MARK SCHEME For The June 2005 Question Paper
MARK SCHEME For The June 2005 Question Paper
MARK SCHEME For The June 2005 Question Paper
GCE Advanced Level
9708/04 Paper 4 Data Response and Essay (Core), maximum raw mark 70
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were initially instructed to award marks. It
does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before
marking began. Any substantial changes to the mark scheme that arose from these discussions
will be recorded in the published Report on the Examination.
All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills
Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the Report on the
• CIE will not enter into discussion or correspondence in connection with these mark
CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the June 2005 question papers for most IGCSE and GCE
Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses.
Grade thresholds for Syllabus 9708 (Economics) in the June 2005 examination.
The thresholds (minimum marks) for Grades C and D are normally set by dividing the
mark range between the B and the E thresholds into three. For example, if the difference
between the B and the E threshold is 24 marks, the C threshold is set 8 marks below the
B threshold and the D threshold is set another 8 marks down. If dividing the interval by
three results in a fraction of a mark, then the threshold is normally rounded down.
June 2005
Paper 4
Data Response and Essay (Supplement)
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
GCE A LEVEL – JUNE 2005 9708 4
Section A
(c) Imperfect, monopoly. Evidence: one major company, partly owned by govt.
(implication is that govt. sees need to control/own because of monopoly
situation), possible barrier to entry. Monopoly position enables high profits, (75%
to private sector comp, and total earnings are high) and possible exploitation of
labour through low wages. (3)
(d) Explanation of meaning of free market principles and brief comment on the way
in which a free market allocates resources. The article does, however, say that
the government is involved in the industrial sector and this contrasts with the text-
book view of a free market system. (5)
(e) Internal advantages could include wider choice of products, possible greater
income and employment, increased standard of living from increased income and
use of resources. International aspects could include less reliance on imports,
less dependence on trading in primary products. Some discussion required for
full marks. (6)
The essay questions carry a maximum mark of 25. Try not to ‘bunch’ marks, but use the
whole mark range. If there is any doubt in your mind, give the benefit of doubt to the
The difference in grades should be assessed on the ability of the candidate to demonstrate
the various objectives of the examination listed in the syllabus and not purely on the ability to
itemise further facts from the content of the syllabus. Marks should be awarded for the ability
to demonstrate that aim (b) of the syllabus has been achieved as well as aim (a) – which
refers to content knowledge. It is the objective of the examination, as listed in the syllabus,
to assess both these aims.
An overall guide for marks for individual questions is given below; these are from a total of
25. They may be applied proportionally of course to parts of questions where the total is less
than 25.
1–5 where the answer is mostly irrelevant and only contains a few valid points
made incidentally in an irrelevant context. There will also be substantial
omissions of analysis.
6–9 where the answer shows some knowledge but does not indicate that the
meaning of the question has been properly grasped. Basic errors of theory,
or an inadequate development of analysis may be evident.
12 – 13 where the answer has a more thorough relevance to the question but
where the theory is incompletely explained.
14 – 15 where there is a good knowledge of the facts and theory of the question,
clear evidence of the ability to use the facts and theory with accurate
reference to the question that may have presented the candidate with a
novel application. There should also be evidence, where appropriate, of
the ability to examine the implications of the question and an attempt to
distinguish between facts and value judgements.
21 – 25 for an answer which, given the time constraint, could not be improved
significantly: it will have clear analysis, ample illustration and a good
attempt at considered evaluation.
Be positive in your marking, awarding marks for what is there without being
too much influenced by omissions. Marks should not be deleted for
1 2 3 4
Total Mark 13 1 – 4+ 5 – 6+ 7 – 8+ 9 – 13
2 (a) Discussion of the theory of wages, preferably using m.r.p. analysis. The
question only asks for perfect competition. Theory is precise in perfect
markets if the derivation of m.r.p and the use of supply line are both
L4 For a reasoned and clear discussion of either perfect markets, both factor
and product – this could relate just to the firm, or the factor market alone if
related to the firm and the industry. Answer should be logically presented 9
– 12 (7 – 8 for D and S approach)
L3 For a competent comment but with less elaboration of the whole analysis or
a concentration on imperfect product but perfect factor markets 7 – 8 (5 – 6
for D and S approach)
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
1 – 4 (1 – 2 D and S approach)
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
L3 For a clear explanation which does not deal with all withdrawals 7 – 8
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
4 (a) Candidates should explain what is meant by ‘US dollar rose against the
Euro’, ‘Europe’s economy failed to grow and Germany fell into a recession’.
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
L3 For a clear discussion but with limited elaboration of the analysis or may
discuss only two types of policy 7 – 8
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
(i) Theory assumes profit maximisation as aim. Gillette is concerned with profits,
and has increased sales and revenue. Nothing is said about whether prices were
kept the same as revenue increased.
(ii) Theory assumes product differentiation. The article states that products are
differentiated by brand names. There can be product innovation.
(iii) The theory assumes that firms will keep the prices relatively constant because
they fear changes in competitor behaviour. The article says a competitor
increased its advertising. Gillette reacted as it is concerned about market share.
It also increased its advertising. It is likely that the price will not remain the same
as advertising increases unless sales can increase to meet the cost but nothing
is said about this.
(v) Theory assumes product differentiation and allows for advertising for maximum
profits. The article mentions advertising. Policies to increase advertising
expenditure fit with the analysis.
(vi) The kinked demand curve theory does not emphasise an increase in market
share as a policy. The article says Gillette is keen to increase market share.
Policies to increase market share do not necessarily fit with the traditional theory.
L3 For a competent explanation which does not fully analyse either the
meaning of efficiency or the likely market failure. There will be some
discussion but the evaluation will not be fully developed or extensive
14 – 17
L1 For an answer which shows some knowledge but does not indicate that the
question has been fully grasped. The answer will have some correct facts
but include irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be
substantial 1– 9
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial
L1 For an answer which has some basic correct facts but includes
irrelevancies. Errors of theory or omissions of analysis will be substantial