MF207 - Mep Mep Drawing Checklist
MF207 - Mep Mep Drawing Checklist
MF207 - Mep Mep Drawing Checklist
Organization: MM/TL
Title block is according to standards
Title block font size and type according to standards
Standard information (logo, address, general notes, north sign) is according to
Project information (project name, client name, client address, client logo) are correct
with standard font size and type
Drawing specific information (drawing title, engineers names, date) are correct with
standard font size and type WRONG PRINCIPAL ENGINEER X
Drawing font size and type according to standard
Drawing electronic path shown on the drawings
All drawings are signed and stamped X
Content: MM/TL
Mechanical systems
System title drawing is provided
System list of drawings, legend and symbol and notes drawing is provided
General notes are suited to the specific project
All symbols are referenced in the symbols and legend drawing
All essential information such as ducts sizes, pipe sizes, equipment name are indicated
on the drawings
Ducts and pipe sizes are checked, correct and match calculation notes
Equipment size checked, correct and match calculation notes
Standard equipment block is used
Appropriate materials used
Text overlapping is checked
Standard line type is used for ducting and pipes
Equipment, ducts and pipes Horizontal and Vertical clearances are adequate and
accommodate constructability
Equipment essential information (capacity, type, location) are provided
Standard equipment table list is used
Inspection access is coordinated to all necessary equipment
System schematics are shown
Standard Details are used appropriately
No significant design issues noted
Significant design issues noted (comments provided on the drawings)
Signature: Date: