Examenation Questions
Examenation Questions
Examenation Questions
at the educational & methodical session at the session of
of the therapeutic dentistry department educational & methodical council on the
«___» ___________ 2017, protocol №__ specialty 31.05.03 “Dentistry”
Head of the therapeutic dentistry department «__» _________ 2017, protocol №__
Moscow 2017
учебно-методической конференцией кафедры на заседании Учебно-методического
«___» ___________ г., протокол №__ совета по специальности 31.05.03
Заведующая кафедрой _______стоматология______
терапевтической стоматологии (название)
«__» _________ 2017г., протокол №__
________________ /Макеева И.М./
(подпись) (ФИО) Председатель УМС
________________ /Адмакин О.И../
(подпись) (ФИО)
1. Basic patient examination methods: questioning, extraoral and
intraoral visual examination, probing, palpation, percussion.
2. Additional patient examination methods: temperature test, electric
pulp test, radiological examination (intraoral and extraoral X-ray).
3. Laboratory examination methods: blood test, cytological and
histological study, blood and urine biochemistry, microbiological
study. Oncological alertness.
4. Dental deposits: cuticle, pellicle, soft plaque (material alba),
pigmented plaque, dental matured plaque, subgingival and
supragingival calculus.
5. Role of the dental deposits in the pathogenesis of oral diseases.
Professional oral hygiene: methods, steps of the procedure, equipment.
6. Classification of teeth non-carious lesions (according to ICD CM).
7. Non-carious lesions, occurring before teeth eruption (disorders of
tooth development and eruption). Enamel hypoplasy and hyperplasy.
Classification, etiology and pathogenesis, pathomorphology, clinical
features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
8. Dental fluorosis (К00.30 Endemic mottling of enamel).
Classification, etiology and pathogenesis, pathomorphology, clinical
features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
9. Hereditary disturbances in tooth structure (odontogenesis imperfecta)
Pathomorphology, clinical features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis,
treatment strategies.
10.Hereditary disturbances in tooth structure. Amelogenesis and
dentinogenesis imperfecta. Pathomorphology, clinical features,
diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment strategies.
11.Teeth discolorations. Classification, etiology and pathogenesis,
pathomorphology, clinical features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis,
treatment, prevention.
12. Attrition and abrasion of teeth. Classification, etiology, clinical
features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
13. Dental erosion. Classification, etiology and pathogenesis,
pathomorphology, clinical features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis,
treatment, prevention.
14. Dental abfraction. Wedge defect. Classification, etiology and
pathogenesis, pathomorphology, clinical features, diagnostics,
differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
15.Dental trauma. Classification, etiology and pathogenesis,
pathomorphology, clinical features, diagnostics, differential diagnosis,
treatment, prevention.