08 - 05 - 2021 - MEMO - LGU DTP Roll-Out Operational Guidance
08 - 05 - 2021 - MEMO - LGU DTP Roll-Out Operational Guidance
08 - 05 - 2021 - MEMO - LGU DTP Roll-Out Operational Guidance
On 01 June 2021, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed Executive Order (EO) No.
138, s. 2021: Full Devolution of Certain Functions of the Executive Branch to Local
Governments, Creation of a Committee on Devolution, and for Other Purposes that
prescribes the processes and mechanisms towards full devolution for the effective
implementation of the Supreme Court Ruling on the Mandanas-Garcia Cases starting
FY 2022.
Section 10 of the said EO enjoins all LGUs to formulate and prepare their Devolution
Transition Plans (DTPs) to guide the transition in their full assumption of the roles and
functions devolved to them through Section 17 of Republic Act (RA) No. 7160: Local
Government Code of 1991 and other pertinent laws passed thereafter.
The DILG, in partnership with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM),
will be issuing a Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) providing guidance in the
preparation of LGU DTPs. Complementing said policy guidelines, a series of multi-
level activities will likewise be undertaken this year to better assist provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays as they prepare their respective DTPs.
Attached is the operational guidance for the conduct of the FY 2021 multi-level
activities to facilitate the preparation of LGU DTPs.
Undersecretary for Local Government
“Matino, Mahusay at
Maaasahan” Trunkline No.: 8876-
1. Institutional Mechanisms
The following ad hoc teams shall be created to support and facilitate Local
Government Unit Devolution Transition Plan (LGU DTP) preparation:
Each DILG Field Office shall form a DILG Provincial DCT that will
participate in the national and regional orientation and serve as primary
coaches during the formulation of LGU DTPs, with composition as
follows: • DILG Provincial Director
• Program Manager
• Cluster Team Leader/s
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2. FY 2021 LGU DTP Preparation Activities
2.1. Orientations
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c. Regional and provincial participants who will be oriented
during the activity shall serve as coaches and/or resource
persons during the conduct of subsequent field-level
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d. The following are the expected outputs of the orientation: i.
Using the attached Annex B.2, concerned
participants shall accomplish the Directory of
Provincial Devolution Transition Plan
Coaches/Resource Persons; and
ii. Using the attached Annex C.2, concerned
participants shall accomplish the Provincial and
City/Municipal Devolution Transition Plan Roll-out
Strategy Action Plan containing details of the activity
they would conduct at their level.
e. Proposed session guide of the Regional Orientation is
attached as Annex D.
Capacity https://bit.ly/LGUDTPCapDevAgenda
Agenda Process
b. The DILG RO, Provincial DCT, and C/MLGOO may use the
following documents as additional references during
i. Copies of the NGA DTPs applicable to their areas of
responsibility (AOR);
ii. Copies of accomplished Annex B.1: Directory of
Regional-Level Devolution Transition Plan
Coaches/Resource Persons and Annex B.2:
Directory of Provincial Devolution Transition Plan
Coaches/Resource Persons from their DILG ROs.
These would be disseminated and be useful to the
provincial and city/municipal DTCs should there be a
need for their assistance during field activities; and
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iii. Coaches Guide for LGU Devolution Transition Plan
Preparation, attached herein as Annex E, as
additional reference and guide in the provision of
actual coaching assistance to LGUs in the
preparation of their respective DTPs.
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e. Thereafter, the DILG Provincial DCT with assistance from
the C/MLGOO shall hold subsequent coaching sessions to
assist and support City/Municipal DTCs during the
preparation and finalization of their DTPs.
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i. The DILG Provincial DCT shall assist the Provincial
DTCs organize Phase 2 of the Provincial
City/Municipal Interface as venue for component
cities/municipalities to communicate to the Provincial
Government their respective DTPs.
ii. The presentation shall highlight the support,
assistance, and other information needed by the
component cities/municipalities which the Provincial
Government may consider in their DTPs.
3. Schedule of Activities
Below are the prescribed schedules for the conduct of the FY 2021 LGU DTP
preparation activities.
Activity Prescribed Schedules
C. Orientations
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Below are the expected roles and responsibilities of the DILG Regional/Field
Offices relative to the FY 2021 LGU DTP preparation activities.
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4.1.2. Participate in the National Orientation for Regional and Provincial
Coaches and ensure the participation of DILG Provincial
Offices as well as selected LGU representatives to the activity;
4.1.7. Secure copies of NGA DTPs from the ROs of concerned NGAs as
applicable to their AORs and disseminate them to the
Provincial Offices for use during the field-level workshops;
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a. Annex B.2: Directory of Provincial Devolution Transition
Plan Coaches/Resource Persons for distribution in the
conduct of city/municipal and barangay workshop
4.2.7. With guidance and/or assistance from the DILG RO, spearhead
and facilitate the conduct of City/Municipal Workshops for the
Preparation of City/Municipal DTPs and provide coaching
assistance to cities/municipalities in the preparation of their
respective DTPs;
4.3. C/MLGOOs
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4.3.2. Participate in the Provincial Workshops on the Preparation of
Provincial DTPs to better familiarize themselves on the process
vis-à-vis actual preparation of LGU DTPs;
4.3.5. With guidance and/or assistance from the DILG Provincial Office,
spearhead and facilitate the conduct of Barangay
Workshops for the Preparation of Barangay DTPs and provide
coaching assistance to barangays in the preparation of their
DTPs. When necessary, the C/MLGOOs may request for the
assistance of the C/MPDC or any member of the City/Municipal
DTC to assist in the conduct of the Barangay Workshop;
5.1. The DILG ROs shall provide the undersigned, copy furnished the DILG
BLGD, copies of accomplishment reports relative to the conduct of field
level activities for the preparation of LGU DTPs.
