with a headbutt, blackening your opponent’s eye. On next
attack, opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect.
There is a 40% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
4 Your opponent turns to escape your attack and fails. Your headbutt smashes into side of foe’s head
sending your opponent staggering. Opponent must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll.
Failed Save: Opponent is knocked prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against
a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -4 attack penalty on next
attack. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 45% chance opponent’s
helmet is knocked off from the blow.
5 You shatter your opponent’s nose dropping them with a headbutt straight to the face. Opponent is
considered prone. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. If opponent is wear-
ing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 55% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the
6 You break your opponent’s jaw with a well placed headbutt to the mouth. Opponent loses 1d6 teeth
and is stunned for 1d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks
against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect.
There is a 65% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
7+ You land a ferocious headbutt to the temple bursting your opponent’s ear drum. Opponent is
stunned for 2d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a
stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a
75% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
Mighty You finish your melee attack by landing a devastating headbutt that whips your opponent’s head back
Critical with a sickening crunch! The force of the blow snaps your opponent’s neck like a rotten branch leav-
ing them paralyzed from the shoulders down.

Howling Fury/Rage
“Then, with a burst of fury...Conan was over the rail and on the deck of the Tigress....The fighting- madness of
his race was upon him, and with a red mist of unreasoning fury wavering before his blazing eyes, he cleft skulls,
smashed breasts, severed limbs, ripped out entrails, and littered the deck like a shambles with a ghastly harvest of
brains and blood.”
- Robert E. Howard: Queen of the Black Coast


You fly into a savage battle rage, channeling all your fury into delivering devastating blows at the expense of your
own defense.

Note: A warrior may successfully rage only a number of times equal to their level per day.

Roll Result
Mighty You are mad with the red rage and are unable to distinguish friend from foe. Warrior’s battle rage lasts for 1
Fumble round per level and warrior must attack for the full duration of rage. Warrior is unable to focus on a single
target and will immediately attack nearest ally. There is a 50% chance each round for the duration of the rage
that the warrior will chose to attack a different friend. Warrior receives a +7 bonus to hit and damage rolls as
well as suffering a -7 to AC for duration of the rage.
3 You let lose with a savage battle cry. Warrior receives a +3 bonus to hit and damage rolls as well as suffering a
-3 to AC for duration of the rage. Your battle rage lasts for 1 round per level. Warrior must rage for full dura-
tion and is unable to attempt rage again until current rage expires.
4 Wild eyed and snarling you unleash fury. Warrior receives a +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls as well as suffer-
ing a -4 to AC for duration of the rage. Your battle rage lasts for 1 round per level. Warrior must rage for full
duration and is unable to attempt rage again until current rage expires.
5 You fly into a berserking frenzy unleashing brutal attacks. Warrior receives a +5 bonus to hit and damage rolls
as well as suffering a -5 to AC for duration of the rage. Your battle rage lasts for 1 round per level. Warrior
must rage for full duration and is unable to attempt rage again until current rage expires.
6 You attack with the ferocity of a wounded tiger. Warrior may temporarily expend points of his Personality or
Intelligence score to enhance the damage on his current attack only. For every ability point he expends, he
adds +1d12 to his damage roll. Warrior receives a +6 bonus to hit and damage rolls as well as suffering a -6 to
AC for duration of the rage. Your battle rage lasts for 1 round per level. Warrior must rage for full duration
and is unable to attempt rage again until current rage expires.
7+ Your rage is terrifying to behold as you become mad with blood lust. Warrior may temporarily expend points
of his Personality or Intelligence score to enhance the damage on each successful hit for the duration of the
rage. For every ability point he expends, he adds +1d12 to his damage roll. Warrior also receives a +7 bonus
to hit and damage rolls as well as suffering a -7 to AC for duration of the rage. Your battle rage lasts for 1
round per level. Warrior must rage for full duration and is unable to attempt rage again until current rage
Mighty Your rage is worthy of legend! You immediately strike down your opponent with a terrific blow. Also, each
Critical successful attack on any opponent for the duration of your rage is an automatic critical hit. Your battle rage
lasts for 1 round per level. The tale of this battle will not be easily forgotten.

Jousting Attacks
“ A tall warrior in gleaming armor couched his lance and charged to meet the lord of Tor. They met like a thun-
derclap. The Nemedian’s lance, striking his foe’s helmet, snapped bolts and rivets and tore off the casque, revealing
the features of Pallantides. But the Aquilonian’s lance-head crashed through shield and breast-plate to transfix the
baron’s heart. A roar went up as Amalric was hurled from his saddle, snapping the lance that impaled him...”
- Robert E. Howard: The Hour of the Dragon


When on a mounted charge with a lance or spear, you deliver a perfect strike not only dealing
double damage dice but also sending your foe flying from his saddle.

Roll Result
Mighty Big mistake! You lose your balance and fall from your saddle directly into the path of your foe’s charging
Fumble mount. Take 2d6 points of damage as you are trampled. For every damage die that comes up a 6, you break
a bone. For each broken bone, the character permanently loses 1 point of Strength or Agility (player’s choice).
The affected limb, rib, or vertebrae never heals quite right and affects the character in some fashion from then
on. In addition to the damage, you also manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on
yourself using your crit die and table.
3 Your blow unbalances rider. Rider must make a DC 13 Strength check. Failure means the rider is thrown
from mount and suffers an additional 1d4 damage from the fall. An opponent flung from a mount is consid-
ered prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
If opponent has a non-magical shield it is shattered. Magical shields are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet
4 You land a solid blow. Rider must make a DC 14 Strength check. Failure means the rider is thrown from
mount and suffers an additional 1d4+1 damage from the fall. An opponent flung from a mount is considered
prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. If op-
ponent has a non-magical shield it is shattered. Magical shields are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away.
5 You slam rider in chest. Rider must make a DC 15 Strength check. Failure means the rider is thrown from
mount and suffers an additional 1d4+2 damage from the fall. An opponent flung from a mount is considered
prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. If op-
ponent has a non-magical shield it is shattered. Magical shields are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away.
6 Your blow blasts rider. Rider must make a DC 16 Strength check. Failure means the rider is thrown from
mount and suffers an additional 1d4+3 damage from the fall. An opponent flung from a mount is considered
prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. If op-
ponent has a non-magical shield it is shattered. Magical shields are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away.
7+ Great maneuver! Rider must make a DC 17 Strength check. Failure means the rider is thrown from mount
and suffers an additional 1d4+4 damage from the fall. An opponent flung from a mount is considered prone
and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. If opponent
has a non-magical shield it is shattered. Magical shields are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away.
Mighty Nothing can stand in your way. In one terrific strike you send both rider and mount to their doom as they
Critical tumble end over end in a horrific crash. When the dust settles you bear witness to a heap of twisted limbs and
ruined flesh as both rider and mount are indistinguishable in the carnage.

“Conan bounded back from the waving bills and his leap carried him outside the ring of his foes, to where Arus
stood fumbling at his crossbow. A savage kick in the belly dropped him, green faced and gagging, and Conan’s
sandaled heel crunched square in the watchman’s mouth. The wretch screamed through a ruin of splintered teeth,
blowing bloody froth from his mangled lips.”
- Robert E. Howard: The God in the Bowl


Coupled with your melee weapon attack you boot your foe with a solid kick. A kick that is coupled with a me-
lee weapon attack does not use one of the warrior’s attack actions. A warrior need only roll once for his regular
weapon attack. The result of the kick is determined by the deed die. A warrior may also use the Kick Deed as his
primary attack when fighting unarmed.

Example: A 2nd level warrior rolls a 1d20 (action dice) plus 1d4 (deed die) to attack with a long sword and Kick
Deed in the same round. The deed die determines the effect of the kick so long as the weapon attack is successful.

Roll Result
Mighty Poor form! You shatter your leg as your kick slams into your opponent’s hip at a bad angle. Your leg is
Fumble useless and you can only move at ½ speed and lose any Agility bonus to your AC until healed. In ad-
dition you somehow manage to strike yourself on the way down. Take normal damage plus roll a crit
on yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand.
Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You follow up your normal attack with a boot straight to your opponent’s gut. On next attack, oppo-
nent suffers a -2 attack penalty. If opponent is wearing metal armor the deed has no effect.
4 You deliver a knee to your opponent’s groin with force. Opponent must make a Ref save against war-
rior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is knocked prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee
attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -4 attack
penalty on next attack. If opponent is wearing metal armor the deed has no effect.
5 A well placed side kick dislocates opponent’s knee. Opponent is considered prone and must spend
next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. Opponent loses any
Agility bonus to AC and moves at ½ speed until healed. If Opponent is wearing metal armor the deed
has no effect.
6 You break your opponent’s jaw with a ferocious flying knee to the chin. Opponent loses 1d6 teeth and
is stunned for 1d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a
stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a
65% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
7+ You land a spinning roundhouse kick to the temple bursting your opponent’s ear drum. Opponent is
stunned for 2d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a
stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a
75% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
Mighty You finish your normal attack by landing a devastating spinning roundhouse kick against the side of
Critical your opponent’s head. The force of the blow leaves your opponent a babbling idiot for the rest of his
days...oh yeah and paralyzed too.

Muting Strike
“Conan hoped the man would not discover him, but some instinct warned the Stygian. He turned abruptly from
his destination, which apparently was the stair, and stepped straight to the recess. As he jerked aside the velvet
hanging, a hand darted from the shadows, crushed the cry in his throat and jerked him headlong into the alcove,
and the knife impaled him.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Hour of the Dragon


You smash your opponent in the face, limiting foe’s ability to cast spells, shout out for help or even speak. Some
examples of the use of this deed may include the silencing of a city watchman’s cry for help, halting the commands
of a field general in battle or even disrupting the dark incantations of a vile sorcerer.

