Christaquilts Beaded Lanterns DPP
Christaquilts Beaded Lanterns DPP
Christaquilts Beaded Lanterns DPP
a design by
Shop owners are welcome to use this pattern for kits, instructors
are welcome to teach classes from it, and quilt makers are welcome
to make a quilt for any purpose they wish. All I ask in return is
design credit and attribution to Christa Quilts. I recommend reading
the entire pattern through before beginning. I prefer to sew with
a shorter stitch length and press seams open to reduce bulk
and allow the quilt top to lie flat for domestic machine quilting.
However, you can also press seams as indicated by the arrows in
each diagram. Quarter inch seams are used throughout.
Beaded Lanterns is made from two
simple blocks constructed from 2 ½"
strips. Each half of the Lantern block
is pieced from the same fabric strip,
but you can use more fabrics if you 6" x 6" Finished
desire a scrappier look. The blocks Square Block
are set in a half drop repeat and the
design floats with the help of borders that match the
background fabric. The secret to success is to choose 6" x 12" Finished
a background fabric that will contrast well with the Lantern Block
Lantern blocks.
Organizing Tip
Keep like fabrics together, and set aside one of the squares for the
smaller blocks. For faster cutting, keep the strips folded and stack
two strips so you’re cutting four layers at a time.
Step 2
Join the rows to make a
6 ½" x 6 ½" half lantern unit.
Make two matching half-
lantern units from the same
Step 3
Sew the half-lantern units
together to make a 6 ½" x Make 36.
12 ½" Lantern block, including seam allowances. Repeat steps 1 and
2 to make a total of 36 Lantern blocks.
Step 2
Sew two gray 2 ½" x 6 ½"
rectangles to both sides of
one unit to make a Square
block that measures 6 ½" x 6
½" including seam allowances.
Make 36.
Repeat to make 36 blocks.
Step 1
On a design wall or other large surface, lay out all 36 Lantern
blocks, alternating them with the 36 Square blocks according to the
Quilt Top Assembly diagram. Lay out the blocks in 9 vertical rows of
8 blocks each.
Step 2
Sew the blocks together into vertical rows. The odd-numbered
rows will start with Lantern blocks and end with Square blocks.
The even-numbered rows will start with Square blocks and end
with Lantern blocks.
Step 3
Sew the rows together to complete the quilt top. The quilt top
should measure 54 ½" x 72 ½" unfinished, before adding borders. If
your quilt top is a different measurement, adjust the lengths in step
4 below to fit.
Step 4
Sew border strips
together on their +
short ends to create
one long continuous
Sew borders to
either side of the +
quilt top and press.
Sew borders to the top and bottom of the quilt top and press.
Layer and baste the quilt using your favorite method. Quilt as
desired or see the suggested quilting plan below.
Step 1
Stitch in the ditch along both
sides of each vertical row of
blocks. Use a thread color to
match the background fabric.
Step 2
Echo the ditch about ¼" to
½" away from the first line of
stitching, using the edge of
your foot as a guide.
Step 3
Free-motion quilt pebbles, or
another textured design in
all of the background areas
between the blocks with the
same matching thread as the
ditching and echoing.
Step 4
Free-motion quilt a wishbone/
cursive L design from top to
bottom through each vertical
row of lantern blocks. Expand
or contract the loops to fit the
space. Use a thread color that
will blend with most of the
print fabrics.
Use the leftover gray strips to make a double fold binding, and then
attach binding to the quilt as desired. See my step-by-step binding
tutorial at
Visit for basting and binding tutorials plus machine quilting tips.
Questions or comments? Please email [email protected]. I’d love to see your
progress. Share on Instragram with #beadedlanternsquilt
Cover quilt designed, pieced and quilted by Christa Watson. © Christa Quilts 2018. All rights reserved. Graphic
design by Lindsie Bergevin,
Finished Quilt 62" x 80"
Blocks 36 strips: 2 ½" x 42"
of colorful prints
(Approx. 3 yds. total)
Background 40 strips: 2 ½" x 42"
& Binding of gray (3 yds. total)
Borders 1 yard matching gray
Backing 5 yards
coordinating print
Batting 70" x 86"
Alternate Colorway:
Dark Grey Background