ATM White Label ATM PDF
ATM White Label ATM PDF
ATM White Label ATM PDF
ATM/White Label ATM
Foreign Exchange
updated on 29/01/2016
Government Securities Market Q.1. What is an Automated Teller Machine (ATM)?
NBFCs Ans 1. Automated Teller Machine is a computerized machine that provides the customers of banks the facility of accessing their
account for dispensing cash and to carry out other financial & nonfinancial transactions without the need to actually visit their bank
Others branch.
Payment Systems Q.2. What are White Label ATMs (WLAs)?
Ans 2. ATMs set up, owned and operated by nonbanks are called White Label ATMs. Nonbank ATM operators are authorized under
Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007 by the Reserve Bank of India.
Q.3. What is the difference between ATM and WLA (White Label ATM)?
Ans 3. i) In White Label ATM scenario, logo displayed on ATM machine and in ATM premises pertain to WLA Operator instead of a
bank. However, for a customer, using WLA is just like using the ATM of other bank (bank other than card issuing bank). ii)
Acceptance of cash deposits at the WLAs is not permitted at present.
Q.4. What has been the rationale of allowing nonbank entities for setting up of WLAs?
Ans 4. The rationale of allowing nonbank entity to set up White Label ATMs has been to increase the geographical spread of ATM
for increased / enhanced customer service.
Q.5. What type of cards can be used at an ATM/WLA?
Ans 5. The ATM/ATM cum debit cards, credit cards and open prepaid cards (that permit cash withdrawal) issued by banks can be
used at ATMs/WLAs for various transactions.
Q.6. What are the services/facilities available at ATMs/WLAs?
Ans 6. In addition to cash dispensing, ATMs/WLAs may offer many other services/facilities to bank customers. Some of these
services include:
Account Information
Cash Deposit (Acceptance of deposits are not permitted at WLAs)
Regular Bills Payment (not permitted at WLAs)
Purchase of Reload Vouchers for Mobiles (not permitted at WLAs)
Mini/Short Statement
PIN change
Request for Cheque Book
Q.7. How can one transact at an ATM/WLA?
Ans 7. For transacting at an ATM/WLA, the customer inserts /swipes his/her Card in the ATM/WLA and enters his/her Personal
Identification Number (PIN). Usually the transactions are menu driven for facilitating easy
Q.8. What is Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
Ans 8. PIN is the numeric password which is separately mailed / handed over to the customer by the bank while issuing the card.
Most banks require the customers to change the PIN on the first use. Customer should not disclose PIN to anybody, including to
bank officials. Customers should change the PIN at regular intervals.
Q.9. Can these cards be used at any bank/nonbank ATM (WLA) in the country?
Ans 9. Yes. The cards issued by banks in India may be used at any bank / white label ATM in the country.
Q.10. Are customers entitled to any free transactions at ATMs?
Ans.10. Yes. With effect from November 01, 2014, a bank must offer to its savings bank account holders a minimum number of
free transactions at ATMs as under:
I. Transactions at a bank’s own ATMs at any location: Banks must offer their savings bank account holders a minimum of
five free transactions (including both financial and nonfinancial) in a month, irrespective of the location of ATMs.
II. Transactions at any other banks’ ATMs at Metro locations: In case of ATMs located in six metro locations, viz. Mumbai,
New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad, banks must offer their savings bank account holders a minimum of
three free transactions (including both financial and nonfinancial transactions) in a month.
III. Transactions at any other banks’ ATMs at NonMetro locations: At other locations, banks must offer the savings bank
account holders a minimum of five free transactions (including both financial and nonfinancial transactions) in a month at
other bank ATMs.
RBI has mandated only the minimum number of free transactions at ATMs. Banks may offer more number of transactions free of
cost to their customers.
The above does not apply to Basic Savings Bank Deposit Accounts (BSBDA) as withdrawals from BSBDA are subject to the
conditions associated with such accounts,
Q.11. Are customers charged for any transaction at ATMs?
Ans 11. Yes, customers can be charged for transactions at ATMs over and above the mandated number of free transactions (as
indicated in answer to Q.10 above). In case a bank decides to levy charges, the customer can be charged a maximum of Rs. 20/
per transaction (plus service tax, if any) by his/her bank.
