Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) : Navil Fernandes, Noel Dsouza, Glynnis Dcruz

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Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)

Navil Fernandes,Noel Dsouza,Glynnis Dcruz

Department of Computer Engineering,
Don Bosco Institute of Technology
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— The traditional TV that we are used to comes to our network channels ,subscription services and movies on
TV sets by cable , satellite or through the air ,as analogue or demand.
digital signals .However in IPTV , video data is sent across the IPTV should not be confused with P2P file sharing or
internet as packets .It can be stored on a server and sent to watching of a TV show on your PC .It does not even include
computers or straight to special STB’s ,over ADSL ,or cable watching a low-resolution Quick Time or Windows Media
lines. clip in a tiny Web window .It could be considered as similar
IPTV uses two way digital broadcast signal that’s sent through
to some of the TV tuner cards available in the market today ,
either a switcher telephone or cable network .It uses a
broadband connection that terminates into an STB at the user which also let u pause ,rewind and record TV programs wit
send .All the content is then delivered upon the viewers (users) the difference that you watch them on a bigger screen ,and
request. This means that although IPTV is another way of don’t need a pc to get this functionality .The second advantage
showing live TV it is more of a stored video -also known as VOD. of using IPTV is that instead of broadcasting every channel
On IPTV , the programs can be paused and rewound ,as they can continuously like in regular TV service ,IPTV providers
be with personal digital video recorders giving the viewer much would transmit only the channel or show that the subscribers
control .The set top box connected to the TV decodes the IP video request for .This frees up large amount of bandwidth for
being transmitted and converts it into standard television signals. HDTV and high –speed broadband .
There’s an SVS (switched video service ) system ,which lets the
viewer watch the broadcast network channels ,subscription
services and movies on demand.
A key first step in providing Internet Television service is
Keywords— IPTV,VOD,SVS,STB,ADSL converting the analog audio voice signals into a digital form
(digitization) and then compressing the digitized information
into a more efficient form.
I. INTRODUCTION Digitization is the conversion of analog signals (continually
IPTV is the latest buzzword in the internet circles, varying signals) into digital form (signals that have only two
especially with the expanding broadband community .So what levels). To convert analog signals to digital form, the analog
exactly is IPTV? The traditional TV that we are used to comes signal is sampled and digitized by using an analog-to-digital
to our TV sets by cable , satellite or through the air ,as (pronounced A to D) converter.
analogue or digital signals .However in IPTV , video data is The A/D converter periodically senses (samples) the level of
sent across the internet as packets .It can be stored on a server the analog signal and creates a binary number or series of
and sent to computers or straight to special STB’s ,over ADSL digital pulses that represent the level of the signal.Because
,or cable lines. digital signals can only have two levels, the signal can be
IPTV uses two way digital broadcast signal that’s sent regenerated and during this regeneration process, the noise is
through either a switcher telephone or cable network .It uses a removed. Television signal digitization involves digitization
broadband connection that terminates into an STB at the user of both the audio and video signals.
send .All the content is then delivered upon the viewers
(users) request. This means that although IPTV is another way
of showing live TV it is more of a stored video -also known as
VOD. On IPTV , the programs can be paused and rewound ,as
they can be with personal digital video recorders giving the
viewer much control .The set top box connected to the TV
decodes the IP video being transmitted and converts it into
standard television signals. There’s an SVS (switched video
service ) system ,which lets the viewer watch the broadcast
includes digital audio compression and digital video

