My Philosophy As A Teacher
My Philosophy As A Teacher
My Philosophy As A Teacher
“Students work hardest for teachers they like and respect. When I’m asked ‘How do you get
your students to like and respect you?’ my immediate response is, ‘like and respect them
As a teacher, I always consider my students on every action that I am going to take. I always
put myself onto the shoes of my students before doing or saying anything. Like the old saying
“do not do to others what you don’t want others do unto you,” that even I am older and have
power as a teacher in my hands, I always see my students as a person that are needed to be
respected too because that is what I want them to become not only towards me but also to
every people that they will encounter. That was my first philosophy as a teacher, because I do
believe that every child can be as good as they are if someone will teach them with love and
I can say that I am a passionate teacher in a way that I eagerly teach every student and
provide them the tools that they will need in the future. I know that my students are having
their steppingstones while taking the path towards their dreams. They are still at the age
where they are still figuring out who they are, what are their roles, who they want to be in the
future and where they want to go in life. I can compare my students to an eggshell, they are
too fragile that are needed to be given an extra care. They thirst for acceptance, motivation,
and acknowledgement and their desires in life can easily vanish with a wrong word or
disappointment. As a teacher, I want to provide them the knowledge, skill and values with a
great encouragement from me. Because I know that I am one of those people that they need
for them to go on with life. I can contribute to every learners’ success by being a positive role
model and encourager, a good listener, a knowledgeable source, and a one call away mother.
Providing opportunities for them in building their dreams was my second philosophy as a
“A real teacher gives learners the right to express themselves and a space to evolve as
My thoughts about a healthy relationship between a teacher and her middle school students
are founded on a powerful base of shared belief, understanding, and respect. To effectively
evaluate the desires and needs of the students, the teacher needs to grasp her students first
and from where they’re coming from. Since the effort would not be expressed by both parents
and students, the teacher should be the one to open doors for good communication. Through
this, the learners will have the sense of trust not only towards the teacher but also towards
themselves. They will gain self confidence and can easily show who they really are, can share
the problems that they have and hidden talents that can help them grow as an independent
person. When the teacher and students understand each other, their aims, problems, and
points of view, they can easily have building blocks of respect. As a teacher, I don’t want to be
“Professionalism, excitement, integrity and passion on teaching shall be present at all times”
For me, being excited and showing enthusiasm on dealing with day-to-day basis was a kind of
characteristic that a teacher must possess. She must have the willingness on learning from
her students, because a good teacher shall be teachable. Being enthusiastic on everything
that I do as an educator is the key on encouraging learning in the best possible way. I believe
that being a mentor and a cheerleader for each student will help me to carry out
At this point, I will have my final educational philosophy as a teacher which focuses on what I
know and what I’ve learned in my profession. I am certain that my philosophy will change as I
grow more as a young person. That is one of the humanity’s gift; we can make mistake but we
can also learn from it, we can learn new things and change for the better. I am much more
excited on the possibilities that lie in front of me. In addition, the teacher must build a friendly
and an open classroom settings. I as a teacher must create a welcoming, safe classroom
environment and comfortable atmosphere for my students. With that philosophy, teaching and