Understanding Water Recognising Life: by Dr. Stefan Lanka

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The passage discusses the discovery of PI water, which is water that has been energized using certain iron compounds and proteins. Extensive experiments showed increases in productivity, quality, health and performance when using PI water in agriculture, medicine and technology. However, the mechanism behind how PI water becomes energized was not fully understood.

Prof. Yamashita discovered that the tissue fluid at buds that became flowers became measurably more energetic, and that the energy content and composition of the flower-forming tissue fluid of plants is similar to the tissue fluid of humans.

Dr. Augustin's 1986 discovery explains the energy increase. He recognized that the surface tension membrane of water, which forms on the water's surface, is rich in energy and has basic properties of life - it can contract and expand again.

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Understanding water ~ Recognising life quently assumed an unknown form of cosmic energy
as the source of the proven energy increase. In the
end, they were right, because the energy in PI wa-
ter comes from the sun and from the cosmos. But
in science, they lost credibility and interest because
of it. The inexplicability of the PI mechanism led to
the discontinuation of PI research in basic university
More than just energised H2O
In 1996, the son of the Japanese emperor honoured
by Dr. Stefan Lanka a conference of PI researchers with his presence and
a report on his personal, positive experiences with PI
water. After that, the topic also disappeared from the
public eye. In 1996, the PI water company Maunawai
There are several ways to add energy to water. Through movement, irradiation, pressure, heating was given the rights to distribute PI water for Europe.
and the dissolving of substances. One help in deciding whether and which method of energising Maunawai means mountain spring in Hawaiian. The
water is helpful for humans, animals and plants is to answer the question, what does nature do? company facilitates basic research and the further
Does nature energise water when biological life forms out of water? Does life energise water to sus- development of PI Water technology. One result of
tain itself and multiply? If so, how and why? The answer provides insight into the mysteries of life. the research funding is the following explanation of Fig. 1: Lenard frame: The movable part of the Lenard
how water is energised with the PI technique. This frame is pulled upwards by the surface membrane
explanation came about by relating the findings on contracting when the weight is removed. It expands
PI water and those of the biologist Dr Augustin. In again when water is offered to it.
this light, the PI mechanism was recognised as an
essential process in the materialisation of biological
In 1964, Prof. Shoi Yamashita began to clarify the applying it technically. To do this, they used certain life from water.
question of what the plant does to turn a bud into ei- iron compounds and molecules that make up pro- liquid water. Only fat-soluble substances dissolve
ther a leaf or a flower. He suspected a material cause, teins. They combined these different compounds to in it, whereas only water-soluble substances dis-
a hormone that the plant produces. His reasoning form a complex that becomes active by itself in wa- How can the PI water effect be explained? solve in liquid water. By determining the density,
was that if the plant did not produce the suspected ter and enriches the water with energy. This makes the quotient of volume and mass, he found that this
hormone florigen, or did not produce it at that point, it possible to measurably energise any water. They A discovery in 1986 by Dr Peter Augustin explains the substance has the density of about 1.4 kg per litre.
the bud would automatically become a leaf. The sus- were able to demonstrate the energy gain using two increase in energy in the PI water process.2 Dr Augus- Liquid water has its greatest density of just under
pected hormone has not been found to date. What physical techniques. They called the water that was tin recognised that the membrane, which forms the 1 kg per litre at 4 degrees Celsius. By weighing the
Prof. Yamashita discovered was that the tissue fluid energetically enriched with this technique PI water. surface tension on the water, is rich in energy and mass and determining the volume, he found that
at the bud changed when it became a flower. The Extensive experiments were carried out with this PI has the basic properties of life. It contracts and can living tissue always has a significantly higher density
fluid became measurably more energetic, which was water in agriculture, medicine and technology. also expand again, i.e. grow. Dr Augustin recognised than liquid water.
repeated at the plant sites whenever a bud became this with the help of a simple measuring device, the
a flower. He found that the energy content and com- The documented successes of the increase in pro- He found that the high density of living tissue does
Lenard frame, with which the rupture tension of the
position of the flower-forming tissue fluid of plants ductivity, quality, health and performance enhance- water surface membrane can be measured. not result from the fact that more minerals or other
is similar to the tissue fluid of humans. ment are more than astonishing.1 However, the two substances dissolve in the tissue. He determined
Measurements and knowledge of the surface tension
researchers were faced with a puzzle. They had no the density of pumpkin seeds germinating in dis-
of water are crucial for many technical applications.
Prof. Yamashita, together with Dr Shinji Makino, explanation and could not come up with a theory as He recognised that the thin membrane contracts tilled water and found that before germination,
then tried to find out how the plant achieves this to where the measurable energy increase in the PI they are clearly lighter than water and therefore
with strong force and also expands again by itself
energy gain. He found out that the plant uses cer- water process comes from and how the enormous float; at the moment of germination, they have a
when water is made available to it for this purpose.
tain minerals for this purpose and recognised that increase in quantity and quality in agriculture, in density of approx. 1.4 kg/litre. From this, he con-
these consist of two differently charged forms of health and technical performance improvements Dr Augustin recognised that the surface tension cluded that the dense substance that makes up the
iron. They succeeded in copying this process and can be explained by the use of PI water. They conse- membrane consists of a different substance than surface membrane accumulates in the germ.
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1,3 Mio. Metre