Roll Result
Mighty You fall prone in a bedazzling display of imbalance and strike yourself on the way to the ground. Take normal damage
Fumble plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks
against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 (B) You smash your opponent in the face bruising foe’s jaw.
(P) You stick your opponent through the cheek.
(S) You cut through your opponent’s cheek leaving them with a large red twisted smile.

Foe is unable to shout or speak with any volume above a normal talking voice next round. Spell casting opponents suffer a
-2 to next spell check.
4 (B) You break your opponent’s jaw with a solid blow.
(P) You stab opponent in the face severing tendons in jaw.
(S) You slash opponent in the face severing tendons in jaw.

Foe spits 1d4 broken teeth from a bloody mouth and can only speak in hushed tones next round. Spell casting opponents
suffer a -4 to next spell check.
5 (B) Your blow shatters opponent’s jaw with a sickening crunch.
(P) You jam your weapon into opponent’s mouth shattering foe’s jaw.
(S) Your swing severs opponent’s jaw bone with surgical precision.

2d4 teeth go flying amidst a spray of blood. Foe can only speak in a barely audible whisper next round. Spell casting op-
ponents suffer a -6 to next spell check.
6 (B) You land a direct hit to your opponent’s throat damaging foe’s voice box.
(P) You pierce your opponent’s throat damaging foe’s voice box.
(S) You slash your opponent across the throat damaging foe’s voice box.

Opponent can no longer speak or cast spells for 2d4 rounds or until healed.
7+ (B) You land a devastating blow to the chin causing your opponent’s teeth to clash together severing foe’s tongue.
(P) You punch a hole through one side of your opponent’s face and out the other, completely severing foe’s tongue.
(S) Your blade sweeps through your opponent’s mouth completely severing the tongue and leaving your foe with an ear to
ear grin.

Opponent can no longer speak or cast spells until healed.

Mighty The force of your blow is so devastating it completely removes your opponent’s lower jaw from face sending it flying
Critical 1d10+5 feet through the air. Opponent collapses to the ground unconscious and dies from shock within the hour.

Paralyze Arm
(Piercing Weapons)
“He rushed in, hacking madly, but Conan, recognizing him, shattered his sword with a short terrific chop and
with a powerful push of his open hand sent him reeling to the floor. The king took Ascalante’s point in his left
arm, and the outlaw barley saved his life by ducking and springing backward from the swinging ax.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Phoenix on the Sword


With deadly precision you paralyze one of your opponent’s arms (tentacle, appendage, extremity,
etc.) rendering the limb useless.

Roll Result
Mighty Your trying way too hard. You stumble and fall somehow impaling yourself with your own weapon.
Fumble Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone
and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Your thrust penetrates deep, tearing into the muscle in one of your opponent’s limbs. On next attack,
opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty. Humanoid creature with a weapon must make a Ref save against
warrior’s attack roll or drop weapon. An action must be used to pick up dropped weapon.
4 You skewer your opponent in the hand tearing through tendons and ligaments. Humanoid creature
with a weapon drops its weapon and must use an action to pick it up. Both humanoids and monsters
suffer a -2 on all future attack rolls until healed.
5 You savagely stab your weapon through your opponent’s elbow severing tendons and destroying carti-
lage. If opponent does not have an elbow, blow still damages limb. Opponent must make a Fort save
against warrior’s damage total. Failed Save: Opponent can no longer use limb to attack or hold weap-
on/shield until healed. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls until healed.
6 Your strike lands with such force that it drives through your opponent’s upper arm and continues on
piercing foe’s flank. Blow causes 1d7 points of additional damage. Opponent must make a Fort save
against warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d7 in total). Failed Save: Opponent can no longer use
limb to attack or hold weapon/shield until healed. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -4 on all fu-
ture attack rolls until healed.
7+ You drive and twist your weapon deep into your opponent’s shoulder blade with a sickening pop!
Thrust obliterates rotator cuff, shearing through muscle and tendons completely dislocating arm from
shoulder. Limb is completely useless and can not be used to attack or hold weapon/shield until healed.
Blow causes 1d8 points of additional damage from internal bleeding. Opponent suffers a -5 on all
future attack rolls until healed and falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action
to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Mighty Your blow spears opponent clean through the chest skewering your foe’s heart like an apple. You notice
Critical the horror in your opponent’s eyes as he dies watching his beating heart impaled on the end of your

Paralyze Leg
(Peircing Weapons)
“The dart whistled through the air, came to an abrupt stop in Gath’s knee. He stared down at it, defying the
pain. But it was too much....his strength left him, and he dropped forward...”
- James Silke: Tooth and Claw


With deadly precision you paralyze one of your opponent’s legs, limiting foe’s movement and
balance before ultimately rendering the limb useless.

Roll Result
Mighty Your weapon snaps and ricochets back striking you straight in the face puncturing your cheek and
Fumble tongue leaving you with a permanent lisp. You fall prone and take normal damage plus roll a crit on
yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. If you
wield a mundane weapon it is ruined. Magical weapons are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away.
Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Your blow penetrates into opponent’s foot severing tendons and breaking bones. On next attack, op-
ponent suffers a -2 attack penalty from loss of balance.
4 You skewer your opponent through the calf muscle. Opponent is reduced to moving at ½ speed, loses
any Agility bonus to AC and suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls until healed.
5 You drive your weapon through your opponent’s knee-cap destroying the surrounding tendons and
cartilage. Opponent is reduced to moving at ½ speed, loses any Agility bonus to AC and suffers a -3 on
all future attack rolls until healed. Opponent falls prone and must spend next attack action to stand.
Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 Your weapon goes through your opponent’s thigh and out the other side. Opponent can only crawl at
5 movement speed and loses any Agility bonus to AC until healed. Blow causes 1d7 points of addi-
tional damage. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d7 in
total). Failed Save: Opponent falls to the ground screaming in pain and is considered helpless for 2d3
rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Opponent
suffers a -4 on all future attack rolls until healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next
attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ You impale your opponent through the hip and twist your weapon with a gruesome crunch! Twist-
ing weapon shears through muscle and tendons completely dislocating leg from hip bone. Opponent
can only crawl at 5 movement speed and loses any Agility bonus to AC until healed. Blow causes 1d8
points of additional damage. Opponent falls to the ground howling in pain and is considered helpless
for 2d3 rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus.
Mighty You tear a massive hole into your opponent’s gut. Opponent falls to the ground desperately trying to
Critical force ropes of intestines back into wounded body - not going to happen. Opponent dies a painfully
slow and grisly death.

Pierce Internal Organs
(Piercing Weapons)
“Conan sprang as a dying tiger springs...Before he could either strike or parry, the king’s poniard sheathed itself in
his throat, above the gorget, slanting downward into his heart. With a choked gurgle he reeled and went down,
and Conan ruthlessly tore his blade free as his victim fell.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Hour of the Dragon


Your precision thrust impales one of your opponent’s organs causing massive internal damage.

Roll Result
Mighty You stumble and fall somehow stabbing yourself in the groin...ouch! You immediately void
Fumble your bowels in what can only be described as your most embarrassing moment. But it only gets
worse, take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are
considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a
+2 bonus.
3 You stab your opponent in the gut. Foe stumbles desperately trying to catch his breath. On
next attack, opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty.
4 Your opponent twists in an attempt to avoid your thrust and you pierce a kidney. Opponent
suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls from the pain until healed. Opponent must make a Fort
save against warrior’s damage total. Failure means the opponent is knocked prone and must
spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
5 Straight shot right to the liver! Opponent immediately falls prone in excruciating pain and
must spend next attack action to stand. Opponent suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls until
healed. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 You stab your opponent through genitals puncturing foe’s bladder and slicing intestines. Op-
ponent immediately voids bowels in a horrible bloody mess. Attack causes an extra 1d7
damage from internal bleeding. Opponent suffers a -4 on all future attack rolls until healed.
Opponent also falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action to stand.
Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ You puncture your opponent’s lung causing 1d8 points of additional damage from internal
bleeding. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d8 in
total). Failed Save: Opponent falls to the ground in shock and is considered helpless for 2d4
rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Op-
ponent suffers a -5 on all future attack rolls until healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and
must spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2
Mighty You drive your weapon clean through foe’s ear and out the other in a spray of blood and quiv-
Critical ering brain matter - instant death.

Pin Opponent
(Ranged Weapons)
“There was fury in Kane’s eyes. The arbalest in his arms shuddered. Ionor shrieked in clawing agony as the iron-
barbed quarrel tore into her belly and flung her back against the tree. She should have fallen then; instead she
hung there, writhing in torment. At point-blank range the quarrel had drilled through her spine and sunk into
the gnarled trunk.
She struggled frantically to break free, but her strength suddenly failed.....Her slumped figure hung limply from
the apple tree, impaled on the spike like a shrike’s prey on a thorn.”
- Karl Edward Wagner: Raven’s Eyrie


In a display of deadly accuracy your ranged attack pins your opponent to an object (ground, tree,
table, wall, etc).

Note: Ranged attack must deal piercing damage.

