No.24, II Eng.

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at meeting of therapeutic stomatology
propaedeutics chair, protocol №_____
«____» ____________ 201___y.
The head of the chair,
Professor_________ Tkachenko I.M.

Methodical Instruction
students’ self – preparation work (at class and at home)
in studying propaedeutics of therapeutic stomatology

Educational discipline Propaedeutics of therapeutic stomatology

Module 2: Filling materials and endodontology.

Content module № 4 Endodontology.

Stages of tooth endodontic treatment: pulp chamber
Topic 24 opening (trepanation) for teeth of different groups,
imposition of devitalizing substances. Amputation,
extirpation of the pulp, removal of its disintegration:
toolkit, technique of manipulation, possible complications.
Medical processing of root canals: kinds (irrigation,
application, temporary root canal obturation), remedies
groups and mechanism of action. The notion of a hermetic,
semi-hermetic and friable bandage.
Course ІІ
Faculty Stomatological

Topic: Stages of tooth endodontic treatment: pulp chamber opening
(trepanation) for teeth of different groups, imposition of devitalizing substances.
Amputation, extirpation of the pulp, removal of its disintegration: toolkit,
technique of manipulation, possible complications. Medical processing of root
canals: kinds (irrigation, application, temporary root canal obturation),
remedies groups and mechanism of action. The notion of a hermetic, semi-
hermetic and friable bandage.
Hours: 2.
1. The topic basis: the topic is very important for future doctors in their
professional activity, positively influences the students in their attitude to the future
profession, forms professional skills and experience as well as taking as a principle
the knowledge of the subject learnt. Knowledge of an anatomical and histological
structure of a tooth is necessary for the student for deep comprehension of the
mechanism of development of different pathological processes, which pass in its hard
and soft tissues.
2. In accordance with the requirements of the "Standard of Higher Education of
Ukraine", the discipline "Propedeutics of therapeutic stomatology" provides the
acquisition of competences by students:
N Competence Knowledge Ability Communication Autonomy and
Integral competence:
the ability to solve complex problems and problems in the field of health care in the
field of "Stomatology" in the process of training and future professional activities.
General competencies:
1. Ability to abstract thinking, searching, processing and analysis of information from
different sources; The ability to continuously study and deepen their knowledge
based on the achievements of modern medicine and, in particular, dentistry.
2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of the
profession. 3. Ability to apply acquired knowledge in practical situations.
4. Ability to communicate with the native and others languages.
5. Skills of information and communication technologies using.
6. Ability to identify, put and solve problems. 7. Ability to work in a team.
8. Interpersonal skills. 9. Ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations
(motives). 10. Skills for safe operation. 11. Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality
of the performed work. 12. The desire to preserve the environment.
Special competencies:
1. Ability to The structure Evaluate the Be able to Be respon-
evaluating the of hard tooth state of teeth, explain and sible for the
results of tissues, pulp, periodontal substantiate the accuracy and
laboratory and periodontium, disease, changes in the accuracy of
instrumental organs and organs, and state of teeth, the evalua-
methods of mucous me- the mucous periodontal di- tion of labo-
examination mbrane of the membrane of sease, organs ratory and
oral cavity, the cavity of and mucous instrumental
changes in the mouth and membranes of research
them, associ- changes in the mouth, sa- methods.
ated with age them. liva and oral
and patholo- fluid to the pa-
gical conditi- tient, colleagues
2. Ability to use Clinical fea- Evaluate the Be able to To be res-
knowledge to tures of the color, the explain the ponsible for
establish a anatomical condition of location of the mastering
clinical and histolo- the tissues of defect of hard the relevant
diagnosis of gical structu- the tooth is tooth tissue to knowledge
dental disease re of the normal, with the patient and and skills
teeth. deminerali- during discus-
Topography zation, etc. sing with
of tissues and colleagues
tooth formati-

The aims of the training course:

