Tutorial DHSVM v3.1
Tutorial DHSVM v3.1
Tutorial DHSVM v3.1
Select Source code & Test Site Data for DHSVM 3.1 and save it to your working directory.
Note: Before you start, note that you can choose between two types of input/output files:
binary or NetCDF. The model is programmed so that binary input files generate binary
output files, and NetCDF input files generate NetCDF output files. To prepare binary input
files, read the follow Session 2, 3 and 5, but skip Session 4. To prepare NetCDF input files,
skip Session 3, and follow through Session 2, 4 and 5.
ArcInfo only runs on the PC computer (let’s say the machine name is ‘plane’), so here are the
system-specific commands for running arc/info.
>>> cd tutorial3.1/input
>>> arc
2. Export SOIL, SOIL DEPTH, VEGETATION, MASK and DEM files as ascii grids
>>> Arc: asciigrid soil.asc soil
Take the same steps to export the SOIL DEPTH, VEG, MASK and DEM files
View raster/grid files: soil (soil class), veg (vegetation class/land cover type), dem & mask.
The next steps are performed using a set of arc commands and aml scripts via Arc/Info on a
PC system.
Create a folder under tutorial3.1\ called arcinfo (eg. \tutorial3.1\arcinfo\). Copy all the
necessary files for creating the stream, soil, and road inputs in Arc/Info. The necessary input
files are the DEM and MASK of the site. Create a sub-folder in your workspace called
“program”, and copied the three java .class files that you just compiled into this sub-directory
(eg. C:\workspace\tutorial3.1\arcinfo\program\AddAat2.class).
>>> cd ../input/arcinfo
>>> plane% arc
Set the workspace to your working directory, which should be the arcinfo folder you created.
>>> Arc: &workspace C:\workspace\tutorial3.1\arcinfo\
Before you start, it is very important to note that, if any error occurs before the aml is done,
you MUST RE-RUN the aml script with THE ORIGINAL INPUT FILES. Always keep a
copy of the original arcinfo directory. Within “arcinfo”, you should have original input GRID
files and a “program” folder including 3 class files. Once any error occurs, read the error
statement to find out the potential cause. Then delete the content of the “arcinfo” folder you
worked on, copy the arcinfo-Copy folder into the specified workspace, and rerun the script.
STREAMNETWORK <dem> <wshed> <soildepth> <stream network> <MOUTH|MASK>
{source area} {min depth} {max depth}
>>> Arc: &run createstreamnetwork dem mask soild streams MASK 100000 0.76 1.5
dem: a grid of basin elevations with all sinks filled in. Make sure that dem is in floating point and the
regions outside of the watershed are defied as NoData instead of 0. Otherwise you will get a stream
wshed: EITHER a basin mask file, or a grid designating the location of the basin mouth. If it’s a
mask file, indicate MASK in the 5th input argument; if it’s a mouth file, indicate MOUTH in the 5th
input argument (as indicated by the keyword MOUTH | MASK). If MOUTH is specified, the mask
file will be created. Likewise, the mask must be defined as inbasin=1, outside basin=NoData so the
outputs share the same boundary as the basin or watershed.
soild: grid of soil depth. This is an output of the createstreamnetwork.aml script, so specify the file
name you’d like the output to have in this argument. Make sure there isn’t a file with the same name
in the working directory already because Arc might not be able to overwrite the existing file, which
generates errors in the script. It will be created as a function of cumulative drainage area and slope.
The last three values represent the minimum contributing area before a channel begins, the
minimum soil depth, and the maximum soil depth. Input these values based on your
knowledge of the watershed. The smaller the minimum contributing area is, the more stream
segments will be created by the program (ie. higher stream density). Check the river coverage
file output in ArcMap to see if the stream density is desirable. The thicker the soil depth is
the slower the peak response to rain events tends to be. All three values must be provided.
Run the script. You will be prompted to see if you want to continue when the script is nearly
completed. Type y and enter.
This step creates the raster file soild, text files stream.network.dat & stream.map.dat that are
needed by DHSVM, and the stream coverage file.