Audio Digitization
Figure shows the basic audio digitization process. This
diagram shows that a person creates sound pressure waves .Digital Speech Compression shows the basic digital speech
when they talk. These sound pressure waves are converted to compression process. In this example, the word "HELLO" is
electrical signals by a microphone. When the microphone digitized. The initial digitized bits represent every specific
senses a large sound pressure wave (loud audio), it produces a shape of the digitized word HELLO. This digital information
large (higher voltage) analog signal. To convert the analog is analyzed and it is determined that this entire word can be
signal to digital form, the analog signal is periodically represented by three sounds: "HeH" + "LeL" + "OH." Each of
sampled and converted to a number of pulses. This example these sounds only requires a few digital bits instead of the
also shows that when the digital information is transmitted, it many bits required to recreate the entire analog waveform.
may acquire distortion during transmission. A digital receiver It demonstrates the operation of the basic digital video
that detects the high or low signal levels and uses these levels compression system. Each video frame is digitized and then
to recreate new digital signals can eliminate this distortion. sent for digital compression. The digital compression process
This conversion process is called regeneration or repeating. creates a sequence of frames (images) that start with a key
This regeneration progress allows digital signals to be sent at frame. The key frame is digitized and used as reference points
great distances without losing the quality of the audio sound. for the compression process. Between the key frames, only the
differences in images are transmitted. This dramatically
reduces the data transmission rate to represent a digital video
signal as an uncompressed digital video signal requires over
50 Mbps compared to less than 4 Mbps for a typical digital
video disk (DVD) digital video signal.
Video Digitization Sending Packets
This shows the basic process used to digitize images Sending packets through the Internet involves routing them
for pictures from analog video. The image is scanned line by through the network and managing the loss of packets when
line from the top to bottom. For color video, the image is they can't reach their destination.
scanned into lines where each contains intensity (brightness) Packet Routing Methods
and color information. This example shows that each line is Packet routing involves the transmission of packets through
periodically sampled and converted into digital equivalent intelligent switches (called routers) that analyze the
levels. This example shows that analog signals can have 256 destination address of the packet and determine a path that
levels (0-255) and that this can be represented by 8 bits of will help the packet travel toward its destination. Routers learn
information (a byte). One byte of information represents the from each other about the best routes for them to select when
intensity and one byte of information represents the color. forwarding packets toward their destination (usually paths to
other routers). Routers regularly broadcast their connection
Digital Media Compression - Gaining Efficiency information to nearby routers and they listen for connection
Digital media compression is a process of analyzing a digital information from connected routers. From this information,
signal (digitized video and/or audio) and using the analysis routers build information tables (called routing tables) that
information to convert the high-speed digital signals that help them to determine the best path for them to forward each
represent the actual signal shape into lower-speed digital packet to.
signals that represent the actual content (such as a moving Routers may forward packets towards their destination simply
image or human voice). This process allows IP television based on their destination address or they may look at some
service to have lower data transmission rates than standard descriptive information about the packet. This descriptive
digital video signals while providing for good quality video information may include special handling instructions (called
and audio. Digital media compression for IP television a label or tag) or priority status (such as high priority for real
time voice or video signals).