A=1. To have general knowledge of the topic studied; to familiarize with
To learn the basic edodontic manipulations in atooth cavity and root canals, medical
A=2. To understand, to remember and to use the knowledge received;
1) to know trepanation of pulp chamber for teeth different group.
2) to know rules imposition of devitalizing substances.
3) to know rules amputation and extirpation of a pulp;
4) to know technique medical processing of root canal, toolkit and remedies;
5) identify notion of a hermetic, semi-hermetic and friable bandage;
3. Materials for the before–class work self–preparation work:
3.1 Basic knowledge, experience, skills necessary for studying the topic in
connection with other subjects:
To know To be able to
Anatomy topographical anatomy of Define topographic and anatomical
teeth. features of different teeth.
Histology A histological structure of distinguish histological formations of
pulp, periodontium. teeth.
Biophysics features of hard tissues of a
correctly to choose cutting toolkit
tooth depending on a tissue of a tooth,
which prepare
Hygiene concept about illuminating own concept of illuminating intensity
intensity (natural and as compound hygienic norms of
artificial) stomatological study.
Therapeutic features of an anatomical Distinguish anatomical formations of
stomatology structure of teeth. teeth.

3.2 The contents of the topic:
Disclosing of pulp chamber
The main stages of the disclosing of the tooth cavity (pulp chamber):
1. Preparation of the carious cavity or trepanation of intact tooth crown.
2. Disclosure of the tooth pulp chamber.
3. Excision of vault of pulp chamber.
4. Creation of a free access to root canal.
5. Final forming of carious cavity and pulp tooth chamber.
The first stages of endodontic treatment is opening (trepanation) of a pulp
chamber. Tooth trepanation – it is creation an access to a pulp chamber from a crown
surface. The essence and principle of the trepanation are disclosing the tooth cavity
by the shortest way taking into account the further convenient access to the root
canals. Opening of a tooth cavity can be performed from a bottom of caries cavities.
To trepan a tooth cavity it is more convenient through a caries cavity to the nearest or
most high pulp horns.
Direction of dental burr drill must be at an angle approximately 45° to the
vertical axis of the tooth, which causes the least pulp trauma and exposure only one
pulp horn.
The incisors and canines trepanation is performed from the oral surface
(lingual–for the mandible teeth, palatal–for the maxilla teeth) from the point of
intersection of the longitudinal and transversal lines passing through the center of the
tooth crown and the tooth equator. In of the maxilla and mandible premolars
trepanation is performed from central fissure toward the buccal pulp horn. In the
upper molars trepanation is performed from central fissure in the direction of the
mesial-buccal pulp horn, in the mandible molars-in the direction of the mesial-oral
pulp horn.
For opening pulp chamber and revealing a pulp, can be used round or
cylindrical form of diamond bores.

Fig. Formation of pulp cavity access:

A – primary a cavity access corresponds to the shape and size of pulp chamber.
B – trepanation of vault of pulp cavity.
C, D – removal of vault of pulp cavity.
E – expantion of root canal ostium.

Pulp devitalization
The devitalization is a destruction of all structures and tissues of a pulp with a
complete violation of its functions. With purpose of devitalization of a pulp using
drugs arsenic anhydride and paraformaldehyde.
Arsenic anhydride induces death of vascular cells and nerve fibers of the pulp.
Mechanism a toxic action of arsenic paste and its composition:
1. Arsenic anhydride - operates on a pulp is necrotic. There are three
mechanisms of local toxic action of arsenic acid:
- Direct the cytotoxic action connected to blockade cytochrome, which results
in infringement of processes of cellular breath and destruction of a cell;
- Denaturation of protein substance at contact with arsenic anhydride;
- Blockade by connections of arsenic synapse nice nervous fibers therefore
there is an infringement of blood vessels, their expansion and a thrombosis.
It results in the termination of blood circulation in a pulp and its destruction.
2. Local anesthetic, (Sol. Lidocaini) for fast elimination of a painful syndrome.
3. Strong antiseptics (timol, camphora-phenol) for suppression of microflora in
cavities of a tooth, the prevention of distribution of microorganisms in depth of a
tissues of a pulp, neutralization of a pulp in dentine tubules and deltoid branches.
4. Knitting substance (tannin) for increase in duration action of arsenic pastes.
Rules applying of arsenic paste:
- Arsenic paste applying only on the bared horn of a pulp;
- The quantity of the arsenic paste necessary for devitalizing of a pulp of one
tooth, corresponds to the size of the head of a spherical bore № 1 (a dose of arsenic
anhydride - 0,0006 - 0,0008 g);
- Over arsenic paste impose a cotton ball, impregnated with a solution of
- Caries cavity without pressure hermetically close a bandage from water
- Term of imposing of arsenic paste in incisors, canines, premolars - 24 hours,
in molars - 48 hours.
Representatives of the arsenical paste are:”Arsenic”, “Devit ARS”, Pulparsen,

