Payroll Self
Payroll Self
Payroll Self
A two-digit numerical parameter that determines the time interval for which payroll is run for a payroll
Based on the Time unit drop down we can select monthly weekly extra
If you assign the period parameter [Extern] 01 to the payroll area Salaried Employee, payroll is run
monthly for this payroll area. If you assign the period parameter 03 to the payroll area Industrial
Employee, payroll is run weekly for this payroll area.
you must use Report RPUCTP00 (Generation of Payroll Periods) to generate the payroll periods for every
period parameter that you have assigned to a payroll area. In this way you determine the concrete start
and end date for each period, as well the payday. You generate the payroll periods in Customizing for
Payroll under Environment Payroll Organization Generate Payroll Periods [Extern].
Date Modifier:
Differentiator that you use to determine different paydays for different employees for whom payroll is
run with the same periodicity.
Payroll is run monthly in your enterprise. The payday is the 15th of the month for industrial employees
and the 25th for salaried employees. Since the payroll periodicity (monthly) is the same for both groups
of employees, the system requires two date modifiers [Extern] as differentiators to be able to determine
different paydays.
If you use the same payday for all payroll areas, assign the SAP standard modifier to all payroll areas. If
you use different paydays for different payroll areas, assign different date modifiers to these payroll
areas that you have created for your enterprise.
Payroll period:
Payroll period Describes the Specific period of start and end dates.
RPUCTP00- report used to generate payroll periods
Payday :T549S
The system automatically creates the payday for all countries when you generate the payroll periods.
When you start payroll, enter the payroll area for which you want to run payroll on the payroll driver
selection screen. Using the payroll control record for this payroll area, the system determines the next
period for which payroll is to be run. The procedure is as follows:
1. The system reads the current value that is contained in the Payroll Period field of the payroll control
2. Using this value the system reads the Previous Payroll Period field in Table T549Q (Payroll Periods).
3. The system determines which period follows this previous period in accordance with Table T549Q.
This subsequent period is the current payroll period.
4. The system also determines the concrete start and end date of the payroll period in Table T549Q.
Period Number:
In the payroll control record, the system continuously increases the period numbers of the payroll
periods for a fiscal year. Every time you set the status of the payroll control record to Release for Payroll,
the period number is increased by one. In this way the system identifies the current payroll period. At
the start of a new fiscal year the period number is reset to 01. The period number that a payroll period
contains depends on the following criteria that you enter when generating the payroll periods. Period
parameter (for example, weekly or monthly)
Retroactive Accounting:
Retroactive Accounting Use If you change the master or time data for an HR master record for a period
for which payroll has already been run, the old payroll results must be checked in the next regular
payroll run and the payroll run must be repeated. The system automatically creates a retroactive
accounting run in the payroll past. To ensure that not every change triggers a retroactive accounting
run, the changes are checked for retroactive accounting relevance. This ensures that only those changes
that require a correction of the payroll results, trigger a retroactive accounting run. Moreover, the
system determines the retroactive accounting limit for which retroactive accounting can take place,
from the Payroll Status infotype (0003) and the payroll control record.
Payroll past The payroll past includes all periods for which you have already run and exited payroll.
Retroactive accounting limit The retroactive accounting limit determines the date up to which you may
change master and time data in the payroll past, and, in the case of a retroactive run, the earliest date
to which the system can run retroactive accounting. The retroactive accounting limit always refers to
personnel numbers.
You can change the retroactive accounting limit in the following ways:
for an employee in the Earl. Pers. RA (Earliest Possible Personal Retroactive Accounting Date) field in
the Payroll Status infotype (0003)
for a payroll area in the Earliest Possible Retroactive Accounting Period field in the payroll control
record (see Change Earliest Possible Retroactive Accounting Period [Seite 45])
You can determine the retroactive accounting relevance either per infotype or per infotype field. To
determine which infotypes or fields are relevant to retroactive
Period Definition The earliest period for retroactive accounting is the payroll period furthest in the past
for which you can run retroactive accounting. This is stored in the payroll control record for the payroll
The Earliest MD Change field can also contain a date that occurs in the future. This date is entered in an
off-cycle payroll run
The earliest period for retroactive accounting is the payroll period furthest in the past for which you can
run retroactive accounting. This is stored in the payroll control record for the payroll area.
