U3 - Secrets of Sosaria

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Herein is contained
The Great Work, being
the Secrets of Sosaria.

Within these pages ye shall

find Truth, Wisdom, and
Knowledge. Use them wisely.
The Great Work

Never before hath all the knowledge of

the realm been gathered together in one
assembled Work.
The most fleet of foot and nimble of
mind were sent in search of that which
thou hast sought. As with all great feats,
the price, indeed, hath been high. We
weep for those lost, and the healers tend
those who lie fallen.
As the messengers returned, each
from a far point of the land, they brought
this precious – yea, priceless – gift:
the Gift of Knowledge.
Each gift was added with care to those
brought before, until the last courier was
welcomed to His Lordship’s presence.
With grieving hearts, The Court
beheld the pitiful figure that had once
been the most powerful Ranger of the
realm. Though his mind no longer con-
trols his voice, the terror that lives in his
eyes warns thee, oh brave ones, of that
which he has seen.
Take care to study carefully this
Great Work. Some of the couriers could
bring only oft-told rumours and rhyme
from wanderers and minstels. Some,
like Shamino, clutched tattered letters
and scrawled notes – and minds too
damaged to decipher them. The maps,
though, were carefully prepared by the
most gifted cartographers of each region
and are as accurate as can be found.
The quest, now, is thine. These
powerful Secrets are entrusted to thy
care and safekeeping. Use them wisely,
that the sacrifice of those who suffered
would not be in vain.
We hereby pay homage to these who
created, through their Gifts of Know-
ledge, the Great Work. We do not give
them honor – for honor is not ours to
give. By their own acts of courage, will,
and strength of body and spirit, they
bring honor upon themselves, and upon
the realm.
Legend to Surface Maps

. – Grass
o – Brush
O – Trees, forests
– Water
^ – Mountains
# – Towns, dungeons, etc.
' – Paths
$ – Treasure chests
% – Lava, forcefields
* – Walls
? – Monsters, townfolk
= – Store counters, signs
Legend to Dungeon Maps

* – Walls
X – Doors
S – Secret doors
U – Up ladder
D – Down ladder
I – Up & Down ladder
B – Brand
F – Fountain
W – Misty writing
M – Magic wind
! – Gremlins!
G – Chests
T – Traps
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Behold ye, these great and sovereign

lands of Sosaria. Know ye that, as a
unified People, we cannot fail in routing
the scourge we know as Exodus. Since
the times of Mondain and Minax, we
have never given in, so strong and steady
we shall stand as one.
Note ye well the evil isle which riseth
from the sea in the extreme southwest,
for it is here that thy quest shall take thee.
Heed thee well the cautions of the wise
ones, and victory shall be thine, and ours
as well.

Lord British
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The Castle of
Lord British
“Welcome All!” The Royal jester
Chuckles issues his greeting inside the
entrance to the castle of Lord British.
Passing through the main hall, past the
fountain and guards, thou dost come
upon the Royal Throne Room, and there
thee and those with thee are accepted
into the presence of His Majesty, Lord
Only by gaining audience with His
Lordship can those adventurers, who
wouldst fight for the glory of Sosaria,
raise their stature. Within the mighty
fortress walls, if ye search well and come
prepared, ye may succeed in finding the
mystic oracle, who will reveal to thee thy
true quest. Ye will find, too, the Royal
Store Rooms, well-guarded, of course,
by a field of force. Though prisoners are
oft evil and corrupt, ye may find them a
useful source. Into the prison, then, ye
should fare, and speak to all within. And
if thou searcheth out of doors, perchance
to find a special clue.
Lord Robert the Learned
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The Royal City of Britain

Centre of commerce in these fair lands!

Has much to offer, bold and grand.
A pub and grocer are found here,
To keep thy party in good cheer.
A well-armed party reaps the gold,
So trade herein what’s bought and sold.
To aid thee in they quest for right,
Arms and Armour for each knight.
But if it’s help that thou dost need,
Seek the Barkeep with all speed.
Clues to start thee on thy way
May be found if ye not stray.
Have a look behind the shops
And round the moat before ye stop.
Look round the lake and in the pub,
But never here to push or shove.
Here the jesters sing HoHo,
But why they do,
I’ll never know.

Iolo the Bard

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Fawn, oh, yea verily, Fawn – The

City of the Sea. The people of this town
are a fair people indeed, from the healers
three to the keeper at the Canteen. Most
will greet thee with a wish of “Good
Day” as ye pass. There is knowledge
here, though, of the Silver Snake. ‘Tis
said to be a most difficult obstacle; one
which can bar the way to thy quest. So
seek ye those who wouldst impart know-
ledge of the Silver Snake.
For those occasional vessels
requiring provisions and guild tools,
resupply is available in Fawn.

