Outcomes Pre-Int VocabBuilder Unit4
Outcomes Pre-Int VocabBuilder Unit4
Outcomes Pre-Int VocabBuilder Unit4
Pages 34–35 option /ˈɒpʃ(ə)n/ Noun
an option is something that you can choose
choice /tʃɔɪs/ Noun
they don’t have any vegetarian options | there are
if there is a choice, you can choose between different
several different options | we have two options – we can
walk or go by bus | this looks like the best option | let’s
Collocates: a choice of something | have no choice just go for the cheapest option | his only option was to
the food is OK, but there isn’t much choice | there’s a have an operation
choice of three desserts | it wouldn’t be my first choice Adjective: optional
of hotels (not the one I prefer) | all the other tables were
voting is optional (you don’t have to vote if you don’t
reserved so we had no choice
want to) | a digital radio is an optional extra (you don’t
Verb: choose have to have it)
I think you chose an excellent film | have you chosen
what dish you’re going to order? portion /ˈpɔː(r)ʃ(ə)n/ Noun
a portion of food is an amount that is served to one
complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ Verb person at a meal
if you complain about something, you say that there is Collocates: a portion of something
something wrong and that you are not satisfied with it
it was quite expensive and the portions were very small |
Collocates: complain about something | complain to the portions there are very generous | you need two
someone | complain that slices of chicken per portion | I ordered a sandwich and
when I complained, the waiter was quite rude | you a portion of chips
should complain to the manager | I complained because
my food was cold | customers complained that the prices programme /ˈprəʊɡræm/ Noun
were too high a programme is an individual broadcast on radio or
Noun: complaint
I don’t really like cookery programmes | there was a
Collocates: make a complaint
really interesting programme on BBC1 last night | she
there have been a lot of complaints about noise coming makes documentary programmes for the radio | there
from the club | I’d like to make a complaint (to complain are lots of TV programmes about cooking
about something)
properly /ˈprɒpə(r)li/ Adverb
cookery /ˈkʊk(ə)ri/ Noun uncount if you do something properly, you do it well or in the
cookery is the activity of preparing and cooking food correct way
Collocates: a cookery programme | a cookery class the fish wasn’t cooked properly | my phone isn’t working
I don’t really like cookery programmes | a cookery book | properly | in judo, you need to know how to fall properly
he opened a cookery school in Cirencester | the machine isn’t working properly | he’s not properly
delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ Adjective
food that is delicious tastes or smells very nice Adjective: proper
the dessert was delicious | that was a delicious meal he’s a proper cook – he works in a very good restaurant
| thank you – that was delicious | a delicious smell of recipe /ˈresəpi/ Noun
chocolate cake was coming from the kitchen a recipe is a set of instructions for making a particular
disgusting /dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/ Adjective dish
something that is disgusting is horrible and makes you Collocates: a recipe for something | follow a recipe
feel sick have you ever tried any of Jamie Oliver’s recipes? | this
the food was disgusting | what’s that disgusting smell? | pie is delicious – you must give me the recipe | I didn’t
that fish smells disgusting | smoking is a disgusting habit | follow the recipe properly, and it came out all soft on
that’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard the outside | I get all my recipes online now | a recipe for
tomato soup
grilled /ɡrɪld/ Adjective
grilled food has been cooked under very strong heat rude /ruːd/ Adjective
we had some amazing grilled meat last night | do you if someone is rude, they speak or behave in a way that is
want your steak fried or grilled? | grilled food is healthier not polite and which might upset people
for you than fried food when I complained, the waiter was quite rude | I’m sorry –
Verb: grill | Noun: grill I didn’t mean to be rude | they are such rude children
| he was extremely rude to his aunt | the man who
I prefer to grill my burgers | put them under the grill for a answered the phone was incredibly rude | it’s rude to
few minutes point at people
Adverb: rudely could we have a cloth, please? | wipe the table with a
he pushed past her rudely and took the last seat damp cloth (one that is slightly wet)
you’re lucky you still have your health (that you are still proper /ˈprɒpə(r)/ Adjective
well and fit) | she was in very good health | I’ve been something that is proper is correct, and is exactly how it
in poor health recently | he had to retire because of ill is meant to be
health | her health soon improved once the weather was you should eat a proper meal, not this fast food | my
warmer father always said that being a musician isn’t a proper
Adjective: healthy job | you need to do a proper search of the house | the
I won’t mind getting old so long as I stay healthy | he’s proper way to carry them is like this | make sure he gets
always been healthy and active | a healthy diet (food proper medical treatment
that will help you stay healthy) | Adverb: properly
the fish wasn’t cooked properly | my phone isn’t working
include /ɪnˈkluːd/ Verb
if one thing includes another, the second thing is a part
of the first thing secret /ˈsiːkrət/ Noun
breakfast includes tea or strong coffee among other a secret is something that not very many people know
things | the price includes flight, hotel, and all meals | about because people do not talk about it
the injured people included a number of children | Collocates: keep a secret
club members typically include doctors, teachers,
many Bulgarians believe that the secret behind their
and accountants | the concert included two pieces by
long life is their yoghurt | I can’t tell you any more – it’s a
secret | shall I tell you a secret? | can you keep a secret?
