Siemens Power System Simulation For Engineers® (Pss/E)
Siemens Power System Simulation For Engineers® (Pss/E)
Siemens Power System Simulation For Engineers® (Pss/E)
Purpose of the lab: This lab is designed to represent a guide for the user to build the *.con, *.mon and *.sub files automatically according to sample.sav and sample.sld given files for this course. This lab will also explain how the three files are utilized by the AC Contingency Calculation (ACCC) feature of PSS/E to perform a power flow study on a particular zone. Power Flow (PF) analysis is possibly the single most utilized tool in the power industry. PF analysis allows us to simulate unplanned (or forced) as well as planned outages. A power flow solution is often the starting point for many other types of power system analysis. In addition, power flow analysis is at the heart of contingency analysis and the implementation of real-time monitoring systems. The creation of contingency (*.com), monitor and subsystem files will allow us to perform PF analysis. Important definition for better comprehension to this lab: *.sub (subsystem) file: The subsystem file informs the power flow analysis to only look at a prescribed section, or zone, of the overall network. *.mon (monitor) file: The monitor file tells the power flow simulator which branches to be supervised during the (N-1) contingencies *.con (contingency) file: The contingency file is programmed to remove equipment, from service; this is referred to as a contingency. When the system is fully operational, it has no outages, therefore it is referred to as system intact or (N-0). When a single line is taken out of service, the case is then referred to as an (N-1). When two elements are taken out of the service, it referred to as (N-2) The easiest way to program how to do this is to see a portion of the code used in the *.con file and understand what everything does. ACCC: The contingency, monitor, and subsystem files are utilized by the AC Contingency Calculation (ACCC) features of PSS/E to perform a power flow study on a prescribed zone. The ACCC produces an analysis of the power system. DFAX (distribution factors file): It is a measure of the impact of injections and network changes on the grid applied over the initial or base case power flow. DFAX represents a measure of the effect of each zones load on the transmission constraint that requires the mitigating upgrade, as determined by power flow analysis. The source used for the DFAX calculation is the aggregate of all generation external to the study area. Sample.sav file: (described in lab 1) The saved case file (*.sav) is a binary image of the load flow working case. To conserve disk space and minimize the time required for storage and retrieval, saved cases (*.sav) are compressed in the sense that unoccupied parts of the data structure are not stored when the system model is smaller than the capacity limits of the program. Sample.sld file: (described in lab 2) *.sld Slider file (Single Line Diagram) This file allows for performing network analysis studies on the grid. Sliders are visual displays of the grid. It includes buses, branches, lines, loads, generators, transformers etc... All components should be color coded based on voltage flow. The slider file can also show the operational ratings (power flowing across the component relative to
the capacity) of the listed components. This network can be divided on several zones and areas based on the need of the user. Areas: Graphically, an Area typically represents an entire region, perhaps a state (Colorado) or small country (Bahrain). Areas can be utilized to represent a regional electric market, ie, the majority of load within an area is served with the majority of generation in that same area. Load can be served with generation from another area. This is typically accomplished thru metering and schedules but is outside the scope of this lab. The only reason for a detailed explanation is to present this concept and Bulk Electric System (BES) structural philosophy currently practiced in the real world to familiarize the future power engineer. Zones: Typically, Areas (above) are represented as a collection of Zones. An Area could contain one or more Zones. The reasoning behind this is to allow Areas to have many subsets (Zones) such that detailed analysis and criteria can be applied to a particular Zone. For instance, one town may have a stricter pos-contingent per-unit voltage level. By breaking areas into zones, you will have the flexibility to apply different scenarios to avoid any outages or blackout when overloads occur and could be fixed fast and easy because you know which zones are affected. If the concept of Areas and Zones sees confusing, review the slider file (sample.sld) from lab two and consider the definition of Areas and Zones described above. Example: Figure1: Area 3 shown below in the picture has one zone.
Figure 2: Area 1 has two complete zones (1 and 3) and two partial zones (2 and 4) shown below.
1. Start PSSE as it was shown in lab1. 2. Open the sample.sav file from your PSSE Labs folder as it was shown in lab1. 3. Open the sample.sld file from your PSSE Labs folder as it was shown in lab1. 4. Go to toolbar and click on Subsystem-Area. Write down the areas names. 5. Click on the Create/Modify Config Files icon . Also, it can be access through Power lowLinear Network- Create/Modify SUB, MON and CON configuration files... 6. The following window will appear.
a) Uncheck the Append subsystem description to the existing file. b) Enter Central as the subsystem name. c) Click select from the select bus subsystem, a new window will appear as follows
d) Select on central then click on the arrow pointing to the right to have Central switched to be in the Selected areas menu, hit Apply and Ok to close the window.
e) Click on (Subsystem description file) and type area1 in the file name. Then save it. f) Uncheck the Append Monitored descriptions to existing file option. g) Verify the Bus voltage range is from 0.95 to 1.05 pu. h) Click on (Monitored element file) and type area1 in the file name. Then save it. i) Uncheck the Append Contingency descriptions to existing file option. j) Click on save it. and (Contingency description data file) type area1 in the file name. Then
The Configuration File Builder should look exactly like the given window below:
j) Click on Go, then click DFAX and navigate to your folder location created in lab1 and type area1 in the File name box.