If there are road layers in the study site, take this step to create the files road.network.dat and
road.map.dat that are needed by DHSVM.
ROADNETWORK <dem> <soildepth> <road network>
You will be prompted to see if you want to continue. Type y and enter.
We want to save the output (flow, etc) at the final stream segment (the outlet/mouth) within
the stream network. This is designated within the file /arcinfo/stream.network.dat with a
value of -1 in the sixth column (ie. the stream is not connected to any downstream segment).
Routing results for this stream segment will be placed in the stream output file if the keyword
SAVE appears in the last (seventh) column. If there are more than one segments with a value
of -1 in the sixth column, check in ArcMap to see where these segments are and save the
most relevant segment. Reducing the minimum contributing area and rerun the
“createstreamnetwork” script can also help to reducing the number of outlets in the stream
network created.
Add SAVE "SPRINGBROOKCREEK" following the last column of stream segment that
you want to save(in the seventh column). Enter the desired name for this outlet in the
quotation marks. To properly run the model, replace the value of -1 in the sixth column in the
stream.network.dat file with 0 (change this for the outlet only). Save the file and exit xemacs.
These are ascii files that contain a look-up table of channel hydraulic properties for each road
or stream class. For an example of a stream class file, look into adjust.classfile in the input
folder. The following columns are necessary for each channel class:
<Channel Class> <Hydraulic Width (m)> <Hydraulic Depth or Bank Height (m)>
<Manning's friction coefficient> <Max Infiltration (m/s)>
The channel hydraulic width and depth are currently hard-wired in the createroadnetwork and
createstreamnetwork scripts, as follows:
#Class Width Depth
1 0.5 0.5
2 0.5 0.5
3 0.25 0.25
4 0.25 0.25
5 0.25 0.25
#Class Width Depth Manning's n Max Infiltration
1 0.03 0.5 0.0875 0.0001
2 0.03 1.0 0.0875 0.0001
3 0.03 2.0 0.0875 0.0001
4 0.03 3.0 0.0875 0.0001
5 0.03 4.0 0.0875 0.0001
6 0.03 4.5 0.0875 0.0001
7 0.05 0.5 0.0875 0.0001
8 0.05 1.0 0.0875 0.0001
9 0.05 2.0 0.0875 0.0001
The maximum infiltration rate is NOT used for the stream class file, but it MUST be
specified as a place holder. Manning's roughness can vary from 0.025 to 0.15 for natural
channels. Infiltration into the roads may be assumed to be 0 m/s for a starting point (i.e.
100% impervious).
Use the tail command to output all lines from the 7th line in the input file. This command
generates a new output file.
>>> cd tutorial3.1/input
>>> tail –n +7 dem.txt > newdem.txt
Generate text files with no header for the DEM, VEG, MASK, SOIL and SOIL DEPTH files.
./myconvert source_format target_format source_file target_file number_of_rows
Repeat for each of the map files, changing the target format as follows:
Mask, soil, veg = char dem, soil depth = float
>>> ./find_nearest_channel_bin nrows ncols binary_flowd_file binary_mask_file
stream_map_file n_header_map_file
>>> programs/find_nearest_channel_bin 213 164 input/flowdir.bin input/mask.bin
springbrook.stream.map output/surface.routing.txt 9
flowd_file is a char binary flow direction file in the same format as the DHSVM mask file. Make sure
that the flowd_file is free of sinks, etc, and flowdirection is assumed to be from ARC-INFO, i.e. 1 to
128. If needed, use ArcMap to generate the flow direction file, and then use Arc/Info gridascii
command to convert raster flow direction file to ascii, remove header, and use myconvert to change it
into a char binary format.
binary mask_file and stream_map file are the DHSVM specific input files for mask and stream_map
file, respectively.
n_header_map_file are the number of header lines in the stream map file, i.e. lines starting with # .
Enter 0 if there are no header lines. Caution: make sure you are referring to the map file not the
network file.
2) Fill in the path to the surface.routing.txt file under the section of VEGETATION/
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ROUTING FILE in the configuration input file.