water column

1,5 1,5

Fig. 2: The membrane has the basic properties of life: contraction and growth.
1,0 1,0 1,0

In physics, it has been calculated that liquid water substance that makes up the membrane of surface
litre litre litre
can compress to a density of about 1.4 kg per litre tension. However, the iron complex discovered in

Wikimedia Commons: „Wasserläufer bei der Paarung, Köln – wahrscheinlich Aquarius najas (Gerris najas); Urheber: Markus Gayda; Die Datei wurde unter
der Lizenz „CC-by-sa 3.0/de“ veröffentlicht.; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wasserläufer_bei_der_Paarung_crop.jpg?uselang=de (Ausschnitt)
at a pressure of 130,000 bar. In 2010, a researcher plants does not release substances that can in-
transformed frozen water at -130 degrees Celsius crease surface tension, because the PI process 1,0 kg/litre ≈ 1,5 kg/litre 1,0 kg/litre
with a pressure of 1,000 atmospheres into a liquid does not exhaust itself and is detectable even with
with a density of 1.4 kg per litre. He found that the small amounts of the particular iron-protein com- Fig. 4: Elementary substance: The force stored in the substance of surface tension can be represented by
liquid was viscous.3 In 2018, Swiss researchers real- plex. depicting the pressure of 130,000 atmospheres, with which liquid water is compressed as a water column of
ised that this viscous water is fat-soluble, i.e. quite a height of 1.3 million metres.
different from liquid water.4 They thus confirmed This explains the energy gain in PI water generation
the observations and results of the researchers of by the mechanism of surface generation postulat-
the 19th century and those of Dr Augustin, who ed by Dr Augustin. For Dr Augustin, in addition to What the Japanese researchers have overlooked is to assume that life is everywhere. Since water and
found that the liquid that makes up tissues and movements of all kinds, it was especially the tur- that biology does not only carry out this process its dense substance, which emerges from it and
cells is viscous and fat-soluble. 5 bulence, the rhythmic movements of the proteins, in plants, but in all living organisms. Important turns back into water while releasing energy, has
that accomplish the release of the dense, ener- enzymes in the metabolism of bacteria, fungi, pro- been proven to absorb, store and release informa-
With the evidence that water transforms into a gy-rich substance. What he overlooked is that it is tozoa, non-protozoa and all complex organisms tion of all kinds, there is now also a concrete idea
dense and thus energy-rich substance under pres- the iron II/iron III compounds that, through their use enzymes in their energy metabolism that have that everything is connected to everything else.
sure, the gain in energy in the PI-water process constant, rhythmic change in constitution, fat and iron as a central and active element in their active Also the processes of consciousness, of feeling and
can be explained. Through the germination ex- water solubility, bring the fat-soluble energy-rich centre. Iron plays the decisive role in the red blood perhaps even of thinking.
periments and the high density thus achieved, the substance out of the polar liquid water. PI water pigment of the haemoglobin of the red blood cells,6
assumption is confirmed that the substance that is therefore water that is enriched with the ener- in the myoglobin of the muscle, the cytochromes, Viktor Schauberger‘s findings about water, es-
makes up the surface tension membrane is the gy-rich surface substance. It is conceivable that etc., to name but a few. Even the vitamin B12 pro- pecially the effects and descriptions of the for-
same substance that water transforms into through other mineral complexes are also involved in this duced by bacteria uses iron to release energy from mation of vortices and the enormous forces that
high pressure. Surface tension can be increased by process of energy release. water. then emerge from the water,7 can now be better
dissolving suitable substances or by creating the understood through the knowledge of the original
In terms of mass, iron is the second most abundant substance, the elementary substance. Likewise,
element on earth and wherever iron is present, with this knowledge, the phenomenon of healing
forms certain complexes and water is present, the currents described by Bruno Gröning8 and the con-
building and energy substance of life is released. crete descriptions of energy and healing processes
The earth is alive. Since the fusion of elements in by the physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 to 1815)9
the stars always results in iron, the whole universe can be understood.
Fig. 3: Water strider: The membrane on the water, is full of water and surface membrane substance,
which produces surface tension, carries insects which holds it together and binds everything, even It is clear to me that the tangible healing current is
weighing up to 20 grams on tiny contact points. our sun is probably made of this substance, since it the flow of dense substance in tissues and nerves,
has the density of 1.41 kg per litre, it is reasonable which Chinese philosophy and medicine calls chi.
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Stagnant water Moving water PI water