NCR https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_NCR
CAR https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_CAR
Region I https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region1
Region II https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region2
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Region Link
CALABARZON https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_CALABARZON
MIMAROPA https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_MIMAROPA
Region V https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region5
Region VI https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region6
Region IX https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region9
Region X https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region10
Region XI https://bit.ly/ActionPlan_Region11
7. Annexes
Annex A Online Workshop Options (Modalities)
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Online Workshop Options (Modalities)
General Notes
1. Regardless of the modality, participants must understand that the activity is not a seminar where they
will only be listening. Rather, there will be workshops that will require them to interact and produce
outputs. Thus, they must commit to be present throughout the whole process. Online participants cannot
be away from keyboard (AFK) for extended periods or be IAM (in another meeting).
2. Equipment and set-up requirements have to be arranged and tested before the start of the activity.
3. Safety and security measures need to be introduced and applied. Aside from those that are pandemic-
oriented (i.e., physical distancing, the wearing of facemasks and shields, and frequent hand sanitizing,
etc.) participants should also be reminded not to be indiscriminate in sharing meeting IDs and passwords
and folder URLs.
4. In creating breakout rooms, the technical support team should set it up so that participants are
automatically transferred once breakout rooms are opened. Also, participants should be allowed to go
back to the main room in case there are concerns. There has to be a technical person left in the main room
who can add participants who have been logged out back into their rooms.
5. The overall facilitator can either be made host so he/she can enter the breakout groups at will and
monitor progress. As an alternative, the host can move the overall facilitator to a breakout room upon
request. It is not advised that the overall facilitator also handle a breakout group.
6. The breakout facilitators and documentors will need to be in touch with the overall facilitator and
documentor/s. One way to do this is through the creation of group chats (GC) in social media apps such
as Viber or Messenger.
B. Blended, • All participants • Participants are • On-site breakout facilitators • The docu
with all are already sitting are designated for each the gro
onsite physically in group beforehand and directly
participants together in groups, oriented on the process so to commu
and online venues and are observing they can support the group • response t
resource not logged on health and Breakout documentors, who well as fill
persons individually safety are adept at online apps, Templates
(RPs) are • RPs are protocols can be pre-assigned or outputs
online individually • Each group has identified from the and m
logged on to complete participants online
VTC projection
Online Workshop Options (Modalities)
Modality Description Equipment and Breakout Groups and N
Set Up Facilitation Requirements Colla
Requirements Relat
C. Blended, • RPs are • Participants that • Breakout groups will be • For the p
RPs are individually are physically created that are a mix facilitat
online, with logged on to together will of docume
a mix of VTC require the same online and onsite online,
online and equipment participants for not
specifications collabo
A apply
Online Workshop Options (Modalities)
Modality Description Equipment and Breakout Groups and N
Set Up Facilitation Requirements Colla
Requirements Relat
Oversight Agencies
Directory of Provincial Devolution Transition Plan
Coaches/Resource Persons
Program Manager
Cluster Team
Leader 1
Cluster Team
Leader 2
Cluster Team
Leader 3
Regional Devolution Transition Plan Roll-out Strategy Action Plan Region: __________
1. Hiring of Regional
Devolution Coordinator
2. Issuance of Regional
Memorandum for the creation
of LGU Devolution Transition
Committees (DTCs) at the
Provincial, City/Municipal, and
4. Conduct of Regional
Orientation for Provinces,
Cities, and Municipalities
Prepared by:
Approved by:
DILG Regional Director
Date: ______________________
Provincial and City/Municipal Devolution Transition Plan
Roll-out Strategy Action Plan
Region: __________
Province: _____________
Activity Date Remarks
2. Conduct of Provincial
3. Conduct of
City/Municipal Workshop
• Name of City/Municipality
• Name of City/Municipality
• Name of City/Municipality
4. Conduct of Provincial
City/Municipal Interfacing
Prepared by:
Approved by:
DILG Provincial Director
Date: ______________________
Barangay Devolution Transition Plan Roll-out Strategy Action Plan
Region: __________
Province: _____________
City/Municipality: ___________
Activity Date Remarks
1. Conduct of Barangay
• Name of Barangay
• Name of Barangay
• Name of Barangay
2. Conduct of City/Municipal
Barangay Interfacing
Prepared by:
Approved by:
DILG Provincial Director
Date: ______________________
Proposed Session Guide of the Regional Orientation for
Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities
Opening Message
Program Overview
Session 1: Overview on the Roles of LGUs under Executive Order No. 138,
s. 2021
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Proposed Session Guide of the Regional Orientation for
Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities
Time Session/Topic Person Responsible
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Coaches Guide for LGU Devolution Transition Plan Preparation
Coaches Guide
This Coaches Guide (the Guide for brevity) was developed to assist DILG local
coaches and the Local Government Unit Devolution Transition Committee (LGU
DTC) plan for the devolution transition activities and prepare the Devolution
Transition Plan (DTP) of the LGUs as it fully assumes the functions, services, and
facilities to be fully devolved by NGAs concerned starting in FY 2021 until FY 2024.