Roll Result
Mighty If wielding a crossbow or bow your string snaps striking you in the face. If wielding a thrown missile
Fumble weapon you stumble and fall in mid throw. Either way take normal damage plus roll a crit on your-
self using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks
against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Your missile pins a piece of your opponent’s clothing (armor, boot, cloak, etc.) to an object (ground,
wall, table, tree, etc.). Opponent must use next action to remove embedded missile. Opponent suffers
a -2 attack penalty until missile is removed.
4 You pin one of your opponent’s limbs (leg, arm, hand, foot, tentacle, etc.) to an object (ground, wall,
table, tree, etc.). Opponent must use next action to remove embedded missile and suffers an extra 1d5
damage when doing so. Opponent suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls due to the damaged limb until
5 You pin one of your opponent’s limbs (leg, arm, hand, foot, tentacle, etc.) to foe’s own body. Oppo-
nent must use next action to remove embedded missile and suffers an extra 1d6 damage when doing
so. Opponent suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls due to the damaged limb until healed.
6 Your missile skewers both of your opponent’s legs pinning them together. Opponent falls prone and
is unable to move until missile is removed. An action must be used to remove embedded missile and
opponent suffers an extra 1d7 damage when doing so. Opponent must spend another attack action to
stand once missile is removed. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ Your missile impales your opponent through the torso pinning foe to an object (ground, wall, table,
tree, etc.) causing 1d8 points of additional damage. Each round that the opponent remains pinned
results in an additional 1d8 points of damage. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s
original attack roll to free itself. Each attempt to remove the missile uses an attack action. A pinned
opponent suffers a -1d to attack rolls. Attacks against a pinned opponent receive a +1d bonus.
Mighty You pin your opponent to an object straight through the forehead scrambling their brains. Nice shot!
Pulverize Internal Organs
(Two-Handed Blunt Weapons)
“Conan pivoted on his heel and struck in from the side. The ax crunched through the steel cuirass and Volmana
crumpled with his whole left side caved in.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Phoenix on the Sword


Your savage attack destroys one of your opponent’s organs causing massive internal damage.

Roll Result
Mighty You stumble and fall bouncing your weapon off the ground straight back into your
Fumble groin. You immediately void your bowels in what can only be described as your most
embarrassing moment. But it only gets worse, take normal damage plus roll a crit on
yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action
to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Your blow slams into opponent’s solar plexus. Foe stumbles desperately trying to catch
his breath. On next attack, opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty.
4 You side-step your opponent as you swing and land a massive kidney strike. Opponent
suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls from the pain until healed.
5 Perfect liver shot! Opponent immediately falls prone retching in excruciating pain and
must spend next attack action to stand. Opponent suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls
until healed. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 Blast to opponent’s genitals burst bladder and scrambles foe’s intestines. Opponent
immediately voids bowels in a horrible bloody mess. Attack causes an extra 1d7 dam-
age from internal trauma. Opponent suffers a -4 on all future attack rolls until healed.
Opponent also falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action to
stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ Your blow collapses opponent’s lungs. Opponent suffers 1d8 points of additional dam-
age from internal trauma. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage
total (include extra 1d8 in total). Failed Save: Opponent falls to the ground in shock
and is considered helpless for 2d4 rounds. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent
receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -5 on all future attack rolls
until healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action to
stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Mighty You smash your opponent directly in the center of chest sending shock waves ripping
Critical through foe’s core liquefying all major organs. Opponent falls dead to the ground in a
gelatinous heap. Nothing more than a sack of ground meat and blood.

“Even as the dagger flashed in the dim light, Conan caught the dusky wrist and smashed his clenched right fist
against the Stygian’s jaw. The man’s head went back against the stone wall with a dull crunch that told of a frac-
tured skull.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Hour of the Dragon


Coupled with your melee weapon attack you use your empty off hand to smash your foe with a powerful punch. A
punch that is coupled with a melee weapon attack does not use one of the warrior’s attack actions. A warrior need
only roll once for his regular weapon attack. The result of the punch is determined by the deed die. A warrior
may also use the Punch Deed as their primary attack when fighting unarmed.

Example: A 2nd level warrior rolls a 1d20 (action dice) plus 1d4 (deed die) to attack with a long sword and
punch in the same round. The deed die determines the effect of the punch so long as the weapon attack is success-

Roll Result
Mighty You miss wildly shattering your fist against your opponent’s chest. Your hand is useless until healed. You also
Fumble manage to trip and strike yourself on the way to the ground. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using
your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone char-
acter receive a +2 bonus.
3 You follow up your normal attack with a quick hard jab blackening your opponent’s eye. On next attack, op-
ponent suffers a -2 attack penalty. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 40% chance
opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
4 You follow through by connecting with a solid hook to the temple sending your opponent staggering. Opponent
must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is knocked prone and must spend next
action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent is not
knocked prone but suffers a -4 attack penalty on next attack. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no ef-
fect. There is a 45% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
5 A shattered nose and torrent of blood is the result of driving your forearm straight into your opponent’s face. Op-
ponent is considered prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive
a +2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 55% chance opponent’s helmet is
knocked off from the blow.
6 You break your opponent’s jaw with a wicked elbow strike to the chin. Opponent loses 1d6 teeth and is stunned
for 1d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature
receive a +2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 65% chance opponent’s
helmet is knocked off from the blow.
7+ You land a massive haymaker to the temple bursting your opponents ear drum. Opponent is stunned for 2d3
rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a
+2 bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 75% chance opponent’s helmet is
knocked off from the blow.
Mighty You follow up your normal attack by landing a devastating spinning back fist against the side or your opponent’s
Critical head. The force of the blow fractures your foe’s skull leaving them in a permanent coma. Say goodnight!

“The barbarian rammed the boulder with a resounding bang of metal and thud of bone The boulder shuddered and leaned
backwards....Gath roared again and heaved forward, legs driving. Suddenly drawn by its own weight, the rock ripped
from his grasp and rolled backwards, bounding and crashing from side to side down the slight incline...The one-eyed man
lay on the road, his chest and head flattened by the boulder which had rolled over him. His entire body now leaked in the
manner of his empty eye socket. Another bandit lay to the side of the road. His head was not where it should of been. It
had been sheared off by a sharp rock protruding from the wall of the gulley and lay about ten feet further down the road.
The third man was still stuck to the rock, moaning and kicking weakly as he tried to pry himself free.”
- James Silke: Tooth and Claw


Pushbacks include shield bashes, tackles, bull rushes, tables hurled into enemies, doors smashed into op-
ponents on the other side, and so on. Generally speaking, any attempt to use brute strength to forcefully
move an opponent is considered a pushback.

Roll Result
Mighty You stumble and fall hitting the ground hard! Take 1d6 damage from the fall. If the damage die comes
Fumble up a 6, you break a bone and permanently lose 1 point of Strength or Agility (player’s choice). The
affected limb, rib, or vertebrae never heals quite right and affects the character in some fashion from
then on. In addition to the damage, if you are wielding a weapon you also manage to strike yourself.
Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. In either case you are
considered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2
3 A creature the same size as the warrior is pushed back a few feet – enough space to open access to a
door or staircase the target was defending.
4 A creature the same size as the warrior is pushed back a distance equal to half the warrior’s movement.
A humanoid creature up to 50% larger than the warrior, such as a large orc or a small ogre, is pushed
back a few feet. A stable, quadrupedal creature such as a horse or cow can also be pushed back a few
5 The warrior can shove back a creature up to twice his size, such as a fully-grown ogre or a small giant, a
distance equal to his full movement. Furthermore, he can pick up and hurl such a creature up to half
his normal movement. This can allow the warrior to shove creatures off a nearby cliff, through a railing,
out a chapel’s stained-glass window, and so on.
6 The warrior can push back several oncoming opponents, such as a charging mass of goblins or a wall
of marching men-at-arms. He can shove back a creature up to three times his size and can even budge
creatures like small dragons and large basilisks.
7+ As above, and the warrior can affect creatures that would be seemingly impossible for someone his size
to push back.
Mighty As above, except creatures are considered stunned for 1 round per warrior level. Stunned creatures suf-
Critical fer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus.

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference
Precision Shot*
(Ranged Attack)
“Conan bracing his feet wide on the heaving poop-deck, lifted his bow. Conan drew the shaft to his ear....Arrows fell in a
rain about the Argus, and men cried out.
“Up, lads!” he roared, loosing with a viscous twang of cord. On the deck of the pirate lay half a dozen bodies an earnest
of Conan’s archery.”
- Robert E. Howard: Queen of the Black Coast


A precision shot is one that boggles the mind with its accuracy. These feats of precision include severing the hang-
man’s noose with a well-placed arrow from twenty paces, lodging a sword in the dragon’s mouth so it cannot use a
breath weapon, and smashing the evil cleric’s anti-holy symbol so he loses control over his un-dead minions. When
declaring a precision shot, the warrior must declare exactly which target he is attempting to affect. For example,
“I hurl my spear and try to shatter the hinge on the enemy’s helmet visor” or “I swing my sword and try to sever
the knight’s stirrup.” This category also includes called shots that attempt to do additional damage. For example,
aiming for an opponent’s head, trying to sever a monster’s neck, a belly shot against a lumbering chaos beast, and
so on. Called shots may do additional damage based on the roll, as noted below.

Roll Result
Mighty If wielding a crossbow or bow your string snaps striking you in the face. If you are wielding a thrown missile weapon
Fumble you stumble and fall in mid throw. Either way take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and
table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a
+2 bonus.
3 The warrior can hit a small object that is nearby – either at melee range or very close range via missile fire. For ex-
ample, he can hit a holy symbol displayed by a cleric, a banner flown by a cavalier nearby, or an ogre’s tusk. A called
shot here may do up to 1d4 points of additional damage (judge’s discretion).
4 The warrior can hit a target that is normally within the province of only the most skilled swordsmen or archers. For
example, he can shoot an apple off someone’s head or hit the bull’s-eye at 100 yards. A called shot here may do up to
1d5 points of additional damage (judge’s discretion).
5 The warrior can make a near-impossible shot that includes slicing a narrow rope with an arrow from 100 yards away,
hurling a dagger into a coin from across a moat, or stabbing a sword through the one vulnerable scale on the vast scaly
hide of an ancient dragon. A called shot here may do up to 1d6 points of additional damage (judge’s discretion).
6 The warrior can make precise shots, such as the ones above, while also blinded and deafened – he relies on his other
senses to attempt such an incredible maneuver. A called shot here may do up to 1d7 points of additional damage
(judge’s discretion).
7+ The warrior can make precise shots that seem beyond the abilities of mortal man – provided he can contrive an
explanation. For example, he can shoot an arrow through a doorway to hit the evil wizard in the throat in the room
beyond, explaining that the arrow actually went through the narrowest crack between the door and its frame. He can
hurl a stone more than half a mile to knock out the goblin kidnapper as he gallops away on horseback, explaining that
a passing hawk carried the stone in its beak for several hundred yards, then let it continue on its original trajectory. A
called shot here may do up to 1d8 points of additional damage (judge’s discretion).
Mighty You strike your opponent through the eye, liquefying brain. Grey matter slowly begins to leak from ears and nose as
Critical foe stumbles away to find a comfortable place to die.