Fig. 5: Iron II / Iron III: Certain iron compounds change their charge state in rapid succession. Doubly charged iron Fig.6: PI water: Stagnant water has a low energy content, can quickly tip over and thus become undrinkable.
becomes triply charged and back again. Doubly charged iron is water-soluble and triply charged iron is fat-sol- Moving water has more surface substance, thus more energy. PI water constantly forms energy because the
uble and releases the substance of the surface membrane into the environment. The energy for this comes from, active iron complexes constantly produce energy-rich substance and release it into the water. This explains
among other things, existing heat, infrared radiation and probably all forms of energy and radiation. why PI water stays fresh longer and tastes better than bottled water without the corresponding iron complexes.

The much-vaunted Aquarian Age can now begin substance is more energetic than liquid water. 10 It Primordial substance / Elementary substance Peter Augustin‘s view that this substance is a sub-
or has it always existed and only a few have felt may be concluded that this substance is identical / Fourth phase of water: Water or an inde- stance in its own right, from which biological life
this way? In the following, further research results to the substance of the thin membrane of the sur- pendent substance? is formed and provide arguments and references
are shown that prove the Augustinian primordial face tension of water and the viscous substance below that strengthen this view.
substance theory of life and give an outlook on the that can be produced by pressure and the viscous Professors Gilbert N. Ling, Gerald H. Pollack and
importance of the synthesis of Augustinian knowl- substance that tissues and cells consist of. De- other water researchers assume that this fourth
edge with Japanese research by Shoi Yamashita, pending on the energy content of the water, this phase of water has completely different properties Since 1972, Prof. Harold Hillmann and his colleagues
Shinji Makino and their colleagues. layer and thus the surface tension of the water is than liquid water, but is water in principle. They have pointed out that cells cannot look the way they
of varying thickness. This can be used to explain explain the completely different properties by a are depicted in graphs. The graphics depict cells
that water has different energy contents regard- rearrangement of its molecules that has not been filled with water and surrounded by a double-layer
The fourth phase of water less of the temperature and substances dissolved understood and cannot be explained so far. Dr Au- membrane. Hillmann & colleagues have evaluated
in it. gustin assumes that this substance is a substance hundreds of thousands of electron microscope im-
Water, as we have learned so far, can take three in its own right: the primordial substance of life, ages of cells and found several things at once: Dou-
different forms, which are called phases: liquid, It follows that all techniques that move water, es- from which all elements, molecules and biological ble-layered membranes were never seen, but always
gaseous and ice. That there is a fourth phase of pecially those that form vortices, enrich the liquid life arise. At first, he called this substance denseonly a fine rim. What all electron microscopists have
water has been pointed out by Prof. Gilbert Ning water with the substance of the surface mem- water, but very quickly realised that this name is overlooked is that the membrane must appear in its
Ling since 1958. Prof. Gerald Pollack has taken up brane, thus making it richer in energy, i.e. ener- misleading. The name tempts one to recognise this „correct“ thickness when the cell is cut apart in the
and expanded his findings. He has proven and gising it. The saying movement is life takes on a substance as a special form of water and not as an middle for the electron microscope image and thick-
visualised that water can take on a fourth form, deeper meaning through this perspective. Wher- independent form. er when the cell is cut at an angle or at its curved
a fourth phase, which behaves quite differently ever life moves or is moved, water comes into end. The result is sobering: the membrane is always
from liquid water. This fourth phase of water is contact with surfaces or, by flowing and forming I have proposed the term elementary substance, the same thickness in all images.
formed as a thin layer wherever water makes con- vortices, creates inner surfaces and thus the ener- because Dr Augustin‘s arguments are convincing
tact with surfaces. Because this layer is fat-solu- getic surface substance, with which biological life that all elements that exist also emerge from this Either the massive changes in the cells during
ble and displaces polar, water-soluble substanc- forms, moves and grows. substance. More on the aspect of element forma- preparation for electron microscopic examination
es, he called this layer the exclusion zone. This tion from this substance in a future post. I favour produce a destruction of the original structure
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Wikimedia Commons: Caulerpa prolifera scan of herbarium: B.navez - JUL 1982 - Cannes (France); Urheber: Die Autorenschaft wurde nicht in einer maschinell lesbaren Form angegeben. Es wird B.navez als Autor
angenommen (basierend auf den Rechteinhaber-Angaben).; Die Datei wurde unter der Lizenz „CC-by-sa 3.0/de“ veröffentlicht.;https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Caulerpa_prolifera.JPG?uselang=de
Fig. 7: Electron microscopy of the cell - membranes: Cells, cut into slices for electron microscopic imaging, Fig. 8: EM of the cell - receptors, pores and ion pumps: No electron microscope images of cells shows struc-
must have thicker membranes when cells are cut at an angle or at their ends. This is not the case; the mem- tures in the membrane that according to cell theory, should be very numerous there: Pores, ion pumps and
branes appear equally thin everywhere. receptors that, in cell theory, are crucial for cell communication and metabolism.