Packet Transmission Packet Buffering

It shows how blocks of data are divided into small packet it shows how packet buffering can be used to reduce the
sizes that can be sent through the Internet. After the data is effects of packet delays and packet loss for streaming media
divided into packets (envelopes shown in this example), a systems. This diagram shows that during the transmission of
destination address along with some description about the packets from the media server to the viewer, some of the
contents is added to each packet (called in the packet header). packet transmission time varies (jitter) and some of the
As the packet enters into the Internet (routing boxes shown in packets are lost during transmission. The packet buffer
this diagram), each router reviews the destination address in temporarily stores data before providing it to the media player.
its routing table and determines which paths it can send the This provides the time necessary to time synchronize the
packet to so it will move further towards its destination. If a packets and to request and replace packets that have been lost
current path is busy or unavailable (such as shown for packet during transmission.
#3), the router can forward the packets to other routers that 1.Converting Packets to Television Service
can forward the packet towards its destination. This example IP Television data packets are converted back to television
shows that because some packets will travel through different signals via gateways. Gateways may interconnect IP television
paths, packets may arrive out of sequence at their destination. service to a television network (such as a hotel television
When the packets arrive at their destination, they can be system) or they may convert the signals directly to a television
reassembled into proper order using the packet sequence signal format (such as a NTSC or PAL analog television
number. signals).
2.Gateways Connect the Internet to Standard Televisions
A television gateway is a communications device or assembly
III. IPTV AND IPTV PROTOCOLS that transforms audio and video that is received from a
Packet buffering is the process of temporarily storing television media server (IP television signal source) into a
(buffering) packets during the transmission of information to format that can be used by a viewer or different network. A
create a reserve of packets that can be used during packet television gateway usually has more intelligence (processing
transmission delays or retransmission requests. While a packet function) than a data network bridge as it can select the video
buffer is commonly located in the receiving device, a packet and voice compression coders and adjust the protocols and
buffer may also be used in the sending device to allow the timing between two dissimilar computer systems or IP
rapid selection and retransmission of packets when they are Television network
requested by the receiving device. Packet buffering is .
commonly used in IP television systems to overcome the 3.Managing the Television Connections
transmission delays and packet losses that occur when Gatekeepers control the setup, connection, feature operation,
viewing IP television signals. and disconnection of television channels connected through
A packet buffer receives and adds small amounts of delay to the data network. Gatekeepers can be owned and operated by
packets so that all the packets appear to have been received private companies, or public service providers such as Internet
without varying delays. The amount of packet buffering for IP Television service provider (ITVSP). IP television systems
television systems can vary from tenths of a second to tens of manage the downloading or streaming of IP television signals
seconds. to the consumer and may manage the selection (switching) of
the media source.
Downloading is the process of transferring a program or a data
from computer server to another computer. Download
commonly refers to retrieving complete files from a web site
server to another computer. Downloading moves requires the platform on which to add personalized e-commerce options
storage of the entire file on a hard disk or other type of and more targeted advertising.
memory storage for playback at a later time. IP-TV is a carrier-led and controlled platform. There is a
One of the key advantages of downloading is the data physical carrier that has physical pipes and infrastructure that
transmission rate can vary and operate at any speed. If the user it operates and controls. The consumer interacts directly with
is willing to wait long enough, the entire file can be that operator/carrier.
downloaded for future playback on any connection. A key As such this is an end-to-end system or semi-closed network
disadvantage to downloading is the need to wait until the (infrastructure is all within the carrier environment, and
entire file is transferred before being able to view and the need cannot be normally accessed to the Internet as a whole.
to have enough storage room to hold the entire video (4 GB Further to this, the deployment infrastructure and devices to
for a 2 hour movie). access it are all managed and operated by the IP-TV carrier).
IPTV is definitely a massive connectivity infrastructure
5. Streaming upgrade to be deployed over a number of years, and which
Streaming is a process that provides a continuous stream of underlines major changes and upgrades to connectivity,
information that is commonly used for the delivery of audio transport and delivery devices both on the operator
and video content with minimal delay (e.g. real-time). environment as well as on the consumer side.
Streaming signals are usually compressed and error protected IPTV approach is a fundamentally geographically-bound
to allow the receiver to buffer, decompress, and time sequence approach. This is mainly due to the fact that the deployment
information before it is displayed in its original format. . infrastructure is based in regions and in neighborhoods
Examples of shared-disk parallel DBMS include IBM’s connected to consumer premises (users homes). User
IMS/VS Data Sharing product and DEC’s VAX DBMS and experience is also bound to their living rooms and set-top
Rdb products. The implementation of ORACLE on DEC’s boxes. Local regulations and policies further influence and
VAXcluster and NCUBE computers also uses the shared-disk limit IP-TV to be a strongly geographically-bound model.
approach since it requires minimal extensions of the RDBMS IPTV will offer essentially the same product and
kernel. Note that all these systems exploit inter-query programming offered by digital cable and satellite providers.
parallelism only. Similar on-demand and pay per view products probably with
some extra integration with voice, and different pricing.
A. Advantages of IPTV

