Drilling Technology For The Man On The Rig 7
Drilling Technology For The Man On The Rig 7
Drilling Technology For The Man On The Rig 7
Table of Contents
n. RESPONSIBILI1Y ..................................................................•. 1
A. Program 1
B. Drilling Operations " , 1
, I
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.
The formation test is used to gain knowledge of subsurface conditions related to pressures and reservoir fluid
content along with pertinent data concerning gas-oil ratios, gas-oil and oil-water contacts and reservoir
parameters related to limits, permeability, and productivity. The manner in which the test is conducted
determines, to a large extent, the validity of the information obtained. Every effort should be made to gather
reliable data while conducting the test because another opportunity to gather this data might not exist during
the life of a well.
The formation test is one of the most hazardous operations encountered in drilling and completing oil and gas
wells. The potential for stuck tools, blowouts, lost circulation, etc. is greatly increased. The potential hazard
involved can be offset to a certain extent by following established procedures and exercising good judgement
based upon surface indications.
Drill Stem Tests are limited flowing tests and have certain limitations with regard to the results which can be
4. Indicate the presence or lack of communication in liner laps, perforations and casing shoes.
B. They should not be expected to give a pure, uncontaminated formation fluid sample and, therefore, except
in zones of good reservoir communication, are unlikely to prove beyond all doubt the water recovered is
formation water.
With these limitations in mind, the following procedures have been compiled.
A. Program
Test requirements, in most cases, will be outlined by production engineering for development! delineation
drilling and by exploitation geology for exploratory drilling. The requirements will include interval to be
tested, purpose of the test, and any variations or special parameters. When unforeseen requirements arise
or should disagreement exist between exploitation geology, production engineering and drilling as to the
justification for the test, a decision should be obtained from the manager responsible for the particular
drilling expenditure.
B. Drilling Operations
a. Contact service company and arrange for equipment according to test category.
b. Contact area superintendent and arrange for engineer, geologist, and/or technicians as test
requirements warrant. Arrange for laboratory technician or chemist on all tests to assist site geologist
and engineer.
2. Test Details
a. Drilling Foreman, through contractor and service company, will be responsible for all mechanical
aspects of the DSTthroughout its various phases and for its being conducted in accordance with the
company's safety policy. If the DST program is varied during test, the changes should be
coordinated with the Drilling Foreman and Drilling Superintendent.
a. Site Geologist will make preliminary interpretations of DSTwith Production Engineer, when present.
Drilling operations will make interpretations concerning hole conditions and contingendes.
Interpretation to be based on:
1) Surface indications
2) Fluid recovery
3) Pressure Recorder Charts
4) Drilling history of well
b. Test category time requirements may be changed by mutual agreement between Site Geologist and
Drilling Foreman depending on indications during the test. (Refer to Check Usts for possible
c. Normally, if 1% or more of ~S is detected on DSr, the final build-up will be started immediately
and at the same time, the test string will be reversed circulated. "Donot move tool while taking the
final build-up.
d. Normally, Site Geologist or Engineer will, at the conclusion of test, report all pertinent data and
interpretations to HQ.
3) Distribute corrected DST data to Drilling, Production Engineering, and Exploration Geology.
1) Only a calculated amount of fluid to reach the DeIP should be flowed. The final build-up should
be started immediately after the required volume of influx has been recorded on surface flow
meter, or
2) A production test should be made with all precautions for Hi' taken.
A. Equipment
2. Kelly Valve.
3. Control Head with chokes, gauges, and bubble hose to water bucket, or to Flow Meter (gas).
a. Chiksan.
b. Floor manifold from control head consisting of gas meter and sampling points.
c. Chiksan to choke manifold.
1. Make-up control head, with Kelly Valve below control head, on Kelly and set in mouse hole.
3. Attach Chiksan lines and floor manifolding from control head to choke manifold.
4. Apply pressure through test line to choke manifold with rig pump or accumulator pump. Test lines on
exploration wells to 5000 psi and development/delineation to 3000 psi or to known W.H.P.
6. Open Kelly Valve and drain fluid from hoses and manifolding.
1. Vary program during test, as deemed necessary, to meet the objectives, based on observations and
current test data.
2. Report blow based on calibrated ranges of gas meter. (Note beginning numbers on meter.) One set of
guide lines is given below:
., f
MurChison Drilling Schools, Ine.
5. Calculate volume of influx required before formation fluid has reached sampler. (Sum of 3. and 4.
above.) If both hoses are hooked up, double volume calculations. If H:zS is anticipated, refer to Section
II, B, 3-e of this chapter.
6. Calculate time required to get a sample in CIP sampler based on flow rate.
7. Make sure clock range is proper for test being conducted - not too long. (Figure 7.1.)
8. Calculate time that tool should be opened to be finished with test before dark - including trip.
9. Each DST should be treated individually, but, as a general rule, the test should be initiated at such a
time to allow the pipe to be pulled out of hole before dark. On test, where hydrocarbons have been
produced to surface, the tools should not be tripped after dark. By initiating the test at 0300 hours, the
formation fluid will not be at surface until day light and the tools can be tripped before dark. Where
conditions permit, the reversing out should be done while taking the final closed in pressure. On low
producing wells, where formation fluid has not reached the OP sampler, consideration should be given
to flowing the well longer on second flow period. In this case, it would be safe to pull tools after dark.
