Contemporay World Module 12
Contemporay World Module 12
Contemporay World Module 12
Course Overview
Course Number
Course Code GE-SS 301
Descriptive Title The Contemporary World (with ASEAN
Credit Units 3
School Year/ Term AY 2021-2022/ 1st Semester
Mode of Delivery Online/offline Learning
Instructor/s Anie Jane Paler Dugaduga
Course Description This course introduces students to the
contemporary world by examining the
multifaceted phenomenon of globalization.
Using the various disciplines of the social
sciences, it examines the economic, social,
political, technological, and other
transformations that have created an
increasing awareness of the
interconnectedness of peoples and places
around the globe. To this end, the course
provides an overview of the various debates in
global governance, development, and
sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to
the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to
inculcate a sense of global citizenship and
global ethical responsibility.
Course Outcomes At the end of the module, you must have:
1. Distinguish different interpretations and
approaches to globalization
2. Analyze various contemporary drivers of
3. Describe the emergence of global,
economic, political social and cultural systems
4. Understand the issues confronting
5. Articulate personal positions in various
global issues
6. Identify ethical implications of global
7. Analyze contemporary news, events in the
context of globalization
8. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos
and the Philippines
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The modules are designed in order to address the flexible learning modalities in
higher education as instructed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The
Contemporary World with ASEAN Integration consist of four modules with three topics
in each. The presentation of information was carefully planned so that optimum
learning shall take place given the modalities we have today.
To start the course module, you need to complete the pre-test structured by the
author of this module. The pre-test covered all topics of the course. You don’t need to
worry because pre-test will not be graded, just answer the test in order to determine the
level of understanding or prior knowledge to the subject.
Course module is divided into two terms, two modules for midterm and another
two for the final term. A separate examination shall be given to you to assess the
knowledge gained from the modules. Dates on the examination will be announced
Every topic contains learning outcomes that you must accomplished one in a
while. The presentation of topics used 4As Model to ensure a learner centered approach.
You must complete every activity provided to help yourself understand the topic easily.
Once done with the course module, a separate parallel post-test will be
accomplished by you to further evaluate the learning and the module itself. References
are provided for further research on your end.
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Direction: Answer the following questions carefully base on your own understanding.
Encircle the letter only.
1. A Swedish Journalist that define globalization as the process of world shrinkage, of
distance getting shorter, things moving closer.
a. Thomas Larsson
b. Al-Rhodan
c. Martin Khor
d. Bauman
2. The movement of people, places, and information brought by the growing porosity of
global limitations.
a. Flows
b. Solidity
c. Liquid
d. Gases
3. It refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors, and
political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same economies, and
similar forms of government.
a. Liquid and Gases
b. Homogeneity
c. Heterogeneity
d. Hybridization
4. It is a collection of cultural systems, belief system, and world views that establishes
symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and to moral values.
a. Religion
b. Belief
c. Norm
d. Ethics
5. Consider as the networking and expansion of once local products, beliefs, and practices
into universal products, beliefs, and practices often through technology.
a. Production
b. Globalization
c. Networking
d. Technology
6. Refers to the differences of either lasting differences or of hybrids or combinations of
cultures that can be produced through the different trans planetary processes.
a. Cultural Differentialism
b. Cultural Hybridization
c. Heterogeneity
d. Homogeneity
7. Emphasizes the fact that culture is essentially different and are only superficially affected
by global flows.
a. Cultural Differentialism
b. Globalization
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c Hybridization
d. Networking
8. A type of global migration that moved because they want to be and because they can afford
a. Push factor
b. Tourists
c. Refugees
d. Vagabonds
9. They move because they are not faring well in their home countries and are forced to move
in the hope that their circumstances will improve.
a. Vagabonds
b. Migrant
c. Tourists
d. Globalization
10. It involves the flow of less-skilled and unskilled workers, as well as illegal immigrants
who live on the margins of the host society.
