Resistron: Operating Instructions

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Important features

• Microprocessor technology
• Automatic zero calibration (AUTOCAL)
• Automatic optimization (AUTOTUNE)
• Automatic configuration of the secondary voltage and current ranges
(AUTORANGE, as of October 2005)
• Automatic frequency adjustment
• Large current and voltage range
• Set point selection with potentiometer
• Temperature range: 300°C
• 0…10VDC analog output for ACTUAL temperature
• Activated with contact or 24VDC signal
• Alarm function

Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Tel: +49/(0)7142/7776-0 E-Mail: [email protected]

Gansäcker 21 Fax: +49/(0)7142/7776-19 Internet:
D-74321-Bietigheim-Bissingen (Germany) Data subject to change
1 Safety and warning notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 Controller functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.1 Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9.1 Indicators and controls . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2 Heatsealing band ................ 3 9.2 Temperature setting
1.3 Impulse transformer .............. 3 (set point selection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.4 Current transformer PEX-W2/-W3 . . . . 3 9.3 Temperature indication (actual value
output) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.5 Line filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
9.4 Automatic zero calibration
1.6 Warranty provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(AUTOCAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.7 Standards / CE marking ........... 4
9.5 "START" signal (HEAT) . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9.6 Diagnostic interface/visualization software
3 Principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (as of October 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
9.7 System monitoring/alarm output . . . . 24
4 Description of the controller ........... 6
9.8 Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 Accessories and modifications . . . . . . . . . 6
5.1 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 Factory settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.2 Modifications (MODs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 11 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 How to order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

7 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 13 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

8 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8.1 Installation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8.2 Installation steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
8.3 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
8.4 Line filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8.5 Current transformer PEX-W3 . . . . . . 13
8.6 Wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
8.7 Startup and operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.8 View of the controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.9 Controller configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.10 Replacing and "burning in" the heat-
sealing band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8.11 Startup procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Page 2 RES-401
Safety and warning notes

1 Safety and warning notes

This RESISTRON temperature controller is The RESISTRON temperature controller must be set
manufactured according to DIN EN 61010-1. In the and coded according to the temperature coefficient of
course of its manufacture it passed through quality the heatsealing band.
assurance, whereby it was subjected to extensive
inspections and tests. The use of incorrect alloys with a too low
It left the factory in perfect condition. ! temperature coefficient and incorrect coding
The recommendations and warning notes contained in of the RESISTRON temperature controller lead to
these operating instructions must be complied with, in uncontrolled heating and ultimately to burn-out of
order to guarantee safe operation. the heatsealing band!
The device can be operated within the limits indicated
in the "Technical Data" without impairing its operational The heatsealing bands that were originally supplied
safety. Installation and maintenance may only be must be identified by detail specification, part number
performed by technically trained, skilled persons who or some other means that will assure that replacement
are familiar with the associated risks and warranty bands are identical.

1.3 Impulse transformer

1.1 Use
A suitable impulse transformer is necessary to ensure
RESISTRON temperature controllers may only be used that the control loop functions perfectly. This
for heating and temperature control of heatsealing transformer must be designed according to VDE 0570/
bands which are expressly suitable for them, and EN 61558 (isolating transformer with reinforced
providing the regulations, notes and warnings insulation) and have a one section bobin. When the
contained in these instructions are complied with. impulse transformer is installed, suitable shock
protection must be provided in accordance with the
In case of non-compliance or use contrary to national installation regulations for electrical
! the intended purpose, there is a risk that equipment. In addition, water, cleaning solutions and
safety will be impaired or that the heatsealing band, conductive fluids must be prevented from seeping into
electrical wiring, transformer etc. will overheat. the transformer.
Ensuring such compliance is the personal
responsibility of the user. Incorrect installation of the impulse
! transformer impairs electrical safety.

1.2 Heatsealing band

1.4 Current transformer PEX-W2/-W3
A basic prerequisite for reliable and safe operation of
the system is the use of suitable heatsealing bands. The current transformer supplied with the RESISTRON
temperature controller is an integral part of the control
The resistance of the heatsealing band which system.
! is used must have a positive minimum
temperature coefficient in order to guarantee Only the original ROPEX PEX-W2 or PEX-W3
trouble-free operation of the RESISTRON ! current transformer may be used. Other
temperature controller. transformers may cause the equipment to
The temperature coefficient must be specified as
follows: The current transformer may only be operated if it is
TCR ≥ 10 ×10 K
–1 connected to the RESISTRON temperature controller
correctly (see section 9, "Startup and operation"). The
e.g. Alloy-20: TCR = 1100 ppm/K relevant safety instructions contained in section 8.3,
NOREX: TCR = 3500 ppm/K
"Power supply", must be obeyed. External monitoring
modules can be used in order to additionally increase

RES-401 Page 3

operating safety. They are not included in the scope of 1.7 Standards / CE marking
supply of the standard control system and are
described in a separate document. The controller described here complies with the
following standards, provisions and directives:

1.5 Line filter DIN EN 61010-1 Safety provisions for electrical

(VDE 0411-1) measuring, control and laboratory
The use of an original ROPEX line filter is mandatory in devices (low voltage directive).
order to comply with the standards and provisions Overvoltage category III, pollution
mentioned in section 1.7 "Standards / CE marking" on severity 2, safety class II.
page 4. This device must be installed and connected
according to the instructions contained in section 8.3, DIN EN 60204-1 Electrical equipment of machines
"Power supply" as well as the separate documentation (machinery directive)
enclosed with the line filter. EN 50081-1 EMC interference emissions
according to EN 55011, group 1,
class B
1.6 Warranty provisions
EN 50082-2 EMC interference immunity:
The statutory provisions for warranties apply for a ESDs, RF radiation, bursts, surges.
period of 12 months following the delivery date.
All devices are tested and calibrated in the factory. Compliance with these standards and provisions is only
Devices that have been damaged due to faulty guaranteed if original accessories and/or peripheral
connections, dropping, electrical overloading, natural components approved by ROPEX are used. If not, then
wear, incorrect or negligent handling, chemical the equipment is operated on the user's own
influences or mechanical overloading as well as responsibility.
devices that have been modified, relabeled or The CE marking on the controller confirms that the
otherwise altered by the customer, for example in an device itself complies with the above-mentioned
attempt to repair them or install additional components, standards.
are excluded from the warranty. It does not imply, however, that the overall system also
Warranty claims must be examined in the factory and fulfils these standards.
approved by ROPEX. It is the responsibility of the machine manufacturer and
of the user to verify the completely installed, wired and
operationally ready system in the machine with regard
to its conformity with the safety provisions and the EMC
directive (see also section 8.3, "Power supply"). If
peripheral components (e.g. the transformer or the line
filter) from other manufacturers are used, no functional
guarantee can be provided by ROPEX.

2 Application
This RESISTRON temperature controller is an integral The controller is most commonly used for impulse-
part of the "Series 400", the outstanding feature of heatsealing PE films in:
which is its microprocessor technology. All RESIS-
• Vertical and horizontal f/f/s machines
TRON temperature controllers are used to control the
temperature of heating elements (heatsealing bands, • Pouch, filling and sealing machines
beaded bands, cutting wires, heatsealing blades, • Film wrapping machines
solder elements etc.), as required in a variety of heat-
sealing processes. • Pouch-making machines
• Group packaging machines
• etc.

Page 4 RES-401
Principle of operation

The use of RESISTRON temperature controllers • Increased machine capacity

results in:
• Extended life of the heatsealing bands and teflon
• Repeatable quality of the heatseals under any con- coatings
ditions • Simple operation and control of the sealing process

3 Principle of operation
The resistance of the heatsealing band, which is tem- to the required dynamic range despite the exceptionally
perature-sensitive, is monitored 50x per second (60x at compact dimensions of the controller.
60Hz) by measuring the current and voltage. The tem-
perature calculated with the help of these measure- PLEASE NOTE!
ments is displayed and compared with the set point.
The primary voltage of the impulse transformer is adju- RESISTRON temperature controllers play a significant
sted by phase-angle control, if the measured values role in enhancing the performance of modern
deviate from the set point. The resulting change in the machines. However, the full benefit can only be
current through the heatsealing band leads to a change obtained from the advanced technology offered by this
in the band temperature and thus also its resistance. control system if all the system components, in other
This change is measured and evaluated by the RESIS- words the heatsealing band, the impulse transformer,
TRON temperature controller. the wiring, the timing signals and the controller itself,
The control loop is closed: ACTUAL temperature = SET are compatible and interrelated.
temperature. Even minute thermal loads on the heat-
sealing band are detected and can be corrected quickly
and precisely.
We will be pleased to
A highly high response thermo-electric control loop is contribute our many
formed which is highly accurate because purely elec- years of experience
trical variables are measured at a high sampling rate. A towards optimizing your
high secondary current can be controlled because heatsealing system.
power is controlled on the primary side of the trans-
former. This allows optimum adaptation to the load and

Heatsealing band R = f (T)

RESISTRON controller

IR UR Actual value
transformer R=f(T)
U2 and
sec. Start
U1 controls
prim. or
+ Set point bus interface

Impulse transformer

RES-401 Page 5
Description of the controller

4 Description of the controller

The microprocessor technology endows the RESIS- • Increased protection against dangerous conditions,
TRON temperature controller RES-401 with previously such as overheating of the heatsealing band.
unattainable capabilities: The ACTUAL temperature of the heatsealing band is
• Very simple operation thanks to AUTOCAL, the supplied to an analog 0…10VDC output. The real heat-
automatic zero calibration function. sealing band temperature can thus be displayed on an
external temperature indicator (e.g. ATR-3).
• Good dynamic response of the control system
The RESISTRON temperature controller RES-401 fea-
thanks to AUTOTUNE, which adapts automatically
to the controlled system. tures an integrated fault diagnosis function, which tests
both the external system (heatsealing band, wiring etc.)
• High precision thanks to further improved control and the internal electronics and indicates a fault by
accuracy and linearization of the heatsealing band
means of the LED.
To increase operational safety and interference immu-
• High flexibility: The AUTORANGE function (as of nity, all 24VDC logic signals are electrically isolated
October 2005) covers a secondary voltage range from the controller and the heating circuit.
from 0.4V to 120V and a current range from 30A to The compact design of the RESISTRON temperature
500A. controller RES-401 and the plug-in connections make
• Automatic adjustment to the line frequency in the this controller easy to install.
range from 47Hz…63Hz.

