OD Intervention

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Organization development (OD) is a planned, organization-wide effort to increase an

organization's effectiveness and viability. Warren Bennis has referred to OD as a response to
change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and
structure of organization so that they can better adapt to new technologies, marketing and
challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself. OD is neither "anything done to better an
organization" nor is it "the training function of the organization"; it is a particular kind of change
process designed to bring about a particular kind of end result. OD can involve interventions in
the organization's "processes," using behavioural science knowledge[1] as well as organizational
reflection, system improvement, planning, and self-analysis.

Organization Development Interventions

Organization Development
Organization Development (OD) interventions techniques are the methods created
by OD professionals and others. Single organization or consultant cannot use all the
interventions. They use these interventions depending upon the need or
requirement. The most important interventions are,

1. Survey feedback
2. Process Consultation
3. sensitivity Training
4. The Managerial grid
5. Goal setting and Planning
6. Team Building and management by objectives
7. Job enrichment, changes in organizational structure and participative
management and Quality circles, ISO, TQM

Survey feedback: The intervention provides data and information to the

managers. Information on Attitudes of employees about wage level, and structure,
hours of work, working conditions and relations are collected and the results are
supplied to the top executive teams. They analyse the data, find out the problem,
evaluate the results and develop the means to correct the problems identified. The
team are formed with the employees at all levels in the organization hierarchy i.e,
from the rank and file to the top level.

Process Consultation : The process consultant meets the members of the

department and work teams observes thie interaction, problem identification skills,
solving procedures et. He feeds back the team eith the information collected
through observations, coaches and counsels individuals & groups in moulding their

Goal setting and planning : Each division in an organization sets the goals or
formulates the plans for profitability. These goals are sent to the top management
which in turn sends them back to the divisions after modification . A set of
organization goals thus emerge there after.

Managerial grid: This identifies a range of management behavior based on the

different ways that how production/service oriented and employee oriented states
interact with each other. Managerial grid is also called as instrumental laboratory
training as it is a structured version of laboratory training. It consists of individual
and group exercises with a view to developing awareness of individual managerial
style interpersonal competence and group effeciveness. Thus grid training is related
to the leadership styles. The managerial grid focuses on the observations of
behaviour in exercises specifically related to work. Participants in this training are
encouraged and helped to appraise their own managerial style.

There are 6 phases in grid OD:

First phase is concerned with studying the grid as a theoretical knowledge to
understand the human behavior in the Organization.
Second phase is concerned with team work development. A seminar helps the
members in developing each member’s perception and the insight into the problems
faced by various members on the job.
Third phase is inter group development. This phase aims at developing the
relationships between different departments
Fourth phase is concerned with the creation of a strategic model for the
organization where Chief Executives and their immediate subordinates participate in
this activity.

Fifth phase is concerned with implementation of strategic model.. Planning teams

are formed for each department to know the available resources, required
resources, procuring them if required and implementing the model Sixth Phase is
concerned with the critical evaluation of the model and making necessary
adjustment for successful implementation.

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a successful philosophy of management. It

replaces the traditional philosophy of “Management by Domination”. MBO led to a
systematic Goal setting and Planning. Peter Drucker the eminent management Guru
in 1959 has first propagated the philosophy since then it has become a movement.

MBO is a process by which managers at different levels and their subordinates work
together in identifying goals and establishing objectives consistent with
Organizational goals and attaining them.

Team building is an application of various techniques of Sensitivity training to the

actual work groups in various departments. These work groups consist of peers and
a supervisor.
Sensitivity training is called a laboratory as it is conducted by creating an
experimental laboratory situation in which employees are brought together. The
Team building technique and training is designed to improve the ability of the
employees to work together as teams.

Job enrichment is currently practiced all over the world. It is based on the
assumption in order to motivate workers, job itself must provide opportunities for
achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement and growth. The basic idea
is to restore to jobs the elements of interest that were taken away. In a job
enrichment program the worker decides how the job is performed, planned and
controlled and makes more decisions concerning the entire process.


Organizational development interventions refer to the techniques (methods) created by OD

professionals, coaches and mentors to help solve the pressing problems of organizations who
seek their services. A single organizational consultant cannot use all the interventions available
in his arsenal. It is always preferable to use interventions when the need arises. This therefore
calls for an effective understanding of the organization, its needs and the problems it is facing so
as to make sure that the right intervention tools solve the right kinds of problems.

The following are the different kinds of organizational development interventions:

• Sensitivity training
• Survey feedback
• development discussion
• Goal setting and planning
• Team building and management objective.
• Managerial grid
• Job enrichment, participative management and quality circles.
• Process consultation intervention
• Inter-group Team-Building Interventions
• Third-Party Peacemaking Interventions
• Structural Interventions

These kinds of intervention can be used in various settings depending on the need of the
Survey feedback intervention provides data and information to all the managers. Information
related to the attitude, structure, working conditions will be included in the survey. Managers
analyze the data pertaining to each and every employee and takes appropriate action. They try to
analyze the problem, evaluate the result and correct the problem.

