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College of applied science department of Geology

Proposal for MSc Thesis

Name: Ajebush wuletaw

Advisor: Dr. Tesfaye Demissie

Stream: Economic Geology


 Topographic map
 Hand held GPS and Geological compass
 Computer and GIS software
 Geological hammer
 Hand lens
 Field note book, pencil, pen and marker
 Chisel ( both flat and sharp edge)
 Sample bag
 Photo camera


The methodology will use different instruments, sampling technique and analysing method to
perform the study and come up with the expected result.

Pre-field work
? Collection of secondary data that are relevant for literature review.
? Preparation of materials and instruments that will be used during field work.
? Topographic map, Geologic map and aerial photographs will be used to identify geological
? Delineation of project area and tracing traverse line from topographic map will be done
before field work.

4.2 Field work

? During Travers, lithological variation will be plotted on topographic map.
? Note and describe all the lithological variation in color, texture, mineral composition, kind
and characterize the degree of weathering, color of fresh surface, fabric and etc.
? Collection of fresh sample for laboratory analysis (petro genesis analysis).

Post- fieldwork
? Field geological map will be refined by integrating field and lab data.
? Field information will be compiled using GIS software.
Expected outcomes and application of the results

Expected outcomes
Answer the question of the Geology, alteration and genetic aspect of the study area.
Provide information about its quality (nature) with relation to world known kyanite mineral
deposits. Give information about kyanite mineral distribution with the geology. Economic
evaluation and recommendation for further exploration and possible exploitation of kyanite in
study area.

5.2 Application of the results

This research work as a partial fulfilment for the M.Sc. degree in economic geology will
play important role in providing information about geology and genetic aspect of the
kyanite mineralization. This thesis work also supply additional data and knowledge about
kyanite deposit of Ethiopia. Therefore, governmental organizations, non-governmental
organizations, and other researchers who are interested in the study area will be benefited
from this work. Finally, this research work will be an input to the kyanite mineral resources
study of our country. So that, it will play a great role in the evaluation of kyanite mineral
resource and fight against poverty.
Work plan
This thesis work is planned to execute different actions, first collection of
available geological data. The next planned activity is conducting field visits for detail
geological description (lithology and distribution (nature)), and rock samples according
to the pre-determined procedures. After detail field investigation and proper sampling,
the analytical work is followed that emphasis on the analysis of collected samples. The
other planned action looking for geological maps and satellite image interpretation
(depending on the availability of the satellite images). The final work is processing and
evaluation of geological data and final thesis compilation with conclusion and further
recommendation based on the result of the work.
The timetable of executing each investigation stages in this thesis work is
described below
S. No Activities Time allotted, Year
1 Initial Planning, References collection, Secondary data Mid Sep-Oct
2 Literature review Mid Sep – May
3 Preliminary field planning and base map preparation End Oct
4 Field work and Sample collection Early Nov
5 Lab testing and examination of the samples Mid Nov – Dec
6 Analysis of data using software and interpretation of results, Jan – Mar
and preparation of draft thesis
8 Submission of the draft thesis for comment to advisor Early Apr
9 Preparation of finalized thesis after incorporating comments Mid May
from advisor
10 Submission of finalized thesis End May
11 Thesis defence Jun
Table 6. 1 Work Plan
Budget breakdown
Personal cost Items Amount required (pieces Unit cost Subtotal cost

/ numbers / packs) (Birr/unit (Birr)

1 Self-allowance 1 person x 10 days 180.00/person 1,800.00

2 Advisor allowance 1 person x 10 days 200.00/person 2,000.00

3 Transport 2 person x 8 times 200.00/person 1,600.00

4 Daily labourer 1 person x 10 days 100.00/person 1,000.00

Total 6,400.00

Table 7. 1 Personnel cost

Materials cost
Amount required Unit cost Subtotal cost
S.No Items (pieces / number / packs) (Birr/unit) (Birr)
1 Note book 1 piece 50.00/piece 50

2 Paper 2 pack 100.00/pack 200.00

3 Marker 1 pack 90.00/pack 90.00
4 Pen 1 piece 10.00/piece 10.00

5 Pencil 2 pieces 5.00/piece 10.00

6 Ruler 1 piece 15.00/piece 15.00
7 Topographic 1 sheet 100/sheet 100.00
8 Aerial photographs 4 photos 80.00/image 320.00

9 Draft Colour print (25 pages)x 4copies 15.00/page 1500.00

10 Draft Normal print (70 pages)x 4copies 2.00/page 560.00

11 Draft Normal print (70 pages)x 4copies 2.00/page 560.00

12 Final Colour print (25 pages)x 4copies 15.00/page 1500.00

13 Final Normal print (70 pages)x 4copies 2.00/page 560.00

14 Photocopies 190 pages 1.00/page 190.00

Total 5,105.00

Table 7. 2 Material cost

Laboratory costs
S.No Amount required (pieces / Unit cost Subtotal cost
Items number / packs / litter) (Birr/unit) (Birr)

1  Thin-sections 10 samples 500 5,000.00

2  Geochemical 10 samples 1200 12,000.00

Total 17,000.00

Table 7. 3 Laboratory cost

7.4 Cost summary

S.No Items Subtotal cost
1. Personnel cost 6,400.00
2. Materials and Supplies 5,105.00
3. Laboratory expenses 17,000.00
Total 28,405.00
Unrevealed Expense (10%) 2,070.5.00
GRAND TOTAL 30,575.5.00
Table 7. 4 Cost summary

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