Changing the Earliest Possible Retroactive Accounting Period
You can only change the earliest possible retroactive accounting period for a payroll area, whilst exiting
payroll .
2. Enter the payroll area for which you want to change the earliest possible retroactive accounting
period and choose Change
The earliest possible retroactive accounting period can only be changed, after you have set payroll
status to Exit payroll and before you save the payroll control record.
In the Earliest retroactive accounting period field, enter your new earliest retroactive accounting period
and save your entries.
PC00_M99_IRTF Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input
PC00_M99_CDTA Preliminary Program- Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
Use Changes to an employee's payroll data in a past payroll period trigger a retroactive payment
calculation in the current period. This calculation either takes place automatically or you can force it in
the payroll run.
During retroactive accounting, the system recalculates all of the employee’s pay for the affected
period(s). The new figure is compared with the original payments that the employee received. The
difference in net pay is carried forward and paid in the current payroll period.
The standard system processes retroactive calculations that affect net payments.
SAP HR Payroll Australia has three additional functions that process retroactive changes to:
Payroll Australia (PY-AU) This component enables you to run payroll for all employees in line with
Australian legal and business requirement.
The SAP HR Payroll Australia component is integrated with other SAP HR components such as Personnel
Administration and Personnel Time Management. There are interfaces to Financial Accounting and
Controlling, and you can run payroll using a combination of SAP and third-party products.
The component uses data from other areas of SAP HR to calculate all statutory and nonstatutory
additions and deductions for your employees. SAP HR Payroll Australia offers a number of standard
reports used in payroll, superannuation, leave, advance payments and taxation. In addition to standard
payroll functions, payroll processing for Australia comprises the following country-specific functions:
Advance payments
Salary packaging
Leave processing
Month-end accruals
Bank transfers
You can use this component to calculate the remuneration for work done for each employee. However,
Payroll does not just involve the calculation of remuneration, but consists of a variety of processes that
are becoming increasingly important due to the employer’s increased obligation to supply benefits and
medical welfare. These benefits are products of:
Labor law
Tax law
Contribution law
Benefits law
Civil law
Reporting law
Information law
Statistics law
Payroll can be integrated in Personnel Administration, Time Management, Incentive Wages and
Standardized data retention enables you to use master data and other payroll relevant data from
Personnel Administration.
Time data, entered via Time Management, is automatically included in the Payroll and is valuated during
the payroll run.
Data from the Incentive Wages component is used to calculate piecework wages and premium wages
directly in Payroll.
Information on expenses and payables from Payroll is posted for accounting directly in Financial
Accounting, and you assign the costs to the appropriate cost center. You can also control the financial
system of third-party providers.
The System calculates the gross and net pay, which comprises the individual payments and deductions
that are calculated during a payroll period, and are received by an employee. These payments and
deductions are included in the calculation of the remuneration using different wage types [Extern].
The Payroll is based on an international payroll driver. This payroll driver was modified for each country.
The country-specific payroll drivers take the statutory and administrative regulations of a country into
Since the payroll driver has a modular structure, you can use the Customizing functions to quickly
modify the payroll procedure to meet the particular requirements of your enterprise.
Process Flow When you access Payroll, the payroll driver calls the accompanying payroll schema, which
consists of a sequence of functions. For each activity,
the individual functions import data from internal tables and payroll relevant files. Payroll is then
performed as follows:
1. The system updates the databases and imports the master data relevant to payroll.
2. If Off-Cycle Payroll [Seite 131] is to take place, the system deletes the internal table IT.
4. The system calculates the gross wage and considers the shift schedule, shift change compensation,
and valuation bases. Any master data relevant to payroll is included in the calculation at this point
. 5. The system calculates the partial period factors, lump sums and salary elements, and cumulates the
gross results.
6. The system calculates the net remuneration and performs retroactive accounting if specific master
data has been changed in previous payroll periods
Payroll Driver
Special report for Payroll. SAP has developed country-specific payroll drivers, which are based on report
RPCALCx0. With country-specific reports the penultimate character in the name refers to the country
indicator (for example, D for Germany, F for France).