Clock stopped
Fig. 7.1
The clock is that part of the gauge assembly which measures the time of each of the operations of a formation
test. It operates as an escapement mechanism for the chart drum. Although time is independent of pressure
recordings, it is important for interpretation of results. Proper selection of clock speeds will aid in accurate
interpretation and reading. Excessive rough treatment, mechanical difficulty, or lack of power may cause the
clock to stop running. This problem is characterized by time discontinuance, as shown in Figure 7.1, while the
pressure continues to increase and/or decrease in the same vertical line. For a clock to stop and to start
running again before the test is complete makes a very confusing chart; yet, it will become quite clear when
compared with its companion chart. A clutch spring malfunction may cause the clock to "run away." This
occurrence is usually caused by excessive rough treatment but does not damage the clock.
10. Make sure that surface mud system has been measured so that exact volumes are known. Any variations
should be reported and recorded. Before test tool is opened, the mud engineer must report the exact
surface volume and details of how the volume was arrived at. Any variations must be reported to
company representative immediately.
11. Discuss the maximum time in the hole with test tools that can be tolerated by bore hole conditions.
Establish where time might be reduced during test. This should be done prior to test.
12. Establish estimated formation salinity and aqua pressure before test when possible.
1. Make sure that hole is clean before pulling out for DST.If a low weight mud is being used to drill with,
pump a viscous pill (sweep) through hole to aid in cleaning.
2. If drag is noted.on trip out, make short trip(s) until hole is in good condition before pulling out for DST.
3. Run SLM Check each tool joint, and keep stand break the same on trip out for DST.
b. Kill lines.
c. Choke lines.
d. Choke manifold.
e. Burning line.
5. Make sure all connections from top of drill pipe to flare pit are of the proper pressure rating and are
tight and clamped down.
7. Make up LCM pill in case losses are noted when packer is unseated after test. Surface mud system
should be at maximum working capadty.
10. Select proper packer seat by analyzing logs, and drilling time analysis.
1. Test tools.
• f
Muichlson Drilling Schools, Ine.
g. Thermometers.
h. Two (Ih" valves) and two (W' nipples), all 5000 psi test.
j. Six inch rom ruler and calibration chart for reading, amerada in field.
3. Caliper and measure all tools and make sure clock is started and stylus is engaged. Engage stylus in
vertical position. Make sure the operator does not have it in the horizontal position. Make sure OD's and
packer(s) are checked and dimensional sketch drawn. (See Figure 7.2.)
6. Make up drill pipe tightly. Check for air blow from DP each (5) five stands with blow tester. Observe
for correct displacement.
The base line is the basis for all pressure measurements on a formation test chart. The pressure lines on the
chart should zero in and out of the hole. In other words, the stylus should coincide with the base line before
going into and after coming out of the hole, and any vibrations of the gauge should be noted as fluctuations
of the stylus at right angles above and below the base line. If the base line and the initial pressure recordings
do not coincide, the difference in these two readings is the amount of error incurred by the incorrect drawing
of the base line. This error may be minimized by reading all pressures from an imaginary base line drawn
through the initial and final fluctuations. Figure 7.2 shows the base line inconsistent with the initial pressures
of the test ..
D. Safety
1. Discuss all contingencies of DST in meeting with all concerned before DST.
2. Test tools should be opened so that formation fluid will reach surface after daylight. Never take the hose
off to let the well flow through the Kelly and out the goose neck.
3. No smoking must be rigidly enforced. All fire fighting equipment is to be checked before starting test.
4. If spark arrestors are not installed, ensure that water is open to all engine exhausts before starting test
and are checked for proper spray.
7. Ensure that contractor and service personnel remain on floor while the test is in progress. One person
should be designated to see that the casing is kept full at all times while going in the hole and coming
out. A driller and two floormen will remain on floor with test operator at all times.
10. Ensure that pump is rigged up to pump to annulus before opening test tools.
11. Close attention must be paid to swabbing when pulling out after the test. Any upward movement of
mud in annulus after pipe stops should be treated as an emergency. Check that hole is taking required
volume of mud. Use a trip tank and ensure that mud is the proper weight.
12. Where H~ gas is expected, have a stock of SO/SO ammonia water solution on location. The pipe should
be pulled dry and 2~ pints of ammonia water per stand of 5" DP should be poured into the top to
neutralize residual H~ and minimize nausea related to small concentrations of ~S. It can also be used
to flush out choke boxes before opening them up. Breathing equipment should be used for any
measurable amount of H~.
