This Study Resource Was: Module 1: Introduction To Basic Farm Machineries and Mechanization I. Objectives

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 Be able to define agricultural mechanization
 Be able to know the significance of mechanization in agriculture
 Be able to know the impacts of agricultural mechanization
 Be able to understand the levels of mechanization

A. Introduction
The country is faced with issues of poverty and food security. This implies the
need to sustain food production to satisfy the basic need of the growing population. A
way to achieve this is by increasing land and labor efficiency in agriculture through
agricultural mechanization.
Machines and equipment are major inputs to agriculture along with good seeds
and other cultural management practices. The use and application of these inputs to farm
production is one way of maximizing farm production and profit. Agricultural machines

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help increase crop yield through better soil preparation, better irrigation, crop protection,

proper fertilizer management, and reduced postharvest losses. Moreover, machines help
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address labor shortage during the peak of land preparation and harvesting.

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Farm Mechanization and Farm Machinery
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Farm machinery is the application, use, and management of various agricultural

machines, tools, and equipment used for production and post-production operation. Farm
mechanization is the development, manufacture and extension of appropriate agricultural

tools, implements, and machinery using animal, human, mechanical, electrical, and other
renewable sources of energy for agricultural production and development and postharvest
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Improved irrigation facilities, introduction of high yielding varieties, use of higher
doses of fertilizers and pesticides have increased the scope for greater farm

mechanization. Farm mechanization helps for proper utilization of basic inputs like
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water, seed and fertilizer, optimum placement of the seed and fertilizer, plowing, removal
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of weeds, leveling of uneven land and land reclamation. If machines are used farmer and
his animals are relieved of hard work. With the support of machines farmer can do his job
better and quicker. He will get more leisure and devote his time to other works. He can
earn better living.

A.1 Benefits of Agricultural Mechanization

Agricultural mechanization in the Philippines had a significant growth during the era of
the Green Revolution. Although the use of tools and equipment in farming operations is

independent of the kind of seed or crop variety, these machines have become necessary
components of the package of technology that also includes irrigation water, fertilizers,
pesticides, and management techniques.
1. Increased cropping intensity and production.
 Tractors, power tillers, harvesters and threshers increase cropping intensities
 Irrigation pumps increase yields
 Harvester and threshers reduce losses which effectively increase yields
2. Increased productivity of labor
 Tractors in land preparation reduce 50% of the labor inputs
3. Full utilization of farm products and by products

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Availability of machines allow the processing of farm products and by-products

Take the case of pineapple and coconut, rather than just selling the fruit and nut,
they can be processed into different products.
4. Reduction of losses
 Development of harvesting, threshing and processing machines reduce harvest
and postharvest losses
5. Increased value added of farm products
 Secondary and tertiary processing open up market potentials and lead to higher
retail prices.
 For example, the dried corn can extend the selling period and need not be forced
to sell at a low price
6. Employment and livelihood generation
 Machines designed to increase cropping intensities and production will
correspondingly increase labor requirements for production and postharvest
 Machines designed to diversify farm products and by products open up various
livelihood opportunities

 Use of machines will require the putting up of repair shops in the village areas

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A.2 Constraints in Farm Mechanization
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1. Small land holdings

2. Less investing capacity of farmers
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3. Adequate availability of draft animals
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4. Lack of suitable farm machine for different operations

5. Lack of repair and servicing facilities for machines
6. Lack of trained man power

7. Lack of coordination between research organization and manufacturer

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8. High cost of machines

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9. Inadequate quality control of machine

A.3 Levels of Mechanization


The level of mechanization of various agricultural operations in the country can be

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categorized into three major levels: low, intermediate, and high.

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 Low mechanization means that an operation is done with the use of non-mechanical
power source such as man and animal.
 Intermediate mechanization refers to operations done with the use of non-mechanical

and mechanical power sources.

 High mechanization involves operations done solely with the use of mechanical

power source.
Table 1 shows the mechanization levels in various operations in crops such as rice and corn,
sugarcane, legumes and root crops, coconut, sugarcane, fruits, and fiber crops.
Mechanization level in the production of these crops is generally low, except for land

preparation and threshing/shelling operations in rice and corn.

Table 1. Mechanization levels in various operations of selected crops.

Rice & Fiber
Operations Legumes & Coconut Sugarcane Fruits
Corn Crops
Root crops
Land Intermediate Intermediate to
Low Low Low
Preparation to High high
Planting/ Low to
Low Low Low Low Low
Transplanting intermediate
Crop care
Low Low Low Low to high Low Low

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Harvesting Low Low Low Low Low Low
Shelling/ Low (legumes) Low
to high
Cleaning Low
Low (legumes
Drying Low Low Low
and root crops)
Milling/ village
High Low Low Low Low
level processing

A. DISCUSSION. Answer the following questions. (To be passed next week, Monday).
1. What is Green Revolution?
2. Discuss your observations of agricultural mechanization in the Philippines.
3. Enumerate at least three (3) agricultural machineries (with picture). Write a short
description and usage of each equipment

B. To be passed on November 9.
1. Imagine that you have been hired by Farm Machines, Inc. Create a colorful posters

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that advertise their new line of farm machines – the Big Tractor, the Powerful Plow,

the Helpful Planter, and the Cutting Harvester.
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All posters should display a machine in a big and bright way, along with a title of the

machine and a brief explanation of how machine can help farmers grow crops more
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