Click OK. NOW: the *.con, *.mon, and *.sub files have created and can be opened using WordPad or Notepad as shown in the picture below.
Items of note: COM denotes a comment line and all text following has no program implications. As in all programming, commenting is good practice and should be implemented here. END statements will be required for *.sub. *.mon and *.con files. The area1.sub file contains two END statements. Both, and sometimes more (and in future labs) are required. This to be explained in lab 4??.
area1.sub file: The area1.sub file has subsystem we called out (specified) as central and it contains all buses in area1 as defined in the sample.sav database. area1.mon file: The area1.mon utilizes the subsystem we indicated as central. As such, we are now able to implement a wide variety of monitoring functions on this subsystem. The first line sets a per unit voltage range for the subsystem. Next, the line gives a +/- deviation from the prescribed values in first line. Then, the line comments inform which branches to monitor in the subsystem named central. Finally, the line tells that the monitor file is tied to central subsystem. area1.con file: The area1.con is another file that is dependent on the subsystem. This file is utilized to simulate contingencies in power flow analysis for system-in-tact-minus-1 simulations, also known as N-1 simulations. The contingency operation will work in all of the elements in the specified area or zone. For instance, it plans to remove any single branch between two buses, double branches between two buses, or any single/double branch from one area/zone to another. AC Contingency Calculation (ACCC): The three files area1.sub, area1.mon, and area1.con are utilized to by the AC Contingency Calculation (ACCC) feature of PSSE to perform a PF study on a particular area or zone. After creating area1 files, now its time to solve the system. Follow the steps below: 1- ACCC icon located on the Fourth Toolbar
Or there is always another long way to run the ACCC contingency solution: 1- Go to Toolbar and click on Power Flow menu 2- Scroll down to Solution. 3- Under Solution click on AC contingency solution (ACCC)
The widow of the ACCC will displayed as above place the files created earlier in the lab: Distribution factor data file : area1.dfx Contingency solution output file : type in the file name area1 Leave Load throwover data file empty.
Click on Solve. Dont close the Window yet! Click on reports the window below will open and make sure you have the correct file name for *.acc file you created above.
Then hit GO to run the report for area1 your report will appear in the report tab. Go over the reports and check all the files you created from AC Contingency are shown in the reports as the picture below.
NOW after you have the appropriate files for this operation. the report contains three majors Section described below. 1- Monitored Branch * It shows all the branched double or single with its number and base voltage in kV that has been monitored by the contingency assigned to it. It also shows the machine identifier ID. * Under the contingency, the name of this contingency BASE CASE * Next column states the rating for the first power rating; entered in MVA * Under Flow indicates the amount of the power flow through this branch. * % shows the loads percentage which above 100% loads called overload.
2- Monitored voltage report This section will sort the buses according to the subsystem name in this case CENTRAL
V-CONT: is the post contingency voltage. It indicates the voltage element under the specified network label. Ex: Single 5 V-INIT: it shows the initial voltage for this bus in deviation. V-MAX: indicates the maximum voltage deviation in the CENTRAL subsystem. (above V-initial) V-MIN: indicates the minimum voltage deviation in the CENTRAL subsystem. (below V-initial)
3- Contingency Legends Sorts all the contingencies according to the network label and shows the action/event of this contingency. It runs contingency in every branch in all possible network choice and evaluates the overloads with each event.
These label networks can be explored in the sample.sld file by double-click on the bus number as shown below:
Using the area1 contingency file, the area1 monitor file and the area1 subsystem file that have been provided, create an area1.dfx DFAX and an area1.acc AC contingency file. Solve the system with the loaded AREA1 files and run the ACCC report as shown above. View the report generated by PSSE and print out the report, this print out will need to be included in the lab report. It will also be helpful in answering the following questions.
1) Which branches suffer from overloads during the BASE CASE contingency and what is their percentage of overload? BRANCH Percentage overload
2) Looking at the SINGLE 9 contingency, which branches suffer from overloads that did not suffer from overloads during the BASE CASE, and what is their percentage of overload? BRANCH Percentage overload
3) Of the branches suffering from overloads during the BASE CASE, which one(s) got worse during this contingency (SINGLE 9), and by how much? BRANCH Percentage overload increase
4) Did any of these branches actually see a reduction in overload, if so, which ones and by how much were they reduced? ______________ 5) Which of the contingencies created the highest number of overloaded branches? ___________ 6) Find the SINGLE 7 contingency. a) What is the rating of the branch between bus #153 and #154 (in MW) and what is the actual power flow (in MW) on this branch? ______________ b) What is the rating of the branch between bus #152 and #3021 (in MW) and what is the actual power flow (in MW) on this branch? _______________________________ 7) Using the lab manual, run the ACCC for area2 and named the subsystem EAST . Printout the report and submit it with Lab #3 Questions.