1. Exposed pulp horn.

2. Arsenical paste.
3. Cotton ball with a solution of
anesthetic and ntisptic.
4. Bandage from a water dentine.

Fig. Impositio of arsenical paste

Representative paste without content arsenic is paraformaldehyde paste.
Paraformaldehyd is a product of polymerization of formaldehyde. In high
concentration it causes necrosis of tissues and shows bactericidal action. Advantage
paraformaldehyde pastes before arsenic are its softer action: it will not cause irritation
of a periodontium. Devitalizing of a pulp arises in 6-8 days.
Paste by the same rules, as well as arsenic is imposed paraformaldehyde. Firm
"Septodont " releases 4 preparations for devitalizing of pulp of a tooth:
- «Caustinerv arsenic»;
- «Caustinerv high-speed» (Rapide);
- «Caustinerv protecting without arsenic» (Fort);
- «Caustinerv for a time teeth without arsenic».
Divitalization of a pulp by these preparations it is based not only on
necrotization, but also on sclerosis of a pulp.
Due to this even in microtubules, or in additional branches of root canals also
there is a tissues of a pulp after application of "Caustinerv" it becomes sclerotic and
antiseptic processed.
In second visit to remove all devitalized pulp from a tooth cavity and root canals.

Pulp amputation and extirpation, removal of its decay

Amputation – partial removal of a pulp, only its crown parts. Amputation is
performed by an excavator. Failture to remove all tissue fragments from pulp
chamber may result in lateral discoloration of the tooth. The pulp chamber should be
irrigated well to remove blood and debris.
Extirpation – full removal of a pulp from a tooth cavity and root canal. It is
performed by pulp extractor (barbed broach).
The stages of pulp extirpation.
1. Completely allocate a hermetic bandage from caries cavities with the help of
a sharp excavator or a bore and a caries cavity wash out an antiseptic.
2. Carry out final processing in caries cavities with the purpose of a resection
of all the pathological changed of hard tissues and creation of conditions for direct
access to a cavity of a tooth and root canals.
3. In the arch of crown cavities is spherical, and then fissure a bore carry out
resection of the arch on all an extent. At correct disclosing a cavity of a tooth a wall
of caries cavities should pass without a ledge in walls of a cavity of a tooth.
4. Amputation of a crown pulp is carried out under a drop antiseptics a sharp
excavator, or a spherical bore during a resection of the arch pulp cavity. In a single-
root teeth this stage is hard for separating from previous as there is no precise border
between a crown cavity and a cavity of root canals.
5. With the lengthened contact boors or special contact boors for expansion of
ostium of root canals such as Gates-Glidden expand ostium of a root canals and a thin
sharp excavator delete of ostium part of a pulp.
6. A root pulp delete with pulpextractor (one or two), or a rasp. The tool enters
at an ostium of the root canal and cautiously pushes to an emphasis, for all length of
the canal to a level of top apertures. Then pulpextractor it is cautious, without effort
1,5-2 times rotate around of an axis that the pulp was reeled up on its lateral cuttings
and smoothly extend. At full removal of a root pulp on the tool there is a tissues of a
pulp, according to a structure (to the form and length) the root canal. Painless
introduction of the tool and absence of a bleeding from the canal testifies to full
removal of a pulp.
Vital amputation - method of pulpitis treatment , which provides removing of
the crown pulp after anesthesia with subsequent imposition of medical paste and
constant fill.
Vital extirpation - method of pulpitis treatment, which provides removal of
the all pulp after anesthesia.
After the anesthesia dissect of carious cavity, open of tooth cavity, is excised
arch of tooth cavity. In single-root teeth removal of the crown and root pulp is carried
out simultaneously.
In multi-root teeth, removal of the pulp happens gradually: removing the crown
pulp (amputation), stop bleeding, the widening ostium of a root canal and pulp
removal of the root canal. For remove of a root pulp is used pulpextractor.

