Nursing Unit Strategic Planning
Nursing Unit Strategic Planning
Nursing Unit Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning of Nursing Unit 2
process the strategy of nursing to confirm most nursing and healthcare services To enable this,
nurses are supposed to give the most efficient services in through using the unique capabilities
they possess providing their patients with most effective services and better the standard and safe
health care. A good nursing strategy directs nurses' services to improve the quality of healthcare
should have the required basics as regulated by the Healthcare Institute of Improvement: a group
of nursing strategic planners, the goals of medical unit, various areas of concern, recommended
Nursing team of strategy planning. Before noting down the actual plan, as well as its
stakeholders is made up. The group includes experts accustomed to several healthcare facility
aspects and the processes concerned. It includes nurses’ managerial team, physicians,
2017). The clinical team members are then needed to effectively test the nursing strategy. The
leaders and technical team ought to understand the day to day activities carried out by the nurses
and, so, should come up with the tools to be effectively used by nurses.
Setting the Nursing Care goals. The entire nursing plan requires a more comprehensive
understanding and directions of the desired achievements. The main goal of the plan should have
significant metrics and time aspects in tackling the effectiveness of the healthcare. The Institute
of Medicine gives the directives to be effectively followed by nursing strategic planning. The
main objectives that ought to direct the nursing strategic plan are efficiency, patient-centered
equitability, safety, effectiveness and effectiveness. The strategy also entails the desired
Strategic Planning of Nursing Unit 3
outcomes of the facility in the process of resolving the nursing diagnosis or problem of the
patient. The facility’s desired outcomes can be long-lasting or temporary. The goals of the
Defining areas of concern in nursing department of healthcare. The target areas of the
plan should be pointed out such that the team of expertise provide significant corrections to boost
the facility’s services and update the regulations of the facility's in cases problems. The
subsequent to be followed is determining the possible results of the amendments and determine
the possibility of the goals’ achievements. The strategic planning team should find out the
outcomes resulting from the amendments, who can be affected, what factors determine the
The amendments choice is made by nursing planning team. Amendments does not
Improvement Institute (Dickens et al.,2019), all enhancements require certain amendments level.
After the requirements of the facility have been determined and regulations to determine the
outcomes have been determined, the managerial and expert team must significantly provide the
amendments it advocates. At a point, the plan will have to obey increased modifications call
resulting to less waste, a lot of effective management time, and more working environment that
is very productive. The amendments that are in play are implemented broadly in the whole
facility system.
The Process of Management and The Impacts it has on Optimal Healthcare Delivery.
Management is made of social and technical duties and functions occurring within
several institutions desired to predetermine the outcomes through the available resources and
Strategic Planning of Nursing Unit 4
manpower (Rakich, Longest Jr, & Darr, 2000). The management of nursing entails leading,
planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the resources of the facility in a much more
efficient or effective way to acquire its desired outcomes and set objectives. The process
considers several approaches of management that protects both human and material resources in
several efficient practices and applying them in the fields of healthcare and nursing.
managers are required be competent enough. (Kumah, Ankomah, & Antwi, 2016). Through
competence, nurses are able to undertake their duties in health care due to possession of good
capabilities and helpful talents. These qualities include conceptual skills, involving the ability of
nurses to analyze complex patient issues and provide possible significant solutions. In nursing,
technical skills are shown by nurses in the potential they show in performing different healthcare
duties. Social abilities are also important in the field of nursing, such that the nursing team of
managers are able to work and communicate with other members of the staff, despite their
managerial positions.
nursing department. Leadership duties can affect the results of nursing duties in relation to
several categories of handling the patients. The reduction and management of problems
particularly the errors made during medication, through the influence of management on nurses,
can be associated with the outcomes of patients’ services offered by the nurses, absenteeism,
overtime, staff expertise, turn over, and the ratios of patients to nurses. Efficient management of
nursing is very important in the processes of healthcare, creation of work environments for the
nurses, require levels of staff, and the resources that support the nurses in ensuring prevention of
Strategic Planning of Nursing Unit 5
unnecessary deaths of the patients. Other elements of the management process are needed to
ensure that patients are satisfied with the services offered to them by the nurses.
describing its services, executive summary, target market, legalization, regulatory, management
and financial briefing (Wassinger, & Baxter 2011). The summary of executive in the nursing
strategy is used to market the services of the facility like the healthcare given to the facility’s
potential patients. Services; readers are informed in detail about the services given by the nursing
facility. Product descriptions of the manufacturers of the medical equipment used in the facility
are found under services under market, the business of nursing should explain the reasons for its
relocation to the central district of business The facility contexts figurative proof of its important
Regulatory; the business plan of a nursing facility should talk of the regulatory in its
working environment. A nursing amenity ought to explain how it relates with the health care
authorities around its work environment and even other regulators. Discussing the history of
compliance to the regulatory and the facility inspection. Legal; nursing and healthcare facilities
show all the matters that are legal in pertinent and whether facility is a third-party litigation of
any material. Finance; the facility ought to indicate its information history on finance and a three
Dickens, G. L., Ramjan, L., Endrawes, G., Barlow, E. M., & Everett, B. (2019). Effectiveness
and experiences of mental health nurses in a medical emergency and severe physiological
Kumah, E., Ankomah, S. E., & Antwi, F. (2016). The role of first-line managers in healthcare
Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management: for patient safety and quality care. FA
Rakich, J. S., Longest Jr, B. B., & Darr, K. (2000). Managing health services organizations and
Wassinger, K., & Baxter, G. D. (2011). Business plans in physiotherapy: a practical guide to