Andrew Garfield (Beastboy)
Andrew Garfield (Beastboy)
Andrew Garfield (Beastboy)
Chaotic Good
Character Name Alignment Player
Skinwalker Medium Not set Not set (Adult) Not set Not set Not set Not set
Race Size Gender Age Height Weight Hair Eyes
x Artistry -1 =INT -1 +0 +0
10 +0 Power 2
Bluff 0 =CHA 0 +0 +0
x Climb 1 =STR -1 +1 +1
Armor Class
21 =10+ 6 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 0
TOTAL Armor Shield Dex. Size Natural Deflect. Misc.
x Craft (a) -1 =INT -1 +0 +0
x Craft (b) -1 =INT -1 +0 +0
Touch AC 14 Flat Footed AC 18
x Craft (c) -1 =INT -1 +0 +0
Total Base Save Ability Magic Misc. Mod. Temp. Mod.
Diplomacy 2 =CHA 0 +1 +1
9 = 6 + 1 + 0 + 2 + Disable Device* =DEX + +
Disguise 0 =CHA 0 +0 +0
Reflex 7 = 2 + 3 + 0 + 2 +
Escape Artist 1 =DEX 3 +0 + -2
Will 13 = 6 + 5 + 0 + 2 +
x Fly 11 =DEX 3 +7 +1
x Handle Animal 6 =CHA 0 +1 +5
Spell Energy x Heal 9 =WIS 5 +1 +3
B.A.B. 6 Resistance Resistance
Intimidate 0 =CHA 0 +0 +0
CMB 5 = 6 + -1 + 0 + 0 Knowledge (arcana)* =INT + +
Total BAB Strength Size Mod. Misc. Mod.
Knowledge (dungeoneering)* =INT + +
CMD 19 =10+ 6 + -1 + 3 + 0 + 1 Knowledge (engineering)* =INT + +
Total BAB Strength Dex Mod. Size. Mod. Misc. Mod.
x Knowledge (geography) 4 =INT -1 +2 +3
Knowledge (history)* =INT + +
Unarmed strike +2 Knowledge (local)* =INT + +
Critical Type Range Ammo
x Knowledge (nature) 12 =INT -1 +8 +5
20/x2 B Knowledge (nobility)* =INT + +
Attack Damage
Knowledge (planes)* =INT + +
+7/+2 1d3+1
Knowledge (religion)* =INT + +
Weapon Linguistics* =INT + +
Kick x Lore* =INT + +
Critical Type Range Ammo x Perception 10 =WIS 5 +2 +3
20/x2 B Perform (a) 0 =CHA 0 +0 +0
Attack Damage
Perform (b) 0 =CHA 0 +0 +0
+6/+1 1d3+3 x Profession (a) 10 =WIS 5 +1 +4
Weapon x Profession (b)* =WIS + +
x Ride 5 =DEX 3 +1 +1
Critical Type Range Ammo Sense Motive 6 =WIS 5 +1 +0
Sleight of Hand* =DEX + +
Attack Damage x Spellcraft* =INT + +
Stealth 1 =DEX 3 +0 + -2
x Survival 13 =WIS 5 +3 +5
x Swim 1 =STR -1 +1 +1
Conditional Modifiers
Attack Damage
Armor check penalties applied to skills.