13. Mud box should be rigged with proper hose for safe discharge of fluid to the pits.
14. Know position(s) of down hole tools at all times, and reason for particular position.
15. If reversing out is impossible, use drill stem safety plugs for pulling oil or gas loaded strings.
16. Make sure safety valve, below test head, is closed before unplugging or breaking test head off.
17. Any rig maintenance that interferes with DST procedure or safety will not be performed during test.
a. A drop in mud in annulus that corresponds with an air issue from the drill pipe is noted. The last
500 ft of pipe should be pulled to locate leak.
b. A bridge is hit off bottom. If the tools cannot be worked through bridge easily, the tools should be
pulled out of hole and a bit run. (See Figure 7.3.)
c. A reduction in overflow (displacement) is noted, but no air issue is coming from the drill pipe. The
formation is probably taking fluid and the running in speed should be reduced to help eliminate
pressure surges. Use trip tank to monitor displaced fluid.
e. Use fluid cushion fill-up valve to fill test string with cushion. (This avoids aeration.)
a. A sharp drop in the annulus denotes a packer failure. Pick up tools immediately to close main tester
valve. Normally an openhole test will be unsuccessful after this because the packer seat is usually
washed out. A vertical fracture will also give the same indications.
\ I·
Sharp reciprocating movements coincident with each stand pulled or added may be an indication of
swabbing or a tight hole. Figure 7.3 indicates that considerable difficulty was encountered in attempting to
reach bottom. Under normal conditions this action will have no bearing on the test itself, unless the test tool
opens during prolonged spudding through a bridge. This indicates poor hole conditions and could
contribute to sticking a tool.
At point of delay, while going into the hole or at total depth, a decrease in recorded pressure is indicative
or a loss in the hydrostatic head, shown in Figure 7.3. There are two possibilities:
If the fluid recovery contains an abnormally large quantity of mud, a leak in the pipe may be assumed. This
deems the flow period not usable; therefore, production calculations cannot be made.
b. A slow drop in the annulus denotes either a leaking packer or a loss to formation. If the loss
continues after closing shut-in valve, it indicates that the loss was to the formation. An accurate
record of all losses during test should be kept.
c. Slipping of the packer to reach "true" bottom is noted. The initial flow should be lengthened to
compensate for this piston action or supercharge to the formation. The initial build-up curve on first
closed-in pressure will not be valid otherwise. (See Figure 7.4.)
Supercharge is the most common condition resulting in an abnormally high initial build-up of pressure.
During drilling or completion, a formation may have an invasion of pressure due to excessive hydrostatic
head or pressure surges. This pressure invasion is called supercharge. This abnormal pressure is suddenly
alleviated when the first flow period is commenced. The time required for this pressure to equalize with
reservoir pressure depends upon the magnitude of pressure invasion, permeability, and formation damage.
If a closed-in pressure is attempted prior to the dissipation of this supercharge, the resulting build-up curve
will exhibit excessive pressures, as shown in Figure 7.4.
a. A weak surface blow is noted. The flow period should be extended to at least 30 minutes, and the
initial closed-in pressure build-up should be extended by approximately 50% of normal.
b. Slipping of packer was noted. Allow for supercharging by flowing 10 - 15 minutes longer.
c. A strong surface blow is noted. The flow period could be shortened, but, as a general rule, it should
be 30 minutes. If surface observations indicate the well is coming in, then the period should be
shortened. Do not bring hydrocarbons to surface before daylight. The corresponding build-up, after
closing well in, is also faster and this period could be shortened to 90 minutes.
4. Initial shut-in period should be long enough to allow bottom hole pressure to reach or approach static.
One to two hours have proven to be sufficient, but never less than 30 minutes.
a. Experience should dictate the length of period. Consideration should be given to surface "blow." The
weaker the blow, the slower the rate of formation influx and the longer the second flow period
should be. Por example, one hour of good flow is generally sufficient for good evaluation.
b. If 1% or more of ~S is detected, go into final build-up and reverse out during final build-up.
c. If the drill pipe fluid load increases to the point that the hydrostatic head of the fluid column kills
the inflow, the final build-up should be started immediately.
d. For tests with a weak surface blow throughout the duration of the flow period, the tool must be left
open longer to sample the formation effectively. Prior calculations should determine length of flow
e. When chokes are changed, it should be from small to large and not large to small. The 3-7/8"
hydrospring has a 0.6" choke and the 5" hydrospring has a 0.75". Discuss surface choke sizes with
tester before opening tool. Normally 3/8" and 1/2" are used.
a. Should be at least equal to the flowing time if an accurate extrapolated pressure is to be obtained
and if permeability changes nearby are to be detected.
c. Tools must not be moved during this build-up period. Be in the reversing position before the
build-up starts.
d. If an acid job has been performed, allow the final buildup to be longer because no damage is likely.
