The Dust in Your Place: Claire
The Dust in Your Place: Claire
The Dust in Your Place: Claire
In the One-Act play script of “The Dust In Your Place” there are a lot of differences in each of the characters beliefs.
Claire, the comic strip artist must tell her writer Rick what’s plaguing his relationships with other girl, even if it may
be at the cost of their own friendship. In which where Claire believes in what is morally right or wrong and Rick
believes in his own beliefs on anything even if it is morally wrong. I have based the beliefs of society in
First, we must understand the definition of Moral and Philosophy. So that we can understand the moral or
philosophy of each characters.
Philosophy refers to the
most basic beliefs, concepts,
and attitudes of an
individual or group.
Moral refers to what
societies sanction as right
and acceptable.
And now we must know each other’s descriptions, beliefs, and especially their friendship.
Rick is the writer and Claire is the illustrator and editor. They have known
each other for about 8 years and have been working on “Frank Fuhrer” for
about 3 years. They have dated one time but nothing bloomed.
Claire is a morally-based person. Her
beliefs are based on what the society
thinks on what is right or wrong. She
opposes the philosophy of Rick.
Claire’s beliefs are similar to what society thinks. She based every actions and beliefs on society.
A girlfriend has a right to become Rick thinks that it isn’t normal for
jealous and be suspicious between her Lisa to be jealous to Claire because
boyfriend and his friend especially if it they are just friends. That is why he
is a girl. called her slightly neurotic.
Rick believes on himself. Unlike Claire, he based his decision on what he think is right and doesn’t need the opinion of
other people and society.
Comparison of the beliefs between Claire
and Rick.
My beliefs are I don’t believe on
based on what what people say. I
people think is right only believe on
or wrong. myself.
In conclusion, Claire and Rick have different beliefs on their action and thinking. Claire based her decisions and
opinions to what the society thinks. And Rick however thinks in his own philosophy. He doesn’t base it on what the
society thinks. Both are good examples for the difference of moral and philosophy.