a. Migration
b. Refugees
c. Labor Migration
d. Vagabonds
11. An approach emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures.
a. Differentialism
b. Cultural Hybridization
c. Convergence
d. Global Culture
12. It is a process by which Western societies are dominated by the principles of fast food
a. McDonaldization
b. Globalization
c. McWorld
d. Civilization
13. A process wherein nations, corporations impose themselves on geographic areas in order
to gain profit and power.
a. Glocalization
b. Globalization
c. Imperialism
d. Hybridization
14. Refers to the political groups that are engaged in an “intensification of nationalism and
that leads to greater political heterogeneity throughout the world”.
a. McWorld
b. McDonaldization
c. Civilization
d. Labor Market
15. It means that it is much more difficult to tie culture to a specific geographic point of
a. Globalization
b. Deterritorialization
c. Cultural Hybridization
d. Cultural Convergence
16. Known as the Islamic community of believers.
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a. Ummah
b. Christianity
c. Religious community
d. Muslims community
17. It refers to “all attempts to make globalization more palatable to citizens”.
a. Counter-globalization
b. Managed-globalization
c. Regionalization
d. Globalization
18. A societal integration and the often-undirected process of social and economic
a. Regionalization
b. Globalization
c. Religion
d. Collaboration
19. An Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
a. Christianity
b. Islam
c. Hinduism
d. Buddhism
20. A historical period which mortality and fertility rates decline in a particular country or
a. Global migration
b. Global demography
c. Epoch
d. Events
21. Use to describe a migrant community.
a. OFW
b. Illegal migration
c. Diaspora
d. Vagabonds
22. A community that utilize technology such as the internet.
a. Modern community
b. Virtual diasporas
c. Diaspora
d. Society
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25. A sociologist who defines globalization as the debate and the debate is globalization.
a. Cesare Poppi
b. Chowdhury
c. Arjun Appadurai
d. Kumar
Module 1:
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Topic 1:
Learning Outcomes
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Note: You need to complete the activity above so that it will be easy for you to understand
the discussion below. If you are done, we shall continue.
Let me ask you some questions from the previous activity that you have.
1. What will come up in your mind when you hear the word “globalization”?
2. Do you believe that globalization plays an important role in our lives? Why or why not?
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Now, we explore!
To give you a concrete and substance understanding of the topic, together we will explore
more! Read the content of the lesson which will help you to understand about globalization
and etc.
Globalization is a term used in the 20th century that refers to the process of trading goods
among nations. It described by the interaction, integration, and exchange among the
people, companies, and governments all over the world. The good exchanged include:
Globalization drives a country towards progress and development. It affects the nations as a
whole but in exchange, it damages smaller communities and societies.
Different Definitions of
Globalization is a very important
Bauman, 2003 change, if not, the “most important”
The reality and omnipresence of
globalization make us see ourselves as
part of what we refer to as the “global
Albrow, 1996 age.” The internet, for example, allows
a person from the Philippines to know
what is happening to the rest of the
world simply by browsing Google.
It cannot be contained within a specific
time frame, all people, and all
Wrote that definitions suggest the
perspective of the author on the origins
Al-Rhodan, 2006 and geopolitical implications of
globalization. It is a starting point that
will guide the rest of any discussions. In
effect, one’s definition and perspective
could determine the concrete steps in
addressing the issues of globalization.
For example, if one sees globalization as
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1. Equal opportunities for evryone 1. Focuses on the development of the country
2. Secured opportunities for everyone 2. Enhancement of the policies in a country
3. Growth for the countries 3. Supported by people
4. development of the nations 4. Gives importance to the people and the
DISADVANTAGES cultures inside the country
1. Reshaping of government institutions to DISADVANTAGES
cater for everyone 1. Results to trade wars with other countries
2. Economic processes need to be recognized 2. Limited perspective
3. Social processes require reorganization 3. Failure to establish connections with other
4. Failure to focus on the country's own countries
people and policies
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Globalization is not a one-way
process as concepts like
Westernization and Americanization
seem to imply.
While all sorts of things do flow out
Multi-directional flows
of the West the United States to
every part of the world, many more
flow into the West and the US from
everywhere (e.g. Japanese
automobiles, Chinese T-shirts, i-
phones manufactured in China, and
so on.)
Furthermore, all sort of things flow
in every conceivable direction
among all other points in the world.