1. Good Flow
PSI = ~ x Final Flow Time
2. Average Well
PSI = 1 x Pinal Flow Time
3. Poor Well
PSI = 2 x Final Flow Time
a. On hookwall tests, reversing should be done during final shut-in. Rotate to reversing position with
control head manifold valve closed.
b. Pull that can safely be exerted on the drill pipe is drastically reduced when the DP is not filled with
a fluid of equivalent density to that on the outside of the pipe (biaxial loading).
c. On openhole tests, it would depend on hole condition, but as a general rule, reversing would be
done before unseating the packer. If lost circulation is expected after unseating packer, it would be
better to reverse out before unseating packer. This should be determined ahead of time.
d. Be sure the DCIP valve is in reversing position before unseating packer because weight is required
before it can be rotated.
e. Line up (2) two pumps on annulus before starting to reverse out because mud will fall in annulus
and flow into drill pipe. On tests where influx of formation fluid has been low, allow pipe to fill
against a closed in surface valve and observe pressure reading on head before continuing to reverse
against back pressure held on choke manifold.
f. After closing BOP's, the reversing pressure should be restricted to as low as possible to prevent lost
g. Accurate measurements and descriptions of all recovered fluid is important to test interpretation.
On a low producing well, the flowing pressure is indicative of drill pipe fill up and the sum of
hydrostatic pressures of the recovery should equal the final flow pressure. The recovery has to be
measured closely and the densities checked. All fluids or mixtures of fluids should be described.
a. To unseat packer, pick up weight of string and wait a few minutes before working pipe. If stuck,
attempt to jar free. Make sure pipe is full before jarring. Reverse out if haven't already done so.
b. If jarring is unsuccessful, back off at VR safety joint and pull out of hole (see d.).
b. If jarring is unsuccessful, back off anchor pipe safety joint and pull out of hole (see d.).
b. Prepare to squeeze formation fluid(s) back to formation. If a balancing fluid at point of part can be
reverse circulated into well to control formation pressure, then it would be better not to squeeze
c. After bringing well under control, pullout of hole and pick up over shot to recover testing string.
a. Make sure annulus and drill pipe are balanced before reversing out is stopped.
b. If hydrocarbons have been tested, do not pull out after dark. Pulling to casing shoe would be
permitted after reversing out.
c. Watch annulus closely. Any upward movement after pipe stops should be treated as an emergency.
Make sure hole is taking correct displacement. A trip tank should be used.
• f
M1ff'chisonDrilling Schools, Ine.
e. Rate of loss (if any) should be determined before pulling out of hole. In cases of heavy losses, a LCM
pill should be pumped in annulus. Reduce losses to a safe level before pulling out of hole.
a. Pump LCM pill in annulus immediately and mix another pill. Keep annulus full.
13. Times:
b. A stop watch with accumulative hours is very helpful in recording accurate DST times.
14. Gradients: ---- 0.936
0.120 """
1.000 psi/ft
Fresh water pressure (CIP) chart
fUl. IIIU'.
VI'\. r/I "' "1/ '\. \.
•• UIAl.
IIIIIAl. ••• 11Al.
\. '\.
'\. '\.
0300 01100 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900
~--. , - o -
Closed-in pressure valve closed.
D-E - Formation closed in, but no pressure increase was
recorded, indicating 0 formation pressure .
- By-pass opened.
- Packer unseated.
F-G - Coming out of hole.
Fig. 7.8
This chart was made on a test where 2000 ft. of water cushion was used. The producing capacity of the
formation was such that the drill pipe was completely filled with fluid after the tester valve was opened,
resulting in what is commonly called a flowing test, i.e., the fluid produced from the formation reached the
surface and flowed from the top of the drill pipe.
E. Inside Chart (Plugged Perforations) and Blanked Off Chart (Plugged Perforations)
-----_._--_. __ .~_._-_.__ ._--
On every test at least two gauges should be used, with the lower gauge blanked off from the fluid passage
through the testing string so that it gets pressure from the annulus below the packer. The reason for this is
illustrated by the two charts above, both of which were made on the same drill stem test. If only the inside
gauge had been used, it would have indicated a "dry" test, or a non-productive formation, since the pressure
dropped to "0" when the tester valve was opened, and did not show any increase.
However, a check of the chart from the blanked off gauge shows that pressure was present in the well bore
below the packer. This indicates that the perforations in the anchor pipe plugged almost immediately after
the valve was opened. The formation closed-in pressure was recorded throughout the test on the lower
gauge, while no pressure was recorded on the inside gauge, since the formation could not produce through
the plugged perforations.
Figure 7.11 is an illustration of the type of curve produced by a plugged bottom hole choke. In this case, both the
inside gauge and the blanked off gauge produce the same type of curve, since the plugging is above the inside gauge,
and not between the gauges as when perforations are plugged. The chart from the inside gauge only is shown. This
type of plugging is usually caused by lost circulation material. Each of the pressure build ups during the time the tool
was open C to D - is caused by plugging of the choke. Each of the pressure decreases is caused by a break-through
of the plug and a momentary release of pressure.