This Guide is based on the Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) to be issued by the
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Department of
Budget and Management (DBM).
Chapter I: Preparing the DTP, which provides detailed instructions on how DILG
coaches and members of LGU DTC will be able to accomplish the requirements of
the DTP.
Chapter II: Approval of LGU DTP, which describes the policy support needed from
the LGU to adopt the DTP and to ensure that the content of the DTP is mainstreamed
in the development plan and investment programs of the LGU.
Chapter III: Submission of LGU DTP, which informs the LGU DTC on the timeline
and mechanisms for submission of the DTP.
This Guide assumes that preparatory activities have been conducted and the
following requisites or conditions are already in place, or complied with, such as the
2. The Local Chief Executive (LCE) has organized the LGU’s respective DTCs with
the following suggested minimum composition:
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e) At least two (2) representatives from CSOs and POs that are members
of the Barangay Development Council.
3. The DILG National and Regional Orientations on LGU DTPs have been conducted,
and members of the DILG Provincial Devolution Core Teams (DCT) and P/C/M
DTCs have attended at least the regional orientation conducted by DILG Regional
Offices (ROs).
This chapter consists of three (3) parts: a) onsite orientation and workshop on the
LGU DTP which is a preliminary activity to the plan preparation, b) the interface
activities between province and cities/municipalities and between the
city/municipality and the barangays, and c) the DTP preparation proper.
Helpful Hints
Before the LGU prepare the DTP, here are some helpful hints to ensure a smooth
❖ Hold an orientation or briefing to the internal (i.e., LGU offices concerned) and
external (i.e., CSOs, POs) LGU stakeholders prior to DTP preparation to bring
everyone on board. This ensures clarity of purpose and the same level of
understanding among the LGU stakeholders of their roles and what are
expected of them.
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❖ The DTP preparation requires participation and involvement of relevant
stakeholders. While the LGU DTC provides the structure and sets up the
motion so that the LGU offices concerned is able to accomplish the various
forms/attachments within the prescribed timeline, it is the responsibility of LGU
offices concerned to ensure that appropriate consultations are conducted, and
stakeholders’ inputs are reflected in their accomplished forms/attachments,
prior to submitting it to DTC for consolidation.
Part A: Onsite Orientation and Workshop on the LGU DTP
As the LGU transitions to full devolution, the first step towards getting the full support
and cooperation of all its internal stakeholders is for them to have the appreciation of
the full devolution and of the LGU DTP.
The DILG through the Provincial DCT organizes the initial onsite
Provincial/City/Municipal/Barangay Workshops to further orient other LGU officials
and stakeholders on the DTP content and processes and assist the LGU commence
the preparation of the DTPs.
Questions on “what is”, “why”, “when”, “who is responsible”, and “how” are important
to be clarified and addressed during the on-site orientation and workshop.
1. Salient Features of Executive Order (EO) No. 138 Full Devolution of Certain
Functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments, Creation of a
Committee on Devolution, and for Other Purposes, dated 01 June 2021, and
its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
2. JMC to be issued by the DILG and by the DBM on the Guidelines in the
Preparation of LGU DTPs, with particular focus on the use and contents of the
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3. DILG Memorandum issued by the DILG on the Roll-out of LGU DTP
4. DILG Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2021-067 Adoption of a Capacity
Development (CapDev) Framework in the Planning, Design and Implementation
of CapDev Intervention for LGUs, dated 23 June 2021 5. Actual preparation of the
prescribed DTP Forms
✓ The composition and roles and responsibilities of the LGU DTC and the crucial
role of other governance stakeholders such as the non-government
organizations in the plan preparation.
✓ The available technical assistance from field offices of NGAs (e.g., DBM,
Department of Finance – Bureau of Local Government Finance [DOF-BLGF],
Civil Service Commission [CSC], National Economic and Development
Authority [NEDA]) as the LGU prepare their DTPs.
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The agenda for initial onsite city/municipal workshop is as follows: Onsite
Session B:
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For the initial Onsite City/Municipal Workshop for the Preparation of City/Municipal
DTPs, barangay participation may be limited to the Punong Barangay, Secretary, and
Treasurer to better manage the activity.
Following the series of orientations and workshops, it is assumed that P/C/M/B DTCs
are ready to prepare the LGU DTP.
At this point the DILG Provincial DCT and the City/Municipal Local Government
Operations Officers (C/MLGOOs) will assume a supporting role by assisting in the
coordination and linking the province/city/municipality with NGAs concerned as
In the case of the barangays, the C/MLGOOs will continue to provide support such as
facilitating the filling out of the three (3) attachments to be accomplished by the
barangays and assisting the City/Municipal DTCs in the conduct of
Barangay/City/Municipal DTP Interfacing Activities.
While the LGU prepares the DTP, series of interface activities between the province
and its component cities/municipalities, and between the city/municipality and its
component barangays shall be conducted to facilitate complementation and ensure
the vertical linkage of higher-tier LGUs with their component LGUs.
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The Provincial DTC takes the lead in the conduct of the two phases (1 and 2) of
interfacing activities in coordination with the C/M DTC and concerned DILG Field
Similarly, the City/Municipal DTC in coordination with the DTCs of its component
barangays and concerned DILG Field Office shall facilitate the conduct of the two
phases (1 and 2) of interfacing activities.
