Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) : Navil Fernandes, Noel Dsouza, Glynnis Dcruz
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) : Navil Fernandes, Noel Dsouza, Glynnis Dcruz
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) : Navil Fernandes, Noel Dsouza, Glynnis Dcruz
Abstract— The traditional TV that we are used to comes to our network channels ,subscription services and movies on
TV sets by cable , satellite or through the air ,as analogue or demand.
digital signals .However in IPTV , video data is sent across the IPTV should not be confused with P2P file sharing or
internet as packets .It can be stored on a server and sent to watching of a TV show on your PC .It does not even include
computers or straight to special STB’s ,over ADSL ,or cable watching a low-resolution Quick Time or Windows Media
lines. clip in a tiny Web window .It could be considered as similar
IPTV uses two way digital broadcast signal that’s sent through
to some of the TV tuner cards available in the market today ,
either a switcher telephone or cable network .It uses a
broadband connection that terminates into an STB at the user which also let u pause ,rewind and record TV programs wit
send .All the content is then delivered upon the viewers (users) the difference that you watch them on a bigger screen ,and
request. This means that although IPTV is another way of don’t need a pc to get this functionality .The second advantage
showing live TV it is more of a stored video -also known as VOD. of using IPTV is that instead of broadcasting every channel
On IPTV , the programs can be paused and rewound ,as they can continuously like in regular TV service ,IPTV providers
be with personal digital video recorders giving the viewer much would transmit only the channel or show that the subscribers
control .The set top box connected to the TV decodes the IP video request for .This frees up large amount of bandwidth for
being transmitted and converts it into standard television signals. HDTV and high –speed broadband .
There’s an SVS (switched video service ) system ,which lets the
viewer watch the broadcast network channels ,subscription
services and movies on demand.
A key first step in providing Internet Television service is
Keywords— IPTV,VOD,SVS,STB,ADSL converting the analog audio voice signals into a digital form
(digitization) and then compressing the digitized information
into a more efficient form.
I. INTRODUCTION Digitization is the conversion of analog signals (continually
IPTV is the latest buzzword in the internet circles, varying signals) into digital form (signals that have only two
especially with the expanding broadband community .So what levels). To convert analog signals to digital form, the analog
exactly is IPTV? The traditional TV that we are used to comes signal is sampled and digitized by using an analog-to-digital
to our TV sets by cable , satellite or through the air ,as (pronounced A to D) converter.
analogue or digital signals .However in IPTV , video data is The A/D converter periodically senses (samples) the level of
sent across the internet as packets .It can be stored on a server the analog signal and creates a binary number or series of
and sent to computers or straight to special STB’s ,over ADSL digital pulses that represent the level of the signal.Because
,or cable lines. digital signals can only have two levels, the signal can be
IPTV uses two way digital broadcast signal that’s sent regenerated and during this regeneration process, the noise is
through either a switcher telephone or cable network .It uses a removed. Television signal digitization involves digitization
broadband connection that terminates into an STB at the user of both the audio and video signals.
send .All the content is then delivered upon the viewers
(users) request. This means that although IPTV is another way
of showing live TV it is more of a stored video -also known as
VOD. On IPTV , the programs can be paused and rewound ,as
they can be with personal digital video recorders giving the
viewer much control .The set top box connected to the TV
decodes the IP video being transmitted and converts it into
standard television signals. There’s an SVS (switched video
service ) system ,which lets the viewer watch the broadcast
includes digital audio compression and digital video
Audio Digitization
Figure shows the basic audio digitization process. This
diagram shows that a person creates sound pressure waves .Digital Speech Compression shows the basic digital speech
when they talk. These sound pressure waves are converted to compression process. In this example, the word "HELLO" is
electrical signals by a microphone. When the microphone digitized. The initial digitized bits represent every specific
senses a large sound pressure wave (loud audio), it produces a shape of the digitized word HELLO. This digital information
large (higher voltage) analog signal. To convert the analog is analyzed and it is determined that this entire word can be
signal to digital form, the analog signal is periodically represented by three sounds: "HeH" + "LeL" + "OH." Each of
sampled and converted to a number of pulses. This example these sounds only requires a few digital bits instead of the
also shows that when the digital information is transmitted, it many bits required to recreate the entire analog waveform.
may acquire distortion during transmission. A digital receiver It demonstrates the operation of the basic digital video
that detects the high or low signal levels and uses these levels compression system. Each video frame is digitized and then
to recreate new digital signals can eliminate this distortion. sent for digital compression. The digital compression process
This conversion process is called regeneration or repeating. creates a sequence of frames (images) that start with a key
This regeneration progress allows digital signals to be sent at frame. The key frame is digitized and used as reference points
great distances without losing the quality of the audio sound. for the compression process. Between the key frames, only the
differences in images are transmitted. This dramatically
reduces the data transmission rate to represent a digital video
signal as an uncompressed digital video signal requires over
50 Mbps compared to less than 4 Mbps for a typical digital
video disk (DVD) digital video signal.
Video Digitization Sending Packets
This shows the basic process used to digitize images Sending packets through the Internet involves routing them
for pictures from analog video. The image is scanned line by through the network and managing the loss of packets when
line from the top to bottom. For color video, the image is they can't reach their destination.
scanned into lines where each contains intensity (brightness) Packet Routing Methods
and color information. This example shows that each line is Packet routing involves the transmission of packets through
periodically sampled and converted into digital equivalent intelligent switches (called routers) that analyze the
levels. This example shows that analog signals can have 256 destination address of the packet and determine a path that
levels (0-255) and that this can be represented by 8 bits of will help the packet travel toward its destination. Routers learn
information (a byte). One byte of information represents the from each other about the best routes for them to select when
intensity and one byte of information represents the color. forwarding packets toward their destination (usually paths to
other routers). Routers regularly broadcast their connection
Digital Media Compression - Gaining Efficiency information to nearby routers and they listen for connection
Digital media compression is a process of analyzing a digital information from connected routers. From this information,
signal (digitized video and/or audio) and using the analysis routers build information tables (called routing tables) that
information to convert the high-speed digital signals that help them to determine the best path for them to forward each
represent the actual signal shape into lower-speed digital packet to.
signals that represent the actual content (such as a moving Routers may forward packets towards their destination simply
image or human voice). This process allows IP television based on their destination address or they may look at some
service to have lower data transmission rates than standard descriptive information about the packet. This descriptive
digital video signals while providing for good quality video information may include special handling instructions (called
and audio. Digital media compression for IP television a label or tag) or priority status (such as high priority for real
time voice or video signals).