Medicamental processing of a root-canal

The purpose of medicamental treatment of root canal:
1. To action on the microorganism, toxins, which are in a system macrocanal,
microchannel and tissues of periodontium
2. To carry-out anti-inflammatory action on the inflamed tissue of
3. To stimulate reparative processes in periodontal tissues.
Acids and complecsons.
Acids and complecsons were used for washing root-canals through their
property to soften a dentine. 30% chloride and 50% acids were used for dissolution of
inorganic structure of dentine, as a result of what an organic matrix of dentin yielded
to mechanical tooling. But stomatology that time paid less attention to the toxic
operating of these preparations on a periodontal.
Complecsons entered endodontic practice in 70 years. They were in a greater
measure softened a dentine than acids and were less toxic for per apical tissues.
Complecsons form connections with the ions of calcium of dentine, due to which are
the last passes to the soluble state. In a clinic use 20% solution of Trilon, Canal+,
Largal ultra, Recta(EDTA buffered with the hydroxide of natrium in the environment
of water), lemon acid and other
Hydrogen peroxide.
Used in endodontic practice as 3% solution. By the contact with living tissues
or organic substances, a hydrogen peroxide at once dissociation on molecular oxygen
and water. Rapid separation of blisters of gas, that has a weak bactericidal action,
helps the mechanical cleaning of canal from necrotizing tissues and dentine them
shaving. But a hydrogen peroxide cannot dissolve necrotizing tissues and other
organic including of a root-canal.
Preparations on the basis of chlorine.
For the substances of this row belong: 2% solution of chloramine B, 0,5-5%
solution hypochlorite sodium, 0,1-1% solution chlorhexidine. Considerable
bactericidal action of these preparations is bound to the selection of gaseous chlorine,
that deeply gets to the system dentine tubules and disinfects them to composition.
Consider the insignificant toxicness of chloramine is related to passing of chloramine
to benzol sulfamid, that is ineffective formation.
No less known for preparation, that contains a chlorine there is a chlorhexidine
(134,4 g of chloramine, 26 g of sodium chloride and 3,3 ml of water). From this
connection a chlorine is distinguished slowly, that diminishes him irritating action.
Bactericidalness of chlorhecsidinum, as well as related of the hypochlorite sodium to
the selection of hypochloric acid and gaseous chlorine. Solution of chlorhexidine
biglukonatis has an antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal action. The solutions
hydrogens in a concentration 0,5-1% use.
Most popularity got to the 3-5% solutions of hypochlorite sodium, that has
near 1% chlorine. It not expensive, of long duration action preparation not only
disinfects of a root-canal, but also has oiling properties for endodontic tools.
Solution 5,25% of hypochlorite sodium is preparation of choice in modern
endodontic practices. This preparation has four main qualities: antimicrobial action,
ability to dissolve of necrotizing tissues, sterilize the system of root-canal, tolerant to
tissues of the periodontal.
Antimicrobial action.
The solution of hypochlorite sodium in a concentration 5,25% is a very
effective by antimicrobial substance. Clinical and laboratory researches showed that
this solution rendered harmless most microorganisms to the system of root-canal
during 1 min. Even the presence of organic material (blood), that reduces
antimicrobial properties, allows during 30 seconds displays to destroy streptococci.
Dissolution of necrotic tissues.
Hypochlorite of sodium – is effective dissolved of necrotizing tissues. 5,25%
solution dissolves in 7 times greater organic tissues, than lemon acid. Rosenfeld with
a colleagues showed, that 5,25% soltion of NaOCl also had the dissolvent operating
on living tissues of a pulp and able to get to the dentinal tubes. It is set, that he can
dissolve and predentine. This is important, as there are most bacteria.
Sterilization of the system root-canals.
The row of researches showed, that solution of NaOCl was the most effective
for moving away of bits and pieces of pulp from the system of the root canal in the
process of chime-mechanical treatment. The increase of a temperature of solution to
37ºС considerably strengthens the action of NaOCl. Also efficiency rises at
combination of treatment of canal with 17% solution of ЕDTA, and also with the use
of ultrasound.
During realization of chemist - tooling of a root-canal by hypochlorite sodium
can be used together with 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Formation of foam
helps to displace the large conglomerates of the necrotizing masses in a canal, and
oxygen, that is distinguished is an effective agent in disintegration of some anaerobic
microorganisms, promotes of passing a dentine tubules, forming terms for deeper
penetration of medicinal substances.
Remedies on the basis iodine.