The fact is that global flows do not
occur in isolation from one another;
Interconnected flows many different flows interconnect at
various points and times.
Take the example of the global fish
industry. That industry is now
dominated by the flows of huge
industrial ships and the massive
amount of frozen fish they produce
and which is distributed throughout
the addition, these huge
industrial ships are putting many
small fishers out of business and
some are using their boats for other
kind of flows (e.g. transporting
illegal immigrants from Africa to
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Try this!
I believe that you have understood the topic. Now, kindly do the following activities.
Activity #1. Caricature of Globalization.
Direction: Create your generalization about globalization by having a caricature. And provide a short
detail about it.
Scoring Criteria
Content 10
Originality 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 20
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Topic 2:
Learning Outcomes
2. Homogeneity
3. Convergence
4. Hybridization
5. Monopolies
6. Imperialism
Note: You need to complete the activity above so that it will be easy for you to understand
the discussion below. If you are done, we shall continue.
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1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogeneous) or more different
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture?
How about heterogenization?
3. What do you think is the reason why Islam and Christianity are mostly incompatible with
each other?
Now, we explore!
Gain more knowledge about the Globalization theory, dynamics of local and global culture,
globalization of religion, and globalization and regionalization. Enjoy!
Globalization Theory
We have established the many definitions of and issues in defining globalization and the
metaphors that we can use to understand easily the concept. We also have looked into its origins
and history. This section will give you a glimpse of the important theories on globalization. We will
analyse globalization culturally, economically, and politically. It would be helpful to assert that the
theories see globalization as a process that increases either homogeneity or heterogeneity.
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-is the networking and expansion of once local products, beliefs, and practices into universal
products, beliefs, and practices often through technology.
-is a collection of cultural systems, belief system, and world views that establishes symbols
that relate humanity to spirituality and to moral values
Religion has entered the “information age” and has globalized at accelerating rates, in the
methods religions use for teaching and in belief systems.
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Social networks
Charity funds
Special internet sites
Religious schools
Religion epitomizes the definition of globalization due to the fact that it can be spread more
efficiently than ever before through the use of different technological tools such as, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, commercials, podcasts, cell phone apps and so much more. It is now possible
for any religion to spread beyond national borders, allowing even small new religious
movements to engage in overseas activities and leading to new unseen religious developments.
Globalization has a great impact on religion. As people and cultures move across the globe,
as ideas are mobilized and transported by media technology, the religious globalization will
go on and on.
It has its pro and cons. People should cope with the flow of info and choose their own
peaceful way.
And to our mind, finally, the globalization will end in complete domination of one of them
over the rest.
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Try this!
I believe that you have understood the topic. Now, kindly do the following activities.
1. Using Venn diagram kindly compare and contrast between globalization and
2. Draw a caricature which shows the reason why Islam and Christianity are incompatible
and provide a short explanation about it.
Scoring Criteria
Content 15
Originality 8
Organization 5
Grammar 2
Total 30
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Topic 3:
Learning Outcomes
This lesson generally adheres to the perspective that the major points of the beginnings of
globalization after the Second World War. Nevertheless, it would mean no harm to look at the five
different perspective regarding the origin of globalization.
Nayan Chanda
Our basic human need to make our lives better that made globalization possible. Therefore, one
can trace the beginning of globalization from our ancestors in Africa who walked out from the said
continent in the late Ice Age.
Chanda mentioned that commerce, religion, politics, and warfare are the “urge” of people toward
a better life. There are respectively connected to four aspects of globalization and they can be
traced all throughout history: trade, missionary work, adventures and conquest.
Globalization is a long-term cyclical process and thus, finding its origin will be a daunting task.
What is important in the cycles that globalization has gone through.
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Six great epochs of globalization. These are also called “waves” and each has its own origin.
Specific events are also considered as part of the fourth view in explaining the origin of globalization.
If this is the case, then several points can be treated as the start of globalization.
• Argued that Roman conquests centuries before Christ were its origin. In an issue of the
magazine the Economist, it considered the rampage of the armies of Genghis Khan into
Eastern Europe in the thirteenth century.