This step creates the Interception, Snow and Soil state files for the date specified in
Note that input InitialState.txt includes the initial Interception, Snow and Soil state for each
grid cell. In the sample input file set up for Springbrook Creek, it is assumed that no
interception storage, no snow for 210 days and 35% volumetric soil moisture in all layers.
MakeChannelState.scr <StreamNetworkFile> <InitialDepth> <Output Date String:
To run the script (calculates volume of water in each channel segment, given an assumed
uniform initial depth in meters):
>>> ./MakeChannelState.scr ../input/springbrook.stream.network 0.25
The output files include monthly shadow file (e.g. Shadow.??.bin) and skyview file (?? refers
to any month of the year).
There are several ways to accomplish this task using various tools, including but not limited
to ArcMap and GDAL. These two methods are validated with DHSVM and below are the
instructions. Follow the instructions to export 5 input files in .nc format: dem, mask, veg
(land cover), soil depth, and soil class. The flow direction file in .nc format will be required
to compute the nearest_channel for the urban module.
- Using ArcMap
The link below will direct you to the Esri short tutorial about how to convert raster files to
netcdf files in ArcMap.
- Using GDAL
Only one command line is needed for conversion:
>>> gdal_translate -of netCDF <ascii input file> <netCDF file>
With the .nc files converted from .asc files, there are a few more steps to take in order to
generate a 3D netcdf file with the DHSVM required variable type & name.
For example, if <in.nc> is originated from the ascii file produced in ArcMap, the typical
var_name is Band1.
If you are not sure of the original variable type, use the following command to check the
header file of .nc file.
>>> ncdump –h <in.nc>
5) Fill in the path to the surface.routing.txt file under the section of VEGETATION/
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ROUTING FILE in the configuration input file.
>>> ./create_modelstate_netcdf.scr
This step creates the Interception, Snow and Soil state files for the date specified in
Note that input InitialState.txt includes the initial Interception, Snow and Soil state for each
grid cell. In the sample input file set up for Springbrook Creek, its assumed that no
interception storage, no snow for 210 days and 35% volumetric soil moisture in all layers.
MakeChannelState.scr <StreamNetworkFile> <InitialDepth> <Output Date String:
To run the script (calculates volume of water in each channel segment, given an assumed
uniform initial depth in meters):
>>> ./MakeChannelState.scr ../input/springbrook.stream.network 0.25
Depending on which I/O file type you chose, run the DHSVM source code with the
corresponding input configuration file.
Note that the sediment option is turned off in this sample configuration file for the
Springbrook creek. If the sediment module or mass wasting option is going to be
implemented, please follow the Tutorial for DHSVM 3.0 (https://dhsvm.pnnl.gov/)
The script plot_modelmap.scr allows you to plot maps from binary input, and
plot_ncmodelmap.scr allows you to plot maps from NetCDF input (requires GDAL).
Depending on which variable you want to plot, the scripts must be changed slightly.
This shell script can plot only 1 layer of the binary output. For each map you need to
designate the map name, the name of the output file, the name of the input file and the name
of the color plot table (cpt). Create the Soil Moisture Map first.
Edit plot_modelmap.scr so that the Soil Moisture map name, output file, input file and cpt
file do not have a “#” in front of it. Add a “#” in front of all the other map file names. Save
the file, but leave it open. The paths to each file may require modification.
>>> ./plot_modelmap.scr
>>> ctrl-c <to close ghostview window>
Repeat these steps for any other maps for which you created files.
Each of these can also be viewed in ghostscript, e.g.:
>>> gs Map.1.Soil.Moist.ps
One of the obvious advantages of using NetCDF Input/Output is the one-step visualization of
spatial maps. A variety of existing data viewers allow you to plot the maps with one
command line. And numerous popular visualization packages, e.g. GMT, Python, MatLab,
the netCDF Operators (NCO), can read the NetCDF format.
Here we use ncview tool to have a quick check on graphical NetCDF files:
>>> ncview <in.nc>