Outcomes Elementary VocabularyBuilder Unit1 PDF
Outcomes Elementary VocabularyBuilder Unit1 PDF
Outcomes Elementary VocabularyBuilder Unit1 PDF
clothes /kləʊðz/ Noun plural what time do you get up? | I got up late this morning |
clothes are pieces of material such as shirts, jackets, and she got up at 6:30 | I hate getting up in the dark in
trousers that people wear winter | we get up late at weekends | I’ve got to get up
I enjoy buying new clothes | a clothes shop | I’m going early tomorrow
shopping for clothes | his clothes were old and dirty | my
go out /ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt/ Phrasal verb
wardrobe is full of clothes
if you go out somewhere, you go to somewhere like a
company /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/ Noun restaurant or cinema to have a nice time
a company is a business organisation do you want to go out? | we went out three times last
Microsoft is a big company | she runs a small company week | I can’t afford to go out tonight | let’s go out | they
in Paris | a company that employs 300 people | he left went out for a meal
the company after six years
go to bed /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed/ Phrase
department /dɪˈpɑː(r)tmənt/ Noun when you go to bed, you get into bed in order to sleep
a department is one of several parts that make up a for the night
large organisation when do you go to bed? | I went to bed at 11 last night
I work for a government department | the traffic | he was tired and decided to go to bed early | I don’t
department | the university science department | she’s want to go to bed yet | my dad wouldn’t go to bed until
the manager of the sales department after I came home
Prepositions Collocations
A Choose the correct preposition. E Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in the box. Look up the words in bold if
1 I’m going to stay at / in home tonight. you need help.
2 I’m very interested for / in music. commit do go be go
2 work
3 sea
4 relax
5 month
6 sleep