• The recent years could also be regarded as the beginnings of globalization with reference
to specific technological advances in transportation and communication. Some examples
included the first transatlantic television broadcasts, the founding of the modern internet in
1988, and the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York.
Certainly, with this view, more and more specific events will characterize not just the origins of
globalization but also more of its history.
Recent changes comprised the fifth view. These broad changes happened in the last half of the
twentieth century. Scholars today point to these three notable changes as the origin of globalization
that we know today. They are as follows:
3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War
Through its dominant military and economic power after World War ll, the United States was able to
outrun Germany and Japan in terms of industry. Both Axis power and Allies fall behind economically
as compared to the new global power. Because of this, the United States soon began to progress in
different aspects like in diplomacy, media, and many more.
Before MNCs came into being, their roots were from their countries of origin during the eighteenth
to early nineteenth centuries. The United States, Germany, and Great Britain had in their homeland
great corporations which the world knows today. However, they did not remain there as far as their
production and market are concerned. For example, Ford and General Motors originated in the
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United States but in the twentieth century, they exported more automobiles and opened factories to
other countries.
More recent that the first two would be the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. This event led to the
opening of the major part of the world for the first time since the early twentieth century. Many
global processes-immigration, tourism, media, diplomacy, and MNCs-spread throughout the planet.
This paved way for the so-called “free” world. China, even though the government remains
communist, is on its way to becoming a major force in global capitalism. Moreover, China is also
globalizing in terms of other aspects such as their hosting of the Olympics in 2008.
Global Demography
Demographic transition is a singular historical period during which mortality and fertility rates
decline from high to low levels in a particular country or region. The broad outline of the transition is
similar in countries around the world, but the pace and timing of the transition have varied
The transition started in mid-or late 1700s in Europe. During that time, death rates and fertility
began to decline. High to low fertility happened 200 years in France and 100 years in the United
States. In other parts of the world, the transition began later. It was only in the twentieth century
that mortality decline in Africa and Asia, with the exemption of Japan. According to Maddison, life
expectancy in India was only 24 years in the early twentieth century while the same life expectancy
occurred in China in 1929 until 1931. Fertility decline in Asia did not begin until the 1950s and so on.
In the case of Japan, it was until the 1930s that “total fertility rate did not drop below five births per
woman”. This resulted in rapid population growth after the Second World War, affecting the age
structure if Asia and the developing world. Specifically, the baby boom in the developing world was
caused by the experienced baby boom that resulted from rising birth rate.
There was a reverse in global population shares during the twentieth century as Africa, Asia, Latin
America and Oceania had high levels of population growth rates. Population growth shows a more
remarkable shift: “between 1820 and 1980, 69.3 percent of the world’s population growth occurred
in Europe and Western offshoots. Between 1950 and 2000, however, only 11.7 percent occurred in
that region.
The United Nations projected the population growth will be shifted towards Africa. It is estimated
that by 2150, the regions’ share to the world population will be almost 20 percent, relatively much
greater that its share in 1820 and in 1900 six percent. Also, in 2150, there will be a projected
increase of two billion if we combine the population of Asia, Latin America and Oceania.
In terms of age structure, the overall trend in Japan and the West was downward until 1950. Their
dependency ration was close to 0.5. it only increased, although temporary, when the baby boom
after the Second World War occurred. Japan’s dependency ration, however, increased between
1888 and 1920. Its dependency ration is higher than the West between 1920 and the early 1950s. it
dropped in 1970 and later since its precipitous decline in childbearing during the 1950s and low
fertility rated in recent years.
The developing countries like India and the Philippines had higher dependency ration than the West
in 1900. A great increase in dependency ration was caused by the decline in infant and child
mortality and high levels of fertility, with its peak around 1970.
Dependency rations started to disappear because there is a decline in global birth rate. Furthermore,
the gap in fertility between the West and the less developed countries became smaller by the
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twenty-first century. Over the next 50 years, the case of dependency ratios of these two areas in the
world will be reversed. The aging of population will cause a rise in dependency ratio, starting in the
Global Migration
The nuances of the movements of people around the world can be seen through the categories of
migrants- “vagabonds” and “tourists”. Vagabonds are on the move “because they have to be” they
are not faring well in their home countries and are forced to move in the hope that their
circumstances will improve. Tourists, on the hand, are on the move because they want to be and
because they can afford it.
