Operating System Assignment 2

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Opercung Syst.em. Concept

embeded. Os
EDefine embecked sustem anc. esplain
application twilh Rxample.

Ao embeded system is a Computea that suppoots

CLmachine:It pRaiozmg 00.e task Inhe bigger 1n
machine. Example8 include Compute Sustems ATmS
CoS taafflc lights digital teleuiSionS
alx plane contaolS, point of Sale (Po6) Aeamina S
digtal teleuisions.

Applications o embeded.os
LCentaal beatinq System In o fonnance xoo,
Centaal beatinq Sustem taansfonm Ch.emica
n ergyinto eiectaicatheamal enez4.4 and hen
kaanSfex hat energu into heatuwhich 1S then
distaibuted hoought au buildinq 1be heamos tat
Conta ols which 0ze achieved.by an embeded
SuSt.em. 0ze Cltical foa these Systemso
chanae he tempoatobe iana

a GRS Sustem- Ihe GRS ia a navigatlon Sustem

natabe Synchaon i2.as data. about locatlo.,
Aine ancd. velccity uSing Satellitesanc
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Topic Date.:1

eceiveaS. To make lhe use ot.a global poSiliming

Sust.emeasieathe oeceiwex or device-that
0eceNes the data hasao integaated. mbeded
System People. Can Simply indt Lheia paeSent
ocatlo0 and. d estination thanks lo the incopoaad
GtRG goadgets.

3 tDess Taackes weasable fHDesS trackesS ca

monitox youx beaart and. taack actNIties
Such. aS Sleepingaunnin.g and walking Ihese
gadgetS uSe. embeded. technoloaies to collect
d a t ao0 youa heast date,bodytempaatoae, andu
Sevearal stepS which. aae hen Communicat.od
t o SezveaS ovea a wide asea oetwoak (WAN)
Such as TE and. GPAs
Medical Devices-Embededu Syst.ems baue been
USed,i medlcal eqoipment at bealth.cabe
institutioos fos a long ime -Embede.du SystemS
Ode beina uSed. ina new class Ofmeducal
gadaetS toaSSISt haeat patientt.s who
aeapie ongoing monitoain.g andl taeatm.ent
Ct bome
PTMS- AO automated. tetlea machine lATm) iSa
comput ealed bankinq machine hat
Communicates acaosS the netwoa with Cu
bost bank Computea b e AIMIS embe de d
Syst.em Sho S taansaction data anc p2 ocesSeS
input fa orm h e BTm Reaboad, whle the2
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Pago No.
Dank Computer veafieS all data submittod by
uSeas andd. stoaas all taanSactionS

2bplan aeal-time opeaatinq Sustems Its
and applicationS basecd On RTaS

A Beal-ime opebalinq Sustem CETOS.) iS a

Special.puapose opeaatin4 System usedu
ComputeSS hat baS Staict lim.eonstaaints
edu:.It is emplau.ed mastly
anyjob to be peteamwhich desults of h e
Systems in
i0 thoSe
to inAloence.apaoceSS
Computatlons ade uSedu
while 15 iS exe Cuting

ComponetS f RTOS han B e

which he
Scheduler -Tt decides the, Ogd er n
tasks will execute.Mode.aver it eachdecideS he
ot tas
Obder basecd. on he paioaltu
Mana.ge.m.ent-It allocates mem0a.u to
2-Mecnoiy MoSt
veau paoga am Hencelt 1S one 0t the
impontant eleme0tS ot tbhe Sustem

3Summentoic MutipdoceSSinaCSmP)-Tt 1S
0n RTOS Can
multiple ditesenrt tasksth.at
bandle inoade to pesfoam poaaallel paocessing-

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4Funclions Lubá at.4- tt helps to Send thre

eaests taom Che keanal Lo Lhe applicauon
to paodUce he output uSing the function
CibaaayIhusit is an ntesface between theKeanel
and. Lhe applicattíon Code
5 Fast Dispai.ch Latencu-Tt i Lhe int.éaual between
kbetemination ol one task and. he Stastin of
Rxecution okranolthex taea.dy State task

Ppplicaliong ol TTOS
Industaial application-Real ume Sustem. baS a
uast anc paomiDentt ole i0 mod esf industales
Sustems axe made real lime based. So that
maxium and. Occu&ate Output Ca0be
obtainec. To oader to Such things 3eal-Lime
SystemSaae used in maximum ndustzial
02aanlz ationS

