Basic Concepts: Payroll Overview
Basic Concepts: Payroll Overview
Basic Concepts: Payroll Overview
Basic Concepts
Payroll Overview
Payroll is a list of employees who get paid by the company. Payroll also refers to the total
amount of money employer pays to the employees. As a business function, it involves:
Gross income or salary = All types of regular income + allowances + any one-time payment or
Gross deduction = All types of regular deductions + statutory deductions + any one-time
Payroll Organization:
Some basic settings must be made in Customizing to be able to run payroll in the SAP HR
HCM System.
1. A period parameter and a date modifier are assigned to each payroll area. The
period parameter determines whether payroll is run monthly, quarterly, weekly or
for several weeks.
2. Payroll periods must be generated for each combination of period parameters and
date modifiers assigned to a payroll area.
3. Date modifier links the additional date types with a payroll calendar.
Classification: Internal
4. Control record must be created for every payroll area. This control record controls
the individual stages of payroll.
Control record:
A control record must be created in Customizing for each payroll area before it can be
used.To Maintain Personnel Control Record use transaction PA03.
1. It locks the personnel numbers, for which payroll should be run, so that master data
cannot be changed which might affect payroll data when payroll is being run.
2. If the master data for the personnel number is being changed for which payroll is
run, it locks the payroll for that time, so that nobody can run the payroll during this
3. You can also get information on what is the next payroll period for which regular
payroll should be run, up to what date is retroactive accounting carried out and
what status does the payroll currently have.
Payroll Process:
When payroll is run master data and time data changes are not permitted.Also payroll
must not be run during master data maintenance. This can be controlled by payroll
control record.
If Check Result is selected, it doesn’t allow you to start payroll for the payroll area
concerned. This way, you can check the payroll result, as nobody can change the payroll
If Corrections is selected, lock on master data and time data records for the selected
payroll area are released. You can make changes in infotypes for personnel numbers
having selected payroll area.
Sometimes personnel numbers are rejected during payroll run because of incorrect data.
This data can be corrected by selecting Corrections. After this select release the
payroll and this locks the personnel records again. Then, Start payroll again to run
payroll for these corrected personnel numbers. You can get the list of personnel
Classification: Internal
numbers whose payroll have been rejected due to incorrect data and their personal data
is changes in correction phase in a Match code W.
If Exit Payroll is selected, it releases infotypes and locks payroll area for payroll run.
Payroll can be exited only if all personnel numbers have been processed successfully.
Transaction Code:-OH00
Classification: Internal
Transaction Code:-PE03
Transaction Code:-PA03
Transaction Code:-PA03
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
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Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH11
Transaction Code:-OH11
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH13
Transaction Code:-OH13
Transaction Code:-OH13
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Classification: Internal
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00
Transaction Code:-OH00