Upper Brushy Creek Georas Model Development
Upper Brushy Creek Georas Model Development
Upper Brushy Creek Georas Model Development
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The existing terrain dataset is exported into a 0.5m DEM. DEM is used instead of
TIN since it is needed later on for depth calculations.
River. It is populated using the stream geometry obtained from Lidar terrain.
Flowpaths. Centerline is obtained from river geometry. Left and right
flowpath were generated as parallel lines to the centerline (with slight
manual modifications).
Banks. Banks were generated as parallel lines to the centerline (with slight
manual modifications).
XSCutLines. They were generated using the Construct XS Cut Lines
GeoRAS tool (600 ft wide and 80 ft apart) and then manually cleaned.
LandUse. A single polygon was digitized with Mannings n of 0.045.
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HEC-GeoRAS Preprocessing
This section covers most of the exercise 9.I in the H&H class materials.
1. Open new ArcMap project. Make sure HEC-RAS toolbar is visible.
2. Load the following data from project folder:
a. ..\Layers\UBCAOI DEM.
3. Load the following data from the project geodatabase ..upperbrushyras.mdb
(Layers feature dataset):
a. Banks, Flowpaths, LandUse, River, and XSCutLines.
4. Save ArcMap project in the exercise directory.
5. Run RAS Geometry -> Layer Setup function and define loaded layers.
6. Inspect each of the added layers. Zoom in to see details of terrain and other
layers. Notice how sparse with the attributes the layers are. The following are
required attributes for each layer (they all have HydroID):
a. Banks nothing
Brushy Creek GeoRAS model development
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b. Flowpaths LineType
c. Land use N_value
d. River River and Reach
e. Cross-section cut lines nothing
7. Check out the NodeName attribute in the cut line feature class. It is populated
for only few cross-sections. These cross-sections are the flow exchange
locations where discharges computed in GeoHMS will be applied to the
computations in RAS. These are usually the junctions in the HMS model (that is
why they are all prefixed by J). The value in that field is the name of the
GeoHMS element whose discharge will be used for flow definitions in the stead
and unsteady flows. Few other cross-sections also have node name populated
these are other important nodes that might be used to define boundary
8. Run the following functions from the RAS Geometry -> Stream Centerline
Attributes menu:
a. Topology
b. Length/Stations
c. (do not run Elevations function)
d. Check the structure of River feature class.
9. Run from the RAS Geometry menu all the functions in the XS Cut Line
Attributes menu including the Elevations function. After each function, check
the structure of the cross-section feature class. (Close the table between
running the functions as having the table open slows somewhat the execution of
the function).
a. (or, if you are lazy, just run the All function to execute all the
functions in that menu)
10.Run from the RAS Geometry menu the Mannings N Values -> Create LUManning Table function. Accept defaults in the form. Check the structure of the
LUManning table. The N_Value field is empty. It is up to the user to enter the
appropriate N values for each of the land use categories. NOTE. This function is
useful if you have a land use layer for which you do not have the n values
defined. The created table helps in defining which land use types are in the land
use layer and provides the place to enter associated n values. If the land use
layer already has a field with n values, this function/operation is not needed.
a. Calculate the N_Value to 0.045.
11.Run from the RAS Geometry menu the Mannings N Values -> Extract N Values
function. For Select Manning Option select Table of Manning Values and
specify LUCode from the from the pull down list for Landuse Field. Check the
structure of the resulting Manning table. Notice the use of XS2DID field (HydroID
of the cross-section) as the link between the cross-section and the table.
12.(Do not run this part if you run 10 and 11). Run from the RAS Geometry menu
the Mannings N Values -> Extract N Values function. For Select Manning
Option select Manning Values in Landuse Layer and specify N_value from the
pull down list (unless you modified the LUManning table defined in the previous
step). Check the structure of the resulting Manning table. Notice the use of
XS2DID field (HydroID of the cross-section) as the link between the cross-section
and the table.
13.Run from the RAS Geometry menu the Export RAS Data function. Note the
name and directory of the output file(s) that will be generated (you can specify
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location and name of the output file). Inspect using notepad each of the three
generated files (*.sdf, *.xml, and GIS2RASTmpFile.xml).
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The overall peak flow at the junction occurred at 13:45 (although this does not
match peak flow timings for all the inflow components into the junction). The flows
from element W1300 and R520 (South Brushy Cr.) are combined and will be design
flow for southern branch and flows for elements W1290 and R550 are combined for
the northern branch (main branch). The values are:
These flows are unrealistic and have to be adjusted for impact of the dams in the
system. As an initial estimate, 1/3 of the HMS model results were used as the input
into the RAS model.
Alternative flows Hermine with dams
Flows for Hermine event based on HMS model with the 8 reservoirs produces
dramatically lower flows. These flows are used for the analysis .
Qs = 2,500 cfs.
Qn = 16,300 cfs.
For the downstream boundary condition, normal depth (slope = 0.008) is used since
Walsh Dr. road is not in the DEM and it does not show as a weir but rather a
regular cross-section. (It would be possible to add a structure in RAS at that
location and rerun the analysis and see the difference).
1. Start steady flow data editor (Edit -> Steady Flow Data ).
2. The default flow boundary conditions for subcritical flow will be displayed (most
upstream cross-section in each reach). For each, enter the appropriate flows:
i. River = Brushy, Reach=Upper, RS=2840, PF 1=16,300.
ii. River = Brushy, Reach=Lower, RS=945.4837, PF 1=18,800.
iii. River = South Brushy, Reach= Lower, RS=1440, PF 1=2,500.