and/or the force of the electron beam destroys the ent themselves to the postulated immune system as In them, the nuclei and the oxygen-breathing bac- that all „cells“ only appear as individual cells be-
cell structure the moment it hits the sample to be either intrinsic, extrinsic or degenerate. 11 teria, the mitochondria, float freely in a viscous cause of their stabilising environment. In reality,
viewed. The explanation that tissues and cells con- substance. Cells are only formed for special pur- they are all connected by openings in the hard en-
sist of a dense, fat-soluble and viscous substance My assumption that cells and tissues consist of this poses, e.g. sexual reproduction. A prominent and vironment. Many „cells“ of animal „multicellular
without a membrane border can explain these facts dense substance explains effortlessly and better well-studied example is the metre-sized marine organisms“ only look like single cells, because the
established by Hillmann. When the electron beam than before the observed properties and perfor- alga Caulerpa, which reproduces mainly by sepa- tissue, through the techniques of tissue isolation,
hits the samples to be examined, the resinous sub- mances of bacteria, cells, tissues, hormones, blood, rating parts of it and living on at will. fixation, tissue staining, and the dying of the tis-
stances and the metallic contrast agents, in which lymph, nerves and brain. This assumption also pro- sue, actually look quite different than they do in
the tissues and cells were embedded for the exam- vides an explanation as to why the lung tissue itself This gives a completely different picture of the textbook graphics and in our imagination. In the
ination, evaporate and always produce a thin fringe only engages in fat metabolism and does not supply structure and function of organisms, even if they analysis of the light microscopic representations,
around the spherical structures. The diameter of itself with carbohydrates: in order to be able to opti- are called multicellular organisms, such as plants, Prof. Hillmann and colleagues have also refuted
this seam is also thinner than the specifications mally absorb the elementary substance found in the animals and humans. In the case of plants, the the previous views on the appearance and shape
given by the researchers, who produce and examine air in bubble form. This is fat-soluble, condenses name multicellular organism is refuted by the fact of the cells. 12
artificial cell membranes. into mist when cooled and into the liquid water of
the droplets of rain when energy is released. When
The assumption that cells consist of the dense sub- this happens over the Alps, we have the Föhn here at
stance recognised by Augustin is further supported Lake Constance.
by the fact, named by Hillmann & colleagues, that on Fig. 9: Caulerpa: a unicellular organism without a
no electron microscope (EM) image of cells are the The assumption that tissues and cells consist of the cell. Since, under the influence of the cell theory, to-
pores and ion pumps seen, which, according to the elementary substance is explained by further obser- day‘s scientists can only imagine life in cells, all the
prevailing cell theory, must be present for the cell to vations: the properties and composition of amoe- many organisms, in which no cells are seen but many
be able to do this if it were made of water. Also miss- bae and tardigrades and of many organisms that can free nuclei and bacteria, are called unicellular or-
ing from all EM images are the receptors, with which grow up to several metres in size, in which no cells ganisms. Caulerpa is found in all seas and in many
the cells would supposedly communicate and pres- can be detected. marine aquariums, because it is very robust.
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theory since 1858 have missed the essential point. Probably under the influence of the otherwise and experiments, it may be concluded that the main
The tissue forms stem cell niches, in which the stem strictly concealed findings of Prof. Hillmann and task of the nerves is the transport of the dense and
cells form. Only from the stem cells do the cell types colleagues, the fact has at least crept into the text- energy-rich elementary substance. This leads to an-
that we regard as cells develop. Stem cells always books that there are no postulated cord rings on other, primary task of the brain: the central recep-
look different from cells, divide differently, behave the myelinated nerve cells outside the brain, which, tion, control and distribution of the flows of ener-
differently. They constantly form tissue, which must according to theory, should be there in order to gy-rich elementary substance through the brain. 20
be constantly and artificially dissolved in the test explain the conduction of the so-called nerve im-
tube so that these immortal „cells“ can exist at all. pulses. It is admitted that in the meantime it has The presence and different distribution of the dense
From this point of view, stem cells are not „immortal been recognised that the lacing rings do not exist elementary substance is in turn the basis for specific
cells“, but tissue specialisations that are artificial- outside the brain. The cytoplasm of the „Schwann‘s signals to arise in the brain, which are due to dense
ly prevented in the test tube from reuniting to form cells“ is so strongly interlocked at these points that and less dense compositions of the brain matrix.
tissues, in which the nuclei, bacteria (mitochondria, the claimed distance and interruption between
etc.) and other components can move freely. two „Schwann‘s cells“ does not exist.15 „Mein lib- With these signals, obtained in X-ray images of the
er Schwann! [My goodness]“ In fact, it was Rudolf computer tomography (CT), one can recognise the