The proposed agenda for the interfacing activities are as follows: City/Municipal-
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The City/Municipal-Provincial DTP Interface Activity Phase 2 is an opportunity for the
province to consider inputs from its component cities/municipalities DTP that might
have an effect on the finalization of the provincial DTPs.
The Barangay City/Municipal DTP Interface Activity Phase 2 on the other hand
provides the city/municipality the opportunity to consider inputs from the DTPs of its
component barangays as it finalizes its DTP.
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Part C: The LGU DTP
This section of the Guide elaborates on the following:
This particular section of the Guide is organized and mirrors the prescribed structure
or outline specified in Annex B of the JMC on the Guidelines in the Preparation of
LGU DTPs to be issued by the DILG and the DBM.
As in any other documents and plans prepared by the LGUs, the DTP shall have this
section on the first page of the DTP, following the Table of Contents. The Message of
the Local Chief Executive is important because it communicates to the LGU
stakeholders and the public the intentions of the LGU to implement the transition to
full devolution. The message shall be able to convey also to the public the purpose
and the use of the DTP, which are as follows:
• The serve as the roadmap for the LGU to ensure a strategic, systematic, and
coherent actions towards its full assumption of devolved functions and
services starting in FY 2022.
The LGU DTP shall be approved by the Local Sanggunian through a Resolution,
before it is submitted to city/municipality in the case of the barangays, and to the
province in the case of component cities/municipalities.
While no financial resources or budget is required from the LGU to commit at this
point, the Local Sanggunian Resolution symbolizes the broad support for the LGU
The following information which can be taken from the City/Municipal Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP) or the Provincial Development and Physical Framework
Plan (PDPFP), provides a good introduction about the LGU:
Presenting the above information thru maps and other forms of visuals makes the
DTP more interesting to the readers.
This section describes the state of devolved responsibilities in the LGU and how the
increase in the just share of LGUs and the full devolution of functions, services, and
facilities by the NGAs concerned will affect the operations and service modalities of
the LGUs. Below are some focus questions to help the LGU describe this section.
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• Which of the programs/projects/activities along devolve responsibilities
implemented by the LGU are already making headways in terms of delivering
• Are there devolved responsibilities that have yet to be fully assumed by the
LGU? If there are, what are these responsibilities?
• What are some of the reasons why the LGU were not able to assume these
responsibilities or implement the PPAs along these devolved responsibilities?
• Are there emerging good/unique practices that the LGU is happy to include in
their DTP?
The LGU DTC examines which of the functions, services, and facilities that have
been assigned or devolved to LGUs under Section 17 of the 1991 Local Government
Code (LGC) and by other subsequent laws are already carried out by the LGU, and
which of these have yet to be fully assumed by the LGU in reference to the DTPs of
NGAs concerned, if available, and their consultations with the LGU.
For provinces/cities/municipalities:
❖ The P/C/M DTC facilitates a process where LGU concerned offices shall
prepare Attachment 1-A: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services and
Facilities for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities (Annex E-1) either by office or
by cluster of offices to establish the information on all devolved functions,
services and facilities that are being implemented by the LGU and those that
the LGU have yet to fully assume.
❖ The P/C/M DTC through the Planning and Development Coordinator drafts the
section on State of Devolved Functions, Services, and Facilities of the
For barangays:
❖ The Barangay DTC facilitates a process where barangay officials and other
stakeholders in consultation with city/municipal offices concerned prepares
Page 13 of 53
Attachment 1-B: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and Facilities for
Barangays (Annex E-2).
❖ The Barangay DTC through the Barangay Secretary consolidates the outputs
on Attachment 1-B (Annex E-2) and submits it to the Punong Barangay for
review and approval.
❖ The Punong Barangay approves Attachment 1-B (Annex E-2) and submits it
to the Sangguniang Barangay for approval together with Attachment 2-B:
Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved Functions, Services, and
Facilities for Barangays (Annex F-2) and Attachment 3-B: Capacity
Development Requirements for Barangays (Annex G-2). The three (3)
attachments, taken together, constitutes the Barangay DTP.
❖ Annex C: Matrix of Devolved Basic Services and Facilities Based on the Local
Government Code of 1991
Page 14 of 53
Attachment 1-A: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and Facilities for
Legal Basis Functions/ Existing? Programs/Projec Implementing
Services/Faciliti (Y/N) ts/ Activities Office/Unit
es [2]
[3] [4] [5]
Section 17 of Functions, services, and Is the LGU The specific programs, The office or unit
the LGC and facilities devolved to already projects, or activities responsible for the
other LGUs based on Section performing the being implemented by delivery of the
pertinent laws 17 of the LGC and other devolved the LGU along the devolved
devolving pertinent laws on responsibilities devolved responsibilities, if the
responsibilities devolution. or not? responsibilities, if the LGU is already
to LGUs. LGU is already performing the
References: References: performing the devolved devolved
References: Annex C CDP, LDIP, AIP responsibilities responsibilities.