Iodinolum is complex preparation t basis on connection of iodine with a
synthetic polymer - polyvinyl alcohol. Has the expressed bactericidal and fungicide
action, normalizes the regeneration of tissues and stimulates fagocytis activity of
leucocytes. Use 1% solution. Iodinolum is used and as an indicator of sterility of
canal. Upon with a products of disintegration , purulent exudate, it loses its dark- blu
The Yodonat is water solution of complex surf-active substance with iodine. Contains
near 4,5% Iоdine. Has a bactericidal and fungicidal action.
Literature recommended:
1. Marchenko I.Ya., Tkachenko I.M., Lobach L.N. Propaedeutics of Therapeutic
Stomatology (Module 2): Teaching manual for foreing students of dentistry
faculties of higher medical educationalestablishment / Marchenko I.Ya.,
Tkachenko I.M., Lobach L.N.; “UMSA”. – Poltava: “ASM”, 2017. – 192 p.
2. Marchenko I.Ya., Tkachenko I.M., Nazarenko Z.Yu. Propaedeutics of
Therapeutic Stomatology (Module 1): Teaching manual for foreing students of
dentistry faculties of higher medical educationalestablishment / Marchenko I.Ya.,
Tkachenko I.M., Nazarenko Z.Yu.; “UMSA”. – Poltava: “ASM”, 2016. – 191 p.
3. Mithell D. Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry / D. Mithell, L. Mithell. –
Oxford University Press, 1999. – 804 p.
4. Propaedeutics of Pedodontics. / L.F. Kaskova, I.Yu.Vashchenko. // Methodical
recommendation – Poltava, 2007. – 156.
5. Peter Heasman. Restorative Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. -
Churchill Livingstone. – 2003. – P. 378.
1. Pahomov P. V. «Primary Dental Diseases Prevention». –– M.: Medicine, 1982.-
238 p.
2. Pinkbam I.R., D.D.S., M.S. “Pediatric dentistry”.– V.B. Sounders company. –
1999. – 566p.
3. Nikolenko D.E. «Dental caries». – Poltava, 2014. – 70 p.
4. Nikolenko D., Starchenko I., Prylutskyi O. «Special pathomorphology». –
Poltava, 2016. – 171 p.
5. The Art and Science of Operative Dentistry / Clifford M. Studevant, Theorede
M. Roberson, Harald O. Hiwmann, John R. Sturdevant. – Sant Louis, Mosby
Years Book. – 1995. – 824 p.
6. Tronstad L. Clinical endodontics. – Thime: Stuttgart ect, 1991. – 237 p.
Information resources on the Internet:
- zabolevanii-skorikova-l-a-volkov-v-a-bajenova-n-p.html
- stomatologicheskih-zabolevaniy-skorikova.html


3.3. Practical tasks which are executed at practical lesson:

1. To learn rules of trepanation a tooth pulp cavity in different teeth.
2. To learn stages of devitalizing substances application.
3. To learn stages amputation and extirpation of apulp.
4. To learn remedies for medical process.