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference.
Rallying Maneuvers*
“On either ridge the hillmen wavered. One rushing toward the plateau, froth dripping from his beard. “Flee!
Flee!” he slobbered. “Who can fight Natohk’s magic?”
With a snarl Conan bounded from his boulder and smote him with the beef-bone; he dropped, blood starting
from his nose and mouth. Conan drew his sword, his eyes slits of blue bale-fire.
“Back to your posts!” he yelled. “Let another take a backward step and I’ll shear his head! Fight, damn you!”
The route halted as quickly as it had begun. Conan’s fierce personality was like a dash of ice-water in their
whirling blaze of terror.”
- Robert E. Howard: Black Colossus


The mighty hero, bounding to the front of combat, can restore order to broken ranks. A bellowing war
cry, a heroic charge, a frothing bloodthirsty maniac exemplifying bloody prowess: the right rallying ma-
neuver by a great warrior can make an army fight better than it ever has before.

Roll Result
Mighty Your attempt to boost morale is an epic failure as you trip and fall striking yourself on the way
Fumble to the ground. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. In
addition you are prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone charac-
ter receive a +2 bonus. All followers in line of sight of your blunder must make a morale check
at a -6 penalty.
3 The warrior can let loose a war cry or perform some flashy maneuver that rallies his troops
around him. Nearby hirelings and retainers that have failed a morale check get a second check
and recover their wits if they succeed.
4 The warrior urges his allies to form up around him and leads the charge! He must be at the
forefront of the battle, succeeding in his attacks and setting an example for his followers, who
receive a +1 bonus to morale checks for the remainder of the round.
5 The warrior performs some dramatic combat maneuver that inspires courage. Allies and follow-
ers receive a +1 bonus to morale checks for the rest of the round. Additionally, if the warrior
kills his opponent this round or causes a critical hit (or some other spectacular blow), all allies
and followers receive a +1 attack bonus for the next round.
6 The warrior’s incredible maneuver affects not only nearby allies and followers, but potentially
an entire army. The benefits are as above, but extend to as many as 100 followers, as long as
they can see the hero.
7+ As above, and the benefits extend to as many followers as can see the hero – potentially an
entire army of thousands of men!
Mighty As above, plus followers receive a +6 bonus to morale checks and a +6 attack bonus for remain-
Critical der of fight so long as the warrior is fighting as well.

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference.
Rend Armor
(Two-Handed Weapons)
“Methodically Red Helmet trimmed Gath’s shield down until half the wood was gone and the iron belts looked like chewed
meat....The impact of the huge Kitzakk’s blow had popped the leather thongs holding his armor in place. It dripped off him
like old flesh and fell to the ground.”
- James Silke: The Prisoner of the Horned Helmet


You sacrifice inflicting maxim damage to your opponent, instead opting to destroy your opponent’s armor by
crushing shields and caving in breast plates. On any successful Mighty Deed of Arms, the defending party’s armor
is damaged so severely that the armor’s AC bonus is reduced by the amount of the deed die instead of causing hit
point damage.

Example: A defender has full plate mail (AC bonus of +8). The attacker hits with a deed die of 3, so the defender’s
AC modifier from armor is reduced to +5. If the next attack hits with a deed die of 5, the defender’s AC bonus
drops to 0! Once the armor bonus is reduced to 0, the deed die translates to hit point damage as usual. If the de-
fender has a shield, only the shield may be destroyed with the initial successful deed roll.

Roll Result
Mighty You swing wildly missing your opponent, strike yourself and fall straight on your back like a turtle. Take nor-
Fumble mal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an
action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receives a +2 bonus.
3 Your attack rips through your opponent’s armor. Reduce your opponent’s AC by -3. If opponent has a shield,
only the shield may be destroyed with this attack. Magic armor can only be damaged by weapons of greater
magical power (e.g. A magic weapon with a +3 bonus can only damage magic armor with a +2 bonus or less.)
Do not apply the deed die roll to damage.
4 You smash your opponent’s armor. Reduce your opponent’s AC by -4. If opponent has a shield, only the
shield may be destroyed with this attack. Magical armor can only be damaged by weapons of greater magical
power (e.g. A magic weapon with a +3 bonus can only damage magic armor with a +2 bonus or less.) Do not
apply the deed die roll to damage.
5 Your attack splinters your opponent’s armor. Reduce your opponent’s AC by -5. If opponent has a shield, only
the shield may be destroyed with this attack. Magical armor can only be damaged by weapons of greater magi-
cal power (e.g. A magic weapon with a +3 bonus can only damage magic armor with a +2 bonus or less.) Do
not apply the deed die roll to damage.
6 Your attack cracks your opponent’s armor. Reduce your opponent’s AC by -6. If opponent has a shield, only
the shield may be destroyed with this attack. Magical armor can only be damaged by weapons of greater magi-
cal power (e.g. A magic weapon with a +3 bonus can only damage magic armor with a +2 bonus or less.) Do
not apply the deed die roll to damage.
7+ You cleave through your opponent’s armor. Reduce your opponent’s AC by -7. If opponent has a shield, only
the shield may be destroyed with this attack. Magical armor can only be damaged by weapons of greater magi-
cal power (e.g. A magic weapon with a +3 bonus can only damage magic armor with a +2 bonus or less.) Do
not apply the deed die roll to damage.
Mighty Your attack caves in foe’s chest sundering your opponent’s armor and heart, leaving foe crushed in his splin-
Critical tered armor like a mangled beetle. Opponent falls to the ground shattered and dies. Magical armor can only be
damaged by weapons of greater magical power (e.g. A magic weapon with a +3 bonus can only damage magic
armor with a +2 bonus or less). Attack disregards any shield.
“He stood like an image of the unconquerable primordial—legs braced far apart, head thrust forward, one hand clutching
the wall for support, the other gripping the ax on high, with the great corded muscles standing out in iron ridges, and his
features frozen in a death snarl of fury—his eyes blazing terribly through the mist of blood which veiled them. The men
faltered—wild, criminal and dissolute though they were, yet they came of a breed men called civilized, with a civilized
background; here was the barbarian—the natural killer. They shrank back—the dying tiger could still deal death. Conan
sensed their uncertainty and grinned mirthlessly and ferociously.
“Who dies first?” he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Phoenix on the Sword


You intimidate and strike fear in your opponent weakening your foe’s resolve in combat.

Note: Some monsters are immune to the Scare/Intimidate Deed. Automatons, animated statues, golems,
and other mindless creations do not fear death and thus do not make morale checks. The same is true of
unintelligent un-dead such as zombies and skeletons.

Roll Result
Mighty Your opponent sees through your feigned bravado. All the beating on your chest and stomping
Fumble of your feet leaves you looking like a fool and open for attack. Your opponent automatically
lands a critical hit on you as well as knocking you to the ground. You are considered prone and
must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 Your opponent second guesses decision to fight you and must make a morale check ( DC 13
Will save). Failed Check: Enemy will flee from combat for 1 round per warrior level. Success-
ful Check: Enemy continues fighting but suffers a -2 on next attack roll.
4 Your opponent looks really worried and must make a morale check ( DC 14 Will save). Failed
Check: Enemy will flee from combat for 1 round per warrior level. Successful Check: Enemy
continues fighting but suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls for the remainder of the fight.
5 Your opponent is scared and must make a morale check ( DC 15 Will save). Failed Check:
Enemy will flee from combat for 1 round per warrior level. Successful Check: Enemy contin-
ues fighting but suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls for the remainder of the fight.
6 Your opponent is terrified and must make a morale check ( DC 16 Will save). Failed Check:
Enemy will flee from combat for 1 round per warrior level. Successful Check: Enemy falls
to his knees begging for mercy and wets himself. Melee attacks against a kneeling opponent
receive a +2 bonus
7+ Your opponent is scared stiff and must make a morale check ( DC 17 Will save). Failed
Check: Enemy soils himself and is literally scared stiff. Foe is considered helpless for 1 round
per level of warrior. Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Successful
Check: Enemy will flee from combat for 1 round per warrior level.
Mighty You are a terror to behold. Opponent is petrified and unable to move. You may strike foe dead
Critical at your leisure.

Sever Arm
(Slashing Weapons)
“Conan’s action was a blur of speed...his sword, flashing like a jet of white lightning, sheared through one of those
massive arms between shoulder and elbow. A great spout of blood deluged the sward as the severed member fell,
twitching horribly...”
Robert E. Howard: Iron Shadows in the Moon


Your savage slash severs one of your opponent’s arms (tentacle, appendage, limb, etc.)

