CANH - TAY - ROBOT / PLC - 1 (CPU 314C-2 DP) / Program Blocks: Main (OB1)
CANH - TAY - ROBOT / PLC - 1 (CPU 314C-2 DP) / Program Blocks: Main (OB1)
CANH - TAY - ROBOT / PLC - 1 (CPU 314C-2 DP) / Program Blocks: Main (OB1)
Automation Portal
Name Data type Offset Default value Comment
OB1_EV_CLASS Byte 0.0 Bits 0-3 = 1 (Coming event), Bits 4-7 = 1 (Event class 1)
OB1_SCAN_1 Byte 1.0 1 (Cold restart scan 1 of OB 1), 3 (Scan 2-n of OB 1)
OB1_PRIORITY Byte 2.0 Priority of OB Execution
OB1_OB_NUMBR Byte 3.0 1 (Organization block 1, OB1)
OB1_RESERVED_1 Byte 4.0 Reserved for system
OB1_RESERVED_2 Byte 5.0 Reserved for system
OB1_PREV_CYCLE Int 6.0 Cycle time of previous OB1 scan (milliseconds)
OB1_MIN_CYCLE Int 8.0 Minimum cycle time of OB1 (milliseconds)
OB1_MAX_CYCLE Int 10.0 Maximum cycle time of OB1 (milliseconds)
OB1_DATE_TIME Date_And_Time 12.0 Date and time OB1 started
Network 2: DC thuận
Network 4: DC kẹp
Network 5: DC ngược
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
%Q0.4 %Q0.5
"TG" "Băng_Chuyen_B"