Fig. 10: Tissue: Through today‘s techniques of living tissue Some researchers in basic research have long rec- Virchow who failed to recognise the superficiality processes of the disease, recovery, healing obstacles
observation, it turns out that tissues themselves are alive, ognised that the „cell bodies“ are so strongly con- of Theodor Schwann‘s observations and adopted and dangerous healing crises and their causes in or-
contain nuclei and bacteria that move freely within them. nected at their edges with the fluid (cell plasma) them in his theory when he invented the cell the- der to dampen or avoid them. 21
At their edges, tissues form tissue cut-offs, from which of the other „cells“ that their boundaries cannot ory of life in 1858, which still dominates today. The
new tissues can emerge, but also stem cells, which then be determined. Depending on the observation misinterpretations that cells consist of liquid wa- The view of the function of nerves and brain as con-
form the actual free cells. The large part of „cells“ are technique, they form a constantly changing net- ter and are surrounded by a membrane go back to ductors of dense elementary substance is support-
in fact tissue constrictions that are intimately connected work of connections that range from small to large Schwann. 16 ed by findings that mechanical impulses propagate
and have only been misinterpreted as single and freely diameters. 13 These constantly changing networks through nerves. These were discovered in 1979 by
moving cells due to previous representation techniques. have been misinterpreted in electron microscope It is again Prof. Hillmann, who recognised and re- the Japanese Ichiji Tasaki, who proved that they
section images - for which the tissue must be em- discovered what is probably Rudolf Virchow‘s only were not generated by electrical discharge but vice
bedded in synthetic resin, chemically fixed, stained correct, self-developed insight, that the brain is 50 versa. The pressure generates the electrical signals.
and cut into thin slices - as typically tiny to huge % to 80 % in a semi-fluid tissue state, in which nu- These findings were taken up, confirmed and fur-
Even before Hillmann & Co, researchers discovered cell particles or as viruses, depending on the point clei and bacteria move freely. Virchow called this ther developed by Prof. Thomas Heimburg and col-
that it is impossible to speak of cells in the heart of view. Even the inventor of the idea of the AIDS substance of the brain glia. Three types of glia cells leagues. They are certain that the transmission and
muscle. They are so closely interlocked with each virus HIV, Robert Gallo seems to be backing down, are interpreted into this mass, which have not yet processing of information takes place via nerves
other that it is impossible, with the best will in the publishing in 2016 that cell particles hardly differ been proven by microscopic techniques. 17 Virchow and in the brain via mechanical impulses. 22 In ad-
world, to tell where a cell should begin and where from viruses. 14 abandoned this finding in favour of his cell theory. dition, one can add that in the dense elementary
it should end. This is ultimately the case with all He completely abandoned his cell theory and med- substance, whose transport triggers the mechan-
„cells“, except for the few real cells that can move The following picture emerges from this: It is not icine at the age of 49, although at that time not a ical impulses, sensory information can be stored,
freely in the body. These free cells can also only cells that give rise to the „dead“ tissues, but living single question of disease and cure had been clar- processed and released again in every conceivable
maintain themselves in the semi-liquid or liquid tis-tissues give rise to tissue stubs at their edges that ified. 18 way. Only one very important source of information
sue of the blood. This aspect has not occurred to appear as cells in the microscope, although only should be remembered: smells. Without the sense
cell biologists, although they know that „cells“ in the
very few are actually self-sufficient and can only live of smell, practical orientation is difficult or even
test tube can only maintain themselves in the liquid for a certain time. These pinch-offs of tissue, called Broadening the view of the functions of the impossible.
tissue of an embryonic blood serum. To date, not all stem cells, constantly form new tissue, so that from blood, nerves and brain
components and mechanisms of the embryonic se- a „cellular“ point of view it looks as if (stem) cells From all considerations on this subject, it follows that
rum are known, because it has not been possible to form the tissues. From today‘s point of view, made Dr Augustin‘s findings made it comprehensible one optimally supports and promotes one‘s body and
develop an artificial serum, in which „cells“ could possible by living observation techniques, it looks where the energy of the iron complex, which is re- oneself by drinking PI water. All human settlements
live outside the body. different. The tissues live and form cells, like the leased in the PI process, comes from. It follows that have always developed around water sources and all
egg tissue of the so-called oocytes, which only be- exactly the same thing happens in the red blood health-promoting spring waters contain iron. The tox-
Meanwhile, the results of stem cell research provide comes a cell-forming tissue through fusion with the cells, since here too an iron complex is active in the icity of iron in the body, on the other hand, when it ex-
very clear evidence that all those involved in cell tissue of the seeds. same way. 19 From this and from other observations ceeds a certain concentration, can be explained,
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Empty water Mountain spring water MAUNAWAI® Water