Refugees are vagabonds forced to flee their home countries due to safety concerns. Asylum seekers
are refugees who seek to remain in the country to which they flee. Those who migrate to find work
are involved in labor migration. Labor migration is driven by “push” factors, as well as “pull” factors.
Labor migration mainly involves the flow of less-skilled and unskilled workers, as well as illegal
immigrants who live on the margins of the host society.
“Push” factors such as political persecution, economic depression, war, and famine in the home
“Pull” factors such as a favorable immigration policy, a labor shortage, and a similarity of language
and culture in the country of destination.
Global factors, which facilitate easy access to information about the country of destination, also
exert a significant influence.
Many country faces issues of illegal migration. The United States faces a major influx of illegal
immigrations from Mexico and other Central American states. A fence is being constructed on the
US-Mexico border to control this flow of people. However, its efficacy is questioned and it is thought
that it will only lead illegal immigrant to adopt more dangerous methods to gain entry. In addition,
tighter border has also had the effect of “locking in” people who might otherwise have left the
country. Other countries with similar concerns about illegal immigration include Great Britain,
Switzerland, and Greece as well as countries in Asia.
A strong case can be made on the backlash against illegal immigrants. In the North, such immigrant
constitutes a younger workforce that does work which locals may not perform, and they are
consumers who contribute to growth. They also send remittances back to family members in the
country of origin, which improves the lives pf the recipients, reduces poverty rates, and increase the
level of education as well as the foreign reserves of the home country. The Philippines is the one of
the leaders when it comes to the flow of remittances, next to India and China.
The term “diaspora” has been increasingly used to describe migrant communities. Of particular
interest in Paul Gilroy’s conceptualization of the diaspora as a transnational process, which involves
dialogue to both imagined and real locales. Diasporization and globalization are closely
interconnected and the expansion of the latter will lead to an increase in the former. Today, there
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exists “virtual diasporas” which utilized technology such as the internet to maintain the community
1. In not more than two sentences, state the five different perspective regarding the origins of
2. What do you think is the effect of a high dependency ratio in developed countries?
3. Is the heightened flow of people a unique feature of the current global era?
Scoring Criteria
Content 10
Originality 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 20
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1 Economic Globalization and Global Trade
2 Economic Globalization and Sustainable
3 Theories of Global Stratification
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Students are the citizens of the country. They are also contributing the
economy. They study hard for their future. Mostly, they strive success due to
poverty. Once they completed the higher education, the society already expects
them to function well. For instance, after graduated, they will find a job. Once they
find a job, they will get out from poverty. After years of striving the success, they will
become one of the persons who will look for another job seekers who wants to get
out from poverty.
In this module, learners will get another fresh ideas about the global economy.
The Module 2 covers three (3) lessons. The first lesson talks about the economic
globalization and the global trade. Meanwhile, lesson two covers the sustainable
development. It also talks about the political and economic blocs. In addition, the
lesson three covers the theories of global stratification.
Lesson 1
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What is
a Trade:
Abstraction/ Discussion
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The nation’s living standards differ from each other around the globe. In the
Philippines, we have what we called poverty line or poverty threshold. It is when a
person living in poverty who earned less than ₱100, 534.00 a year, or around
₱275.00 a day. However, according to UN (2015), extreme poverty is a condition
characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs such as food, safe
drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education, and information. They
defined it as living on less than $1.25 per day.
In 2015, UN reported that 836 million people still live in extreme poverty, from
1.9 billion. Moreover, the World Bank predicted also that by 2030, the number of
people living in extremely poverty could drop to less than 400 million. However, most
people who have been lifted out of extreme poverty are still poor and being poor
comes with serious problems, from diseases to lack of water.