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3. Click on the Reach Boundary Conditions button. Once the Steady Flow
Boundary Conditions form opens you will notice that there are three locations
boundary conditions. Since we are modeling subcritical flow, we need to define
the downstream boundary condition. For the two upper reaches, they are the
condition at the confluence. For the most downstream reach, you have to
specify what it is. We will set it to the normal depth (other alternatives can be
i. Click on the empty Downstream form and click on Normal Depth
ii. Enter 0.08 as the downstream slope for normal depth and click OK twice
to set up the boundary conditions.
4. Save flow data (File -> Save Flow Data), provide name for it, and close the
Steady Flow Data form.
Defining and running RAS steady-state analysis
1. Start steady flow analysis editor (Run -> Steady Flow Analysis ).
i. Define a new plan (File -> New Plan).
1. Specify the title for the plan
2. Specify the short plan identifier (do not start with a number or a
funny character, and do not have spaces).
ii. If you want to map velocities, click on Options and select Flow
Distribution Locations .
1. Specify value of 15 sub-sections for LOB, Channel, and ROB in the
Set Global SubSections portion of the form (there can be at most
45 sub-sections total).
2. Click on OK to accept the changes.
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iv. If there are any, review the error list generated by RAS and fix any
problems. Save any changes you make. Rerun the analysis and do any
additional fixes if need be.
v. During the run, any warnings will be presented in the computation
message portion of the form. Review any of the entries there and see if
any changes need to be made to the model.
vi. Click on Close button to exit the hydraulic computation form.
vii. Close the Steady Flow Analysis form.
viii. Save the RAS project.
Review RAS results using any/all RAS result viewing tools.
Make any changes to the model if necessary and rerun the analysis. Repeat the
process until final results are obtained. Evaluate RAS and HMS results for
consistency. Update the models if necessary.
Save the RAS project.
Open the GIS Export form (File -> Export GIS Data).
i. Specify the location and name of the export (*.RASexport.sdf) file.
ii. Select the profile(s) to export (make sure you click on the desired profile).
iii. Pick which geometry data export options you want (select all of them).
The final form should look like the following figure.
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iv. If you have selected to map velocities, check Export Velocity Distribution
and Bank Stations options.
v. Click on Export Data.
6. Save and close HEC-RAS.
7. Review the RAS export sdf file.
i. Can you tell the difference from the import .sdf file format?
GeoRAS Post-processing
This section covers most of the exercise 11 in the H&H class materials.
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vi. The completed form should look like the following figure.
vii. Click on OK. A new data frame will be created with the name matching
the name of the analysis, with the specified terrain dataset loaded in it.
The actual import of the data has not been performed yet. (The terrain is
turned off by default, so the new data frame will appear empty).
4. Save the project.
5. Import GIS data (RAS Mapping -> Import RAS Data). The process might take
few minutes depending on the complexity of the results. During the process,
several informative messages will be displayed in the form.
6. Depending on the data that were exported from RAS, two or more feature
classes will be created. At least the XS Cut Lines and Bounding Polygon feature
classes as well as the Profile Definition tables will be created. Additional feature
classes will be created if exported from RAS.
i. Explore the created dataset.
1. Review XS Cut Lines feature class and identify the attributes with
water surface elevations calculated by RAS.
a. Check if there are any interpolated cross-sections. If there
are, carefully review their location and if necessary, add
those cross-sections in the pre-processing and redo the
export (basically replacing the interpolated cross-sections
with ones extracted from terrain.
2. Review the bounding polygon feature class.
3. Review other feature classes if available.
Defining floodplain
1. Create water surface TIN (water surface bound only by the extent of the
bounding polygon) by running Water Surface Generation function (from RAS
Mapping -> Inundation Mapping menu).
Brushy Creek GeoRAS model development
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a. Select one or several profiles for which to create the water surface TIN. In
our case there will be just one profile.
b. Check Draw Output Layers if you want to display the TIN (you might not
want to do that if you select many profiles to generate at one time).
c. Select other options for smoothing and merging floodplain polygons
(normally, keep these options unchecked).
2. Generate floodplain and water depth (by running RAS Mapping -> Inundation
Mapping -> Floodplain Delineation Using Rasters function).
a. Select one or several profiles for which to create the floodplain extent
(depth grid will be created automatically). Only those profiles processed
in step one will be available for processing.
b. Check Draw Output Layers if you want to display the output layers.
c. Check Smooth Floodplain Delineation if you want to smooth the output
floodplain polygon (but you should not do that in the initially).
d. For each selected profile, a depth grid and a floodplain polygon feature
class will be created.
3. Review the results. Relate the floodplain shape and behavior to the assumptions
of 1-D flow in RAS. Pay special attention to the following:
a. Where floodplain polygon extends all the way to the bounding polygon.
This might indicate locations where cross-sections were not defined wide
b. Where there is a break in floodplain polygon. This might indicate that
cross-sections were not placed close enough.
c. Where there are isolated flooded areas (either on the cross-section or not).
This might indicate isolated areas that should not be included as the flow
contributing areas.
d. Where there are flares in the floodplain.
e. Where flow path lines (used to determine distances between crosssections) are not within the floodplain.
f. If water surface extent points are not on the floodplain boundary.
g. Other unusual floodplain features.
4. If necessary modify RAS or GeoRAS models and redo the analysis until
satisfactory results are obtained.
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Velocity mapping
1. Create velocity distribution within the flooded area by running Velocity Mapping
function (from RAS Mapping menu).
a. Select one or several profiles for which to create the velocity distribution.
b. Check Draw Output Layers if you want to display the grid (you might not
want to do that if you select many profiles to generate at one time).
c. For each selected profile, a velocity grid will be created.
2. Review the results.
a. Identify areas where both velocity and depths are high.
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