Fig. 12: Maunawai water: Through consistent research and further development of the Japanese PI water
technique, it has been possible to also compensate for an excess of lime. This is because the Maunawai PI
technique releases calcium from the lime, which is released onto the surface of the water in the form of an
easily soluble and removable film. This facilitates the formation of sodium bicarbonate, which causes a shift
Fig. 11: Heart/circulation/nerves: The primary task of the arterial circulation is to produce the dense elemen- of an acidic pH value into the alkaline range.
tary substance by swirling the blood as the heart forms and releases vertebral bodies of blood. These release
the elementary substance formed at the edges of the vertebral bodies, which is taken up by the lining of the
arteries and conducted into the tissues and nerves. From the transformation of the veins, the dense ele- an increase in the generation of elementary sub- stances dissolved in water. Water absorbs vibra-
mentary substance is absorbed, a portion is released into the nerves and a portion - with heat release and stance and release of energy, this enabled optimal tional states of substances and retains them, even
volume increase through the release of water - is released into the veins. The increase in volume moves the bioavailability of the PI water. if they have been optimally removed from the water
venous blood passively to the heart, which is made possible by non-return valves that only exist in the veins. or the water has been diluted to such an extent that
There is another explanation besides the PI effect the formative substance is no longer in it. He re-
that can be used to explain the incredibly positive searched the reaction of plants, which reacted to
for example, by the fact that too much elementary from toxins of all kinds by the humus layer. This effects of robust health and increased performance water imprinted with toxins in exactly the same way
substance is formed and, as a result, there is too lit- humus function was inserted into the PI-water sys- in agriculture and technology achieved through PI as if these substances were present in high concen-
tle liquid water in the body, in which those enzymes tem in the form of a special and specially processed water24. The evidence for this comes from the water trations. If this imprinted or informed water was
and substances act that are not fat-soluble. My rec- activated carbon and placed upstream of the water researcher Friedrich Hacheney. levitated, i.e. strongly swirled in a certain way, the
ommendation: Drink the physiologically sufficient energisation as a filter stage. Then they realised that water lost the imprint of the toxic substances. The
amount of water,23 which contains not too much and empty waters should be replenished with certain He developed a turbine technique, with which he plants watered with it showed no stress reactions,
not too little iron, as in PI water, which was devel- minerals to enable the body to maintain its ideal released a great deal of surface substance through which optimised the quality and quantity of plant
oped in Japan and further developed in Germany. composition of the fluids that make up blood, tis- enormous turbulence of water. Since this surface growth. 26
sues and cells. substance is very fat-soluble, attracts all fat-like
substances and therefore dissolves certain plas- In the Maunawai PI water system, the swirling of the
Maunawai PI water Thus, minerals and substances were sought and tics, he called the water produced with it levitated water has been optimised through targeted layering
found that balance out a too much or too little of water because of these „sucking“ properties and of the spherical substances used and thus improved
In addition to the PI-water effect, the Japanese re- minerals, as happens in the healing springs stud- the sucking properties of vortices, which he ob- water flow, without the need for mechanically driven,
searchers have studied their healing springs and ied. What the Japanese researchers optimally served everywhere in life. 25 energy-intensive swirling. The Maunawai turbulence
have also taken their cue from nature on how opti- solved was a constant swirling of the water, made was copied from nature, freely following Schauberg-
mal, bioavailable water is created. They discovered possible by the spherical shape, into which the Friedrich Hacheney recognised that a certain, er‘s motto, understand nature, copy nature. That is
the PI-water complexes in the healing springs and materials used in the further steps of producing strong, technical swirling of water, called „levia- why the Maunawai PI process achieves beautiful,
much more, namely that the surface water is freed PI water were placed. In addition to the PI effect, tion“, erases physically stored information of sub- permanently preserved imprints in the water,
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as is characteristic of special spring waters.27 During and release. And: It has been technically possi-