Economic Globalization
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Trade protectionism usually comes in the form of quotas and tariffs. Tariffs
are required fees on imports and exports. For example, an A-Brand pen costs $1.00
in Country A. In Country B, it would be given $5.00 tariff. The pen would become
$6.00 in Country B. This policy was practiced in the sixteenth to until seventeenth
centuries and until the early years of Industrial Revolution.
Trade Liberalization
Leapfrogging – the idea that countries can skip straight to more efficient and
cost-effective technologies that were not available in the past.
Fair Trade
Products such as coffee, tea, chocolate, wine, cotton, and bananas have
been exchanged in light of fair trade.
For example, in 2006 in America coffee chains such as Starbucks, spent $2.2
billion on certified products, which is greater than the preceding year. In turn, coffee
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growers get at least $1.29 per pound of coffee beans compared to the current
market price of $1.25.
The products that we consume and use – foods, clothing, and gadgets – are
part of our way of life. Globalization allows for a worldwide exchange of these
commodities and exposure to different cultures as well. This activity will allow the
students to investigate the origin and spread of the products and services sold in our
country. They will also be able to know the countries involved in the production,
distribution, and consumption of the products being sold and consumed in the
country. The following are the steps to accomplish this activity:
1. Each student will be selected to any of the following products being sold in the
Philippines. Select only one. The student shall choose a specific foreign brand
of the product.
a. Coffee
b. Sports Car
c. Laptop
d. Hamburger
e. Wristwatch
f. Shoes
g. Smartphone
h. Motorcycle
i. Bicycle
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2. List down the main ingredients or raw materials in manufacturing the chosen
product. Identify the corresponding country from which each ingredient or raw
material came from.
3. Identify the countries involved in the manufacturing of the chosen product.
Indicate the corresponding service the country does for the product (e.g.,
Costa Rica – planting of coffee beans).
4. Aside from the Philippines, list other countries in which the product is being
5. Cite the kinds of technology that made the creation of the product possible.
Consider communications and transportation.
6. Write one of the three statements about the creation of the product.
Scoring Criteria
Content 10
Originality 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 20
Lesson 2
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I. Technology
Direction: Below are graphic organizers. Give the advantages and
disadvantages of technology to the environment.
__________ _________
__________ _________
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I. Technology
1. Do people find ways to deal the disadvantages of the technology?
Abstraction/ Discussion
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future. The development of our world today by using the earth’s resources and the
preservation of such sources for the future is called sustainable development. It has
to be ensured in and for the future generations. The relationships between
globalization and sustainability is multi-dimensional. It involves economic, political,
and technological aspects.
The world’s natural resources such as water and fossil fuel allows humanity to
discover and innovate many things. We were able to utilize energy, discovery of new
technologies, and make advancements in transportation and communication.
Environmental Degradation
It made buying easier of goods for the people, and there is an increase
demand of the goods. In addition, there was an increase of efficiency.
The cycle of efficiency harms the planet in many ways. For example, the
earth’s atmosphere is damaged by more carbon emissions from the factories around
the globe. Another example is that there is a destruction of coral reefs and marine
biodiversity as more wastes thrown into the seas and oceans.
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Food Security
According to Breen (2016), the demand for food will be 60% greater that it is
today and the challenge of food security requires the world to feed 9 billion people by
Greenhouse gases, gases that trap the sunlight and heat in earth’s
atmosphere, contribute greatly to global warming. In turn, this process causes the
melting ice in the two different poles. This result to substantial flooding, reduction in
the alkalinity of the oceans, and destruction of existing ecosystems.
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United Nations has set ending hunger, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
The World Economic Forum addressed the issue through New Vision for
Agriculture (NVA) in 2009 wherein public-private partnerships were established. This
partnership was launched to establish cooperation and encourage exchange of
knowledge among farmers, government, civil society, and the private sector in both
regional and national levels.
The winners are those corporations and their stockholders who earn more
profit, and consumers who get products at a cheaper price. In contrary, losers are
those high wageworkers who used to make the products. Their jobs moved
overseas. Low wage foreign workers are also losers in this situation. A lot of workers
are thrown into hazardous working conditions, although they paid above average
Multiplier Effect
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because they do not have regulations that provide safe working conditions or protect
the environment.
