26 Lean Tools
26 Lean Tools
26 Lean Tools
What is Kaizen?
Kaizen stands for “continuous improvement” or “small incremental
improvements” of all areas of a company.
- Kaizen word comes from the Japanese words kai which means “change or
improvement & zen” which means “for betterment.”
- The Lean tool Kaizen includes the involvement of all employees, from top
management to bottom personnel.
Benefits of Kaizen:
-It Improves processes by eliminating waste.
- Promotes personal growth of employees and the company
-Kaizen Improves quality, safety, cost structures, delivery, environments and it
improves customer service/satisfaction.
What is Single Piece Flow?
—Single Piece Flow is the sequence of a product or service through a process
that is the single unit is produced at a time.
—Single-Piece Flow is the opposite of batch production.
-In batch production, there is a large number of products are processed at
—Single-Piece Flow is focused on the manufacturing of the product itself rather
than the waiting, transportation, and storage of the product.
3) Jidoka (Autonomation)
Principles of Jidoka:
— The main principles of Jidoka are mentioned below.
- Detect the abnormality ¡n the operation or product.
— Stop the operation or product.
—Fix or correct the ¡mmediate condition of the process or product.
-Investigate the root cause and install a countermeasure in process or product.
Benefits of Jidoka(Autonomation):
-Jidoka helps employees fix problems as they occur.
—- It improves productivity.
-Jidoka reduces downtime and breakdowns.
—- It empowers employees and machines.
Benefits of Poka-Yoke:
—Poka-Yoke saves time and money by preventing defects or being made
defective products.
—It is difficult to find all defects by inspection so we can use Poka-Yoke for
effective and efficient operation.
-Poka-Yoke prevents human error and it is a very important tool.
-Clearly indicates our targets and goals.
-Visual Management can increase the effectiveness of communication.
-Work instructions can be simplified by using the Visual Management Concept.
What is Kanban?
—Kanban means Signboard or Billboard.
—Kanban is a scheduling system for lean manufacturing and just-in-time
manufacturing (JIT).
-It takes ¡ts name from the cards that track production within a factory.
-Kanban controls the inventory level at any stage of production.
Benefits of Kanban:
— Kanban improves manufacturing efficiency
—One of the main benefits of kanban is to establish an upper limit to work in
process inventory to avoid overcapacity
—Kanban is an effective tool to support the running production system
—Kanban reduces wastes.
[2] Inventory waste: Inventory waste is related to all finished goods and in-
process goods which are kept by us on because of the forecast and it is
[3] Motion waste: Moving waste is related to people and equipment inefficiently
moving between tasks.
[4] Waiting waste: Waiting is how much time is consuming between your
production steps in ideal condition.
[5] Over Production waste: Over Production is that we are producing more
products than customers demand.
[6] Over Processing waste: We are doing more operations to finish good
products for that customer is not willing to pay.
[7] Defects waste: ‘The generation of defects in production is a total waste for
that we have to spend on rework or repair or scrap.
[8] Skills sets (non-utilized talent) waste: If we are not using our manpower
efficiently then that is a waste.
[3] Small Stops or Idling: Small stops or Idling refers to machine stops for a
short duration of time to correct settings, unclog jams, and routine cleaning
[4] Speed or Slow Cycles: Speed or Slow Cycles are referred to machine runs
slower than designed, low efficiency of operator and machine wear down.
[6] Startup Rejects or Startup losses: Startup Rejects or Startup losses are
defective parts produced at the time of machine startups or during the
operation or product changeovers
— Six Big Losses provides us with a framework for eliminating the most
common causes of waste in manufacturing.
What is Heijunka?
—Heijunka means Leveling or Balancing.
—It is used to minimize batching and create a more efficient manufacturing
—It is a type of production scheduling and it supports a predictable and steady
flow of small-batch manufacturing, instead of larger production processes used
for goods and components.
