Chetan Ijr Paper

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848

p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 12
April 2018

Dynamic Analysis of High Rise Rc Structure Using

Etabs For Different Plan Configurations
Chetan P. Agrawal1, Amey R. Khedikar2
M-Tech Scholar, Department of Structure Engineering, TGPCET, Mohgaon, Nagpur
Assistant Professor, Department of Structure Engineering, TGPCET, Mohgaon, Nagpur

2. Objective of the Study
High Rise RC Structure subjected to most
dangerous earthquakes. It was found that main Following are the objectives of the present study;
reason for failure of RC building is irregular  The objective of the present work is to
distributions of mass, stiffness and strength or due to investigate the behavior of High-Rise RC
irregular geometrical configurations. The case study Structures with different plan configurations
in this paper mainly emphasizes on Dynamic under earthquake excitations using ETABS.
Analysis of High Rise RC building for different plan  To analyze G+15 story high-rise RC structure
configurations like Rectangular-shape along with L- with symmetrical and asymmetrical
shape and C- shape. The analysis involves load configurations.
calculation manually and analyzing the whole  To carry out Time History Analysis and
structure on the ETABS 9.7.1 version for dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis for both regular
analysis confirming to Indian Standard Code of and irregular plan configurations.
Practice. These analyses are carried out by  To compute various seismic responses like
considering seismic zones IV and the behavior is maximum story displacement, maximum story
assessed by taking medium soil. Post analysis of the drifts, storey shears and story overturning
structure, maximum story displacement, maximum moment for all cases.
story drift, story shear and maximum overturning  To compare these results for all cases by both
moment are computed and then compared for all the the methods.
analyzed cases.
3. Dynamic Analysis
Though static elastic analysis is considered
Regular and Irregular Structure, Response sufficient for smaller building, dynamic analyses
Spectrum Analysis, Time History Analysis, Seismic shall be performed to determine the seismic force
Response of Structure. and its distribution to different levels for regular and
irregular structures, as defined in clause 7.1 of IS
1. Introduction 1893 (Part-1): 2002.
Dynamic analysis carried out using Response
Earthquakes are most unpredictable and Spectrum Analysis and Time History Analysis.
devastating of all-natural disasters. Since earthquake
forces are random in nature and unpredictable. They  Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA): In that
not only cause great destruction in human casualties, method, the peak response of structure during an
but also have a tremendous economic impact on the earthquake is obtained directly from the
affected area. earthquake response, but this is quite accurate
High-Rise RC structures are a special class of for structural design applications. The main
structures with their own peculiar characteristics and purpose of the linear dynamic analysis is to
requirements. In the modern era, most of the evaluate the time variation of stresses and
structures are delineated by irregular in both plan and deformations in structures caused by arbitrary
vertical configurations. In other words, damages or dynamic loads.
loss in those structures with irregular options are
over those with regular one. Thus, irregular  Time History Analysis (THA): It is an important
structures would like careful structural analysis to technique for structural seismic analysis
succeed in an acceptable behavior throughout a especially when the Evaluated structural
devastating earthquake. response is nonlinear. To perform such an

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 12
April 2018

analysis, a representative time history is required

for the structure being evaluated. It is the most
sophisticated analysis method available to a
structural engineer. Its solution is a direct
function of the earthquake ground motion
selected as an input parameter for a specific

4. Modelling of RCC Frames

Modelling means the formation of structural body
in the structure software and assigning the loads to
the members as per loading consideration. Here the
High-Rise RC structures having G+15 storey each
are selected to model in ETABS 2016 software.

Fig. 3: C-Shape 3D Model

A. Plan Details
The structure is 24m in x-direction & 24m in y-
direction with columns spaced at 4m from center to
center. The storey height is kept as 3m. Basically
model consists of multiple bay ten storey building,
each bay having width of 4m. The storey height
between two floors is 3.0m.
The material properties and geometry of the model
are described below;
1) Length X width : 24m X 24m
2) Number of stories : G+15
3) Support conditions : Fixed
4) Storey height :3m
Fig. 1: Rectangular Shape 3D Model
5) Grade of concrete : M30
6) Grade of steel : Fe415
7) Size of columns : 500mm x 500mm
8) Size of beams : 300mm x 500mm
9) Slab thickness : 150mm
10) Height of parapet wall : 1m
11) Thickness of main wall : 230mm
12) Thickness of parapet wall : 115mm
13) Density of Concrete, ϒ’c : 25KN/m3
14) Density of Brick wall, ϒ’brick : 20KN/m3

B. Loading Details
The structures are acted upon by different
loads such as dead load (DL), Live load and
Earthquake load (EL).
1. Self-weight of the structure comprises of the
weight of the beams, columns and slab of the
2. Dead load of the structure consist of Wall load,
Parapet wall load and floor load, according to IS 875
Fig. 2: L-Shape 3D Model