Roll Result
Mighty You over extend yourself. The force of your wild swing results in a dislocated shoulder rendering your weapon
Fumble arm useless until healed. You also somehow manage to strike yourself as your momentum swings you around
360 degrees in a pirouette of failure. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and
table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a prone character receive a +2
3 You slash tendons in your opponent’s limb. On next attack, opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty. Humanoid
creature with a weapon must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll or drop weapon. An action must be
used to pick up dropped weapon.
4 You carve a nice size chunk out of your opponent’s triceps. Humanoid creature with a weapon drops its weapon
and must use an action to pick it up. Both humanoids and monsters suffer a -2 on all future attack rolls due to
the pain until healed.
5 You sever your opponent’s bicep causing the muscle to snap back into shoulder like an elastic band. Opponent
must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage total. Failed Save: Opponent can no longer use limb to attack or
hold weapon/shield until healed. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls until healed.
6 Bones splinter and tendons part as you slash through your opponent’s elbow. If opponent does not have elbow,
blow still renders limb useless. Blow causes 1d7 points of additional damage. Opponent must make a Fort save
against warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d7 in total). Failed Save: Opponent can no longer use limb to
attack or hold weapon/shield until healed. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -4 on all future attack rolls until
7+ You sever your opponent’s arm. Roll a 1d3 for result:

(1) Arm severed at wrist.

(2) Arm severed at elbow.
(3) Arm severed at shoulder.

Each round opponent takes an extra 1d8 bleeding damage and a temporary loss of 2 Stamina points until either
healed or a DC 15 Fort save is made. Opponent falls prone and must spend next attack action to stand. Melee
attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Mighty Your blow completely severs limb with such force it is removed from the body in a bloody mess, flying through
Critical the air 1d10+5 feet away. You immediately follow through with a second attack severing the other limb with
equal effect. You pause to admire your own personal version of the Venus De Milo as foe falls to the ground
bleeding to death.

Sever Leg
(Slashing Weapons)
“Catlike Conan wheeled and thrust murderously for Demetrio’s groin. The Inquisitor’s instinctive recoil barely
deflected the point which sank into his thigh, glanced from the bone and ploughed out through the outer side of
the leg. Demetrio went to his knee with a groan, unnerved and nauseated with agony.”
- Robert E. Howard: The God in the Bowl


You aim your attack low slashing under your opponent’s guard severing one of your foe’s legs.

Roll Result
Mighty You smash your weapon against the ground where it ricochets back in your face severing your ear clean off in the
Fumble process. You fall prone and take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. If you
wield a mundane weapon it is ruined. Magical weapons are not destroyed but land 1d10+5 feet away. You are
considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks on a prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 You slice open your opponent’s calf muscle. On next attack, opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty from loss of
4 You open a grisly cut in your opponent’s upper leg. Opponent suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls until healed.
Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage total. Failure means the opponent is knocked prone
and must spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
5 You slash your opponent across the hamstring severing tendons. Opponent is reduced to moving at ½ speed,
loses any Agility bonus to AC and suffers a -3 on all future attack rolls until healed. Opponent falls prone and
must spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
6 You gash your opponent in the knee cutting through all surrounding cartilage and muscle. Opponent can only
crawl at 5 movement speed and loses any Agility bonus to AC until healed. Blow causes 1d7 points of additional
damage. Opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s damage total (include extra 1d7 in total). Failed
Save: Opponent falls to the ground screaming in pain and is considered helpless for 2d3 rounds. Melee attacks
against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -4 on all future attack
rolls until healed, falls prone to the ground in pain and must spend next attack action stand. Melee attacks
against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ You sever your opponent’s leg. Roll 1d3 for result:

(1) Leg severed at ankle.

(2) Leg severed at knee.
(3) Leg severed at hip.

Each round opponent takes an extra 1d8 bleeding damage and a temporary loss of 2 Stamina points until either
healed or a DC 15 Fort save is made. Opponent is no longer able to stand and can only crawl at 5 movement
speed, loses any Agility bonus to AC and suffers a -1d to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a legless opponent
receive a +1d bonus.
Mighty Your blow completely severs opponent’s leg with such force it is removed from the body in a bloody mess, flying
Critical through the air for 1d10+5 feet. You immediately follow through with a second attack severing the other leg
with equal effect. Looks like somebody needs a chair or better yet a coffin.

“Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Warrior wields his blade with might,
because he knows the deed to be done... Let him who hath understanding reckon
the number of the deed for it is a human number, its number is anything three
and above.”
- Anonymous, “Ode to The Maiden in Iron”

Shield Bash
“Claws caught the rim of his shield, but Gath had anticipated the tactic. Before the animal could plant its hind
feet on the ground to haul the shield aside, he dropped his axe and sank into a low crouch, pulling both shield
and animal toward him and driving the butt end of the shield up under the cat. He caught the full weight of
the leopard on the face of the shield and heaved the animal back over his head into the shadowy interior of the
- James Silke: Tooth and Claw


You slam your shield into your opponent with thunderous force. In addition to the normal shield
bash damage your attack may knockdown, disarm or knockout your foe.

Roll Result
Mighty You misstep as you strike landing your blow at an awkward angle destroying both your shield and your
Fumble arm before you go spinning to the ground. Your shield arm is broken and useless until healed. During
the fall you somehow manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using
your crit die and table. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Attacks against a
prone character receive a +2 bonus. Magical shields are not sundered but land 1d10+5 feet away and
require an action to retrieve it.
3 Your shield slams into opponent’s torso and bruises rib cage. In addition to the normal shield bash
damage, opponent stumbles desperately trying to catch his breath. On next attack, opponent suffers a
-2 attack penalty.
4 Your shield sweeps into your opponent catching them off-guard. Humanoid creature with a weapon
must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll or drop weapon. An action must be used to pick up
dropped weapon. In addition to the normal shield bash damage, opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty
on next attack from lack of balance.
5 You bring your shield down hard crushing your opponent’s knee. In addition to the normal shield
bash damage, opponent suffers a -2 on all future attack rolls until healed. Opponent is also knocked
prone and must spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2
6 You smash your shield into your opponent’s face. In addition to the normal shield bash damage,
foe loses 1d6 teeth and must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is
stunned for 1d3+1 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a
stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent is considered prone and must spend
next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
7+ You drive the top of your shield directly under your opponent’s chin shattering foe’s jaw. In addition
to the normal shield bash damage, opponent is stunned for 2d4 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2
penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus.
Mighty You shield bash opponent in the midsection causing foe to buckle over, then you follow through with a
Critical viscous strike as you slam the edge of your shield down on the back of your foe’s neck. Your opponent
collapses to the ground in wide eyed horror, paralyzed from the shoulders down.

Stand Your Ground
(Unmounted Warrior VS Mounted Opponent)
“The first horsemen were upon them, hooves striking sparks as they drew rein....Kane’s knife caught one rider in the throat, spilling
him from the saddle.... Angry faces snarled down at him as the horsemen pressed in. Kane parried one blow, hamstrung the horse as it
bolted past. Its rider died as he fell. Another horse screamed and fell, hamstrung from behind. Its rider vaulted clear, landed heav-
ily. Steel flashed low to the ground and the mercenary’s head rolled free....Kane lunged for the horseman nearest him. Stunned, the
Waldann remembered his shield an instant too late. Kane’s upward thrust disemboweled him....Two horsemen remained. Kane went
for them, but they had had enough. They bolted past him, driving for the gate. One of the riders made it. His hoofbeats clattered for a
long while up the winding roadway.”
- Karl Edward Wagner: Lynortis Reprise


An unmounted warrior delivers a blow with such force and skill against a mounted enemy it sends the
rider tumbling from his saddle.

Roll Result
Mighty Big mistake! You stumble and fall directly into the path of the charging mount. Take 2d6 points of damage as you are
Fumble trampled. For every damage die that comes up a 6, you break a bone. For each broken bone, the character permanently
loses 1 point of Strength or Agility (player’s choice). The affected limb, rib, or vertebrae never heals quite right and affects the
character in some fashion from then on. In addition to the damage, you also manage to strike yourself. Take normal damage
plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table.
3 Your blow unbalances rider. Rider must make a DC 13 Agility check. Failed Check: Rider is thrown from mount and suf-
fers an additional 1d4 damage from fall. An opponent flung from a mount is considered prone and must spend next action
to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. Successful Check: Rider remains on mount but suffers
a -2 attack penalty on next attack.
4 Your blow spooks mount into a bucking frenzy. Rider immediately drops weapon and must make a DC 14 Agility check.
Failed Check: Rider is thrown from mount and suffers an additional 1d4+1 damage from fall. An opponent flung from a
mount is considered prone and must spend next action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Successful Check: Rider remains on mount but suffers a -2 attack penalty on next attack.
5 You blast rider in chest, flipping foe over backwards onto his head. Opponent suffers an additional 1d4+2 damage from
fall. Rider loses weapon and is considered stunned for the next 1d4 rounds. A stunned creature suffers a -2 penalty to at-
tack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. Opponent must spend an action to pick up dropped
6 Your blow hits both mount and rider, severing the beast’s spine. Both rider and mount go crashing to the ground in a
jumbled heap. Mount is instantly killed. Opponent suffers an additional 1d4+3 damage from fall. In addition, rider loses
weapon and is pinned under fallen mount. A pinned victim can attempt to escape once per round by making a DC 16
Strength check. A pinned opponent is considered entangled and suffers a -1d to attack rolls. Attacks against a pinned op-
ponent receive a +1d bonus.
7+ In one terrific and awe inspiring maneuver you unseat rider and vault onto his mount. Rider goes crashing to the ground
and the mount is now yours. Opponent suffers an additional 1d4+4 damage from fall. Rider loses weapon and is considered
stunned for the next 1d4 rounds. A stunned creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned
creature receive a +2 bonus. Opponent must spend an action to pick up dropped weapon.
Mighty Nothing can stand in your way! In one terrific strike you send both rider and mount to their doom as they tumble end over
Critical end in a horrific crash. When the dust settles you bear witness to a heap of twisted limbs and ruined flesh as both rider and
mount are indistinguishable in the carnage.