Attack Damage
Armor Item Bonus Type Check Penalty Spell Failure Weight Properties
Druid's vestment 1
Play Notes
Racial Traits
Change Shape
Low-Light Vision
Spell-Like Ability
Background Traits
Spell Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Prepared Spells
Prepared Spell Level 0 Metamagic School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC
Detect Poison Divination instantaneous; 1 standard close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 none no 15
Stabilize Conjuration instantaneous; 1 standard close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 Will yes 15
Prepared Spell Level 1 Metamagic School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC
Blend With Surroundings Illusion 10 minutes/level; 1 round close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 Fortitude yes 16
Call Animal Enchantment 1 hour/level (D); 1 standard see description none non 16
Charm Animal Enchantment 1 hour/level; 1 standard close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 Will yes 16
Prepared Spell Level 2 Metamagic School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC
Prepared Spell Level 3 Metamagic School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC
Protection from Energy Abjuration 10 min./level or until 1 standard touch Fortitude yes 18
Prepared Spell Level 4 Metamagic School Duration Cast time Range/Area Save SR DC
Animal Ambassador Enchantment 1 day/level or until 10 minutes close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 none (see no 19
Sensory Amplifier Divination 1 round/level (D); 1 standard personal 10-ft.-radius Will yes 19
School: Transmutation
Level: alchemist 1, cleric/oracle 1, druid 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, occultist 1, psychic 1
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M/DF (a small pulley)
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 2 hours/level;
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
The target's carrying capacity triples (see Table 7-4: Carrying Capacity on page 171 of the Core Rulebook). This does not affect the creature's actual
Strength in any way, merely the amount of material it can carry while benefiting from this spell. It also has no effect on encumbrance due to armor.
If the creature wears armor it still takes the normal penalties for doing so regardless of how much weight the spell allows it to carry.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player's Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Transmutation
Level: alchemist 3, druid 3, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, bloodrager 3
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level;
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
The subject can burrow at a speed of 15 feet (or 10 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load) through sand,
loose soil, or gravel, or at a speed of 5 feet through stone. Using burrow requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack
or cast spells normally. The burrowing creature cannot charge or run. Loose material collapses behind the target 1 round after it leaves the area.
This spell does not give the target the ability to breathe underground, so when passing through loose material, the creature must hold its breath
and take only short trips, or else it may suffocate.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. Copyright 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Transmutation
Level: bloodrager 1, druid 1, ranger 1, shaman 1, witch 1
Casting time: 1 swift action
Components: V
Range: personal
Targets: you
Duration: 1 round;
A wild surge of energy courses through your body and propels you into a sprint. If you take a charge or run action before the end of your turn, you
can move a total distance of up to 10 times your base land speed. This adjustment is an enhancement bonus. There is no effect on other modes of
movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. As with other effects that increase your speed, this spell affects your jumping distance.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Wild Copyright 2015, Paizo Inc
School: Divination
Level: cleric/oracle 0, druid 0, paladin 1, ranger 1, inquisitor 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, shaman 0, occultist 0, psychic 0, mesmerist 0
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: one creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Targets: one creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Duration: instantaneous;
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no
You determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. You can determine the exact type of poison with a DC 20
Wisdom check. A character with the Craft (alchemy) skill may try a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check if the Wisdom check fails, or may try the Craft
(alchemy) check prior to the Wisdom check. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3
feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Transmutation
Level: druid 2, ranger 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a leaf)
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: no
The target of this spell gains the ability to see up to 60 feet through thick plant matter as though it were transparent. Greenery, leaves, and vines-
even lichen, moss, and slime-offer no concealment to the recipient's sight, though her vision still can be blocked by solid wood, such as trees or
wooden structures. Undergrowth does not grant concealment to a creature against a target of the effects of greensight.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness Copyright 2017, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Divination
Level: cleric/oracle 0, druid 0, summoner 0, witch 0, inquisitor 0, summoner 0, witch 0, inquisitor 0, shaman 0, occultist 0, spiritualist 0
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 1 minute or until discharged;
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes
This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance. The creature gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill
check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Transmutation
Level: alchemist 2, antipaladin 2, bloodrager 2, cleric/oracle 2, druid 2, paladin 2, ranger 2, witch 2, psychic 2
Descriptor: earth
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF/M (a pinch of forge soot)