I.', PltfSIUfI[
• ......, JOINT
'L •••••
Fig. 7.12
Dual or Valve
The Dual CIP Valve is a rotation type, five position PosmON 3 - OPEN
sliding sleeve valve used to take dual closed-in-
pressures. It is run in the testing string above the Following as adequate initial closed-in-pressure period,
Hydro-Spring Tester. As shown in the operational right-hand rotation moves the valve into the third
diagram, the valve functions as follows: position. This position is an open position providing the
second or final flow period.
PosmON 1 • OPEN PosmON 4 - CLOSED
The tool is run in the open position, but the Hydro- Further right-hand rotation moves the valve into position
Spring Tester prevents any drilling fluid from enter- 4 for the final closed-in-period. The reverse circulating
ing the testing string. When the testing position is sub can be opened during the final closed-in-pressure
reached, the Hydro-Spring Tester is opened for the period provided the packer is left seated.
initial flow period.
PosmON 2 - CLOSED Additional right-hand rotation will also move the Dual
CIP Valve to the reverse position. Design of the valve
After a suffident initial flow, simple right-hand permits changing from position 4 to position 5 during
rotation of the tool moves it into position 2 for the the final closed-in-pressure period, i.e., reversing can be
initial closed-in-pressure period. started during the final closed-in-pressure period.
This chart Illustrates a typical dual closed-In operatlon pro- This extrapolation of build-Up pressures determines the statlc
duced by a Halliburton 'B.T: PressureRecording Gauge when reservoir pressure and slope of bulld-up. An extrapolal1on of the
used wtth a Dual CIP Valve. This chart shows a first flow of Initial and final bulld-up curves should reflect the same static
such duration that all Inftuences not related to the reservoir reservoir pressure as Indicated. Thisoccurrence adds conlldence
are dissipated prior to Initial build-up. This gives the operator to the drill stem test data. If these two curves do not plot satisfac-
an opportunity to calculate production rate and reservoir torily. a definite formation condlt1on such as depletion may be
performance during the first ftow period. A second flow period Indicated.
and closed-in-pressure further validate formation characteris-
.•... ,.
~ ""
Ilf I~~lll
'.~::':'" ...~:... ::>:
••••• PIIlIIC
Fig. 7.14
Af filIAl.
---~·i II D ~: ..
II ~m
• J
•. T. llAUC£
'If.SSlllI£ nllIOD
lDW~ ~
Fig. 7.15
3,000 ps'
fHOrt.'prf'~'j,ure: 3,OOlpsi
dllf('fE'llliol differentlol
('cult'•• 2,OOlp.i
lo •.•...,.nUnICO· or more
••hOft Inter-
vol, u!'.ulling
vt"1 1(. ul torn
fhu!lo tft. ••.•lroy-
lilY IOf'lt'
1. Interval to be tested to be as short as possible and still expose sufficient formation for evaluation,
normally maximum of 200'.
2. Packer seat should be selected utilizing the best available means. Caliper logs should be run if other
logging is to be done prior to testing or in areas where packer failures are common.
3. Water cushion should be sufficient to protect drill pipe from collapse (refer to RP-7G)and consideration
given to limiting differential pressure across packer to 2000psi. In tight competent formations the main
consideration is drill pipe collapse. In highly permeable formations both collapse of drill pipe and tool
plugging and sticking have to be considered.
4. Water cushion for tests for which probably high rates are expected, as indicated by drilling fluid losses,
cuttings etc. will be calculated to give a minimum of half the expected BHP or that required for drill
pipe protection, whichever is the largest. The Hydraulic Variable Choke will be run if high rates are
1. Anchor shoe, blanked-off recorder, running case, HT 500 recorder, and Amerada.
3. Spacer (drill collars) - When running drill collars as spacer, all perforations should be below drill collars,
i.e., sticking potential increases with more than one fluid entry.
5. Expanding shoe packer, dual in tandem or preferably spaced apart as determined from caliper log. Blank
anchor or drill collars must be used for spacing. A pressure "distributor" tool is to be run between the
packers in either case.
7. Hydraulic Jar.
8. Pressure recorder case.
a. Amerada for 3-3/4" tools is positioned below packer.
b. Amerada for 5" tools is positioned above packer.
13. Dual closed-in pressure valve with dual sampler if sampling is required.
1. Fifteen to thirty minute initial flow. Reducible on indication of fast fill up before cushion or formation
fluid reaches surface.
3. 240 minute second flow unless dean formation fluid reaches surface before, or well dies. Time
changeable depending on condition.
4. 120 minute final closed-in or one half of second flow, whichever is the lesser.
1. On open-hole tests where the interval to be tested must be isolated, straddle packers with anchor pipe
will be used provided the amount of hole below the bottom packer does not exceed 200 feet.
1. Anchor shoe, required length of flush joint anchor, DC's, HT-SOOrecorder, and pressure recorder.
4. Flush joint anchor as required. All perforated anchor to be used together and not spaced by blank.
8. Hydraulic jars.
9. Pressure recorder and case.
1. On open-hole test where isolation of the interval is required from below and above, and the open-hole
below the lower packer exceeds 200 feet, a sidewall anchor assembly will be used.
2. Packer seats and sidewall anchor seat will be picked from caliper log.
Timing - same as A.
1. To test open-hole section below casing shoe with packer in the casing, or to test perforated intervals in
2. If test is of open-hole below shoe, the interval to be tested is normally 200' or less; however, if first test
is dry, another test of a longer interval may be justified.
Packer should be set above float collar. Do not set in shoe joint or where cement has been drilled out.
Avoid running tail-pipe into open hole, if possible.
3. Water cushion requirements are the same as A. 3 and 4., but calculated with consideration for collapse
of the casing below the packer.
3. Hookwall packer.
5. Hydraulic jar.
6. Amerada.
7. Pressure recorder.
9. Hydrospring tester.
Timing - Same as A.
1. Perforated intervals in casing which require isolation from below and above will be tested using straddle
2. Water cushion requirements are the same as A. 3 and 4, but calculated with consideration for collapse
of the casing below the packer.
3. Hookwall packer.
5. Flush joint perforated section and anchor pipe or drill collars, as required to space. Expanding shoe wall
packer and pressure equalizer.
Timing - Same as A.
Cementing Evaluation
1. This category has as an intent the dry-testing of sections of casing, liner laps, etc.
2. Cushion requirements will be for a full column of fluid (water or mud) which will give the differential
required for the test, with consideration for collapse of the casing below the packer. (Refer to
Hydrocarbon and Gas Cap Drilling Chapter)
3. Hookwall packer.
5. Hydraulic jar.
6. Pressure recorder.
7. Hydrospring tester.
8. ICIP.
9. Reversing sub.
Timing - One initial flow period of a duration suitable to give definite indications of either isolation or
test tools are currently used for testing from a floating porta
drilling vessel: tools operated by annulus pressure and lnertg ••
those operated by string reciprocation. Test valves ohMlber /
operated by annulus pressure are relatively new, and IIllII1ChI
may not be ava.ilable in all areas of the world; these
tools operate by pressure only, and do not require
pIlII8Ure l~,
drillstring manipulation. By 1977, rotating test tools Lower flow Lower
had generally disappeared from floaters. porta cIoMd flow
Tools actuated by increasing annular pressure. These open
valves are activated by applying 1,000-1,500 psi pres-
sure to the annulus. Releasing this pressure allows the
valve to close. Additionally, pressuring the annulus to
2,000-2,500 psi will close and lock the valve. This traps
a sample of reservoir fluid after the final flow period.
'l'he valve also is a safety device for shutting in the well
if the tubing parts and casing pressure increases above (a) (b) (e)
Port to wellbore
The impact sub for reverse circulation is a hollow
pin that protrudes into the pipe bore. The pin is
broken by dropping a bar through the pipe bore,
allowing communication between the test string and
the annulus. This type of sub must be positioned above
all restrictions in the tubing. Heavy mud will cushion
the impact and possibly keep the valve from opening.
A bar catcher is needed to protect equipment below
the impact sub.
Pressure operated subs are controlled by annular
pressure, just like the annular-pressure-operated test
tools. These reversing subs are new and may not be
Fig. 3-Volume-pressure balanced slip joints. inserted in the string available in some areas. The pressure reversing subs
between the drilling vessel and the BOPs. are run to compensate for use a mechanism to count the number of times that the
pressure and flow surges caused by vessel motion. One chamber
allows fluid from the tubing to fill the reservoir as the sleeves move annulus has been pressured to a certain pressure level.
downward with vessel motion; the other chamber compensates for For example, if the test tool has been actuated five
fluctuations in annular fluid pressure and flow. times and the reversing sub will actuate after pressuriz-
ing the annulus ten times, then the annulus will have to
be pressured five more times for the reversing sub to
attached at the top of the upper slip joint and the valve
sleeve is allached at the bottom of the lowest slip joint
in the series. The safety valve is opened when any. of SUBSEA SHUT-IN PROCEDURE
the joints are partially extended, but it is closed when
all of the joints are dosed. The valve may be deliber- Special trees are designed to land in the wellhead
ately dosed by lowering the st ring so that all of the subs and blowout prevcnters to provide a meallS of tubing
an.' collasped. shut-in at the sea floor. (Fi~. 4). Thest~ .trees use
redundant, hydraulically operated valvt::s.One or both
Volume-pressure slip joints are designed to eliminate will be ball valves, dcpcnding on the 1ll;lIll1facturcr.
pressure and flow surges caused by vessel motion. Hydraulic pressure is furnished through a flexible linc
Used primarily on vessels that do not have motion from the surface. When the hold-open hydraulic pres-
compensators, the slip joints are inserted in the string sure is released, a spring closes the valves. The valves
hetwet'n the drilling vessel and the BOPs. These joints are designed to sht::ar a wire line if necessary. The pipe
(Fig. 3) havt.~ an upper annular reservoir/pressure to the surface is released hydraulically, and a mechani-
chamber for tubing fluids and a lower annular reser- cal back-off may be used in case of hydraulic failure.