Subdual Weapon Knockout
(Subdual Damage Attacks)
“He hammered the dagger from Gath’s hand, kicked him in the chest spinning him around. Then, deliberately
using the flat of his blade, he struck him across the back driving him face first into the door and laughed again.
Gath, stunned, hung against the door supporting himself...”
- James Silke: The Prisoner of the Horned Helmet


Using either the flat of your blade, pommel of your sword or a subdual damage dealing weapon,
you knock your opponent unconscious.

Roll Result
Mighty You’re doing it wrong. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table as you strike
Fumble yourself on the way to the ground. You are considered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks
against a prone character receive a +2 bonus. If you wield a mundane weapon it is ruined. Magical weapons are
not sundered but land 1d10+5 feet away and require an action to retrieve it.
3 You bring the flat of your blade down on your opponent. Roll subdual damage. If subdual damage does not
drop opponent below 0 hit points, opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s subdual damage total.
Failure means foe is knocked unconscious for 1 round. Unconscious opponents are considered helpless. Melee
attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect.
There is a 40% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
4 You strike your opponent on the top of the head. Roll subdual damage. If subdual damage does not drop
opponent below 0 hit points, opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s subdual damage total. Failure
means foe is knocked unconscious for 1d3 rounds. Unconscious opponents are considered helpless. Melee at-
tacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect.
There is a 45% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
5 You smash your opponent in the face. Roll subdual damage. If subdual damage does not drop opponent below
0 hit points, opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s subdual damage total. Failure means foe is
knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds. Unconscious opponents are considered helpless. Melee attacks against a
helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 55%
chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
6 You slam your weapon against the side of your opponent’s head. Roll subdual damage. If subdual damage does
not drop opponent below 0 hit points, opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s subdual damage total.
Failure means foe is knocked unconscious for 1d5 rounds. Unconscious opponents are considered helpless.
Melee attacks against a helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no
effect. There is a 65% chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
7+ You crack your opponent between the eyes. Roll subdual damage. If subdual damage does not drop opponent
below 0 hit points, opponent must make a Fort save against warrior’s subdual damage total. Failure means foe is
knocked unconscious for 1d6 rounds. Unconscious opponents are considered helpless. Melee attacks against a
helpless opponent receive a +1d bonus. If opponent is wearing a helmet the deed has no effect. There is a 75%
chance opponent’s helmet is knocked off from the blow.
Mighty Say good night! You knock your opponent out cold for a good 10 minutes.

Throw Shield
“Instinctively, the Barbarian swung around, hammering with the flat of his shield, and bought himself a little
- James Silke: The Prisoner of the Horned Helmet


As an act of desperation or an attempt to surprise your foe, you hurl your shield at your oppo-
nent. The attack may result in the shield being sundered.

Roll Result
Mighty Bad idea! You lose control of your shield, striking yourself and sending it straight backwards 15 feet.
Fumble Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. In addition, roll an at-
tack against the first being (friend or foe) within 15 feet of your backside. Your shield is sundered. A
sundered shield is shattered or broken and cannot be used. Magical shields are not sundered but land
1d10+5 feet away and require an action to retrieve it.
3 You throw your shield striking your opponent with a glancing blow. Opponent takes normal shield
bash damage and suffers a -2 attack penalty on next attack. In order to retrieve your shield you must
an action to do so. There is a 30% chance your shield is sundered. A sundered shield is shattered or
broken and cannot be used. Magic shields are not sundered.
4 You toss your shield striking your opponent with a solid blow. Opponent takes normal shield bash
damage and suffers a -4 attack penalty on next attack. In order to retrieve your shield you must spend
an action to do so. There is a 25% chance your shield is sundered. A sundered shield is shattered or
broken and cannot be used. Magic shields are not sundered.
5 You hurl your shield catching your opponent by surprise. Opponent takes normal shield bash damage
and must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is knocked prone and
must spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Successful Save: Opponent suffers a -6 attack penalty on next attack. In order to retrieve your shield
you must spend an action to do so. There is a 20% chance your shield is sundered. A sundered shield
is shattered or broken and cannot be used. Magic shields are not sundered.
6 You heave your shield smashing your opponent in the head. Opponent takes 2x shield bash dam-
age and must make a Ref save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is stunned for 1d3
rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature
receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent is considered prone and must spend an action to
stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. In order to retrieve your shield you
must spend an action to do so. There is a 15% chance your weapon is sundered. A sundered shield is
shattered or broken and cannot be used. Magic shields are not sundered.
7+ You launch your shield striking your opponent in the face with a resounding blow! Opponent takes
2x damage and is stunned for 2d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee
attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. In order to retrieve your shield you must spend
an action to do so. There is a 10% chance your shield is sundered. A sundered shield is shattered or
broken and cannot be used. Magic shields are not sundered.
Mighty Your shield streaks through the air like a discus catching your opponent across the neck. Foe collapses
Critical to the ground with a severed jugular, dying in a spreading pool of blood.
Throw Weapon
“Conan hesitated; then without warning he threw his sword. Caught off guard, Thugra Khotan had no time to
avoid the cast. The point struck beneath his heart and stood out a foot behind his shoulders.”
- Robert E. Howard: Black Colossus


As an act of desperation or an attempt to surprise your foe you throw a non-ranged melee weapon (i.e. sword, mace, battleaxe)
at your opponent. The attack may cause massive injury but may also result in the weapon being sundered.

Roll Result
Mighty Bad idea! You lose control of your weapon, striking yourself and sending it straight backwards 15 feet. Take normal dam-
Fumble age plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. In addition, roll an attack against the first being (friend or foe)
within 15 feet of your backside. Your weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be used (except as an improvised weapon).
Magic weapons are not sundered but land 1d10+5 feet away and require an action to retrieve it.
3 You throw your weapon striking your opponent with a glancing blow. Opponent takes normal weapon damage and suf-
fers a -2 attack penalty on next attack. In order to retrieve your weapon you must spend an action to do so. There is a 30%
chance your weapon is sundered. A sundered weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be used (except as an improvised
weapon). Magic weapons are not sundered.
4 You toss your weapon striking your opponent with a solid blow. Opponent takes normal weapon damage and suffers
a -4 attack penalty on next attack. In order to retrieve your weapon you must spend an action to do so. There is a 25%
chance your weapon is sundered. A sundered weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be used (except as an improvised
weapon). Magic weapons are not sundered.
5 You hurl your weapon catching your opponent by surprise. Opponent takes normal weapon damage and is knocked
prone. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. In order to retrieve your weapon you must spend an
action to do so. There is a 20% chance your weapon is sundered. A sundered weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be
used (except as an improvised weapon). Magic weapons are not sundered.
6 You heave your weapon smashing your opponent in the chest. Opponent takes 2x weapon damage and must make a Ref
save against warrior’s attack roll. Failed Save: Opponent is stunned for 1d3 rounds. Stunned opponent’s suffer a -2 pen-
alty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned opponent receive a +2 bonus. Successful Save: Opponent is considered
prone and must spend next attack action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus. In order
to retrieve your weapon you must spend an action to do so. There is a 15% chance your weapon is sundered. A sundered
weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be used (except as an improvised weapon). Magic weapons are not sundered.
7+ You launch your weapon striking your opponent with a solid blow!

(B) Weapon strikes foe in the face knocking out 1d10 teeth.
(P) Weapon is embedded in foe’s chest.
(S) Weapon slashes foe’s throat.

Opponent takes 2x weapon damage and is stunned for 2d3 rounds. Stunned creatures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2 bonus. In order to retrieve your weapon you must spend an action
to do so. There is a 10% chance your weapon is sundered. A sundered weapon is shattered or broken and cannot be used
(except as an improvised weapon). Magic weapons are not sundered.
Mighty You catapult your weapon with deadly force and accuracy.
(B) Weapon strikes opponent in the head caving in foe’s skull.
(P) Weapon is embedded in opponent’s chest piercing foe’s heart.
(S) Weapon decapitates foe and sends head sailing 1d10+5 feet through the air.

Opponent is dead. In order to retrieve your weapon you must spend an action to do so.

Trips and Throws*
“But on the turret stood a wild barbaric figure, half naked, blood-stained, brandishing a great sword. And from the multitude rose a
roar that rocked the towers, “The king! It is the king!”
Arpello stood transfixed; then with a cry he drew and leaped at Conan. With a lion-like roar the Cimmerian parried the whistling
blade, then dropping his own sword, gripped the prince and heaved him high above his head by crotch and neck.
“Take your plots to hell with you!” he roared, and like a sack of salt, he hurled the prince of Pellia far out to fall through empty space
for a hundred and fifty feet. The people gave back as the body came hurtling down, to smash on the marble pave, splattering blood
and brains, and lie crushed in its splintered armor, like a mangled beetle.”
- Robert E. Howard: The Scarlet Citadel


Trips and throws include any attempt to knock an enemy off its feet. Whether it’s hooking an enemy’s leg, stabbing
a kneecap, knocking an opponent off-balance, hurling an enemy away, sweeping an enemy’s legs, or some other
maneuver, these Deeds allow the warrior to knock an enemy prone, limit his movement, and potentially keep him