Range: personal
Targets: you
Duration: 1 minute/level (D; see text);
Your skin hardens and takes on the color and texture of rough iron. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your existing natural armor bonus (if you
do not have a natural armor bonus, you are considered to have an effective natural armor bonus of +0). This enhancement bonus increases by 1 for
every 4 caster levels above 4th, to a maximum of +7 at 15th level. While you're under the effects of this spell, if an opponent confirms a critical hit
or sneak attack against you with a physical weapon (not a spell or magical effect), you can dismiss this spell to negate the critical hit or sneak attack
and treat it is as a normal hit. Dismissing the spell in this way is not an action, but you must be conscious and aware of the attack to do so.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex Copyright 2014, Paizo Inc
School: Transmutation
Level: druid 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, alchemist 1, summoner 1, alchemist 1, summoner 1, magus 1, bloodrager 1, psychic 1
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a grasshopper's hind leg)
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level;
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes
The subject gets a +10 enhancement bonus on Acrobatics checks made to attempt high jumps or long jumps. The enhancement bonus increases to
+20 at caster level 5th, and to +30 (the maximum) at caster level 9th.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Divination
Level: bard 0, druid 0, shaman 0, occultist 0, psychic 0
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: personal
Targets: you
Duration: instantaneous;
When you cast this spell, you instantly know the direction of north from your current position. The spell is effective in any environment in which
"north" exists, but it may not work in extraplanar settings. Your knowledge of north is correct at the moment of casting, but you can get lost again
within moments if you don't find some external reference point to help you keep track of direction.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Abjuration
Level: cleric/oracle 3, druid 3, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, alchemist 3, summoner 3, inquisitor 3, bloodrager 3, shaman 3, occultist 3, psychic 3,
spiritualist 3
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level or until discharged;
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
Protection from energy grants temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). When the
spell absorbs 12 points per caster level of energy damage (to a maximum of 120 points at 10th level), it is discharged. Protection from energy
overlaps (and does not stack with) resist energy. If a character is warded by protection from energy and resist energy, the protection spell absorbs
damage until its power is exhausted.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Divination
Level: druid 4, medium 2, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, witch 3
Descriptor: mind-affecting
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: S
Range: personal
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level (D);
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: yes
You open the minds of all creatures near you and enhance their sensory receptors. All living creatures other than you in the area gain a +5 bonus
on Perception checks. Sighted creatures gain low-light vision, and creatures with a sense of smell gain scent. In addition, the first time each round
that a creature in the area takes damage, it takes an additional 2d6 points of damage of the same type. Despite being within the area, the caster
does not take this extra damage.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Player Companion: Occult Origins Copyright 2015, Paizo Inc
School: Divination
Level: druid 3, ranger 3, shaman 3
Casting time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Range: personal
Targets: you
Duration: instantaneous
This spell functions as commune with nature except it reveals up to three details about the territory you currently occupy from the following list:
bodies of water, features, minerals, or plants. For each feature you learn about, you automatically know the skills you can use to discover that
feature and you gain 1d6 Discovery Points toward finding it (see page 124).
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness Copyright 2017, Paizo Publishing, LLC
School: Divination
Level: bard 4, druid 3, ranger 2
Casting time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: personal
Targets: you
Duration: 1 min./level;
You can communicate with normal plants and plant creatures, and can ask questions of and receive answers from them. A normal plant's sense of
its surroundings is limited, so it won't be able to give (or recognize) detailed descriptions of creatures or answer questions about events outside its
immediate vicinity. The spell doesn't make plant creatures any more friendly or cooperative than normal. Furthermore, wary and cunning plant
creatures are likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid ones may make inane comments. If a plant creature is friendly, it may do some
favor or service for you.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
Requirements: None
When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to
Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
Requirements: You must have crossed at least 30 miles of wilderness without map or guide.
You can provide twice as much food and water for other people when attempting a Survival check to get along in the
wild. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (geography) checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in Knowledge
(geography), increase your bonus to +4.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Player Companion: Quests & Campaigns Copyright 2013, Paizo Publishing,
Requirements: None
You are considered to be armed even when unarmed-you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes
while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
Requirements: None
When you use a shield (except a tower shield), the shield's armor check penalty only applies to Strength- and Dexterity-
based skills.
Section 15 Copyright Notice: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC
No build notes.