3.3. Self-control material:

A.Questions to be answered:
1. Which are features opening of horn a pulp in a teeth a top and bottom jaws?
2. What is action of arsenic paste on a pulp?
3. What are the stages imposition of arsenical paste?.
4. What is the paraformaldehyde paste?
5. What is amputation of a pulp?
6. Name a toolkit for amputation.
7. What is extirpation of a pulp?
8. Name the stages carryng out of extirpation.
9. What are remedies for medical processing of root canals?
10. What is a composition of the arsenical paste?

Tests for self-control:

1. Trepanation of arch tooth pulp chamber in the molars of the upper jaw is
held in projection of:
А) Ostium of the bucco-distal root canal;
B) Ostium of the bucco-medial root canal;
C) Ostium of the palatal root canal;
D) Ostium any of root canal;
E) All answers are true.
2. For devitalization of a pulp useing different preparations, active substance
which is:
А) Eugenol, tymol
B) Eugenol, arsenic anhydride;
C) Arsenic anhydride, paraformaldegide;
D) Tymol, eugenol, arsenic anhydride;
E) Arsenic anhydride.
3. Devitalization paste, which contains of arsenic anhydride, is imposed for the
А) 24 h. In a single-root teeth, 48 h. In a multi-root teeth, 72 h. In three root teeth;
B) 24 h. In a single-root teeth, 48 h. In a multi-root teeth;
C) 48 h. For all groups of a teeth;
D) 24 h. In a primary teeth, 48 h. In a constant teeth;
E) 24 h. In incisors, 48 h. In premolars, 72 h. In molars.
4. Devitalization paste, which contains paraformaldehyde, is imposed for the
А) 24 h. In a single-root teeth, 48 h. In a multi-root teeth;
B) 48-72 hours per all groups of a teeth;
C) 3 day in a single-root teeth, 6 day in a multi-root teeth;
D) 10-14 days in constant teeth;
E) 1-2 day in constant teeth.
5.At a treatment of complicated caries in cavity a tooth leave a dry cotton ball or
cotton ball, moisturizing of medical substance, close paste from water dentine
for a term of 1-3 day, it is:
А) Control bandage;
B) Temporary filling;
C) Control filling;
D) Hermetic bandage;
E) Half-hermetic bandage.
6. Removal crown parts of a tooth pulp called:
А) Exterpation;
B) Amputation;
C) Vital amputation;
D) Vital exterpation;
E) Pulpectomia.
7. Removal crown and a root part of a pulp called:
А) Amputation;
B) exterpation;
C) Vital amputation;
D) Vital exterpation;
E) Pulptomia.
8. For drug treatment of root canals using drugs, that dissolve organic remains
and products disintegration of a pulp. It are:
А) 0,2 % a solutionh hlorhexidine, « Canal+»;
B) « Largal Ultra », « Canal+», "Veritix",
C) 5 % solution hypochloridi sodium, 0,2 % solution hlorhexidine, « Largal Ultra »;
D) "Veritix", 3 % solution of hydrogeni peroxide ;
E) « Canal+», "Veritix", .
9. Medicamentous processing of root canals carry out with the help:
А) Endosyringe, carpool syringe;
B) Paper pin, carpool syringe;
C) Paper pin, cotton turundas, endosyringe;
D) Cotton turunda, antiseptic;
E) Antiseptic , carpool syringe.,
10. For antiseptic processing of root canals using:
А) Microcyd, diocsidin, pipolfen;
B) 3 % solution of hypochloride sodium, rezorcini;
C) 0,2 % solution of furacilini, 2%solution lidocaini
D) 0,5 % solution hlorhexidine 2,5 % a solution of hypochloride sodium;
E) 0,5 % solution of aethonium, 5 % solution of aminocaproici acid.

The methodical reference is made by Lobach L.N.,of Propaedeutics of Therapeutic

Stomatology Chair of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Ukrainian
Medical Stomatological Academy"


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