Tut 8

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Transformation of E & B
1. Given a frame of reference in which exist E and B fields given by

E = 5k̂
B = 5k̂
Find a frame of reference in which the two fields make an angle of π3
to one another. Show that there exist an infinite number of frames in
which this is possible. What are the fields in such a frame? What is
the common feature of all such frames?

2. In a frame of reference, S, the electric and magnetic fields have a uniform

value given by:

E = 2î + ĵ + 2k̂
r r
71 3 71
B = î + ĵ − k̂
32 4 32
Determine the magnitude of these fields in a frame in which they make
an angle 60◦ with respect to each other. Is it also possible to find a
frame in which they are perpendicular to each other ?

3. Consider an infinite wire, lying along the x0 axis, with a uniform, static
charge linear density σ 0 , in a frame S 0 . Show that the components of
the electromagnetic field at a point b0 on the y 0 axis in this frame are
given by

Ex0 = Ez 0 = 0
Ey 0 = 2 0
B0 = 0
Let this frame be moving relative to a frame S with a speed v along
the x axis, with the other axes of the two frames being parallel to each
other. Show that the electromagnetic field components at a distance b
on the y axis of the frame S are given by

Ex = Ez = 0
Ey = 2
Bx = By = 0
Bz = βEy
with β = vc and σ is the charge density in S. Show that this expression
for the magnetic field is precisely the expression that one would obtain
from the Biot-Savart Law:

I dx × r
c |r|3

Here I is the current in frame S

4. Two parallel infinitely long straight wires of negligible cross-sectional

area are separated by a distance a and are at rest in an inertial frame
K 0 . Both wires carry a uniform linear charge density q0 as seen in K 0 .
The frame K 0 (and hence each wire) moves with a velocity v parallel to
the direction of the wires with respect to the laboratory frame K.

(a) Write down the electric and magnetic fields in the rest frame K 0 , and
calculate the force per unit length between the wires.
(b) What are the electric and magnetic fields in the laboratory frame
(c) Compute the force per unit length between the wires in the labo-
ratory frame using the fields (and charge density) measured in the
laboratory frame, and show that it is identical to the force seen in
the rest frame.

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