construction, it was ensured that the Maunawai-PI ble to produce this energy-rich substance. This
water does not come into contact with metal, even substance is the building, energy and information Thanks to
in the specially manufactured three-way water substance of life. Tissue and cells consist of this
taps, in order to reduce the imprint of electromag- substance. Peter Augustin
netic alternating fields on the water. Harold Hillman and colleagues
In the fringes of water, this substance is formed, Gerald N Ling
To ensure that the laundry and the washing pro- which is quite different from liquid water. There Shinji Makino
cess are also PI-optimised, the washing machine is is evidence that all the elements and molecules Shoi Yamashita
protected, and the consumption of energy, water found in water, earth, stars and biology are created
and detergent is significantly reduced, the Mau- in this substance. The Greek word for edge is PI.
nawai organic washing ball was developed. 28 For The Japanese discoverers of the processes of how for their contribution to better understanding and The knowledge of the vastness and the greatness
the shower, the Maunawai eco-shower head29 was nature and biology energises water referred to the enabling scientifically sound knowledge of the global of the living in each of its manifestations is the pre-
developed, if no connection of a Maunawai domes- energised water as PI water. The German explorer and cosmic interconnectedness of life. requisite for any full-fledged statement of biology.
tic water system is possible in the house or flat, or referred to the elementary substance that arises
will only be possible in the future, with the savings from water, from which life is made and derives The Swiss biologist Adolf Portmann writes about From the chapter Freedom and Attachment in the
made possible by the use of the low-cost washing its primary energy, as Urstoff des Lebens [primary this in his book Aufbruch der Lebensforschung Light of Life Research of the same book (see above
ball and shower head. matter of life]. In the Sumerian language, PI means [The Start of Life Research], Zurich 1965, page 56: ), page 250:
life energy. The discovery of the elementary sub-
stance and the processes of how life produces this From the chapter It is of utmost importance that life research itself
Summary substance from water enables new ideas about Enlightenment and Appearance in the Living points to those unknown primordial reasons of our
life: How life materialises out of water and that human being as well as of living things in general, to
The idea that everything that exists is animate ex- everything that exists is connected and interacts Life research is currently working in wide fields of all that, which we cannot put into action ourselves
ists in every culture. Water always plays the essen- energetically, spiritually and materially. its activity in an alarming oblivion of all those featu- even with our highly developed conscious guidance
tial role. Our culture is currently dominated by the res of life that do not directly serve the preservation systems.
idea that only cells are alive and everything else, of the species or the metabolism of the individu-
even the tissue in which the cells live, is inanimate. al. Biology must overcome this oblivion and allow
A primordial cell, according to the theory, came a more comprehensive knowledge of the living to
into being by chance, after molecules had been cre- take effect.
ated by chance over a long period of time and had
come together. All cells would have emerged from It must recognise and put into practice that wor-
this primordial cell. Organisms would develop from ld-relationship through the enigmatic inwardness
cells and the water in the cells is just a solvent, a and self-representation of this inwardness are sup-
solvent for the many molecules that cause metab- reme qualities of life which, along with self-preser-
olism. Metabolism, according to the theory, brings vation, self-development and species transformati-
forth, sustains and multiplies the life of the cells. on, constitute on an equal footing the whole of the
All substances outside the cell are considered life- living, as far as we can grasp it.
less and, if they enter the metabolism, are part of
life for a time. This demand for a new conception of the orga-
nism, which is appropriate to the true greatness of
Two discoveries enable a significant expansion of the object, is connected with another demand for a
this view, namely that everything that exists is con- comprehensive conception of reality, a conception
nected: Water gives rise to a previously overlooked of reality, which also encounters the mystery of the
or misinterpreted substance that itself possesses creative in awe and from this attitude, applies the
the basic properties of life: Contraction, growth method of natural research.
and information absorption, storage, processing
16 WISSENSCHAFFTPLUS – Das Magazin 6/2018 WISSENSCHAFFTPLUS – Das Magazin 6/2018 17


