Robot Excavator
Robot Excavator
Robot Excavator
Abstract. Excavators are used for the rapid removal of soil and other materials in mines, quarries, and construction sites.
The automation of these machines offers promise for increasing productivity and improving safety. To date, most research
in this area has focussed on selected parts of the problem. In this paper, we present a system that completely automates the
truck loading task. The excavator uses two scanning laser rangefinders to recognize and localize the truck, measure the soil
face, and detect obstacles. The excavators software decides where to dig in the soil, where to dump in the truck, and how to
quickly move between these points while detecting and stopping for obstacles. The system was fully implemented and was
demonstrated to load trucks as fast as human operators.
Keywords: autonomous excavation, robotic excavator, integrated robotic system, laser rangefinder, software architecture,
manipulator, dig planning
left sensor right sensor
Truck interface interface
4. Software Subsystem
Return Threshold
The software subsystem consists of several software mod-
ules that process sensor data, recognize the truck, select
Target range (w/last pulse) (w/trailing edge) digging and dumping locations, move the excavators
joints, and guard against collision. In this section, the algo-
Figure 7. Trailing edge detection of target when target is rithms employed by key software modules in the software
obscured in dust cloud. architecture are described.
There is, however, a limitation to last-pulse rangefind-
ing. When the target is within the dust cloud, the receiver 4.1. Truck Recognition
electronics can have difficulty separating the dust and tar-
get returns (see Figure 7). We have built a second dust pen- In order to properly load a truck, an excavator operator
etrating scanner system that identifies that target by must verify that it is a loadable vehicle, determine its loca-
locating the trailing edge of the last return signal as is tion, and determine its dimensions. This information is es-
shown in Figure 7. Like the last pulse system, this device is sential for calculating a loading strategy and for planning
also robust to occlusions on the exit window making it ide- the sequence of joint motions that implements this strategy.
In some scenarios, such as surface mining, the loaders are matches. At each level in the tree, constraints are used to
serviced by a mine-owned fleet of haulage trucks. An auto- prune the search and to check for consistency with previ-
mated system could acquire this information by equipping ously hypothesized matches. The interpretation that match-
each truck with a global positioning system (GPS) sensor es most of the model regions and survives the verification
and an identification transponder. However, in other sce- stage is selected as the correct one. In order for the truck
narios such as highway construction, the loaders are ser- recognizer to recognize a class of truck models rather than
viced by a variety of independently-owned, on-highway just a single model, the model in Figure 10 uses parameter
trucks of varying dimensions, so equipping each and every ranges rather than single parameter values. Ranges are used
truck with such sensors could be infeasible. For such sce- on the sizes of the planar regions in the model, the locations
narios, an automated system could acquire the necessary of their centroids relative to each other, and the angles be-
information using rangefinder data. tween the planes. These parameter ranges are checked for
consistency at every level in the interpretation process to
prune the search. This specification allows the truck recog-
nizer to identify trucks of varying sizes and truck bed
For each complete interpretation (i.e. an attempt to match
all model regions to scene regions), the truck recognizer
performs a verification. The verification consists of finer-
grained consistency checking of truck parameters, and the
identification of the four corner points in the sensor data
that define the opening of the truck bed. For the selected in-
terpretation, the corner points are used to calculate the po-
sition and orientation of the truck bed. This information is
Figure 9. Raw range data of a truck. passed to other modules in the system for producing a
dumping strategy. Figure 10 shows the model matched to
the planar regions segmented from the raw sensor data.
Figure 11. Coarse to fine planning strategy. Digs