Annex C Annex D
Annex D References: References:
e.g., RA No. e.g., Social e.g., Y e.g., Life Skills e.g., Municipal
7160 Welfare Services Training for children Social Welfare
in conflict with the Office
Page 15 of 53
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: ________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
Region: ____________________________
Province: ___________________________
City/Municipality: _____________________
Legal Basis Functions/ Existing? Programs/Projects/ Responsible
Services/Faciliti (Y/N) Activities Person/s
es [2] [3] [4] [5]
Section 17 of Functions, services, and Is the The specific programs, The barangay official
the LGC and facilities devolved to barangay projects, or activities being or staff responsible if
other LGUs based on Section already implemented by the the barangay is
pertinent laws 17 of the LGC and other performing the barangay along the already
devolving pertinent laws on devolved devolved performing the
responsibilities devolution. responsibilities responsibilities, if the devolved
to LGUs. or not? barangay is already responsibilities.
References: performing the devolved
References: Annex C References: responsibilities References:
Annex C Annex D BDP BDP
Annex D References:
e.g., RA No. e.g., Health Services e.g., Y e.g., Training for e.g., Barangay
7160 Barangay Health Health Workers
Workers on Proper
Nutrition for Children
Page 17 of 53
Prepared by: Approved by:
________________________________ _________________________________
Barangay Secretary Date
Punong Barangay Date
Page 18 of 53
Section 2: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved Functions, Services, and
This section presents the functions, services, and facilities to be fully devolved by
NGAs concerned to the LGUs, the phasing and full assumptions by the LGU of the
devolved responsibilities, and the implications of these fully assumed responsibilities
to the LGU organizational structure and staffing pattern and capacity development
In determining the fully devolved responsibilities critical to the LGU, and in phasing of
their full assumption of these devolved responsibilities, the LGU may consider the
following factors in their decision-making:
Alternatively, the LGU may also apply the following suggested tests to assess the
practicality and viability of its decision 1, and provide the foundation for their narrative
under this section.
Strategic Focus Questions Possible Sources
of Information
Sectoral analysis
and plans
Adapted from the paper “Notes on the LGU Devolution Transition Plan (DTP) Guidelines and DILG DTP In
Light of the Issuance of EO138” submitted by Ms. Maria Victoria Maglana to DILG on 02 July 2021
Page 19 of 53
Strategic Focus Questions Possible Sources
of Information
The LGU DTC in consultation with LGU offices concerned revisits the DTPs of NGAs
concerned if available, maps out the responsibilities to be fully devolved by NGAs
concerned and determines which of these are crucial or of high importance to the
LGU by applying the tests above.
For provinces/cities/municipalities:
❖ The P/C/M DTC facilitates a process where LGU concerned offices shall
prepare the Attachment 2-A: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved
Functions, Services, and Facilities for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities
(Annex F-1) either by office or by cluster of offices to establish the information
on all functions, services, and facilities to be fully assumed by the LGU.
❖ The P/C/MPDC consolidates and validates the functions, services, and facilities
to be fully assumed by the LGU as submitted by the LGU concerned offices vis a
vis the functions, services, facilities to be devolved by NGAs; prepares one
consolidated Attachment 2-A (Annex F-1) for the LGU; and submits it to the
Administrator for review and to ensure that the form is properly filled out.
❖ The P/C/M DTC through the Planning and Development Coordinator drafts the
DTP section on Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved Functions,
Services, and Facilities.
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For barangays:
❖ The Barangay DTC facilitates a process where barangay officials and other
stakeholders in consultation with city/municipal offices concerned prepares
Attachment 2-B: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved Functions,
Services, and Facilities for Barangays (Annex F-2).
❖ The Barangay DTC through the Barangay Secretary consolidates the outputs
on Attachment 2-B (Annex F-2) and submits it to the Barangay Treasurer for
❖ The Barangay Treasurer reviews Attachment 2-B (Annex F-2) and endorses
it to the Punong Barangay for approval.
❖ The Punong Barangay approves Attachment 2-B (Annex F-2) and submits it
to the Sangguniang Barangay for approval together with Attachment 1-B
(Annex E-2) and Attachment 3-B (Annex G-2). The three (3) attachments,
taken together, constitutes the Barangay DTP.
❖ Annex C: Matrix of Devolved Basic Services and Facilities Based on the Local
Government Code of 1991
Page 21 of 53
❖ DTPs of NGAs concerned, if available (i.e., delineation of functions across of
LGU level, competency requirements and performance assessment
❖ Directives from higher tier LGUs, and oversight and line agencies
❖ Attachment 1-A: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and Facilities for
Page 22 of 53
Attachment 2-A: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved Functions, Services, and
Facilities for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities
Function Programs/ Timeline Implementi Resource Require
s/ Projects/ for Full ng
Services/ Activities for Assumption Office/Unit Personnel/Staffing Capacity Developm
Facilities Implementation
to be FY FY FY FY 2022 FY
Assumed 2022 2023 2024 2023 2
Page 23 of 53
LGU Existing
_________________________________ _________________________________
Local Planning and Development Coordinator
Local Administrator/Local Human Resource Management Officer/Local Budget Officer
Local Chief Executive Date
Page 24 of 53
Attachment 2-B: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved
Functions, Services, and Facilities for Barangays
Region: ____________________________
Province: ___________________________
City/Municipality: _____________________
Functions/ Programs/ Timeline Responsib Resource Requirem
Services/ Projects/ for Full le
Facilities Activities for Assumption Person/s Personnel/Staffing Capacity Developme
to be Implementati
Assumed on FY FY FY FY 2022 FY F
2022 2023 2024 2023 20
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Devolved Programs, The target The The number of The competencies and
functions and projects, or year the person/s / barangay officials/ skills needed by the
services to be activities to be barangay officials in staff needed to barangay officials/staff to
fully assumed implemented by plans to fully the deliver the assumed fully assume, absorb, and
by the the barangay assume the barangay responsibilities. manage the devolved
barangay along the fully devolved responsible responsibilities.