Roll Result
Mighty Your feet get tangled and you hit the ground hard, shattering your jaw and leaving you unable
Fumble to speak above a whisper until healed. During the fall you somehow manage to strike yourself.
Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself using your crit die and table. You are consid-
ered prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a prone character receive a
+2 bonus.
3 The warrior can knock an enemy off-balance. The enemy gets a Ref save against the warrior’s
attack roll. Failure means the enemy is knocked prone and must spend its next attack action
standing up. Remember that melee attacks against a prone opponent receive a +4 bonus.
4 Against a normal human-sized opponent, the warrior automatically knocks the target prone.
Creatures up to 50% larger than the warrior or those that are quadrupedal or otherwise sure-
footed receive a Ref save to avoid being knocked prone.
5 A human-sized opponent is knocked down and thrown up to 10 feet away. Creatures up to
twice the size of the warrior can be knocked down, but they receive a Ref save to avoid being
knocked prone.
6 A creature up to twice the size of the warrior can be thrown up to 10 feet away automatically.
Additionally, the warrior can use his next action to continue to pin down the opponent, forc-
ing him to remain prone. Exceptionally strong opponents may be able to make an opposed
Strength check to stand up.
7+ As above, and the warrior can trip or throw creatures that seem far too large to be affected.
Mighty As above, except creatures are considered stunned for 1 round per warrior level. Stunned crea-
Critical tures suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Melee attacks against a stunned creature receive a +2

* This Deed originally appears in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game core rulebook and is
reprinted here for ease of reference.
Whirlwind Attack
(Two-Handed Weapons)
“A stride short of the waiting spear tips, he planted his foot and, pivoting on it, swung his axe in a wide sweeping arc. The blade
carved a half moon out of the spears...His axe was back over his head, coming down fast. This time it fed itself on meat and bone.
Slavers fell spouting blood from necks, chests and arms. Blue- grey bodies writhed in wet fountains. The axe kept at its task as a howl
of savage pleasure rang out from the horned helmet.”
- James Silke: The Prisoner of the Horned Helmet


When being surrounded by multiple foes you become a whirlwind of death striking one or more opponents with
the same attack so long as they are within melee range. A warrior need not make another attack or damage roll
regardless of the number of opponents indicated by the deed die. Simply use the original attack roll against all
indicated opponents within range. If the original attack roll is sufficient to beat the new opponent’s AC, apply the
original damage roll as well.

Example: A warrior surrounded by enemies successfully hits his opponent with an attack roll of 15 and rolls a 6
on the Whirlwind Deed, dealing a total of 9pts of damage. Because the deed die was a 6, the warrior has also at-
tacked all opponents in melee range within 360 degrees of the warrior. If the original attack roll of 15 is sufficient
to beat any of the new opponents AC, they suffer 9pts of damage as well.

Roll Result
Mighty Whoops! You end up striking yourself before spinning to the ground. Take normal damage plus roll a crit on yourself
Fumble using your crit die and table. In addition, you are prone and must use an action to stand. Melee attacks against a
prone character receive a +2 bonus.
3 The force of your blow carries through and you are able to strike a second opponent that is within range. Apply the
original attack roll to a second opponent within melee range. If the original attack roll is sufficient to beat the new
opponent’s AC, apply the original damage as well.
4 You can strike up to three opponents within range with your mighty swing. Apply the original attack roll to a maxi-
mum of three opponents within melee range. If the original attack roll is sufficient to beat any of the new opponent’s
AC, apply the original damage as well.
5 You cut a swath of destruction before you, striking up to four opponents within range. Apply the original attack roll
to a maximum of four opponents within melee range. If the original attack roll is sufficient to beat any of the new
opponent’s AC, apply the original damage as well.
6 You and your weapon become a whirlwind of doom! All opponents in range within 360 degrees of the warrior are
attacked. Apply the original attack roll to all opponent’s within 360 degrees of the warrior. If the original attack roll is
sufficient to beat any of the new opponent’s AC, apply the original damage as well.
7+ You and your weapon become a cyclone of death! All opponents in range within 360 degrees of the warrior are at-
tacked. Apply the original attack roll to all opponents within 360 degrees of the warrior. If the original attack roll
is sufficient to beat any of the new opponent’s AC, apply the original damage as well. In addition, all opponents hit
must make a Ref check against warrior’s attack roll or fall prone. Prone opponents must use an action to stand. Melee
attacks against a prone opponent receive a +2 bonus.
Mighty You are more deadly than a whirling ball of butcher knives! You strike dead your first opponent and successfully score
Critical a crit on all other opponents in range within 360 degrees, as they go toppling over like scattered sticks before a storm.
Roll a crit using your crit die and table for all opponents in melee range within 360 degrees of the warrior. Bards will
sing of this battle for years to come.

Appendix A: Condition Modifiers
Condition Attack Roll Modifier

Melee Missile Fire

Attacker is...
Invisible +2 -
On higher ground +1 -
Squeezing through a tight space -1d -1d
Entangled (in a net or other- -1d -1d
Using an untrained or impro- -1d -1d
vised weapon
Stunned -2 -2
Firing a missile into melee* - -1
Defender is...
Behind cover -2 -2
Blinded +2 +2
Entangled +1d -1d
Helpless (paralyzed, sleeping, +1d +1d
Prone, kneeling or sitting +2 -2
Stunned +2 +2

* 50% chance of striking an ally if attack misses.

Appendix B: Optional Rules

Strength of Opponent and Mighty Deeds
The following method for calculating a warrior’s mighty deed result is for those judges who run an
even more gritty and dangerous game, where any encounter could be the characters last and combat
with overly powerful enemies is a sure way to get yourself killed. After all, if the characters decide
they want to charge a dragon at 2nd-level, let them suffer the consequences. When calculating a
warrior’s Mighty Deed of Arms result, the strength of the opponent is factored into the overall suc-
cess of the deed attempted. Therefore a warrior’s mighty deed attempt does not only factor in the
skill level of the warrior, but the strength (HD level) of the opponent as well, better reflecting the
dire situation a warrior finds himself when battling a powerful enemy.

Strength of Opponent Modifier
Subtract 1 from a warrior’s mighty deed roll for every 2 full Hit Dice levels an opponent exceeds the
warrior’s current level. The amount subtracted only affects the deed result not the attack or damage
modifiers. See table on next page.

Example #1: A 4th-level warrior attempts a mighty deed against a 6HD-Minotaur. When calculat-
ing the warrior’s deed result subtract 1 from the deed die roll, as the Minotaur’s HD exceeds the
warrior’s level by 2. Therefore a D6 -1 is rolled, in this situation the best the warrior can hope for is
a 5 on their deed result.
Remember, the amount subtracted does not affect attack or damage modifiers, only deed results.
The original number rolled is still used to calculate damage and attack modifiers.

Example #2: A 6th-level warrior attempts a deed against a 17HD-Cloud Giant. When calculating
the warrior’s deed result subtract 5 from the deed die roll, as the Cloud Giant’s HD exceeds the war-
rior’s level by 11.
Therefore a D8 -5 is rolled, in this situation the best the warrior can hope for is a 3 on their deed
result. Remember, the amount subtracted does not affect attack or damage modifiers, only deed
results. The original number rolled is still used to calculate damage and attack modifiers.

Example #3: A 2nd-level warrior attempts a deed against a 12-HD Giant Scorpion. When calculat-
ing the warrior’s deed result subtract 5 from the deed die roll, as the Giant Scorpion’s HD exceeds
the warrior’s level by 10. Therefore a D4-5 is rolled, in this situation the warrior is completely
outmatched and would be unable to successfully score a mighty deed against such an overly pow-
erful opponent, save for a mighty critical which disregards strength of opponent. Remember, the
amount subtracted does not affect attack or damage modifiers, only deed results. The original num-
ber rolled is still used to calculate damage and attack modifiers.

Mighty Fumble and Mighty Critical

Mighty Fumbles and Mighty Criticals are not affected by strength of opponent. A Mighty Fumble
still occurs when a natural roll of 1 is made on both your attack die and deed die and a Mighty
Critical still occurs when successfully scoring a critical hit with your attack die and rolling the high-
est possible number on your deed die. There should always be the chance for a David and Goliath
moment in any encounter, where the unfathomable happens and a legend is born.

Mighty Deed Modifier by Opponent HD
Cross-check warrior level with opponent HD level and subtract number indicated from the deed
die result only. Attack and damage modifiers are not affected.

ND = No Deed possible. Only allow for Mighty Critical and Mighty Fumble.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 — — — — — — — — — —
2 — — — — — — — — — —
3 ND — — — — — — — — —
4 ND -1 — — — — — — — —
5 ND -1 -1 — — — — — — —
6 ND ND -1 -1 — — — — — —
7 ND ND -2 -1 -1 — — — — —
8 ND ND -2 -2 -1 -1 — — — —
9 ND ND ND -2 -2 -1 -1 — — —
10 ND ND ND -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 — —
11 ND ND ND -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 —
12 ND ND ND ND -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1

13 ND ND ND ND -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1
14 ND ND ND ND -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2
15 ND ND ND ND ND -4 -4 -3 -3 -2
16 ND ND ND ND ND -5 -4 -4 -3 -3
17 ND ND ND ND ND -5 -5 -4 -4 -3
18 ND ND ND ND ND ND -5 -5 -4 -4
19 ND ND ND ND ND ND -6 -5 -5 -4
20 ND ND ND ND ND ND -6 -6 -5 -5
21 ND ND ND ND ND ND -7 -6 -6 -5
22 ND ND ND ND ND ND -7 -7 -6 -6
23 ND ND ND ND ND ND -8 -7 -7 -6
24 ND ND ND ND ND ND -8 -8 -7 -7
25 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -8 -8 -7
26 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -9 -8 -8
27 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -9 -9 -8
28 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -9 -9
29 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -10 -9
30 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -10 -10
Appendix C: Blank Mighty Deeds Record