2 Dedical Saence application-To tbe field of

mecica Scienceeal-tMe Sustem has a
hudge impacto0 tbe.huma heallb an c
eatme0t- Dueto intdoductíon ola eal -Lume
System i0 medical scienCe m.anu Aives ae
Saveduand, tz eatm.ent ofComplex diseaSeS
hasbeen toaned douwn to rasiea wau

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3Tele.communication opplcations -Aaal-Lime syst.emn

mae the woalcl olth in Suchu a wau that is
can be connect.ecl.wilhin.a.shoat-tie Aoal-lime
Systems bave beentn abled the whole woal d
o Conoect via a medium acao[s inteanet

DefenSe applicationS:-Inthe new tba 0t actomic

wOnldcletense IS ableto paodwce he
missiles whieh have the d.angeaouspowes
hat and have the. gaeat deStaouinq ability
Altthese Systems a eaeal- ime Sustem. and
t paovides the SySt.em to attack and also a
Sustem o defend:

3 Define teams
a)Nano Kesnel- Nano-Le8Dals i`a, ueay.Smal
Omouctof Keaneb code xecutinq 0 haaklwase
Pbstaaction lauex s he lowest ayer of he
keanalNano Kexneel paouides al SexviceS
walu includi0.qmost basic like inttaaupet
Contoolle os time todeuice daiveS and aeapuiten
OtMemozy Aven Smallex than a, micaokeanel
andd pheSe
TwoLhingS paesent beae toladency clock
where he phaSe iS delated to Sustem counte
oFSetand. iaeayvency ael.cet.ec. to cucle
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b) Mica o Kesnel mica.okeanel is O piêce of

Softwaae Oa even Code lhat containsben.eax-
minimo amout of functlon.S and fettuaeS
D eayuised to implemenrt an opêaatin.g SySt.em
1tpaouides the mioimal Dumber of MechaniSmS,
Justenough to au the most basic functions
ot aSystem i0-0tder to maximi12e h
imple.mentatiónflexibillHy 30 it callaws foxe
Okhe paats o the oS be lmplemented
etLcientlySince it do'es not jmpoSe aldt of

cMOnolilbic Keane l-Amol olitbic Lesnel is an

Opedat.in.c Sustem Sottwae iaame.waxt hcdt holds
all paivI eges to acass_input loupput (tlo)
deuicesro.em.ody haadwame jntesaupts and
he CPU stack. Monolithio LeanelS tenc to be
dangerlhan other keanels be.cause hey deal o
wlth So mang aspects ok Computer paocèssing
at lhe louuest Teue, and, theaefose baue. tobe
IDCoapoa.ct.e.Code thcrb intefates with many
deuices, Tlo and inteaaupt channels rand other
4baadwab Opea.atoaS

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Define aealtime oS Schedoling Concepts

lPoioat.yBased. Schedtuling-he most impotant

eafwae of a a e a l t i m e Opeattnq System iS
toaespond immediately to d eal
pro ceSe as Soo as that paOceSS eaJulse
h e cPu. BS a esult tbe Schedu lad f0r
eal time Opeaating susterm must Soppoot

paloaltbased. algoalthrm wllh peamptlon

RecalFthat paloalty-bas ed 8chedu linq
algaaltbms asS1.g ach paoc28 Sa poidziby
base on impo-tancem Obe iMpO&tant
iteS Lhase
Cae asSigned. bighex palod
e-emedu less ImpoatANt_

2 seemptne Keanels - Nopaeemptive
dsallow peamis 'paem p-tion ot a
7 0 n Dinq in ke00el modeaa Reo
PaoceSS will dUD UOtil it esiStS Kesnel
Mode,blo cks o volbntazily uields
of the CPu T ContraSt pee.mpttive
ta S
Heane ollows be poemptio 0+a
TUoDin g in 1eonel mode.De Signin.q pa emptie
Keonels Can be auite duficulb ao c
toaditlonal ySea 0alQ0ted. cepliccbionS
Such aS Spaeedd.sh.e.ebS wo0d ptoc RSS OaS8
CLOc web baowS eoS bypicallu do not b eajulpe
Such. aJiclc deSponse times.

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3 Paeempt.Ne 2ern.eks
3 Aioimning Laten.cu-ConSider lhe 20ent
calven 0atuse a o aea-time Susterm 1he
SySterm 1S Aupicaly waiLin.g for an event
ib seal Lime to occ0Events may oSe.
eilbear h Sottuade in Sof tulabeUS when a
imerexpireSoa i0 haadwase-aswhen
aem oteContaoll.ed vehicle d etects lhat it
1S appacachl0q an obstauctlo.wben ane
aipent 0ccuS the Syst.e must_aesponcd
o ancl Seavlce it as aO1cklu as possibla

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