based on devolved functions, for the References:
Section 17 of functions and services, and implementati DTPs of NGAs References:
the LGC and services. facilities, on of concerned, if DTPs of NGAs concerned
other pertinent given its assumed available if available (LGU Capacit
laws References: capacities functions, (prescribed OS for Development Strategy)
on devolution. Annex C and resources. services, and devolved
Annex D facilities. responsibilities) Barangay Capacity
References: DTPs of NGAs References: Development Agenda
Annex C concerned, if DTPs of References: LGU Staffing Pattern
Annex D available NGAs DTPs of
Sectoral Profiles concerned, if NGAs
available concerned, if
Page 25 of 53
________________________________ _________________________________
Barangay Secretary Date
Barangay Treasurer Date
Punong Barangay Date
Page 26 of 53
Section 3: CapDev Agenda
This section shall describe the capacity development requirements of the LGU to
absorb, manage, and sustain the responsibilities under a fully devolved set-up.
Following the DILG MC No. 2021-067, and using the capacity development pillars
which the DILG – Local Government Academy (LGA) uses as framework for
assessing LGU capacity development requirements, the DTC identifies the LGU
capacity building needs in reference to:
❖ The phased assumption by the LGU of the functions, services, and facilities to
be fully devolved by NGAs concerned.
In consultation with LGU concerned offices, the LGU DTC together with the Technical
Working Group on Capacity Development Agenda (CapDev TWG) revisits the
functions, services, and facilities to be fully devolved by NGAs concerned; and
following the CapDev assessment process prescribed by DILG-LGA, identify the
capacity development requirements covering FY 2022-2024 needed by the LGU to
fully assume these devolved responsibilities by 2024.
The LGU DTC and the CapDev TWG likewise ensures that LGU offices concerned
include their prioritized capacity development requirements in their AIP.
For provinces/cities/municipalities:
❖ The LGU DTC through the CapDev TWG prepares Attachment 3-A: Capacity
Development Agenda for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities (Annex G-1) and
submits it to the Governor/Mayor.
❖ The P/C/M Head of the CapDev TWG with support from other TWG members
drafts the Section on CapDev Agenda in the DTP.
Page 27 of 53
For barangays:
❖ The DTC assesses the annual capacity building requirements of the barangay
covering FY 2022-2024 with reference to the responsibilities it will fully assume
and in consideration of their phasing strategy. The Barangay Secretary
consolidates the assessment results and prepares Attachment 3-B: Capacity
Development Agenda for Barangays (Annex G-2) and submits it to the
Barangay Treasurer for the review of the financial requirements of the
proposed capacity development interventions.
❖ The Barangay Treasurer reviews Attachment 3-B (Annex G-2) and endorses
it for approval of the Punong Barangay.
❖ The Punong Barangay approves Attachment 3-B (Annex G-2) and submits it
to the Sangguniang Barangay for approval together with the two (2) other
forms Attachment 2-B (Annex F-2) and Attachment 1-B (Annex E-2), when
approved. The three (3) attachments, taken together, constitutes the Barangay
Page 28 of 53
Attachment 3-A: Capacity Development Agenda for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities
Performance Area/
Governance Sector:
Current Desired Capacity Expect Target of Time Funding Requirem
State State of Developme ed Capacity Frame
of Capacity Capacity nt Output Development Year 1 Year 2
The current The The strategies The The The The The
situation, desired to be expected beneficiaries of timeline budget budget
what works improvem implemented outputs the capacity for required for
and what e nts of by the LGU to from the development implem for capacity
doesn’t work the enhance its capacity intervention/s. en ting capacity develo d
in each of the LGU so capacity and building the developm pm ent
Capacity Pillars that achieve its intervention capacity ent interventi
performa desired s. This develo interventi ons
nc e performance.) could be a pm ent ons covered
goals can plan, a interventi covered in Year 2. i
be program, a ons. in Year 1.
achieved. system, a
process, or
Based on the DILG Capacity Development Framework for LGUs
Page 29 of 53
Performance Area/
Governance Sector:
nci es
ge and
Page 30 of 53
Performance Area/
Governance Sector:
Page 31 of 53
Attachment 3-B: Capacity Development Requirements for Barangays
Region: ___________________________
Province: ___________________________
City/Municipality: _____________________
Function Priority Target Expected Implementation De
s/ Capacity Barangay Output
Services Developme Official/ Timeframe Funding Requirements
nt Personnel
Interventio Year 1 Year 2 Yea
Page 32 of 53
________________________________ _________________________________
Barangay Secretary Date
Barangay Treasurer Date
Punong Barangay Date
Page 33 of 53
Section 4: Proposed Changes to OSSP
This section describes the modification in the organizational structure and changes
in the staffing pattern of the province/city/municipality to increase its organizational
efficiency and capacity to fully assume the functions, services, and facilities to be
devolved by NGAs concerned.
In formulating their proposed OSSP, the P/C/M DTC shall be guided by the following:
❖ The result of the LGU capacity assessment for LGU CapDev Agenda;
❖ Section 325 (a) to (g) of Republic Act (RA) No. 7160 providing limitations on the
use of LGUs funds;
❖ CSC rules and regulations and related reference materials; and ❖ Such
additional issuances that the DILG, DBM, or CSC may thereafter issue.