B. Commercial aspect of IPTV

Advantages of IPTV include two-way capability lacked by
traditional TV distribution technologies, as well as point to The sources of revenue and expenses for IPTV operators
point distribution allowing each viewer to view individual are fairly straightforward.
broadcasts. This enables stream control (pause, wind/rewind Revenue sources
etc.) and a free selection of programming much like its Although new services can generate substantial revenue, the
narrowband cousin, the web. basic revenue
Tripleplay is an expression used by service operators sources remain the same: subscribers and advertisers.
describing a consumer package including telephony, dataand Subscribers
video. Offering tripleplay on a broadband connection requires Each subscriber pays a monthly service charge. This service
the use of IPTV and IP Telephony (Voice over IP, VoIP). charge can include Broadcast television, including national ,
Because it uses the Internet and sends less information than local and/or premium channels; and incremental charges for
standard analog or digital television, IPTV promises lower advanced services such as “non-premium” VoD or Video
costs for operators and lower prices for consumers. Using set- conferencing. Set-top box rentals also generate some revenue.
top boxes through broadband or Digital Subscriber Line(DSL) The subscriber may also pay a one-time fee to watch content
Internet, video can be streamed to households more efficiently such as recent. Movies , which may be available via Pay Per
than current coaxial cable. View or VoD.
IPTV is particularly good for the established media content Advertisers
production business, including Hollywood and all of the major Advertisers can pay operators to have their commercials
television distribution networks on satellite and cable. IPTV shown. Some national. channels allow this local ad insertion ,
allows these organizations to have total control of the content the operator gets to keep this revenue.
distributed and to greatly reduce opportunities for theft and For the cable industry in 2003, ad insertion added $5 billion to
piracy, which last year cost the cable industry $4.76 billion in the top line.
unrealized revenue. Video on Demand revenue
The way IPTV television is being conceived integrates VoD often generates additional revenue for the operator by
multiple ways to monitor and record user choices, preferences customizing television to meet the preferences and schedule
and selections over time therefore appearing as an ideal the subscriber. However , the business model for VoD
varies widely.
Variations include: .
Free on Demand — VoD access and content is free, as
stimulus to buy the C. Summary
overall service. The primary difference between IPTV and existing cable
networks is that in IPTV control of programs is distributed
A la carte VoD — Pay for each item viewed (similar to Pay ,whereas in cable network it is not so. One remarkable feature
Per View). of IPTV that is not present in residential television network is
Typically the subscriber has one day to view the content. VoD. Broadband IPTV means better bandwidth intensive
Subscription VoD — Pay a monthly fee services such as television content and VoD ,with a better
for access to all content in the standard library. quality than DVD , delivered to the living room via IP.
The underlying enabling technology of IPTV is
Premium VoD — Pay an additional monthly fee for premium broadband DSL or cable modem and fiber - to the home
content such as recent movies. VoD also provides advertising (FTTH).the companies use DSL as the access platform and as
and promotional opportunities. A warehouse home center may such ,every telecom company in the world is viewing the
pay to sponsor an instructional home improvement video with IPTV opportunity rather seriously .This is because telecom
a promotion code to get discounted product. You can provide companies across the globe are losing their traditional
promo packages to increase revenue, such as “buy two, get business to Internet telephony ,mobile phones and cable
one free” or “if you liked this movie, you may want to also phones. They have to offer something aggressive to maintain
view these other movies.” their market share and IPTV offers value added service under
one umbrella.
IPTV costs In addition to the cost of operating the network, .
there are several costs unique to offering television service.

Content acquisition and distribution REFERENCES

The operator must sign an agreement with each content [1] .
provider. Dozens of agreements1 are required to cover the
myriad of available channels and VoD content. This webchanges
agreement covers what the operator can offer, but does not [2] .
cover where the operator gets the content. A separate [3] Electronics for you (IEEE Reference, Vol: 35, February
agreement must be reached with one or more content 2004)
aggregators. Aggregators provide the content to the operator,
typically by allowing the operator to receive a satellite signal.

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