lifestyle /ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/ Noun (not tell anyone) | I finally discovered his secret
someone’s lifestyle is the way they live, the things they Adjective: secret
do for work and pleasure, the way they spend their there’s a secret door into the garden | this information is
money, etc. top secret (a very important secret)
Collocates: a healthy lifestyle | a simple lifestyle | an
active lifestyle serve /sɜː(r)v/ Verb
when you serve food, you give it to someone on a
people’s lifestyles are too busy these days | we lived
plate ready for them to eat. When food is served in a
a simple lifestyle out in the country | his lifestyle
restaurant, someone brings it to you
hasn’t changed since he got his new job | our job is to
encourage a healthy lifestyle for our customers it’s usually served with chips and peas | salad is served
as a side dish | I’m going to serve the soup with home-
link /lɪŋk/ Verb made bread | we were served by a very polite waiter
if one thing is linked to another, or if two things are
linked, there is a strong connection between them snack /snæk/ Noun
a snack is a small amount of food that people eat that is
Collocates: link something to something
not part of their regular meals
cigarettes are strongly linked to cancer | coffee has
Collocates: have a snack
been linked to other health problems | the two facts are
directly linked do you eat any snacks between meals? | don’t eat too
many salty snacks | frequent sugary snacks do a lot of
Noun: link
damage to teeth | fruit is a good snack food | I had a
Collocates: a link between things snack on the way home | a snack bar (place where they
the police have discovered a link between the two cases sell snack food)
| the link between smoking and cancer Verb: snack
mixture /ˈmɪkstʃə(r)/ Noun Collocates: snack on something
a mixture of different things is a lot of them all together take water and something to snack on
Collocates: a mixture of something
space /speɪs/ Noun uncount
a mixture of fried rice and black beans | a strange space is the area up in the sky and beyond, where the
mixture of old and modern paintings | a mixture of moon and stars are. A space station is a small building in
different musical styles | bread is basically a mixture of space
flour and water that is then baked | stir the mixture of oil
the first Korean astronaut took special kimchi with him
and vinegar for a minute
to the international space station! | Yuri Gagarin was the
Verb: mix | Noun: mix first person in space | a journey into outer space (the
if you mix yellow and blue you get green | a mix of pop area very far away from the Earth) | reaching Mars will
and classical music be the next big thing in space exploration
EXERCISES Collocations
E Complete the sentences with the correct form of
Prepositions the verbs in the box.
A Complete the sentences with the correct keep pay complain make leave book
1 I ordered a medium portion chips. 1 You have to a table at that
2 Do you have a recipe chocolate cake?
2 Can you a secret?
3 Curry is too spicy me.
3 I a 20% tip.
4 My breakfast consists cereal and coffee.
4 One table about the service.
5 The fish is served chips or rice.
5 I forgot to the electricity bill.
6 The service charge is included the bill.
6 Excuse me. Can I a suggestion?
B Choose the correct preposition.
F Complete the missing adjectives. Look up the
1 The menu has a good choice in / of vegetarian food.
nouns if you need help.
2 You should complain for / about the prices.
1 All the desserts were d_ _ _ _ _ _ _s.
3 He refused their offer of / about lunch.
2 A tin of b_ _ _d beans.
4 I made a request of / for information about the
restaurant. 3 We left a g_ _ _ _ _ _s tip.
5 She put a jug of / with milk on the table. 4 Wipe the table with a d_ _ p cloth.
6 I began to experiment at / with different types 5 Let’s add some m_ _ _d herbs to the stew.
of cheese. 6 It’s important to have a h_ _ _ _ _y lifestyle.
G Which nouns do NOT collocate with the
Word families adjectives?
1 raw meat / fish / stone / egg
C Complete the expressions with the correct form
2 spicy sauce / link / food / curry
of the word in bold.
3 soft shell / pillow / fruit / potatoes
1 an excellent choice I think you
an excellent restaurant. 4 delicious smell / dessert / meal / terrace
2 fresh-roasted coffee Let’s some 5 rude waiter / meat / child / person
lamb for dinner.
3 a grilled fish You can fry it or Patterns
4 complain to the manager I’d like to make a H Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (to +
. infinitive or -ing). Look up the word in bold if you
5 book a table Do you have a need help.
, Sir? 1 My parents banned me from video
D Tick the words which are both a noun and a verb. games. (play)