To determine if there is a need to modify the LGU organizational structure, the P/C/M
DTC in consultation with LGU offices concerned shall:
Page 34 of 53
❖ Identify the appropriate changes (e.g., additional section, division, department)
to the existing organizational structure of the LGU to support the delivery and
implementation of devolved responsibilities
❖ Map out the functions and accountabilities of the new or additional unit/s.
❖ Assess the existing LGU staffing pattern in relation to the proposed adjustment
in the LGU organizational structure and the devolved responsibilities to be fully
assumed by the LGU.
The P/C/M DTC may also request guidance from the local office of the CSC and the
DBM in preparing their OSSP.
Where applicable, the LCE endorses to the appropriate CSC Field Office the
approved plantilla of positions within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of
approval of the adjusted OSSP for information and guidance in processing of
appointments and other personnel actions.
❖ The P/C/M together with the Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO)
consults the LGU concerned offices, review the existing LGU organizational
structure, and assess the need to create new units based on:
❖ Should the P/C/M DTC determined the need to create new organizational units as
a result of the LGU’s full assumption of the devolved responsibilities, the HRMO
prepares Attachment 4: Proposed Modification to the LGU Organizational
Structure (Annex H) and submits it to the P/C/M Administrator (or any designees
of the Governor/Mayor) together with the following documents, for review:
Page 35 of 53
• The functional description of the proposed units to be created. •
The LGU organizational structure prior to EO No. 138, s. 2021.
❖ The P/C/M DTC through the HRMO describes the Proposed Modification to the
LGU Organizational Structure, and the justifications thereof as it drafts this
Section of the DTP.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Page 37 of 53
Preparing Attachment 5: Proposed Additional Positions to the Plantilla of
LGU Personnel (Annex I; LBP Form No. 3)
❖ The P/C/M together with the HRMO consults the LGU concerned offices,
reviews the existing LGU staffing pattern, and assesses the need to create
new positions based on:
❖ LGUs are advised to first fill up the unfilled positions before they propose to
expand their staffing pattern. Should the P/C/M DTC determine the need to
create new positions or modify its staffing pattern, the HRMO prepares
Attachment 5: Proposed Additional Positions to the Plantilla of LGU
Personnel (Annex I) mindful of the following:
• The same form shall be used to prepare for each local economic
enterprise/public utility.
• Separate plantilla using the same format shall be prepared for Casual
Employees whose salaries are chargeable against Personal Services
• Only funded vacant positions shall be included in the plantilla. All
unfunded vacant positions shall be removed/deleted from the plantilla.
❖ The P/C/M DTC shall submit Attachment 5 (Annex I) to the P/C/M Budget
Officer together with the following documents for review:
❖ The P/C/M Budget Officer reviews the Attachment 5 (Annex I) and submits it to
the Governor/Mayor for approval.
❖ The P/C/M HRMO enumerates and describes the Proposed Additional Positions
to the Plantilla of LGU Personnel and provide explanations thereof.
Page 38 of 53
❖ Section 325 (a) to (f), General Limitations of RA No. 7160 Local Government
Code of 1991
❖ RA No. 11477 An Act Modifying the Salary Schedule for Civilian Government
Personnel and Authorizing the Grand of Additional Benefits and for Other
❖ CSC rules and regulations and related reference materials: Local Government
Organizational Models Guidebook for Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities that
may be accessed through the link: http://www.csc.gov.ph/2014-02-21-08-28-
❖ Additional issuances that the DILG, DBM, or CSC may thereafter issue
Page 39 of 53
Attachment 5: Proposed Additional Positions to the Plantilla of LGU Personnel
(LBP Form No. 3)
Item Number Position Name of Current Year Authorized Budget Year P
_________________________________ _________________________________
pattern. Note: This form is a consolidation of all LBP Form No. 3-A of all departments and offices in the LGU
Page 41 of 53
Section 5: Local Revenue Forecast and Resource Mobilization
This section describes the performance of the LGU’s own-source revenues and the
measures the LGU will implement to unlock the potentials of these local revenue
sources to help address possible gaps in FYs 2023 and 2024 as a consequence of
the following:
❖ Anticipated decrease in their national tax allocation in FYs 2023 and 2024.
Using FY 2020 local revenue collection as baseline, the P/C/M DTC analyzes the
performance of their LGU’s own source revenues and prepares a three-year forecast
(FYs 2022 to 2024) for these key local revenue sources, i.e., taxes, fees and
charges, and income from economic enterprises.
Likewise, the P/C/M DTC also prepares a resource mobilization strategy to increase
their local revenues and identify the resources needed (e.g., staffing, capacity,
funding) by the LGU to implement the resource mobilization strategies.
The P/C/M DTC may request guidance from the DOF-BLGF in preparing their Local
Revenue Forecast.
❖ Using the tools provided under DOF-BLGF MC No. 16-2015 Local Public Financial
Management Tools for the Electronic Statement of Receipts and Expenditures,
dated 19 June 2015, the P/C/M Treasurer prepares Attachment 6: Local
Revenue Forecast and Resource Mobilization Strategy (Annex J) and submits
it to the P/C/M Local Finance Committee for review.