This allows the vessel to disconnect the riser from the
voir/pressure chamber for fluids in the annulus. The
wellhead and have the well shut in. The shear blind
areas acted on by the pressure in these chambers are
equal to and compensate for the differential areas of rams may be closed in most current systems; however,
the mandrel and outer sleeve. some of the earlier systems would not fit below the
As the vessel heaves downward, the string shortens, blind rams, requiring the well to be ShUl in on the
the joint collapses and fluid moves into the reservoir to annular preventer.
keep the fluid vdocity in the tubing constant. As the The newer trees are designed for deep water, whilt::
vessell.l~a.v~~_up",ard, the string length increases, the earlier models relied too heavily on the internal tubing
28 - Drill Stem Testing
ProcIuQlId HydrIIllIlO IlnI to ~ f9r ~ ~ •••
. fluldl to
IUIfIlCll DrItl pipe to VIIII8l. UN ~ bIIrinOICt IlIp
jainla 1I11l1ll1011~ II nat aveilIIlle
Safety joint
,w.q lhut In
~ ..
Fig, 4-A special test string for subsea operation has an emergency
disconnect feature at the wellhead. Hydraulic pressure, provided by a
flexible line from surface to the test tree inside the subsea wellhead,
operates the disconnect mechanism. When pressure is released, it Fig. 5-An example test string is set up to be run with a reciprocating
closes the tree valves below the pipe rams and mechanicelly releases test tool, in which a valve is opened by picking up on the string and
the upper string section that runs to surface. Then the shear rams can slacking off. Bumper subs below the test valve compensate for vessel'
be closed and the riser disconnected. motion.
pressure to assist in closing. These earlier models may The space-out run procedure could go as follows:
not dose when hydraulic pressure is released in deep • Land shoulder in wellhead and mark pipe (only the
water. Valves that might have this limitation should large shoulder wiIlland in the wellhead).
always be evaluated before using. • Pick up about 18 feet (shoulder about 4 feet above
Hang-ofT shoulders are provided to support the tree rams).
in the rams. A fluted hang-off point that will not pass • Close rams and land shoulder by lowering 4 feet.
the wellhead is included. Since spacing between the • Mark pipe.
rams will vary from rig to rig, a tree should be modifi- • Open rams and pick up 20 feet to
able to fit different stacks, or i~should be designed to -Lower slip joint stroke 12 feet.
tit into a specified stack and used with that stack only. -Tester open 2 feet.
During a test, the rams should be closed around the -Packer set distance 1 foot.
test tree and the casing pressure should be monitored -Half of upper slip joint 5 feet.
through a kill/choke line. • Set packer
• Lower hang-off shoulder and hang off on rams.
TEST STRING DESIGN When the packer is set, the hang-off point on the tool
will be about 19 feet above the rams. A weight loss
Space-out for the two types of reciprocating test
tools will be discussed here. The first will be for the approximately equal to the weight of the string below
the upper slip joints will indicate that the packer has
single point hang-off, such as will be required for the been set.
full cycle reciprocating tool, or an annulus pressure-
If the Johnston MFE is run, it will open in three to
operated tester. The second will be for a two-point
hang-off, to open and close a tester operated by string
An example test string arrangement is shown in Fig.
Distance from wellhead landing point to landing
5. The single hang-off is relatively simple because
point on the rams for larger shoulder 14 feel
there is only one point to consider' for flow or shut off. Lower Slip joint stroke 12 feet
For example, use the dimensions shown in Table 1. Tester operation , 2 feel
A suggested procedure is to space out so that when Upper slip joint stroke (safety valve closes
the string is hung off, the lower slip joints are fully ill 18S1fool of ooIlapse) 10 feel
Packer: distance to sel. 1 fool
collapsedl, and the upper slip joints are at mid stroke.
Drill Stem Testing - 29
• SEPTEMBER 1i!ll~.o
About the author
RILEV SHEFFIELD ia a conIUUant and imtructor
Fig. 7-on the surface during formation tests, produced fluids pass
from the well through a choke to a heater (if necessary). Then, a~r
at the surface, and a positive choke should be used for separation. and metering, both are burned.
precise control of the final flow period.
A schematic of the surface equipment hookup is
shown in Fig. 7. Produced fluids are run through a
('hoke, then a heater (if needed), and then through separators. Gases are flared, and produced liquids are
retained in a holding tank. From the tank, liquids are
pumped to a burner and incinerated. In some cases,
the volume of the holding tank may be relatively small
and may act only as a surge tank.
Surface test equipment can be purchased in a pack-
age especially designed for a rig, or the individual
components can be purchased and assembled sepa-
rately. Care should be exercised when designing a test
system. Changing components in the middle of fabri-
cation can drastically affect the overall effciency of the
system. Not only the major components, but the au xil-
liary equipment such as pumps, air compressors and
flow lines will affect the overall performance of the
Heaters are needed for gas and gas-condensate
production. Live steam, "diesel fired" or hot water are
used frequently for heating the produced fluids. Of
the three, live steam seems to be becoming t/ie most
popular because it is more efficient than hot water and
safer than diesel-fired units.
