Relays, Contactors, Motors and CAN
Relays, Contactors, Motors and CAN
Relays, Contactors, Motors and CAN
and CAN
Electromagnetic Relays
Make or break a circuit
4 pin relay
Working principle
Control Circuit
Normally close(NC) Relay
● Telephone circuits: With normally closed relays, telephone calls can be terminated
if no one answers within the specified amount of time.
● Dead Man’s Seat: Certain machines are set to shut down if the driver is no longer in
the seat. However, an immediate shutdown would be inconvenient if the driver
merely bounces or shifts and accidentally activates that safety feature. The normally
closed relay provides a time delay that takes into consideration occasional driver
bounces, but it maintains that safety precaution by allowing for a shutdown if the
driver is out of the seat for too long.
Normally open(NO) relays
Switch is opened
- Huge amount of back emf induced in the coil which might cause damage to
Voltage suppression in relays using a diode
Diode is connected in reverse bias position parallel to the control circuit
When the circuit is closed , current flows normally as a diode in reverse biased
position acts almost as an open switch
When the circuit is opened , a back emf is induced which makes the diode forward
biased , hence all the excess current passes through it and hence protects the
circuit from damages.
Electromechanical Contactors
Perform the same task of switching a circuit like a relay
Rotor is already magnetised so it is always in sync with the magnetic field of the
stator(Synchronous : Slip = 0)
Disadvantage : Scarce earth metals like neodymium required which makes it expensive
Magnetic flux:Reluctance::Current:Resistance
0 - Dominant
1 - Recessive
Total number of characters which can be used = 2^29 = half a billion(~536 million)
Communication in CAN
Two wires CAN H and CAN L used for communication.
When data bits are transmitted CAN H jumps to 3.75V and CAN L lowers down to