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 12
April 2018

a) Wall load: weight unit of brick masonry X or permissible story displacement should be equal to
thickness of wall X height of the wall or less than 0.4% of total building height. Hence here
= 20 KN/m3 X 0.23m X 3m= 13.8 KN/m the maximum permissible story displacement = ((0.4
b) Parapet Wall load: weight unit of brick masonry X / 100) x 48000) = 192 mm.
thickness of wall X height of the wall Difference between the story displacement value
= 20 KN/m3 X 0.115m X 1m= 2.3 KN/m by both the analysis become large for higher stories.
3. Live load consist of Floor load which is taken as Displacement in rectangular shape building is less
4KN/m2 and Roof load as 2 KN/m2, according to IS compare to other shape of the building.
875 (Part 2).
4. Seismic Load: Earthquake loads have been defined
and assigned on the building as per IS 1893:2002
▪ Seismic zone: IV (z = 0.24)
▪ Soil type: Medium soil
▪ Importance factor: 1
▪ Response reduction factor: 5 (SMRF)
▪ Damping: 5%

5. Results and Discussion

After analysis the results are being illustrated Fig. 6: Maximum Story Drifts by RSA
using the graphs shown below which explain the
structural behavior of both the structures (regular and
irregular) in terms of maximum story displacement,
maximum story drift, story shear and maximum
overturning moment were computed each for all

Fig. 7: Maximum Story Drifts by THA

Above Fig. 6 – Fig. 7 shows the variation of story

drift between different floor of all cases. Here the
story drift varies in a similar manner for all
configurations. The maximum story drift permitted is
0.004 times the story height i.e. 0.004 x 3 = 0.012 m
Fig. 4: Maximum Story Displacement by RSA for all story. Drift in rectangular shape building is
less compare to other shape of the building.
It is observed that the story drift for all the stories
are found to be within permissible limits. Regular
shape building undergoes minimum story drift
compared to the irregular shape buildings.

Fig. 5: Maximum Story Displacement by THA

Above Fig. 4 – Fig. 5 shows that story

displacement is linearly increasing from bottom to
top for both the structures and is more for irregular
structure. According to Codal provision, maximum

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 12
April 2018

Fig. 8: Story Shears by RSA decreases with increase in height of the story for all

6. Conclusions
On the basis of the analytical results of the study, the
following conclusions were drawn:
 The plan configuration of structure has
significant impact on the seismic response of
structure in terms of maximum story
displacement, maximum story drifts, story
shears and story overturning moment. Irregular
shape building undergoes more deformation and
hence regular shape building must be preferred.
Fig. 9: Story Shears by THA  Irregular shape buildings are severely affected
during earthquakes especially in high seismic
Above Fig. 8 – Fig. 9 shows the Base Shear for all zones.
story for different shape of the building. It has been  Comparison of all the parameters are made
concluded that the story shear tends to decrease with which can give us better idea about the
the increase in height of the story. For all the behaviour of the building is rectangular shape is
structures it is highest at bottom and it decreases always better of C-shape and L-shape.
linearly towards top. L- shape building has less story  Top story displacement by Time History
shear compare to other shape of the building. The Analysis is higher than the story displacement
storey shear force was found to be maximum for the by Response Spectrum Analysis.
first storey and it decreased to a minimum in the top
 Story shear by Time History Analysis is more
storey in all cases.
than the story shear by Response Spectrum
 Overturning moments by Time History Analysis
is more than the overturning moment by
Response Spectrum Analysis.
 Equivalent Static Analysis is not sufficient when
buildings are irregular buildings and it is
essential to provide Dynamic analysis due to
non-linear distribution of force.

From the results it is recommended that Time

History Analysis should be performed as it predicts
the structural response more accurately than the
Fig. 10: Story Overturning Moment by RSA
Response Spectrum Analysis. For dynamic analysis,
Time History Analysis is best suited compare to
Response Spectrum Analysis.

The analysis proves that irregularities are harmful

for the structures and it is important to have simpler
and regular shapes of frames as well as uniform load
distribution around the building. Therefore, as far as
possible irregularities in a building must be avoided.
But, if irregularities have to be introduced for any
reason, they must be designed properly taking care of
their dynamic behavior.

7. Acknowledgements
Fig. 11: Story Overturning Moment by THA
It is with a feeling of great pleasure that I would
Above Fig. 10 – Fig. 11 shows the variation of like to express my most sincere heartfelt gratitude to
storey overturning moments at different floor levels my guide, Prof. Amey R. Khedikar for their
of both the structures. Story overturning moment encouragement, advice, mentoring and research

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 12
April 2018

support throughout my studies. Their technical and xi. ETABS Non-Linear Version 9.7.1 and Design
editorial advice was essential for the completion of Manuals.
this dissertation. We extend our heartfelt thanks to xii. IS 875 - 1987 (Part 1), Code of Practice for Design
Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and
our worthy faculty.
Structures, Part 1 Dead Loads (Second Revision),
As in this heading, they should be Times 11-point Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one xiii. IS 875 - 1987 (Part 2), Code of Practice for Design
blank line before, and one after. Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and
Structures, Part 2 Imposed Loads (Second Revision),
7.1.1. Third-order Headings. Third-order Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
headings, as in this paragraph, are discouraged. xiv. IS 1893: 2002 (Part-I), Criteria for Earthquake
However, if you must use them, use 10-point Times, Resistant Design of Structures, Part I General
boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, preceded by Provisions and Buildings (Fifth Revision), Bureau of
one blank line, followed by a period and your text on Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
the same line. xv. IS 456: 2000, Plain and Reinforcement Concrete –
Code of Practice (Fourth Revision), Bureau of Indian
This work was supported in part by a grant from
Standards, New Delhi, India.
the National Science Foundation.
Contribution of others who might have given
9. Biographies
suggestions or review comments.
Chetan P Agrawal
8. References
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