5 Accessories and modifications

A wide range of compatible accessories and peripheral 5.1 Accessories
devices are available for the RESISTRON temperature
controller RES-401. They allow it to be optimally The products described below are only a few of the
adapted to your specific heatsealing application and to wide range of accessories available for RESISTRON
your plant's design and operating philosophy. temperature controllers (ª"Accessories" leaflet).

Analog temperature meter ATR-3

For front panel mounting or mounting on a top hat rail (DIN TS35 rail).
Analog indication of the ACTUAL temperature of the heatsealing band in °C. The
meter damping of the unit is optimized for the abrupt temperature changes that occur
in impulse mode.

Digital temperature meter DTR-3

For front panel mounting or mounting on a top hat rail (DIN TS35 rail).
Digital indication of the ACTUAL temperature of the heatsealing band in °C, with
HOLD function.

Set point potentiometer PD-3

Front panel mounting version for setting the required SET heatsealing temperature
of the RESISTRON temperature controller. The number which appears on the dis-
play corresponds to the SET heatsealing temperature in °C.

Page 6 RES-401
Accessories and modifications

Line filter
Essential in order to ensure CE conformity.
Optimized for the RESISTRON temperature controller.

Impulse transformer
Designed according to VDE 0570/EN 61558 with a one section bobbin.
Optimized for impulse operation with RESISTRON temperature controllers.
Specified according to the heatsealing application (ª ROPEX Application Report).

Communication interface CI-USB-1

Interface for connecting a RESISTRON temperature controller with diagnostic inter-
face (DIAG) to the PC (USB port). Associated PC visualization software for dis-
playing setting and configuration data, and for recording SET and ACTUAL tempe-
ratures in real time.

Monitoring current transformer

For detecting frame short-circuits on the heatsealing band.
Used as an alternative to the standard PEX-W2 current transformer.

5.2 Modifications (MODs)

Modifications are not available for the RES-401.

RES-401 Page 7
Technical data

6 Technical data
Type of construction Housing for installation in the electrical cabinet
Snaps onto a standard top hat rail (DIN TS35 rail, 35 mm) acc. to DIN EN 50022
Dimensions: 90 x 75mm; height: 135mm (incl. terminals)

Line voltage All controllers manufactured as of October 2005:

115VAC version: 110VAC -15%…120VAC +10% (equivalent to 94…132VAC)
230VAC version: 220VAC -15%…240VAC +10% (equivalent to 187…264VAC)
400VAC version: 380VAC -15%…415VAC +10% (equivalent to 323…456VAC)

All controllers manufactured as of January 2004 up to September 2005:

115VAC version: 115VAC -15%…120VAC +10% (equivalent to 98…132VAC)
230VAC version: 230VAC -15%…240VAC +10% (equivalent to 196…264VAC)
400VAC version: 400VAC -15%…415VAC +10% (equivalent to 340…456VAC)

All controllers manufactured up to December 2003:

115VAC, 230VAC or 400VAC, tolerance: +10% / -15%

depending on version selected (ª section 12 "How to order" on page 25)

Line frequency 47…63Hz, automatic adjustment to frequencies in this range

Heatsealing band Temperature coefficient 1100ppm, 0…300°C (e.g. Alloy-A20)

type and temperature

Set point selection With an external PD-3 precision potentiometer (R = 2kΩ)

Terminals 16+17 0…2kΩ, equivalent to 0…300°C

Analog output 0…10VDC, Imax = 5mA

(actual value) Equivalent to 0…300°C
Terminals 14+15 Accuracy: ±1% add. 50mV

Digital logic levels LOW (0V): 0…2VDC

Terminals 8, 12, 13 HIGH (24VDC): 12…30VDC (max. current input 6mA)
Reverse polarity-protected

Maximum load Imax = 5A (duty cycle = 100%)

(primary current of Imax = 25A (duty cycle = 20%)

Power dissipation max. 20W

Ambient +5…+45°C

Degree of protection IP20

Page 8 RES-401

Installation If several controllers are installed on one top hat

rail (DIN TS35 rail), a clearance of at least 20mm
should be allowed between them.

The moving clip required for fastening must be

facing down for mounting on a horizontal top hat

End holders to mechanical fix the controller must be fitted at both ends for moun-
ting on a vertical top hat rail.

Weight Approx. 0.7kg (incl. connector plug-in parts)

Housing material Plastic, polycarbonate, UL-90-V0

Connecting cables Rigid or flexible; 0.2…2.5mm² (AWG 24…12)

Type / cross-sections Plug-in

If ferrules are used, they must be crimped in accordance

! with DIN 46228 and IEC/EN 60947-1.
This is essential for proper electrical contact in the terminals.

7 Dimensions


75.0 90.0

RES-401 Page 9

8 Installation
ª See also section 1 "Safety and warning notes" on controller in the range from 47Hz…63Hz.
page 3. 3. Install the RESISTRON temperature controller in
the electrical cabinet on a standard top hat rail (DIN
Installation and startup may only be per- TS35 rail, according to DIN EN 50022). If several
!formed by technically trained, skilled per- controllers are installed on one top hat rail, the
sons who are familiar with the associated risks and minimum clearance specified in section 6 "Technical
warranty provisions. data" on page 8 must be allowed between them.
4. Wire the system in accordance with the instructions
in section 8.3 "Power supply" on page 12,
8.1 Installation procedure section 8.6 "Wiring diagram" on page 14 and the
ROPEX Application Report. The information pro-
Proceed as follows to install the RESISTRON tempera-
vided in section 8.2 "Installation steps" on page 11
ture controller RES-401:
must also be heeded additionally.
1. Switch off the line voltage and verify that the circuit
is de-energized. Check the tightness of all the system connec-
2. The supply voltage specified on the nameplate of ! tions, including the terminals for the impulse
the RESISTRON temperature controller must be transformer windings.
identical to the line voltage that is present in the
plant or machine. The line frequency is automati- 5. Make sure that the wiring conforms to the relevant
cally detected by the RESISTRON temperature national and international installation regulations.

Page 10 RES-401

8.2 Installation steps

Use heatseal bands with No

Heatseal element suitable temperature coefficient push-on
with coppered ends connectors

Heatsealing band R= f (T)

No additional Connect UR measuring

F resistance wires directly to
in secondary Note heatsealing band ends
circuit number
Sufficient wire
cross-section A of turns Twisted
Current transformer
PEX-W2/-W3 Current measuring
U1 (prim.) wires IR
U2 (sec.)
Line filter
Avoid long meter
cables ATR-x
of rotation
transformer Note Digital
Dimension polarity Controller potentiometer
transformer correctly PD-x
- Secondary voltage
- Power Configure
- Duty cycle DIP switches
20mm clearance if several correctly
controllers installed on (up to Sept. 2005)
one top hat rail

RES-401 Page 11

8.3 Power supply

L1 (L1)
N (L2) 115VAC, 230VAC, 400VAC
Circuit breaker
Double-pole, Z characteristic
Rated current: 16A, e.g. ABB-STOTZ, Type S282-Z16 (for
all applications)
I> I> Short-circuit protection only.
! RESISTRON temperature controller not protected.
Ka Relay Ka
For "HEAT ON - OFF" function (all-pole) or
Line filter
LINE The filter type and size must be determined according to
FILTER the load, the transformer and the machine wiring
(ª ROPEX Application Report).
Short wires Do not run the filter supply wires (line side) parallel
3 ! to the filter output wires (load side).
temperature RESISTRON temperature controller belonging to the
IR controller 4xx Series.

Kb Relay Kb
Load break (all-pole), e.g. in combination with the alarm
output of the temperature controller.

3 Impulse Transformer
Designed according to VDE 0570/EN 61558 (isolating
transformer with reinforced insulation). Connect core to
Use transformers with a one section bobbin. The
! power, duty cycle and voltage values must be deter-
2 mined individually according to the application (ª ROPEX
Application Report and "Accessories" leaflet for impulse
The wire cross-sections depend on the application
(ª ROPEX Application Report).
Guide values:
Primary circuit: min. 1.5mm², max. 2.5mm²
Secondary circuit: min. 4.0mm², max. 25mm²
c These wires must always be twisted (>20/m)
d These wires must be twisted (>20/m) if several control
loops are laid together ("crosstalk").
e Twisting (>20/m) is recommended to improve EMC.

Page 12 RES-401

8.4 Line filter installed and wired correctly, they guarantee com-
pliance with the EMC limit values.
To comply with EMC directives – corresponding to You can find the exact specification of the line filter in
EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-2 – RESISTRON control the ROPEX Application Report calculated for your par-
loops must be operated with line filters. ticular heatsealing application.
These filters damp the reaction of the phase-angle con- For more technical information: ª "Line filter" docu-
trol on the line and protect the controller against line mentation.
It is permissible to supply several RESIS-
The use of a suitable line filter is part of the ! TRON control loops with a single line filter,
! standards conformity and a prerequisite of providing the total current does not exceed the
the CE mark. maximum current of the filter.

ROPEX line filters are specially optimized for use in The wiring instructions contained in section 8.3 "Power
RESISTRON control loops. Providing that they are supply" on page 12 must be observed.

Large cross-section
wire to ground

max. 1m



Do not lay parallel Mounting plate (galvanized)

Large cross-section Large frame contact surface
wire to ground

8.5 Current transformer PEX-W3 of the control system. The current transformer may only
be operated if it is connected to the temperature con-
The PEX-W3 current transformer supplied with the troller correctly (ª section 8.3 "Power supply" on
RESISTRON temperature controller is an integral part page 12).

24 75 14
23 28




Snap-on for DIN-rail 35 x 7,5mm or 35 x 15mm (DIN EN 50022)

RES-401 Page 13

8.6 Wiring diagram

NOTE: Line filter LF-xx480

AUTOCAL button
also provided on RES-401 LINE
controller 2

NC 8

NC 6

NC 5
with 24VDC signal U1

GND 13 Impuls
for 24VDC signals. sec.
Must be grounded
externally to prevent
charging! 7 Heat-
UR R sealing
0V 9 band
18 (Internal ground) twisted
No external
START (HEAT) grounding allowed!
with contact 10
15 until 11
productions Current transformer
ATR date PEX-W2/-W3
°C 09.05
OUTPUT (Internal ground)
+0...10VDC No external
Cable shielded grounding allowed!

2K 0V
(Internal ground)
SET POINT No external
POTENTIOMETER grounding allowed!

Page 14 RES-401

8.7 Startup and operation

8.8 View of the controller


Button for
AUTOCAL function

Wiring diagramm

8.9 Controller configuration range from 30A to 500A. If the voltage and/or the
current is outside the permissible range, a detailed
The controller must be switched off in order error message appears on the controller (ª see
! to configure the coding switches. section 9.8 "Error messages" on page 24).

8.9.1 Configuration of the DIP switches Configuration with coding switches

for secondary voltage and current (up to September 2005)

Automatic configuration (AUTORANGE) Set the DIP switches for matching the secondary
(as of October 2005) voltage U2 and the secondary current I2 to the correct
position for your application.
The secondary voltage and current ranges are
automatically configured by the automatic calibration You can find the exact configuration of the
function (AUTOCAL). The voltage is configured in the ! DIP switches in the ROPEX Application
range from 0.4VAC to 120VAC and the current in the Report calculated for your particular application.

RES-401 Page 15

Factory settings
ON 1 2 3 4 5

U2 ( V )

U2 DIP switch I2 DIP switch

1 2 3 4 5
1...10V ON OFF OFF 30...100A OFF OFF


6...60V OFF ON OFF 60...200A ON OFF

20...120V OFF OFF ON 120...400A ON ON

If the secondary current I2 is less than 30A, the

PEX-W2 or PEX-W3 current transformer must have
two turns (ª ROPEX Application Report).


8.10 Replacing and "burning in" the resistance of the heatsealing band is reduced by appro-
heatsealing band ximately 2…3%. However, this at first glance slight
resistance change results in a zero point error of
8.10.1 "Burning in" the heatsealing band 20…30°C. The zero point must therefore be corrected
after a few heating cycles, i.e. the AUTOCAL function
The heatsealing band is a key component in the control must be repeated.
loop, since it is both a heating element and a sensor. The burn-in effect described here does not occur if the
The geometry of the heatsealing band is too complex to heatsealing band has already been thermally pret-
be discussed at length here. We shall therefore only reated by the manufacturer.
refer to a few of the most important physical and elec-
trical properties: An overheated or burned-out heatsealing
The measuring principle applied for this system neces- ! band must no longer be used because the
sitates a heatsealing band alloy with a suitable tempe- TCR has been altered irreversibly.
rature coefficient TCR. Too low a TCR leads to oscilla-
tion or uncontrolled heating. One very important design feature is the copper or
When heatsealing bands with a higher TCR are used, silver-plating of the heatsealing band ends. Cold ends
the controller must be calibrated for this. allow the temperature to be controlled accurately and
The first time the heatsealing band is heated to appro- increase the life of the teflon coating and the heat-
ximately 200…250°C, the standard alloy undergoes a sealing band.
once-only resistance change (burn-in effect). The cold

Page 16 RES-401

8.10.2 Replacing the heatsealing band powered up correctly (up to September 2005: Twin-
color LED lights up for 0.3s).
All power supply leads must be disconnected from the
RESISTRON temperature controller in order to replace As of SW-Revision 106:
the heatsealing band. ! If the red "ALARM" LED lights up for 0.3s in
addition to the yellow "AUTOCAL" LED when the
The heatsealing band must be replaced in voltage is switched on, the configuration of this
! accordance with the instructions provided by
controller has been changed in the visualization
the manufacturer.
software (ª ª section 9.6 "Diagnostic interface/
visualization software (as of October 2005)" on
Each time the heatsealing band is replaced, the zero
page 24). In order to avoid malfunctions, please
point must be calibrated with the AUTOCAL function
check the controller configuration before
while the band is still cold, in order to compensate pro-
continuing the startup procedure.
duction-related resistance tolerances. The burn-in pro-
cedure described above should be performed for all
7. One of the following states then appears:
new heatsealing bands. As of October 2005:

8.11 Startup procedure ACTION
Please also refer to section 1 "Safety and warning OFF Short pulses Go to 8
notes" on page 3 and section 2 "Application" on every 1.2s
page 4.
BLINKS fast OFF Go to 8
Installation and startup may only be per- (4Hz)
! formed by technically trained, skilled per-
Lit OFF Fault diagnosis
sons who are familiar with the associated risks and
Continuously (ª sec. 9.8)
warranty provisions.

8.11.1 Initial startup Up to September 2005:

Prerequisites: The controller must be correctly installed
and connected (ª section 8 "Installation" on page 10). LED ACTION
Proceed as follows to start up the controller for the first
time: Short pulses every 1.2s Go to 8

1. Switch off the line voltage and verify that all circuits BLINKS fast (4Hz) RED Go to 8
are de-energized.
Lit continuously RED Fault, check controller
2. The supply voltage specified on the nameplate of configuration and instal-
the controller must be identical to the line voltage lation (ª sec. 9.7)
that is present in the plant or machine. The line fre-
quency is automatically detected by the tempera-
8. Activate the AUTOCAL function while the heat-
ture controller in the range from 47…63Hz.
sealing band is still cold (with the manual button on
3. In the case of controllers manufactured up to Sep- the controller). The yellow "AUTOCAL" LED lights
tember 2005, the settings of the DIP switches on the up (up to September 2005: Twin-color LED blinks
controller are indicated in the ROPEX Application red and green alternately) the duration of the cali-
Report and depend on the heatsealing band that is bration process (approx. 10…15s). A voltage of
used (section 8.9 "Controller configuration" on app. 0VDC appears at the same time at the actual
page 15). value output (terminals 14+15). If an ATR-3 is con-
4. Make sure that no START signal is activated. nected, it indicates 0…3°C.
5. Switch on the line voltage. When the zero point has been calibrated, the
"AUTOCAL" LED goes out (up to September 2005:
6. When the voltage is switched on, the yellow
The twin-color LED flashes green every 1.2s then)
"AUTOCAL" LED lights up for approximately 0.3
seconds to indicate that the controller is being and a voltage of 0.66VDC appears at the actual

RES-401 Page 17

value output instead. If an ATR-3 is connected, it vior would indicate that the UR measuring wires
must be set to "Z". have been wired incorrectly.
If the zero point has not been calibrated suc- 10.Burn in the heatsealing band (ª section 8.10
cessfully, the red "ALARM" LED blinks slowly (1Hz) "Replacing and "burning in" the heatsealing band"
(up to September 2005: Twin-color LED blinks red on page 16) and repeat the AUTOCAL function.
slowly). In this case the controller configuration is
incorrect (ª section 8.9 "Controller configuration"
on page 15 and ROPEX Application Report). The controller is now
Repeat the calibration after the controller has been ready
configured correctly.
9. When the zero point has been calibrated suc-
cessfully, set a defined temperature on the set point 8.11.2 Restart after replacing the heat-
potentiometer and activate the "START" signal sealing band
(HEAT). The "HEAT" LED then lights up (up to Sep- To replace the heatsealing band, proceed as described
tember 2005: the twin-color LED "HEAT" then lights in section 8.10 "Replacing and "burning in" the heat-
up). The heating and control process can be sealing band" on page 16.
observed at the actual value output:
The controller is functioning correctly if the tempera- Always use a heatsealing band with the cor-
ture (which corresponds to the signal change at the ! rect alloy, dimensions and copper-plating in
analog output) has a harmonious motion, in other order to avoid malfunctions and overheating.
words it must not jump abruptly, fluctuate or deviate
temporarily in the wrong direction. This kind of beha- Continue with section 8.11.1 steps 4 to 10.

Page 18 RES-401
Controller functions

9 Controller functions
See also section 8.6 "Wiring diagram" on page 14.

9.1 Indicators and controls

Manufactured as of October 2005

Red LED, lights up or blinks to indicate ALARM.


HEAT Yellow LED, lit during heating phase.


Green LED, indicates pulses in measure-

ment mode. In control mode, luminous

intensity is proportional to heating current.

Yellow LED, remains lit for duration

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5 6 7 8 9 10 11

RES- 401
controller Button for manual activation of AUTOCAL
function (zero calibration). Do not press
unless heatsealing band is cold.

Made in Germany

Manufactured up to September 2005


Button for manual activation of AUTOCAL


function (zero calibration). Do not press


unless heatsealing band is cold.

green = OUTPUT

red/green = AUTOCAL
red = ALARM

LED blinks red and green alternately

for the duration of the AUTOCAL process.
LED flashes green in measuring mode.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The flashes correspond to the

RESISTRON measurement pulses in this mode.
µP-Controller LED lits green during control mode.
The luminous intensity is proportional to
the haeting current.
. LED lights up or blinks red to indicate ALARM.

RES-401 Page 19
Controller functions

In addition to the functions shown in the diagram by the LEDs. These states are described in detail in the
above, various controller operating states are indicated table below:

As of October 2005:

LED Blinks slowly (1Hz) Blinks fast (4Hz) Lit continuously

RESET active,
AUTOCAL AUTOCAL requested, but
(yellow) function disabled
functions are locked

HEAT START requested,

— START executing
(yellow) but function disabled

In control mode the luminous intensity is proportional to the heating current.

ALARM Configuration error, Controller calibrated incor-

Fault, ª section 9.8
(red) AUTOCAL not possible rectly, run AUTOCAL

Up to September 2005:

LED Meaning Function

In control mode the luminous intensity is proportional Measure/Control

Blinks/lits green
to the heating current. mode

Blinks red/green alternately AUTOCAL executing

Lit red for 1s AUTOCAL requested, but function disabled

Blinks red slowly (1Hz) Configuration error, AUTOCAL not possible

Blinks red fast (4Hz) Controller calibrated incorrectly, run AUTOCAL ALARM

Lit red continuously Fault, check controller configuration and installation

Page 20 RES-401
Controller functions

9.2 Temperature setting number which appears on the display corresponds to

(set point selection) the SET temperature in °C.
The set point that is selected for the heatsealing tempe-
The heatsealing temperature is set by means of a 2kΩ rature must be greater than 40°C. If not, the heat-
potentiometer at terminals 16+17. The connecting sealing band will not be heated up when the "START"
wires between the controller and the potentiometer signal is activated.
must be shielded (ª section 8.6 "Wiring diagram" on
page 14). If a potentiometer is not connected, the set
! point is assumed to be zero. When you con-
nect the potentiometer, please note the direction of
RES-401 rotation!