❖ The LFC reviews the Attachment 6 (Annex J) and the LFC Chair, endorses it to
the Governor/Mayor for approval. In case the Treasurer is the LFC Chair, either
the Budget Officer or the Planning Development and Coordinator shall sign in
behalf of the LFC.
❖ The P/C/M DTC through the Treasurer provides an analysis of, and the basis for
the Local Revenue Forecast and describes the Resource Mobilization
Page 42 of 53
to be implemented by the LGU to increase local revenues, in the Section of the
Page 43 of 53
Attachment 6: Local Revenue Forecast and Resource Mobilization Strategy
Local Income Target Increase Strategi Timeframe Responsib Reso
Sources FY2020 (in %) es to le
(Baselin Increase Office/Unit
e FY FY FY Local Staffing
2022 2023 2024 Revenue
Tax on
Page 44 of 53
_________________________________ _________________________________
Local Treasurer Date
Chair, Local Finance Committee Date
Governor/Mayor Date
Page 45 of 53
Section 6: Performance Targets for Devolved Functions and Services
As NGAs scale down the implementation of programs, projects and activities along
devolved functions and services, the LGU shall prepare to scale up and be able to
demonstrate measurable results in the delivery of the devolved responsibilities.
This section defines the performance targets of the LGU for devolved responsibilities
starting in FY 2022 onwards, outlines the LGU strategy to achieve these targets, and
describes how the LGU will utilize these targets to steer LGU operations, improve
bureaucratic performance, and demonstrate measurable results.
In defining its performance targets devolved responsibilities, the LGU may use the
following documents or sources to establish baseline information:
❖ The P/C/M DTC facilitates a process where LGU concerned offices shall be able
to identify the performance indicators, establish baseline information and annual
targets from FY 2022-2024 for all devolved responsibilities carried out and to be
fully assumed by the LGU. The P/C/M DTC can do this by LGU office or by cluster
or related offices.
❖ The P/C/MPDC consolidates and validates the information submitted by the LGU
offices and submits it to the LGU Project Monitoring Committee for review.
Page 46 of 53
❖ The Governor/Mayor approves Attachment 7 (Annex K).
❖ The P/C/M DTC through the PDC describes the salient points in the Performance
Monitoring Framework, in particular columns 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in the section
of the LGU DTP.
❖ HRMD Program
❖ Annex C: Matrix of Devolved Basic Services and Facilities Based on the Local
Government Code of 1991
Page 47 of 53
❖ Annex D: Matrix of Other Laws Assigning Additional Functions to LGUs
❖ Attachment 1-A: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and Facilities for
Page 48 of 53
Attachment 7: Performance Monitoring Framework
Functions/ Progra Performan Baseline Performance Targets Frequen Performan
Services/ ms/ ce cy of ce
Facilities Projects Indicators FY22 FY23 FY24 Monitoring Monitoring
/ Tool Used
Activities and Data
Page 49 of 53
Page 50 of 53
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
The P/C/M/B DTCs shall present the DTP to the members of their respective Local
Sanggunian before securing their approval through a resolution. A sample
Sanggunian Resolution is included in the DILG and DBM JMC as Annex A.
The P/C/M DTC submits and presents to the Local Sangunian their full DTP which
comprises a narrative following the outline in Annex B of the DILG and DBM JMC,
and accompanied by Attachments 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, 4, 5, 6, and 7, for approval.
Barangay DTC submits and presents to the Local Sanggunian their DTP which
consist of Attachments 1-B, 2-B, and 3-B, for approval.
The DTP shall be approved by the Local Sanggunian through a resolution, before it is
submitted to city/municipality in the case of component barangays, and to the
province in the case of component cities/municipalities.
While no financial resources or budget is required from the LGU to commit at this
point, the approval of the Local Sanggunian through resolution signifies the broad
support for the LGU DTP and ensures that the DTP will be mainstreamed in the LGU
plans and investment programs.
The DILG and DBM JMC on the Guidelines for the Preparation of the LGU DTP
provides for phased submission of the DTP.
Page 52 of 53
Instructions for Submission
❖ Barangays shall upload the scanned copy of their Barangay Resolution
approving the DTP consisting of Attachments 1-B, 2-B, and 3-B upon
submission to the next higher LGU using the link indicated in the table below.
❖ Component cities and municipalities shall upload their approved LGU DTPs
and attachments upon submission to the next higher LGU using the link
indicated in the table below.
❖ Provinces, HUCs, ICCs, and NCR LGUs shall submit to DILG ROs and upload
their approved DTPs and attachments using the link indicated in the table
LGU Form Link
❖ LGUs are encouraged to share their DTPs to NGAs concerned to guide and
direct their assistance and capacity development support.
❖ LGUs may likewise share their approved DTPs to other local governance
stakeholders to seek support and engage them in cooperative undertakings
during the devolution transition period and in the implementation of their
devolved functions and responsibilities.
❖ The LGU DTPs submitted through the above-indicated link can be accessed by
concerned Central/Regional/Provincial Offices of the DILG, the LGA, and the
Central/Regional Offices of the DBM.
Copies of the DTPs may also be shared to partner agencies and other
stakeholders as may be deemed necessary or upon request.
Page 53 of 53
Breakdown of Funds to be Downloaded to DILG Regional Offices
Region Regional Orientation Provincial Workshop
Zoom No. of Total Allocatio Prov Sub-Total Amount No. of Prov Sub-Total
Subscription Months n per Months
Total 640,000.00 76