The Miracle of Pi-Water. The revolutionary technol- 13
Die Nano-Tunnel der Zellen [The nano-tunnels of 24
See 1
ogy of water that will save our planet and its people. cells]. Vivian Callier. Spektrum.de dated 10.10.2018. 25
Wasser. Ein Gast der Erde [Water. A guest of the
Makino, Shinji. Book, 138 pages. Japan, 1994. USA, 14
Extracellular vesicles and viruses: Are they close earth]. Friedrich Hacheney. 347 pages, 1992.
1999. relatives? Esther Nolte-‘t Hoen, Tom Cremer, Robert 26
Levitiertes Wasser in Forschung und Anwendung
PI water. Lanka, Stefan. WissenschafftPlus No. C. Gallo and Leonid B. Margolis. Proceedings of the [Levitated water in research and application]. Frie-
6/2016. American Society of Science. PNAS | August 16, 2016 drich Hacheney. 150 pages, 1994.
Glass-liquid transition of water at high pressure. | vol. 113 | no. 33 | 9155-9161. 27
Ove Andersson. PNAS July 5, 2011 108 (27) 11013- www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1605146113 wassertropfen-forschung
11016; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1016520108 15
http://www.embryology.ch/allemand/vcns/ 28
Beyond freezing: amorphous water in biomimetic histogenese04.html de/maunwai-pi-waschkugel-set
soft nanoconfinement. Livia Salvati Manni , Salva- 16
See 2 29
tore Assenza, Michael Duss, Jijo J. Vallooran, Fanni 17
A radical reassessment of the cellular structure of de/maunawai-oeko-duschkopf
Juranyi, Simon Jurt, Oliver Zerbe, Ehud M. Landau, the mammalian nervous system. Harold Hillmann.
Raffaele Mezzenga. Manuscript submitted for pub- Article, 2011. 40 pages, freely accessible on the In-
lication on 16.10.2018 ternet.
See 2 18
Rudolf Virchow, ein Stratege der Macht. Teil 1 und
See 2 Teil 2 [Rudolf Virchow, a strategist of power. Part 1
Das Wesen des Wassers [The Essence of Water]: and Part 2]. Siegfried Johann Mohr. Wissenschafft-
Original texts. Viktor Schauberger. 4th edition, 2014. Plus No. 5/2015 and No. 6/2015 and Entwicklung von
Der gottväterliche Ritterschlag - Bruno Grönings Medizin und Menschheit [Development of Medicine
Berufungserlebnis zum Wunderheiler [The Godfa- and Humanity]. Stefan Lanka. WissenschafftPlus
therly Accolade - Bruno Gröning‘s Vocational Expe- No. 6/2015
rience as a Miracle Healer]. Siegfried Johann Mohr. 19
See 2
WissenschafftPlus 5/2016. And: Psyche-Gehirn-Or- 20
Vorschlag für eine neue Sichtweise auf das Gehirn
gan-Heilkunde und Körper-Seele-Geist-Heilung. Die [Proposal for a new view of the brain]. Stefan Lanka.
Nacht der großen Heilung und der Tag, an dem die WissenschafftPlus No. 3/2017.
Krokusse blühen. Teil I und II [Psyche-brain-organ 21
Materielle Aspekte im aktualisierten ABC der Ther-
healing and body-soul-spirit healing. The night of apie [Material aspects in the updated ABC of Ther-
the great healing and the day when the crocuses apy]. Stefan Lanka. WissenschafftPlus No. 4/2018.
bloom. Parts I and II]. Siegfried Johann Mohr. Wis- 22
Das mechanische Gehirn [The Mechanical Brain].
senschafftPlus 6/2017 and 1/2018. Douglas Fox. Brain and Mind 40, 10-2018.
Mesmer – Magier und Techniker einer kosmobiol- 23
There are obviously different breathing and eating
ogischen Heilkunde [Mesmer - Magician and tech- types, with different drinking water needs. See the
nician of a cosmobiological medicine]. Siegfried Jo- explanations on this: Grundlagen der Terlusollogie:
hann Mohr. WissenschafftPlus No. 6/2018. Praktische Anwendung eines bipolaren Konstitu-
Wasser – viel mehr als H2O [Water - much more tionsmodells [Fundamentals of Terlusollogy: Prac-
than H2O]. Gerald H. Pollack. Book, 368 pages, 2nd tical application of a bipolar constitutional model].
edition 2015. Christian Hagena. Book, 184 pages, 4th edition 2013.
Evidence-Based Cell Biology with Some Implica- And: Der Säure-Basen-Haushalt. Ein Vitalisator
tions for Clinical Research. Harold Hillmann. Book des Organismus [The acid-base balance. A vitaliser
2008, 590 pages. Shaker Verlag GmbH of the organism]. Siegfried Johann Mohr. Wissen-
See 11 schafftPlus No. 2/2014.

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