Set point 17
selection 3

input 9.3 Temperature indication (actual

2K value output)
0V 16 The RES-401 supplies an analog 0…10VDC signal,
Cable shielded which is proportional to the real ACTUAL temperature,
at terminals 14+15.

Actual value max. 5mA
Potentiometer P03 R=33Ohm
with 3
output 14
digital dial KD 0...10VDC
0V 15
Setting range:
0Ω Æ 0°C
2kΩ Æ 300°C
The relationship between the potentiometer setting and
the SET temperature is linear.
The terminals 16+17 are not potenial-free and
! might have the potential of the secondary
voltage of the impulse transformer. For the termi-
nals of the external potentiometer touch voltage
protection must be installed. External grounding is
not allowed. If this warning is ignored, the con-
troller will be damaged by frame currents.

If a ROPEX PD-3 precision potentiometer is used, the

SET temperature can be adjusted exactly with the help
Voltage values:
of the digital display in the window of the dial. The
0VDC Æ 0°C
10VDC Æ 300°C

RES-401 Page 21
Controller functions

The relationship between the change in the output 9.4 Automatic zero calibration
voltage and the ACTUAL temperature is linear. (AUTOCAL)
°C 0 - 300°C range Because of the automatic zero calibration (AUTOCAL)
Temperature T

300 function, there is no need to adjust the zero point manu-

270 ally on the controller. This function matches the con-
troller to the resistance of the system and calibrates it
to a value of 20°C.
210 The AUTOCAL function is activated by pressing the
180 AUTOCAL button on the controller.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.66V Voltage U VDC

The automatic calibration process takes about

An indicating instrument can be connected to this 10…15 seconds. The heatsealing band is not heated
output in order to visualize the temperature of the heat- during this process.
sealing band. The yellow LED on the front panel lights up when the
The characteristics of the ROPEX ATR-3 temperature AUTOCAL function is active (up to September 2005:
indicator (size, scaling, dynamic response) are ideally Twin-color LED blinks red/green alternately). The
suited to this application and this instrument should the- actual value output (terminals 14+15) is 0…3°C (corre-
refore always be used (ª section 5 "Accessories and sponds to app. 0 VDC) during this process.
modifications" on page 6). If the temperature of the heatsealing band varies on
It not only facilitates SET-ACTUAL comparisons, but controllers manufactured as of October 2005, the
also enables other criteria such as the heating rate, set "AUTOCAL" function is executed a maximum of three
point reached within the specified time, cooling of the times. If the function still cannot be terminated
heatsealing band etc. to be evaluated. successfully, an error message appears (ª section 9.8
This indicator moreover permits disturbances in the "Error messages" on page 24).
control loop (loose connections, contacting or wiring
problems) as well as any line disturbances to be You should always wait for the heatsealing
observed extremely effectively and interpreted accor- ! band and the bar to cool down (to ambient
dingly. The same applies if mutual interference occurs temperature) before activating the AUTOCAL
between several neighboring control loops. function.

This output is not potential-free and might Reasons for disabled AUTOCAL function:
! have the potential of the secondary voltage
1. The AUTOCAL function cannot be activated until
of the impulse transformer. External grounding is
10 seconds after the controller is switched on. If you
not allowed. If this warning is ignored, the con-
attempt to activate it sooner, it will not function.
troller will be damaged by frame currents. For the
terminals of the external temperature meter touch 2. The AUTOCAL function is not activated if the heat-
voltage protection must be installed. sealing band is cooling down at a rate of more than
0.1K/sec. If the control signal is activated, the
If an alarm is signaled, the voltage at the analog output function is activated automatically providing the
at terminals 14+15 changes between 0VDC and cooling rate has fallen below the above mentioned
10VDC with 1Hz. value.
3. If the "START" signal (24VDC) is active, the

Page 22 RES-401
Controller functions

AUTOCAL function is not executed (as of October or

2005: "HEAT" LED lit).
• By means of a control contact at terminals 15+18
4. If the controller has already operated correctly - at
least once - after starting up, the "AUTOCAL" func- max.
tion cannot be activated if the "ALARM" LED is lit 5mA RES- 401
continuously (up to September 2005: If the twin-
color LED lit continuously).
If the AUTOCAL function is disabled and if
! you attempt to activate it then the
"AUTOCAL" LED blinks (up to September 2005:
The twin-color LED lits red for 1s (except case 4)). 15 0V

9.5 "START" signal (HEAT)

The "START" signal is disabled as long as the
When the "START" signal is activated, the controller- ! AUTOCAL function is executing(As of
internal set/actual comparison is enabled and the heat- October 2005: "AUTOCAL" LED lit, "HEAT" LED
sealing band is heated up to the SET temperature. It blinks).
remains at this temperature until the signal is deacti-
vated. The terminals 15+18 are not potenial-free and
As of October 2005: The "HEAT" LED on the front ! might have the potential of the secondary
panel of the RES-401 is lit continuously for the duration voltage of the impulse transformer. For the termi-
of the heating phase. nals of the control contact touch voltage protection
The "START" signal can be activated in two ways: must be installed. External grounding is not
allowed. If this warning is ignored, the controller
• By means of a 24VDC signal at terminals 12+13
will be damaged by frame currents.
The set point that is selected for the heatsealing tempe-
START RES- 401 rature must be greater than 40°C. If not, the heat-
12 sealing band will not be heated up (as of October 2005:
max. 6mA
"HEAT" LED blinks).




