Baankii HojiiGamtaa Oromiyaa

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Baankii HojiiGamtaa Oromiyaa


Operations and business support sub-process

Exceptional cash withdrawal transaction requesting, Recommending and Approving Format

Branch Adama date: 18/09/2021 ref no. CBO/ADM/FS/1545/2021

SR.N Account Holder Account Customer’s letter Amount

O Name ref Requested in ETB

1 Edao 1000000177605 and EIT/119/09/2021 300,000.00

International 1000033282517

Reason for request: - NBE Restriction

Recommendation of Branch Manager: corporate customer and they have been engaged on
purchase of oil seeds and Agro commodities from farmers for export. We recommend birr
300,000 (three hundred thousand) exceptional cash withdrawal limit per day.

Name: Fitsum Sheleme Signature. ----------------------------

Recommendation of District

Approval of the
president :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

N.B. Actual cash withdrawal should be summarized and reported on weekly basis using the

Format designed for the purpose.

Baankii HojiiGamtaa Oromiyaa


Operations and business support sub-process

Exceptional One to multiple Accounts transfer Transactions requesting, Recommending and Approving

Branch Adama date: 24/09/2021 ref no. CBO/ADM/FS/1556/2021 Account Holder Name Account No Customer’s No of Transfer

letter ref Requested per

1 ABDULSELAM MU'ALIM MUHAMMED 1000043396289 14/01/2014 50

Reason for request:-NBE Restriction

Recommendation of Branch Manager: good transaction turnover, engaged in grain trade and he has bulk
payment for the supplier. We recommend 50 transactions account to account per week on his account

Name…Fitsum Sheleme Signature……………………………………

Recommendation of District

Name:……………………………………………. Signature……………………………………

Approval of the
president :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Baankii HojiiGamtaa Oromiyaa


Operations and business support sub-process

Exceptional One to multiple Accounts transfer Transactions requesting, Recommending and Approving

Branch Adama date: 25/01/2021 ref no. CBO/ADM/DN/0092/2021 Account Holder Account No Customer’s letter ref No of Transfer

Name Requested per week

1 MULAN FOOD 1000043361051 HFBE/9138/13 200


Reason for request:-NBE Restriction

Recommendation of Branch Manager: Borrowers and engaged in manufacturing sector.

Name: Ayelech Geda Signature……………………………………

Recommendation of District

Name:……………………………………………. Signature……………………………………

Approval of the
president :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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