On the other hand, along the consultation process, the consultant meets all departments, work
teams, and observes the interaction and skill levels of those working in those areas. Goal setting
and planning goals are important for the overall strategic plans for the profitability of the
organization. Managerial grid identifies management behavior on different ways. It looks into
production-oriented factors as well as the employee-oriented factors and combines them to
interact with each other. It also gives the structural view of the laboratory training. Managerial
grid interventions also relate to the leadership skills.

The growth of any organization pulls its peoples to change their thinking toward organizational
development interventions. People with planned and changed interventions can grow in
organizations. An intervention forms the front view of any developed organization. So it is
important to follow and implement creative interventions.

In implementing OD interventions, it is important to apply criteria to goals, experiment with

alternative arrangements, establish inter unit task force, and identify key communicators and fire-
able offenses.
An intervention forms the appropriate relationship between strategy and organizational
development. So a development model is required to reflect the human resource, management
and structure to build the organizational development intervention. At last an intervention makes
a way for the effective business development with lots of competition.


Organizational development is a systematic, integrated and planned approach to improving the

effectiveness. Organizational development can be defined as top managements supported long-
term effort to improve an organization’s problem-solving and renewal process, through an
effective and collaborative diagnosis and management of organization culture. In other words,
organizational development is a change effort that is planned, focused on an entire organization
or a large subsystem, aimed at enhancing organizational effectiveness, and based on planned
interventions made with the help of a change agent or third party who is well versed in
behavioral sciences.

Objectives of Organizational Development:

As objectives of organizational development are framed keeping in view specific situations, they
vary from one situation to another. In other words, these programs are tailored to meet the
requirements of a particular situation. But broadly speaking, all organizational development
programs try to achieve the following objectives:

 Making individuals in the organization aware of the vision of

the organization. Organizational development helps in
making employees align with the vision of the organization.
 Encouraging employees to solve problems instead of
avoiding them.
 Strengthening inter-personnel trust, cooperation, and
communication for the successful achievement of
organizational goals.
 Encourage every individual to participate in the process of
planning, thus making them feel responsible for the
implementation of the plan.
 Creating a work atmosphere in which employees are
encouraged to work and participate enthusiastically.
 Replacing formal lines of authority with personal knowledge
and skill.
 Creating an environment of trust so that employees willingly
accept change.

According to organizational development thinking, organization development provides

managers with a vehicle for introducing change systematically by applying a broad selection of
management techniques. This, in turn, leads to greater personal, group, and organizational

Organizational Development Process:

The organizational development process consists of three major steps: diagnosis, intervention
and evaluation. These steps are similar with the planned change process, since organizational
development is actually a specialized type of change effort. An organizational development
process is most likely to be initiated when top management believes that there are deficiencies
in the way the overall organization is functioning.

Diagnosis: The first step involves diagnosis of the present situation. Change agents collect the
required information through interviews, questionnaires, internal documents, records, and
reports. Usually, a diagnostic strategy is developed using two or more methods of data
collection after their respective strengths and weaknesses have been considered.

Intervention: After the situation is diagnosed, organizational development interventions or

change strategies can be designed and implemented with the help of a change agent. Some of
the organizational development intervention techniques are:

 Process consultation: This is concerned with interpersonal relations and functioning of

work groups. The organizational development change agent observes the group and gives
feedback regarding dysfunctions in areas of decision making, handling conflicts, and
communication patterns.
 Team building: This technique is used to help work groups become effective in
performing their tasks. The organizational development consultant helps in assessing group
tasks, member roles, and strategies for accomplishing work tasks.
 Third-party intervention: Here, organizational development consultants help the
parties concerned to resolve their differences through techniques like problem solving and
 Survey Feedback: In survey feedback, data gathered through survey questionnaires
and personal interviews are analyzed, tabulated into understandable form and shared with
those who first supplied the information. Survey feedback lets people know where they stand in
relation to others on important organizational issues thus helping them resolve conflicts in a
constructive manner. Effective feedback should be relevant, understandable, descriptive,
verifiable, and inspiring.
 Techno structural activities: This technique is used to improve work technology and
organization structure. It is intended to help employees evaluate themselves and to make
appropriate changes in task design, work methods, and organization structure.
 Skill development: This technique is used to help employees identify their
shortcomings and overcome their deficiencies. It is used to improve performance in areas such
as delegation, problem solving conflict resolution, and leading.

Evaluation: Since organizational development is directed towards long-term change,

organizational development programs have to be monitored on a regular basis. An accurate
evaluation of organizational development interventions is dependent on the accurate diagnosis
of the current situation and the clear identification of the desired results.

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