Use Report RPCALCx0 can calculate periodic payments and also off-cycle payroll runs. However, this
report does not include tax and social insurance data for net wage calculations. The country specific
payroll drivers contain this data.
The payroll schema contains calculation rules to be used by the payroll driver [Seite 23] during payroll.
SAP has developed country-specific schemas which are based on schema X000. With country-specific
reports, the first character in the name refers to the country indicator (for example, D for Germany, F for
performs the following steps: – Updates the databases – Imports required infotypes Gross calculation of
pay The system performs the following steps: – Processes basic data and time data – Queries off-cycle
payroll runs – Reads payroll account of the last period accounted – Processes time data and calculates
the individual gross values – Performs factoring Net calculation of pay The system performs the
following steps: – Calculates net remuneration
Pnnnn (nnnn = number of the infotype) The Pnnnn files contain data that has been entered in the
respective infotypes for an employee.
PCL1 The PCL1 file contains primary information, in other words, data from the master data and time
recording systems.
PCL2 The PCL2 file contains secondary information, in other words, derived data and all generated
When you start payroll, the system imports the relevant master data from the Pnnn files (for example,
basic pay and tax class) and imports the time data from the PCL1 file to the IT table. The system imports
the payroll results from the previous month from table ORT (for example, to form averages). The system
processes this data and saves the payroll results and generated schemas in the PLC2 file.
Internal Tables
Internal tables store data during payroll. The system imports data to these tables and used them to
calculate new data. This data is then also saved in internal tables.
A t the start of the payroll run, the system reads the values from the results tables to the old results
table (ORT). Data from the previous period is, therefore, available in the current payroll period.
The most important internal tables are:
Input table (IT) Table IT contains data that can be edited. The table exists only during
Output table (OT) Table OT contains the results of an activity. These results are written to the
input table for further processing. The table exists only during processing.
Results table (RT) Table RT contains the results of the period for which payroll has been run. The
system saves this data in the PCL2 file in cluster RX.
Payroll organization:
Time unit:
01 Monthly
02 Semi-monthly
03 Weekly
04 Bi-weekly
06 Annually
07 Quarterly
08 Half-yearly
here the payroll area is assigned with period parameter and date modifier
Generate payroll periods: T549Q/ RPUCTP00
Payday rules:
Payday rule
This field specifies how the payment date should be calculated for each payroll period.
The field is used in connection with the Number of days field.
In this field, you specify if the system should
add the value to the FROM date of the period
In your system, you use monthly payroll periods and want to define the 25th of the month as the payment day.
Make the following entries:
That means that the payment day in every payroll period is not based on the length of the month of the 25th.
In your system, you use weekly payroll periods and want the payment day to come four days after the end of
the payroll period. You make the following entries:
For example, for the period from May 29 until June 04 2000, the payment day is June 08 2000.
)- Give the period parameter, system will show the payroll period generated for that period parameter
Check pay day: T549S
Date identifier:
6 PRCL 06 Moving in Wage types from the old Payroll Account LRT
69 Wagetypes used for base gross amount and base tax amount (LSPA)
95 Pro-rate Infotype 14
Evaluation Classes
Evaluation class with specification t52D4
Creation of wage type/ OH11/PU30:
Wage type Characteristics:
X000- international schema
Steps in intilization:
2. Set switch for database updates (YES/NO) All database updates are
2. Read relevant work center and basic pay data from the following
Checks if it is a special run: If it special run than the infotype data will be deleted
XPR0- Import previous results of current period if there is any retro calculation
The last payroll result (can be from previous period) is read in this
subschema, and made accessible to the current payroll run (for the
current period).
The imported last payroll results, or the values transferred, are then
All the information from Time Management, included in the working time
period parameter.
If you want to process other payments and deductions apart from those
from infotypes 0014 and 0015, you can use subschema XAP9.
Monthly Factoring
After all the remuneration elements from master data and Time
zero and one) have been generated from the personal work schedule
distribute monthly lump sums and hourly rates to Cost Accounting (CO).
The schema comprises the following main steps: