Computer Notes For Me-2

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10 What Lsemail

Ans mail Electrenuc mail IS the mosE wtclely used

tctL tcol to end messages olectrwnucally on &
netwook. An emalk addLOLs has 2 Panb sepaiaktd
by t
by the symbol
aOh the bft sde of a ts the ugea name A us
nameCannothava blanks
b Doman mame for the seAves thu povtton to tho

the sAves oY netwo

Toht of cele nttfhe3
It somekimes also
ttol seRvtus yous emaul
Called e m a l Seane -
IS a
we web
UWe bahcta hos host Othev
webSi whiu
tweb Stle havinq
Ses Othe eb Srles
hyhelkinks l Many
isCalled yoho
Jndelnt bhoteS

Tcp CIAaninaiiicn Conlur phatoc

AitoniLle- fe dividin
h mo_sJage ine- packetS Gu
Caabutev (Senodel lamputei.
Fhe SaLhd
IL aVn_hesponiiLle
he Aeaived_ packets
ALa sembking
a t _ the destin aticn Camhutt niL

2 P Lnednetndotrt)-
Aesponsible uD haud lin the
addess o ole ctinaticmompdt
CAewiv lambuel)So hat auk
packet 1s Selt t t praptl
Page No.:

STP CSiple. Mal 1Aauso o e -

a Set' o Lo mmun CatiL
uide Dines hat aQlan Suftuas e
t anSm1t an mal
inlelnet rOTal1 Useo
Sond ine megoges ofhey
baseo on PmMa aoldreses
ol'3 CPost ufflte protoca 3)-
Most eLOnt VeysiaM
Standald byadoCe Pr
ou IE Is_a pYotoCe in ukich
is seived amd helol

sHTPHhl ext uanged proto{-

a n aCcess_ Motho USe
On ineine[Jt wrES Combingctia
wth HTTP _Apmsble
htth;/wwu. Chse hiC

HeHTTP5 Habe-kat lnei

LtIs a Versian _ HTTP work in

Page No.


SS LSetus Socket LayeY).

akesCade nsurin19
thatthe data Seuely Cve
The intevnetSeuiie and nCrybled
Cohnecticn betweAn eyue qnd bxue
t iS S Safe h a t hackoysS
Cannat- Sleal

Kemate Yoqin and le lLan eAHt

Telnet S intelntt
litythatlets Ya Outo
lembuele Syslenns
tingTelaftl ckient Stae)
SSH Seuie Sh otoce
Amate Yotoce
dhat koqs into Amde hachine
Aash S h e l
betw he C an
iv LnCTyhte4onekl into
TPtie aans rutacl)-
methad n m e
ewputte_ nhEY
Page No.

Twa owmpufeys iuvakd in n

Aange:p Sesue an np'client
SFTP Seune le engeHette)-
iaSe.tueAoca lle
Aan Slel and RnSuis_ Se cuity1
dal b Sed

Scp CSeuute Coty AAado co

ha allow 1les
bew LonV
Connecled machineS Ove inlejne
tALh the n Cuptom beness of
11)| What ls Se asch engune?
Arns: SAIch enqune ij a ¢0kam Bat seoRchis å
d dakabae Of webpags for paskiulasinfomatir

Whak is FTP2 (Fue Iransfes Pro bocol)9

Aus method for bransfesing sles from onecompul
t o anothes oves a nektwdk

18 hat ts uploadng and dounloadung

An eiess b taansjeg of les Prbm yous tomput
on to seves Downoading qefess trasfes of
{es fAom SeBves lo qoui ompuker. ak

4 What Cs chating
Ans Online teztual alk i called chetttha
1 Jha ts vedeo tonfesenun
Ans: A
tuwo wa Videophonc condessaBtion annong mlkiple
pastictpant called. vidio conkehenung
Pago No.:

6 Defn E-lecsning ?
Eleasning efes to bu leasning that take pla
a n ele tronically sumulated

Deftine Ebanking
thsough elettronic
Ans. Availng the banking sesvices
sung tntesnet t's -
called bankira

18) Desune E Shopptnq42 Bhe ínteAnek t

Ans The paocess skopping done bves
Called onlne ahoppng ove oPpu
Defnt Eneevahton?
Ans Makng 9ese3vatin o tuckek oa hotel gooms o
touist paikges ele thsough. intemit ii knoun a

Defne E govesnana
Ans govesnane 8efesS t the appucction of electTonie
mo ns in govesnan te. utth an aum o ftulfiling
Lhe 3equisemenks o common may at afosdab
Cst and tn fa stest pocsible. time
Page No. TT

(21 Dettine Roup

Ans E gioup fess o an onlne ommuntty whese
peoplo du'suuss em toats of comnAom intéyest
A mssage
mes saa ended en suih a dll'scuu SUOm knoor
age_poo Al the post ase Lsted togetheg on a
olu'scussCon boad' which ts viewabte to the all
the membess Qf the 2Oup
Page No.

Scia Uhslkin9

Socisu thwKins- 1S tte auin

of individuale nlo-
Sheciic auhl puh_nlin
mednsS hRougsA ocial 0 SHes
SocialNehiking SR 1S_4
Cwebsik_ hat phovides Venue
FoA e Sede thud Gchuiti
AiendS amd Lolleagues
Sha Ka iYest In
Daiula topic
aLetae bopK JwtHeswkatiap
Mobile echnatojes
SMS haat mesfo4 Seavite - wtA
a SmS yal n Senda mesfa
oo ChoactevS
Anutho mabile Most
Cel hunes
Page No.:

MMSMulima dieMeMing Suice)-

tis 4andd Way Seno
meSo ges hat incade mulhmedia
ConHtnto ano oM mobile phones
Wth an MMS yau an Stn
mesSagodhatan intule uaiouy thes
Of eda in it Sulh a picen
amth mch[le
3LTrdaenkvatian) The 1
vsed w h
SHands a9pne9eeSatin
mobile Jeuhnto 3 &herd aw
alawnloa dala Yate
38H ] S Undealhmal
A Some
4tourth Qeneygbon A 4a netuulk
fers olataats leost
oDmbS Ah19 Comwnun Catig
Ono t least Wou
LOMquA CAhon

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