Buck Rogers Battle For The 25 Century: Object
Buck Rogers Battle For The 25 Century: Object
Buck Rogers Battle For The 25 Century: Object
PHASE 2 – Movement the end of a turn but may coexist until Combat leaves
Each player moves in turn, in the above turn order. only 1. If your unit begins movement in a Territorial,
Move any number of units, each up to their Orbit, or Space Zone occupied by enemy then your
movement allowance. unit may move out and thus avoid combat there.
Any Zone may hold any number of units.
Advanced Game – Pass-Through Fire
All ships can move from Near Orbit to Far Orbit,
1st type of Pass-Through Fire is optional. When ships
and from Far Orbit onto the SSD (and vice versa).
are moved through an Orbit or Space Zone occupied
Planet Markers on the SSD are always adjacent to
by another Faction, the occupier may take a free shot
their planet’s Far Orbit.
at the ships as they pass through and leave the Zone.
Asteroids: Use the SSD to move from 1 asteroid to
The moving player cannot counterattack.
another; the asteroid field arrows are not used for
movement but merely represent their ordinal situation. 2nd type of Pass-Through Fire can occur anywhere. It
Move from an asteroid to its Orbit, then to the SSD. happens when a player moves into and stops in a
Enemy Units: Ships moving through Orbit or Space Zone occupied by units belonging to a player with a
Zones containing enemy units can continue moving, higher Turn Order number. The higher Turn Order
and multiple Factions may coexist within Orbit or player will move later this turn – if that player moves
Space Zones. All units must stop on entering a any existing units out of this Zone then the other
Territorial Zone containing enemy units. Territorial player may use Pass-Though Fire on them with any
Zones may not be occupied by more than 1 player at ships he or she moved into the Zone earlier.
PHASE 3 – Combat Transports may not be targeted until they are the
Combat is mandatory in Territorial Zones, but optional only units (including KilSats, et al) left on that side.
in Space and Orbit Zones. Resolve combat from the
center of the Solar System outward (Mercury, Venus, Leader Bonus: Each unit may receive at most one +2
Earth, Mars, Asteroids). Beginning with Mercury, Leader bonus even if you have 2 Leaders at the battle.
follow the steps below. Basic Game – Defeating Leaders
Order Of Battles A Leader is defeated if left alone among the enemy
a) Killer Satellites get all their free attacks with no friendly units. If a Zone contains only Leaders
b) Battlers in orbit bomb the surface then all Leaders there are defeated. Remove any
c) Resolve any Territorial Zone battles defeated Leaders from the board.
d) Resolve any Near and Far Orbit battles Rendering A Faction Inert: If a Faction’s only Leader
e) Resolve any Space Zone battles along the planet’s is defeated then all units of that Faction are rendered
SSD orbital path inert. Faction loses the rest of this current turn and
also all 4 phases of the entire next turn and can do
Each battle consists of rounds. Combat in a round is nothing but defend if attacked.
simultaneous, each unit except Leaders attack once.
Optional House Rule: Ignore Render Inert rules.
Combat Round Advanced Game – Defeating Leaders
Each Combat Round, starting with the participant with Defeated Leaders are merely held captive. At the end
the lowest turn order, each player: of 2 full turns the original owner can place their
a) Announce 1 unit to attack with Leader back into the game anywhere on the board.
b) Announce target unit (may not target an escorted
Transport, may not target a Leader) End Of Combat – Territorial Zone Victory: Victor
c) Find hit number needed on Combat Result Table puts 1 Control Marker in the Zone. A Control Marker
Roll 1d10, add +2 if your Leader is present, may exist on its own with no other units.
needing equal or greater than the hit number
d) If target is hit then ‘tap’ it to signify that it will be End Of Combat – Factory Sabotage: If all your units
destroyed at the end of the Combat Round are eliminated from a Territorial Zone containing a
e) Repeat a) thru e) with another unit, until all your Factory then your Factory falls into enemy hands. The
units have attacked or all enemy are destroyed. enemy can use it immediately to build and gets any
f) Next player in combat does steps a) thru f) above units already in production. You can attempt sabotage
by rolling 1d10: 7+ and the Factory is destroyed, along
Multiple Participants: Combat may occur between with any units in production.
more than 2 factions – any side may target any unit
(within the other restrictions noted in this section). Advanced Game – Control Markers In Combat
Representing indigenous population, Control Markers
End Of Combat Round: Remove all destroyed units. cannot be targeted until all other units of that Faction
If 2 sides have units remaining at the Zone another have been targeted. All friendly units must attack once
Combat Round may begin: Territorial Zone battles before a Marker can fight. The Marker must be
must be fought to the death until only 1 side has units defeated before the Zone can be conquered, and the
remaining or all units on all sides are destroyed. Orbit conqueror must have at least 1 Trooper, Gennie,
and Spaces Zone battles can be called off at the end Fighter, or Transport in the Zone to take control – else
of any Combat Round if all sides agree. the Zone becomes uncontrolled by anyone.
Black Market: A player with no Factories may acquire Dismantling Factories: At the beginning of the Build
a single Trooper or Fighter. A Factory may be Phase, before building, a player may voluntarily
acquired instead by waiting 2 turns. These units may destroy any of their own Factories. Destruction is
be placed in any zone the player controls. certain, there is no die roll.
Buck Rogers Battle For The 25th Century 3
entire next turn; your units may still
LEADER defend. Optional House Rule: Turn
Move up to 4 Zones of any type. is not lost when a Leader is defeated.
Can travel in space with no ship.
May not end move alone in a Advanced Game – Defeated Leader
Zone containing enemy units. Defeated Leaders are merely held
captive. At the end of 2 full turns the
Defeated Leader: A Leader is original owner can place the Leader
defeated if it is in a Zone with back anywhere on the board.
enemy units and no friendlies. If
this is your only Leader then you Leader Ability: +2 to d10 rolls of all
miss the rest of this turn and the accompanying units.
1. Gross Display Of Power: Object: Control 3 6. Someplace To Call Home: Randomly take 1
Planetary Systems. Use the Majority Control rule. Territory card for each Planetary System (with 6
2. Battle For Earth And Mars: Remove Mars and players take 1 separately for Earth and Moon).
Earth/Moon Territory cards before setup; no one Deal 1 to each player, who then controls all
may start with any units there. 1st to control both Zones in that system. Players take the Leader
systems wins. Use the Majority Control rule. and Faction tray below, and place all starting
3. Leader, Leader, Who’s Got The Leader?: Win setup pieces in their home systems. 1st to control
by controlling a majority of Leaders when Earth 2 more systems wins (use Majority Control rule).
returns to its start position. Plays well with the System Faction Leader
optional Subverting Leaders rule. Mercury Yellow Doc Huer
4. Pick A Unit, Any Unit: Object is unchanged. Venus Green Ardala
Starting Units: 1 Leader, 2 Factories, and 17 units
Earth Blue Buck Rogers
in any combination of Transports, Troopers,
Moon Brown Wilma Deering
Fighters, and Gennies. Put these at any Zone you
control, ignoring the 6 units per Zone setup limit. Mars Red Killer Kane
5. A Day’s Work: Planets don’t move on the SSD. Asteroids Purple Black Barney