Example of Heijunka:
— Say a car manufacturer receives 1000 orders for cars every week. 200 on
Monday, loo on Tuesday, 100 on Wednesday, and 600 on Thursday. Instead of
manufacturing 1000 cars at the beginning of the week or the exact amount
needed each day, the company would produce exactly 200 cars per day. By
producing the same amount every day, the factory can optimize the
manufacturing operation for 200 cars and therefore create a more efficient
Benefits of Heijunka:
-Heijunka (Leveling or Balancing) improves efficiency at all levels of the
manufacturing operation.
—It improves productivity and reduces the defects
—Heijunka reduces inventories, working capital costs, manpower, and
production lead time.
What is Just in Time?
It is focused on the production of customers requirement like when they want
it, how many quantities they want ¡t, and where they want it?
—It reduces unnecessary inventory.
—Minimize the storage need and ¡t gives companies flexibility in their
manufacturing operations.
— Save unnecessary expenses.
TaktTime(TJ )= Available Working Time per Day [Ta]/ Customer Demand per
Day [D]
What is Takt Time?
It is the maximum amount of time requires to produce the product and satisfy
the customers demand.
It is In other words: Net time available to work per unit of customers demand
Takt time (T) = Net time available to work (Ta)/Demand (customer demand) (D)
Where, T =Takt time, Ta = Net time available to work, e.g. [working 8 hours per
day]; D = Demand (customer demand), e.g. [units required is 1000 qty per day]
-if there are a total of 8hours(or480 minutes) In a shift(gross time)less 30
minutes lunch,20 minutes of tea breaks (2 x lo mins), lo minutes for a meeting
with team, then the net Available time to Work = 480-30-20-10=420 minutes.
- if customer demand were 840 units per day and one shift was being run, then
the line would be required to output at a minimum rate of two parts per minute
In order to satisfy the customers demand.
—it keeps track of production rates
— it helps us to set real-time targets for production and reduces unnecessary
- We can achieve a consistent flow of production by using takt time
- We can eliminate the waste of overproduction by producing to meet actuai
customer demand.
What is Bottleneck?
—A Bottleneck means ‘constraint’.
—The bottleneck in operation is understood by the stage of operation that
takes the longest time in the whole operation
— The bottleneck refers to the slowest member of the whole operation or it can
determine the speed of the entire group.
—If one part of the whole operation is slow, then it can reduce the speed of the
whole operation.
-Also, it reduces the efficiency of the entire manufacturing process.
What is Andon?
—Andon is a visual signaling system for the shop floor that indicates
production status and alerts when assistance is needed
—Andon empowers operators to stop the production process if any abnormity
found in product or process.
—Usually, Andon uses a combination of lights and sounds to communicate any
problem, production status updates, highlight the issues, and any
Benefits of Andon:
—Andon brings an immediate response to problems as they occur
—It empowers operators
—Andon keeps the shop floor person engaged with their tasks
What is Gemba?
—Gemba is a Japanese word.
—Gemba means “The Real Place”.
- It means the actual place where the problem was found or an incident has
-As per Gemba theory, we must have to go at the Gemba for investigation of
any problem or incident.
—So problem solver’s or Cross function Team’s presence is necessary at
—The actual place may be referred: In manufacturing, it is a shop floor or it
can be a construction site, assembly line, any lab, office, etc....
Benefits of Gemba:
—By Gemba walk, we can get easily knowledge of the plant’s productivity.
—Gemba gives a deep, thorough, and effective understanding of the
manufacturing process and problems by observation and discussions with
shop floor employees.
What is Hoshin Kanri?
-Hoshin Kanri is a Japanese Word it means Policy Deployment
— The word “hoshin’ means direction.
—And The word “kanri means administration.
— In Hoshin Kanri, the strategic goals of the company are communicated
throughout the company and then put into action with the help of middle
—The top-down approach focus on steady communication for explaining
visions, developing and implementing policy from top to bottom management,
and receiving feedback from bottom to top management.
Benefits of OEE:
-Knowing OEE helps us to find inefficiencies in the production cycle.
-It helps us to set goals for improvement, and track the progress.
-OEE provides benchmark data for the new process setup.
-OEE helps to track progress in eliminating waste from a manufacturing
What is Cellular Manufacturing?
