OD Intervention
OD Intervention
OD Intervention
Organization Development
Organization Development (OD) interventions techniques are the methods created
by OD professionals and others. Single organization or consultant cannot use all the
interventions. They use these interventions depending upon the need or
requirement. The most important interventions are,
1. Survey feedback
2. Process Consultation
3. sensitivity Training
4. The Managerial grid
5. Goal setting and Planning
6. Team Building and management by objectives
7. Job enrichment, changes in organizational structure and participative
management and Quality circles, ISO, TQM
Goal setting and planning : Each division in an organization sets the goals or
formulates the plans for profitability. These goals are sent to the top management
which in turn sends them back to the divisions after modification . A set of
organization goals thus emerge there after.
MBO is a process by which managers at different levels and their subordinates work
together in identifying goals and establishing objectives consistent with
Organizational goals and attaining them.
Job enrichment is currently practiced all over the world. It is based on the
assumption in order to motivate workers, job itself must provide opportunities for
achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement and growth. The basic idea
is to restore to jobs the elements of interest that were taken away. In a job
enrichment program the worker decides how the job is performed, planned and
controlled and makes more decisions concerning the entire process.
These kinds of intervention can be used in various settings depending on the need of the
Survey feedback intervention provides data and information to all the managers. Information
related to the attitude, structure, working conditions will be included in the survey. Managers
analyze the data pertaining to each and every employee and takes appropriate action. They try to
analyze the problem, evaluate the result and correct the problem.
On the other hand, along the consultation process, the consultant meets all departments, work
teams, and observes the interaction and skill levels of those working in those areas. Goal setting
and planning goals are important for the overall strategic plans for the profitability of the
organization. Managerial grid identifies management behavior on different ways. It looks into
production-oriented factors as well as the employee-oriented factors and combines them to
interact with each other. It also gives the structural view of the laboratory training. Managerial
grid interventions also relate to the leadership skills.
The growth of any organization pulls its peoples to change their thinking toward organizational
development interventions. People with planned and changed interventions can grow in
organizations. An intervention forms the front view of any developed organization. So it is
important to follow and implement creative interventions.
Diagnosis: The first step involves diagnosis of the present situation. Change agents collect the
required information through interviews, questionnaires, internal documents, records, and
reports. Usually, a diagnostic strategy is developed using two or more methods of data
collection after their respective strengths and weaknesses have been considered.