RES-401 Page 23
Factory settings

9.6 Diagnostic interface/visualization 9.7 System monitoring/alarm output

software (as of October 2005)
To increase operating safety and to avoid faulty heat-
An interface with a 6-pole Western socket is provided sealing, this controller incorporates special hardware
for systemdiagnostics and process visualization. This and software features that facilitate selective fault
interface allows a data connection to be set up to the detection and diagnosis. Both the external wiring and
ROPEX visualization software using the ROPEX com- the internal system are monitored.
munication interface CI-USB-1. A system fault is reported or differentiated by means of
the following indications.

A.) Red "ALARM" LED on the controller


three states:

1. Blinks fast (4Hz)

The AUTOCAL function should be executed.
2. Blinks slowly (1Hz)
2 34

The system configuration is incorrect and the zero

calibration (AUTOCAL function) was unsuccessful.
3. Lit continuously:
Only a ROPEX comunication interface is This indicates that a fault is preventing the controller
! allowed to be connected to the diagnostic from being started.
interface. Connecting another device (e.g. a As a rule, it refers to an external wiring fault.
telephone cable) could result in malfunctions or
damage to the controller. An alarm can only be reset by switching the
! controller off and then on again.
The ROPEX visualization software is described in a
separate document.
9.8 Error messages

The RESISTRON temperature controller RES-401 indi-

cates faults only by means of the LED. No additional
error indication is available.

10 Factory settings
The RESISTRON temperature controller RES-401 is
configured in the factory as follows:

DIP switches U2 = 6…60VAC

for OFF I2 = 30…100A
secondary voltage
U2 and current I2 DIP switches: 2 ON
(up toSeptember ON 1 2 3 4 5 1, 3, 4, 5 OFF
These switches are automatically set by
the AUTORANGE function on all
controllers manufactured as of October

Page 24 RES-401

11 Maintenance
The controller requires no special maintenance. the impulse transformer – is recommended. Dust depo-
Regular inspection and/or tightening of the terminals – sits on the controller can be removed with dry com-
including the terminals for the winding connections on pressed air.

12 How to order
Contr. RES - 401 / . . . VAC
115: Power supply 115VAC, Art. No. 740101
230: Power supply 230VAC, Art. No. 740102
400: Power supply 400VAC, Art. No. 740103
Scope of supply: Controller includes connector plug-in
parts (without current transformer)

Please indicate the article numbers in all orders.

Current transformer PEX-W3

Art. No. 885105

Line filter LF- . . 480

06: Continuous current 6A, 480VAC, Art. No. 885500
35: Continuous current 35A, 480VAC, Art. No. 885506

Impulse transformer
See ROPEX Application Report
for design and ordering information

Communiction interface CI-USB-1

Art. No. 885650

Potentiometer PD- 3: For 300°C range, Art. No. 881103

Scope of supply: Potentiometer with digital dial

Temp. meter ATR- 3: 300°C range, Art. No. 882130

For more accessories: ª"Accessories" leaflet

RES-401 Page 25

13 Index
A Line frequency 6, 8
Accessories 6 Line voltage 8
Actual value output 21
Alarm output 24 M
Alloy 18 Maintenance 25
Ambient temperature 8 Modifications 7
Analog temperature meter 6 MODs 7
Application 4
Application Report 10, 13, 15
AUTOCAL 6, 17, 22
Overheating of heatsealing band 6
Automatic zero calibration 6, 17, 22
PEX-W2/-W3 3
PEX-W3 13, 25
Burning in the heatsealing band 16, 18
Potentiometer 6, 21, 25
Power dissipation 8
C Power supply 12, 25
Circuit breaker 12 Principle of operation 5
CI-USB-1 7, 24, 25
Communication interface 7, 24, 25
Controller configuration 15
Replacing the heatsealing band 17, 18
Controls 19
Current transformer 13, 25
Secondary current I2 15
Secondary voltage U2 15
Degree of protection 8
Set point potentiometer 6, 21
Diagnostic interface 24
Set point selection 8, 21
Digital temperature meter 6
"START" signal 18, 23
Dimensions 9
Startup 15
DIP switches 15
System diagnostics 24
System monitoring 24
Error messages 24
TCR 3, 16
F Technical data 8
Factory settings 24 Temperature coefficient 3, 16
Fault diagnosis 6 Temperature control 4
Temperature indication 21
H Temperature indicator 22
HEAT 18, 23 Temperature meter 6, 25
Heatsealing band type 8 Temperature range 8
How to order 25 Temperature setting 21
Transformer 3, 7, 12, 25
Type of construction 8
Impulse heatsealing method 4
Impulse transformer 7, 12, 25 V
Installation 9, 10 View of the controller 15
Installation procedure 10 Visualization software 24
Installation regulations 10
L Wiring 10, 12
Line filter 7, 12, 13, 25 Wiring diagram 14

Page 26 RES-401

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