Computer Notes For Me-2
Computer Notes For Me-2
Computer Notes For Me-2
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packet 1s Selt t t praptl
Page No.:
4 What Cs chating
Ans Online teztual alk i called chetttha
1 Jha ts vedeo tonfesenun
Ans: A
tuwo wa Videophonc condessaBtion annong mlkiple
pastictpant called. vidio conkehenung
Pago No.:
6 Defn E-lecsning ?
Eleasning efes to bu leasning that take pla
a n ele tronically sumulated
Deftine Ebanking
thsough elettronic
Ans. Availng the banking sesvices
sung tntesnet t's -
called bankira
Defne E govesnana
Ans govesnane 8efesS t the appucction of electTonie
mo ns in govesnan te. utth an aum o ftulfiling
Lhe 3equisemenks o common may at afosdab
Cst and tn fa stest pocsible. time
Page No. TT
Scia Uhslkin9