Separate sizing is an art, and it is usuaHy advisable to
seek help from persons familiar with this work. Unfor-
tunately, separator efficiency often requires field re-
finement to operate efficiently. Since production sur-
face equipment experts are not usually available on a
floater, special care must be taken in the initial design
if the equipment is to work properly.
I. Harris. L.M., An ;.urodudWn tu dI'/IUIa'" /Iuu",,« d"U,,'K IJ/H"141U1n.\. I't:lrulculIJ J·uhti.hin"
Co., Tul ••• 1972.
2. Chrillman. S.A., and MalOnheimer. R.A .• "Urilislem~u:1t auernbl~1 'fir n~linK veste's,"
50jounwl 0{ P,lr.Pru)'.
Wr••y, G.Q.. Ttch. G.E.,
•• 1974).
Jeffords, C.M., "Devrlopmcnll in (t'slinK from flo"1inK
drilling veliel.,'· SPE p.per 5094. Preoented .tthe 45th hll Annual Meetiug. 51'[ 01 the
AIME. Hou.ton, 1970.
4. NUller, S.l'.," d, "S.!e, pollutioll rree tellillg or off.hore .lId Ar<lic well•.•• OTe p.per
2871. 1977.•
• r
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.
Double-pass, indirect-
fired healers with
safety systems have
10,000 psig flow lines,
flame arrestors and
adjustable chokes,
t <X3.
. r
5 FT.
An uncontaminated sample of the test fluid is Several variations and combinations of these systems
trapped in the tool at final flow pressure for can be used to suit particular well conditions and opera-
surface analysis. tor standards. (Figure 3) This illustrated combination of
The balance sub incorporates a hydraulic the PCT and MFE Systems uses a drillable Hornet
piston to provide a constant relationship of the Retainer that is set by wireline for excellent depth control.
MFE System to other balanced tools in the string. The retainer can be reentered as often as necessary
The bias sub contains a hydraulic preload that prior to squeeze cementing, and provides an additional
causes the MFE to operate in correct sequence with downhole shutoff after testing to eliminate gas and oil
the compensating slip joint. contamination of well-bore fluid.
Pressure Controlled Test (PCT) System (Figure 2) is
used on floating rigs where wave motion makes pipe Slip Joint/Safety Valve System
manipulation difficult. This system also offers improved This combined slip joint and safety valve (Figure 4) is run
performance, since no pipe manipulations are between the "major" and "minor" strings. The major
required after setting or stinging into the packer. string extends to the rig floor. It includes the landing sub
The PCT sampler unit is connected to a hydrome- for the E-Z Tree, the hydraulic line to actuate pressure-
chanical operator which opens the sampler valve by operated valves and a conductor line to the string below.
applying annular pump pressure, and closes the . The minor string is run between the slip joint and the
valves when pump pressure is bled off. A pressure reversing valve to provide the necessary weight to set the
override provides a back-up safety system to permit packer and operate test tools.
permanent valve closure by applying greater annulus The safety valve section is closed by compression
pressure than required for normal valve opening. and is maintained in tension or neutral during testing
• I
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.
RUNNING IN lJ...l--ljJ tI-L--J.Jl tI-L ·UJ
operations, If a break occurs in the major string closed while running or pulling the test string. It is
between the safety valve and the landing sub, the weight designed to open as the HRT meters open.
of the remaining major string would qUickly close the The Bypass Valve acts as a bypass or vent while
valve. landing a long seal nipple inside a permanent-type
The stroke of the slip joint is approximately five feet of production packer or cement retainer, and as an
travel. One or more slip joints can be run in the string to . equalizing valve for unseating a large-diameter packer
facilitate spacing out and wave motion compensation. when pressure differential IS high.
The slip Joint is pressure-volume-balanced against inter-
nal tubing pressure changes peT System Operation
The Pressure Controlled Tester (Figure 6) is a control
Hydrostatic Reference Tool valve operated by annular pump pressure. The system
The Hydrostatic Reference Tool (HRT) is a simplified consists of (1) a detachable-type tandem valve sampler
hydraulic time-delayed tool normally run immediately unit similar to the one used on the Multiple Flow Evalua-
below the Pressure Controlled Tester and is equipped tor, with (2) a hydromechanical operator unit attached to
with the Pressure Reference Valve, a Flow Control Valve the sampler unit, which allows annular pump pressure to
and a Bypass Valve. (Figure 5) The principal valve in the open the control valves in the sampler. The PCT provides
tool is the Pressure Reference Valve located at the upper a dual-purpose system which can be used as a test
end, which allows the hydrostatic mud pressure to be flow control valve and an automatic safety control valve
transmitted to the nitroge:l in the Pressure Controlled for closing off the formation from the pipe string when
Tester as the string is run in the hole. annular pump pressure is bled off. This makes It Ideally
The Flow Control Valve is a safety baCkup and is suited for testing from floating vessels.