Deed Name:________________________________________


ROLL Result



Appendix D: Deeds by Weapon
Unarmed: Blinding Attacks, Defensive Fighting, Arm, Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal Organs,
Disarming Attacks, Grappling Holds/Chokes, Pin Opponent, Precision Shot, Rallying Ma-
Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage, Rallying Ma- neuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Stand Your Ground,
neuvers, Kick, Punch, Pushbacks, Scare/Intimi- Trips & Throws
date, Trips & Throws
Dagger: Bind & Strike, Bleeding Strike, Blind-
Battleaxe: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, ing Attacks, Defensive Fighting, Defensive
Death From Above, Decapitating Strike, De- Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Disarming
fensive Fighting, Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick,
Creature’s Wing, Disarming Attacks, Headbutt, Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm, Paralyze Leg,
Howling Fury/Rage, Kick, Muting Strike, Push- Pierce Internal Organs, Pin Opponent, Punch,
backs, Rallying Maneuvers, Rend Armor, Scare/ Pushbacks, Precision Shot, Rallying Maneuvers,
Intimidate, Sever Arm, Sever Leg, Stand Your Scare/Intimidate, Stand Your Ground, Trips &
Ground, Subdual Weapon Knockout, Throw Throws
Weapon, Trips & Throws, Whirlwind Attack
Dart: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, Defen-
Blackjack: Blinding Attacks, Defensive Fight- sive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Dis-
ing, Disarming Attacks, Headbutt, Howling arming Attacks, Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm,
Fury/Rage, Kick, Muting Strike, Punch, Push- Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal Organs, Pin Oppo-
backs, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimidate, nent, Precision Shot, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/
Subdual Weapon Knockout, Trips & Throw Intimidate, Trips & Throws

Blowgun: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, Flail: Blinding Attacks, Cripple Arm, Cripple
Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Leg, Death From Above, Defensive Fighting,
Disarming Attacks, Muting Strike, Paralyze Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing,
Arm, Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal Organs, Pin Disarming Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/
Opponent, Precision Shot, Rallying Maneuvers, Rage, Kick, Muting Strike, Punch, Pushbacks,
Scare/Intimidate, Trips & Throws Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Stand
Your Ground, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws
Club: Bind & Strike, Blinding Attacks, Cripple
Arm, Cripple Leg, Death From Above, Defen- Garrote: Defensive Fighting, Defensive Maneu-
sive Fighting, Defensive Maneuvers, Disable vers, Headbutt, Kick, Muting Strike, Punch,
Creature’s Wing, Disarming Attacks, Head- Pushbacks, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/In-
butt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick, Muting Strike, timidate, Subdual Weapon Knockout, Trips &
Punch, Pushbacks, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/ Throws
Intimidate, Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weap-
on Knockout, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws Handaxe: Bind & Strike, Bleeding Strike,
Blinding Attacks, Death From Above, Decapi-
Crossbow: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, tating Strike , Defensive Fighting, Defensive
Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Disarm-
Disarming Attacks, Muting Strike, Paralyze ing Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage,
Kick, Muting Strike, Pin Opponent, Punch, Mace: Bind & Strike, Blinding Attacks, Cripple
Pushbacks, Precision Shot, Rallying Maneuvers, Arm, Cripple Leg, Death From Above, Defen-
Scare/Intimidate, Sever Arm, Sever Leg, sive Fighting, Defensive Maneuvers, Disable
Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weapon Knock- Creature’s Wing, Disarming Attacks, Head-
out, Trips & Throws butt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick, Muting Strike,
Punch, Pushbacks, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/
Javeline: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, Intimidate, Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weap-
Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, on Knockout, Throw Weapon,
Disarming Attacks, Howling Fury/Rage, Muting Trips & Throws
Strike, Paralyze Arm, Paralyze Leg, Pierce Inter-
nal Organs, Pin Opponent, Pushbacks, Precision Polearm: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks,
Shot, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Decapitating Strike, Defensive Fighting, Defen-
Stand Your Ground, Trips & Throws sive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Dis-
arming Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage,
Lance: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, Death Kick, Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm, Paralyze
From Above, Defensive Fighting, Defensive Leg, Pierce Internal Organs, Punch, Pushbacks,
Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Disarm- Rallying Maneuvers, Rend Armor, Scare/Intimi-
ing Attacks, Howling Fury/Rage, Jousting At- date, Sever Arm, Sever Leg, Stand Your Ground,
tack, Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm, Paralyze Leg, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws, Whirlwind
Pierce Internal Organs, Pin Opponent, Push- Attack
backs, Rallying Maneuvers, Rend Armor, Scare/
Intimidate, Sever Arm, Sever Leg, Shield Bash, Shield: Blinding Attacks, Defensive Fighting,
Trips & Throws Defensive Maneuvers, Disarming Attacks, Head-
butt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick, Muting Strike,
Longbow: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, Pushbacks, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimi-
Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, date, Shield Bash, Subdual Weapon Knockout,
Disarming Attacks, Muting Strike, Paralyze Throw Shield, Trips & Throws
Arm, Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal Organs,
Pin Opponent, Precision Shot, Rallying Ma- Shortbow: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks,
neuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Stand Your Ground, Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing,
Trips & Throws Disarming Attacks, Muting Strike, Paralyze
Arm, Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal Organs,
Longsword: Bind & Strike, Bleeding Strike, Pin Opponent, Precision Shot, Rallying Ma-
Blinding Attacks, Death From Above, Decapi- neuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Stand Your Ground,
tating Strike, Defensive Fighting, Defensive Trips & Throws
Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Disarming
Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick, Short Sword: Bind & Strike, Bleeding Strike,
Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm, Paralyze Leg, Blinding Attacks, Death From Above, Decapi-
Pierce Internal Organs, Punch, Pushbacks, Ral- tating Strike, Defensive Fighting, Defensive
lying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Sever Arm, Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Disarming
Sever Leg, Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weapon Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick,
Knockout, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm, Paralyze Leg,
Pierce Internal Organs, Punch, Pushbacks, Ral-
lying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimidate, Sever Arm, backs, Rallying Maneuvers, Rend Armor, Scare/
Sever Leg, Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weapon Intimidate, Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weap-
Knockout, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws on Knockout, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws,
Whirlwind Attack
Sling: Blinding Attacks, Cripple Arm, Cripple
Leg, Defensive Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Two-Handed Sword: Bleeding Strike, Blinding
Wing, Disarming Attacks, Muting Strike, Preci- Attacks, Death From Above, Decapitating Strike,
sion Shot, Rallying Maneuvers, Scare/Intimi- Defensive Fighting, Defensive Maneuvers, Dis-
date, Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weapon able Creature’s Wing, Disarming Attacks, Head-
Knockout, Trips & Throws butt, Howling Fury/Rage, Kick, Muting Strike,
Paralyze Arm, Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal
Spear: Bleeding Strike, Blinding Attacks, Death Organs, Pushbacks, Rallying Maneuvers, Rend
From Above, Defensive Fighting, Defensive Armor, Scare/Intimidate, Sever Arm, Sever Leg,
Maneuvers, Disable Creature’s Wing, Disarming Stand Your Ground, Subdual Weapon Knock-
Attacks, Headbutt, Howling Fury/Rage, Joust- out, Throw Weapon, Trips & Throws, Whirl-
ing Attack, Kick, Muting Strike, Paralyze Arm, wind Attack
Paralyze Leg, Pierce Internal Organs, Pin Oppo-
nent, Pushbacks, Preci- War Hammer: Blinding Attacks, Bone
sion Shot, Rallying Crusher, Cripple Arm,
Maneuvers, Scare/ Cripple Leg, Death
Intimidate, Stand From Above, De-
Your Ground, fensive Fighting,
Trips & Throws, Defensive Ma-
Whirlwind At- neuvers, Disable
tack Creature’s Wing,
Disarming At-
Staff: Blinding tacks,
Attacks, Bone Headbutt,
Crusher, Cripple Howling Fury/
Arm, Cripple Rage, Kick,
Leg, Defensive Muting Strike,
Fighting, Pulverize In-
Defensive Ma- ternal Organs,
neuvers, Disable Pushbacks, Ral-
Creature’s Wing, lying Maneuvers,
Disarming At- Rend Armor,
tacks, Flurry of Scare/Intimi-
Blows, Headbutt, date, Stand Your
Howling Fury/ Ground, Subdual
Rage, Kick, Mut- Weapon Knock-
ing Strike, Pul- out, Throw Weapon,
verize Internal Trips & Throws, Whirlwind
Organs, Push- Attack
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The warrior is the cornerstone of any adventuring party. Rushing to meet
insurmountable odds head on, face to face with dangerous enemies and loath-
some creatures. Armed with steel and fury, a warrior does the dirty work up
close and personal, with grisly effect. Yet in the gaming world, outside of a
lucky critical hit, this doesn’t always seem to translate well. With Steel and Fury
combat becomes more than simply standing toe to toe and following the pat-
tern of...I go.

Combat becomes dynamic and fluid, with combatants taking advantage of

tactics and their surroundings. But most of all combat becomes dangerous and
in the hands of a skilled warrior combat becomes downright deadly. Now with
the use of Steel and Fury, warriors become even more deadly and rightfully so.
Showcasing mastery over the weapons they wield by delivering devastating at-
tacks and using the environment to execute precise and skillful maneuvers.

The following Mighty Deeds of Arms are torn straight from the bloody pages
of Appendix N material for use by warriors as they quest for gold and glory. Al-
though watching a cultist burn after kicking him into a raging bonfire is a fun
and effective way of using a Mighty Deed, sometimes you just want to shatter
your foe’s spine or split someone’s skull to the teeth in a spray of blood and
brains. With Steel and Fury your game gains a more cinematic and visceral feel,
making the warrior a fun and deadly class to play, not just a meat shield able to
absorb damage.

The following work contains 32 new Mighty Deeds of Arms, each presented as
a full page chart for quick and easy reference during play. So be ready to stand
triumphant over your enemy as he futilely attempts to stuff ropes of intestine
back into his torn body or pulverize your foe’s internal organs with blunt force
trauma. Crush bones, sever limbs, and deliver wicked wounds that bleed un-
controllably or catch your opponent in deadly choke holds and debilitating
joint locks while grappling - and that is just to name a few.

Go ahead and flip to a’s go time!


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