Q.12. What should be done if card is lost / stolen?
Ans 12. The customer should contact the card issuing bank immediately on noticing the loss / theft of the card and should request
the bank to block the card.
Q.13. From where the customer can get the contact numbers for lodging a complaint?
Ans 13. Banks are required to display the name and the contact numbers of concerned officers/toll free number/help desk numbers
in the ATM premises. Similarly, in WLAs, contact number of officials/toll free numbers/ helpline numbers are also displayed for
lodging any complaint regarding failed/disputed transactions.
Q.14. What steps should a customer take in case of failed ATM transaction at other bank/white label ATMs, when his / her
account is debited?
Ans 14. The customer should lodge a complaint with the card issuing bank at the earliest. This process is applicable even if the
transaction was carried out at another bank’s/nonbank’s ATM. In case of WLAs, the contact number/toll free numbers are also
available for lodging complaints regarding failed transactions at their ATMs.
Q.15. Is there any time limit for the card issuing banks for recrediting the customers account for a failed ATM/WLA
transaction indicated under Q. No. 13?
Ans 15. As per the RBI instructions (DPSS.PD.No.2632/02.10.002/20102011 dated May 27, 2011), banks have been mandated to
resolve customer complaints by recrediting the customer’s account within 7 working days from the date of complaint.
Q.16. Are the customers eligible for compensation for delays beyond 7 working days?
Ans 16. Yes. Effective from July 1, 2011, banks have to pay compensation of Rs. 100/ per day for delays in recrediting the amount
beyond 7 working days from the date of receipt of complaint for failed ATM transactions. The compensation has to be credited to the
account of the customer without any claim being made by the customer. If the complaint is not lodged within 30 days of transaction,
the customer is not entitled for any compensation for delay in resolving his / her complaint.
Q.17. What is the course of action for the customer if the complaint is not addressed by his/her bank within the stipulated
time / not addressed to his satisfaction?
Ans 17. The customer can take recourse to the Banking Ombudsman, if the grievance is not redressed by the his/her card issuing
Q.18. What is the Grievance Redressal Mechanism available to users of WLAs in case of failed/disputed WLA transactions?
Ans 18. The Grievance Redressal Mechanism available to users of WLA is same as that available to users of banks’ ATMs for
failed/disputed transactions. While the primary responsibility to redress grievances of customers relating to failed transactions at
such WLAs will vest with the card issuing bank, the sponsor bank will provide necessary support in this regard, ensuring that White
Label ATM Operator (WLAO) makes available relevant records and information to the Issuing bank.
Q.19. What should be done to the ATM card when the card is expired or the account is closed?
Ans 19. Customer should destroy the card upon card expiry or closure of account, cut it into four pieces through the magnetic
strip/chip before disposing it off.
Q.20. How shall the customer keep his/her ATM/WLA transaction secure?
Ans 20. Customers should observe following Do’s and Don’ts to keep their transaction safe and secure at ATM/WLA:
Customer should conduct any ATM/WLA transaction in complete privacy.
Only one card holder should enter and access ATM/WLA kiosk at a time.
He/she should never lend his/her card to anyone.
Do not write PIN on the card.
Never share PIN with anyone or seek help from anybody by handing over the card and revealing the PIN.
Never let anyone see the PIN while it is being entered at the ATM
Never use a PIN that could be easily guessed. e.g. his/her birthday, birthday of spouse or telephone number.
Never leave card in the ATM/WLA.
Register mobile number with the card issuing bank for getting alerts for ATM /WLA transactions. Any unauthorized card
transaction in the account, if observed, should be immediately reported to the card issuing bank.
Beware of any extra devices attached to the ATMs/WLAs. These may be put to capture customer’s data fraudulently. If any
such device is found, inform the security guard / bank/ white label ATM entity maintaining it immediately.
Keep an eye on suspicious movements of people around ATMs/WLAs. Customer should beware of strangers trying to
engaging him/her in conversation or offering assistance / help in operating the ATM
Remember that bank officials will never ask for card details or PIN over telephone / email. So, do not respond to any vishing /
phishing mails from people indicating that they represent your bank.