Public Awareness
Wealth Inequality
Wealth – the net worth of a country. It takes into the account all the assets of
a nation, whether natural, physical, or human. There is no recognize monetary
measure that sums up the assets.
Income Inequality
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Unequal distribution of new earnings. It values the flow of goods and services, not
the stock of assets.
Income – the new earnings that are constantly being added to the country’s wealth.
According to the Global Wealth Report 2016 by the Credit Suisse Research
Institute, global wealth today is estimated to be about 3.5 trillion dollars and it is not
distributed equally. The countries like United States of America and Japan were able
to increase their wealth while others are not.
During the Cold War, Western policymakers began talking about the world
three distinct political and economic blocs:
First World
Western Capitalists
Second World
Third World
However, the terms are not accurate. There are hundreds of countries fit in
the “Third World” but they have different levels of economic stability. There are some
countries who are poor, but mostly, are not. In the recent years, the social scientists
sort countries into groups based on their specific levels of economic productivity.
They use the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which measures the GDP per capita.
To have a simpler classification, they make a new bloc. They call it as “Global
North” and “Global South”. The “Global North” includes United States, Canada,
Western Europe, and developed parts of Asia. However, the “Global South” includes
the Caribbean, Latin America, South America, Africa, and parts of Asia.
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To sum up, the differences between the Global North and the Global South
are shaped by globalization and migration. Nevertheless, the economic differences
between the wealthy Global North and the poor Global South have always
possessed a racial character.
Sassen (1991) used the concept of global cities to describe the three urban
centers of New York, London, and Tokyo. They are the economic centers that exert
control over the world’s political economy. World cities are categorized as such
based on the global reach of organizations found in them. These cities can be seen
as important nodes in a variety of global networks.
Cities are major beneficiaries of globalization. However, they are also the
most severely affected by global problems.
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The Global Free Trade on Trial This is an essay writing activity which
intends to show the stance of the students regarding economic globalization. Argue
based on this statement: “Global free trade has done more harm than good.
Scoring Criteria
Content 15
Originality 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 25
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Lesson 3
Direction: Compare and contrast the following countries using the Venn diagram.
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Philippines Mexico
1. Can Philippines reach the standards of United States or even Japan? Why or
why not?
2. Does the Philippines compete globally in the modern times? How? Cite an
Abstraction/ Discussion
Modernization Theory
Columbian Exchange
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Traditional Stage
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Example for this is the feudal Europe and early Chinese dynasties.
Take-Off Stage
Technological Maturity
Nations begin to push for social change along with the economic
change such as implementing basic schooling for everyone and developing
more democratic political systems.
Countries put social support systems in place to ensure that all of their
citizens have access to basic necessities.
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Dependency Theory
Dependency Theory
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The terms “core nations” and the “peripheral nations” are the heart of
dependency theory.
Core Nations
These are more industrialized nations who received the majority of the world’s
Peripheral Nations
These are countries that are less developed and received an unequal distribution of
the world’s wealth.
The development of this is stagnant because of the exploitative nature of the core
The less developed periphery countries are said to primarily serve the interests the
wealthier countries and end up having little to no resource to put toward their own
The theory points out that the economies of periphery countries rely on the manual
labor and to the export of raw materials to core nations. The core countries then
process the raw materials and sell them at a much higher price. Some of these
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manufactured goods go right back to the periphery countries from which the raw
materials came.
Immanuel Wallerstein
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In order for you to visualize Immanuel Wallerstein’s idea of the modern world-
system, this activity will involve a construction of a “new” map of the world. The
foundation of constructing this map is the three hierarchies of areas in the modern
world-system discussed.
1. Identify whether the following countries fall under core, periphery, or semi-
periphery category.
2. Print the map of each country. (A quarter of a bond paper is enough for the
size of each map.)
3. Group the maps according to the category of the country in which they
belong. Paste the maps in a Manila paper.
4. Put the core countries at the center. Surround the core countries with the
states under the semi-periphery. Place the peripheral countries as the outer
ring of the map.
5. Compare the map you created with the original world map.
Scoring Criteria
Content 20
Originality 5
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Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 30
pg. 53