Operating System Assignment 2
Operating System Assignment 2
Operating System Assignment 2
Opercung Syst.em. Concept
embeded. Os
EDefine embecked sustem anc. esplain
application twilh Rxample.
Applications o embeded.os
LCentaal beatinq System In o fonnance xoo,
Centaal beatinq Sustem taansfonm Ch.emica
n ergyinto eiectaicatheamal enez4.4 and hen
kaanSfex hat energu into heatuwhich 1S then
distaibuted hoought au buildinq 1be heamos tat
Conta ols which 0ze achieved.by an embeded
SuSt.em. 0ze Cltical foa these Systemso
chanae he tempoatobe iana
2bplan aeal-time opeaatinq Sustems Its
and applicationS basecd On RTaS
3Summentoic MutipdoceSSinaCSmP)-Tt 1S
0n RTOS Can
multiple ditesenrt tasksth.at
bandle inoade to pesfoam poaaallel paocessing-
Ppplicaliong ol TTOS
Industaial application-Real ume Sustem. baS a
uast anc paomiDentt ole i0 mod esf industales
Sustems axe made real lime based. So that
maxium and. Occu&ate Output Ca0be
obtainec. To oader to Such things 3eal-Lime
SystemSaae used in maximum ndustzial
02aanlz ationS
3 Define teams
a)Nano Kesnel- Nano-Le8Dals i`a, ueay.Smal
Omouctof Keaneb code xecutinq 0 haaklwase
Pbstaaction lauex s he lowest ayer of he
keanalNano Kexneel paouides al SexviceS
walu includi0.qmost basic like inttaaupet
Contoolle os time todeuice daiveS and aeapuiten
OtMemozy Aven Smallex than a, micaokeanel
andd pheSe
TwoLhingS paesent beae toladency clock
where he phaSe iS delated to Sustem counte
oFSetand. iaeayvency ael.cet.ec. to cucle
For Educalional Use Qnly
Page No. t
Topic Dato.
2 seemptne Keanels - Nopaeemptive
dsallow peamis 'paem p-tion ot a
7 0 n Dinq in ke00el modeaa Reo
PaoceSS will dUD UOtil it esiStS Kesnel
Mode,blo cks o volbntazily uields
of the CPu T ContraSt pee.mpttive
ta S
Heane ollows be poemptio 0+a
TUoDin g in 1eonel mode.De Signin.q pa emptie
Keonels Can be auite duficulb ao c
toaditlonal ySea 0alQ0ted. cepliccbionS
Such aS Spaeedd.sh.e.ebS wo0d ptoc RSS OaS8
CLOc web baowS eoS bypicallu do not b eajulpe
Such. aJiclc deSponse times.
3 Paeempt.Ne 2ern.eks
3 Aioimning Laten.cu-ConSider lhe 20ent
calven 0atuse a o aea-time Susterm 1he
SySterm 1S Aupicaly waiLin.g for an event
ib seal Lime to occ0Events may oSe.
eilbear h Sottuade in Sof tulabeUS when a
imerexpireSoa i0 haadwase-aswhen
aem oteContaoll.ed vehicle d etects lhat it
1S appacachl0q an obstauctlo.wben ane
aipent 0ccuS the Syst.e must_aesponcd
o ancl Seavlce it as aO1cklu as possibla