-Cellular Manufacturing ¡s creating process flow by dividing the full process
into small sub-processes or steps.
-This small sub-processes or steps are called cells.
— By combining these cells are called cellular manufacturing.
—In Cellular Manufacturing the similar products are produced in the same
—The product moves through the whole process without any stoppage or any
—Commonly the cells are arranged in a ‘U-shape design, this design allows a
supervisor to move less and have more watch over the entire process.
—TPM completely removes the difference between production and maintenance
by strong focuses on empowering operators to maintain their own equipment.
-Integrated system
-A strategic and systematic approach
-Decision-making based on facts
-Continuous improvement
Some common data collection points for Value Stream Mapping are:
— The time is taken by one product or to pass one product from one station to
the next station
—Level of Inventory
—Number of operators
—A number of shifts worked
—Batch size
—Change over and delivery time
—Productivity etc...
What are KPIs?
—KPIs are essential metrics set by the management in order to check the
success of lean manufacturing goals or performance of any process.
-Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are important for measuring efficiency,
waste, and productivity.
Benefits of KPIs:
—it helps to improve efficiency and productivity
—It helps management to define the roles and responsibility of employees
—Create a vision, mission, and goals of an organization
-It helps to set objectives and targets
23)5S Methodology
What is 5S Methodology?
-5S Methodology. ¡s a system for organizing spaces so work can be performed
effectively & efficiently with safely.
— 5S Meaning:
[S1] Sein —p Sort
[S2] Seiton —. Set In Order
[S3] Seiso —÷ Shine or Clean
[S4] Seiketsu —i Standardize
[S5] Shitsuke — Sustain
Benefits of 5S Methodology:
—Increase productivity through effectiveness
— Reduction i¡n delays
-Improved Quality
-Improve in Safety
-Set-up times reduced
-Morale & Motivation Increase
—Less stress for operators
—Safer work environment
24)Standardized Work
What is the PDCA cycle?
-The PDCA Cy is the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle.
—PDCA is a well-defined problem solving method and continuous
— The steps in the PDCA cycle are:
[1] Plan: Problem is identified and all employees work together to develop a
plan for making improvements or solving the identified problem.
[2] Do: The plan is implemented as per the defined solution by a cross-
functional team.
[3] Check: Check the implemented solution and also discuss further
improvements that can be possible or not?
-- And If the solution is not satisfactory then again the cycle starts over at the
Plan phase for finding out other factors.
—It is people driving improvements based on facts and data and a detailed
roadmap of process improvement.
— It is an initiative that extends and strengthens quality and productivity
—The old belief was high quality = high cost but new belief is high quality = low
— You can easily understand this concept by below analysis of cost vs quality
—1986 6σ formulated by Bill Smith in Motorola.
-1988 Motorola becomes the first company to win the Malcolm Baldndge
National Quality Award.
— 1993 Allied Signal (Now Honeywell) adopted this methodology.
—1995 General Electric (GE) launched the 6o initiative.
— 1998 Honeywell adopted this method.
Benefits of Six Sigma Implementation:
—This Project improves the capability of their business.
-It increases the performance and decrease in variation.
—Decrease the defect generation.
-Improve profit of the organization.
—This project Improves employee morale and motivation.
—It improves in quality of products and customer satisfaction.
-Using 6σ Methodology, an organization can develop a strategy implement
proper action; or revenue and increase, cost reduction, and improvements.
—6σ Methodology helps management to create a vision of the organization.
—It helps to set the benchmark and after sustain and maintain the benchmark
further improve the benchmark this methodology helps us to continuously
improve the system.
— By 6σ methodology, organizations can set the goal and guide the team to
work towards achieving.
— It calculates the process performance using its own unit known as e unit
like our performance is 4σ, 5σ, etc...
—It is a robust methodology... problem solving and improvement.
What are the 6 Sigma principles?
> Reduce the variation
> Maintain and improve the process at the specified mean
> Eliminating the defects and wastes
> Increase customer satisfaction
> Increase Productivity and Profitability