Lord Galyn Pendoric

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The City of Yew

Not much is known of this woodsy

dell. The druids do not tell. The dwellers
live within the woods; just where ‘tis
hard to say. But shops have they, and
‘tis not all. I’ve been told of a magical
place where good and truth are strong.
‘Tis known to them as the circle of
light – a vision to behold. I’m told that
those who seek to pray within are granted
knowledge of great worth.
If there be more to tell, it cannot be
with words. So fare thee well, my friend;
seek and ye shall find.

Ilona the Faithful

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The Holy City of Moon

Offering a haven to all who fight for

right, the citizens of Moon are honored
by thy presence. A Holy place of healing
resideth here to cure thee of thy wounds.
The food and draught is also grand, the
best within a week’s ride. Take pleasure
in the good townfolk, but ‘ware ye of the
daemons. If clues ye seek, then
searcheth well. Thy reward will be in the
revelations of truth, for there are those
here who have been to lands that lie
beyond, and will share with thee a word
of wisdom. If thine ears are open and
minds sharp, thou mayest also learn some
useful clue to aid thee in passing guards.
Dawn, ‘tis said, does come and go; but
where, thou must discover for thyself.
There is a wizard who doth know, but
hidden well is he. Remember, though,
time spent in search of truth is time
spent well, indeed.

Lady Margaret
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Montor East
Twin Brothers of Strength

If to the Montors thou dost roam,

then come ye well prepared; for in this
den of men who fight, ye may encounter
deadly plight. If a guard those dost
upset, a score of eight may hinder thy
Bide well thy time, and seek dili-
gently. Some clues of value are here to
find. Now, shouldst thou meet Baby
Bob, heed not his mournful wail, and
follow not the Jolly Joe, but to all others,
save the guards, quickly ye shouldst go.
‘Tis said that the thickest woods hide
the most useful knowledge.

Lord Asa
.......... .........
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.......... .........
Montor West
Twin Brothers of Strength

If, in thy travels, ye should happen

upon the Western Montor, then come ye
with a key; for I am told that the prison
holds, well inside, whatever it should
wish to hide.
A guard at the entrance didst block it
well, so in I could not go; I know not
how to pass, for the guards are all but
few. Seek ye elsewhere for a clue. Com-
mence thy search in Moon or at the
Gulch of Death.

Lord Asa
................. .................
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The City of Grey

The townsfolk of Grey are hospitable

to the wayfarer, with amusing jesters
and free-flowing rum. But if special
items thou dost seek, the Taproom may
yield them unto thee. There are those who
say that gold here is free for the taking,
but let not easy riches tempt thee. Rare
and exotic clues, I’m told, are here to be
found, threefold plus. To find them,
though, is not a task for timid souls who
fear the dark.

Sir Michael the Magnificent

Death Gulch

Few travelers venture to this hole of

death, but those who pass its gates find
much to see. I did visit the pub, of
course, as well as the armoury and the
weapons shop. All were well-stocked
with merchandise available for those who
could pay the price.
Rumours abound here, of hidden
paths that lead to great stores of valuable
treasure. I did not tarry, though, nor
care to investigate the tales. Should thy
party choose to enter this heathen pit,
select thy party with care, for it will lead
either to great fortune or to thy death.

Sir Simon the Slayer

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The Hidden City of
Devil Guard

The island city of Devil Guard is a

strange place, indeed. The usual shops
for food and health may be found, as well
as a stable and a groggy pub. Though I
am not a thief, and had no reason to
investigate, I was told that there is a
guild here where thieves may purchase
tools of trade. I took special care here,
as the secluded position of Devil Guard,
hidden well within the Great Moun-
tains, makes it a popular spot indeed for
those in hiding. The populace is
loose-tongued, though, and willing to
speak of the things they have seen and
heard. Some speak of the legendary
Marks, which many claim have magical

Sigmund the Wingfooted

++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*UW S SM*GGG+ +*GS G G G G SG+ +* * * * + +* G*G * *G+
+*** *** T *M* GG+ +*S*************S+ +** *** *** *** *+ +*G* *** * * * * +
+* X * * *MS G+ +* * * + +* * * + +*** * * +
+* *F* *****M*S**+ +* *** *** ******+ +*** *W* * * *** + +*G* * * * * * *G+
+* * X F *MMMMM+ +* D *FFF+ +* WU* * * + +* *D* * **+
+* * * *********S+ +* *****S* * S + +** * *** *** * *+ +*G* * * * * * *G+
+* X * * T + +* * * * * ****+ +* * * + +*** * * +
+* *X*** *S***S* + +* * * * * * * + +* *** ******* * + +* * *** * * * *G+
+*S* X S S + +* * * * * * + +* * * * + +* * **+
+* * ***S* * * *S+ +*S* * * **S***X*+ +**** *** * * ***+ +* *** *** *****G+
+* X * * D * + +* * * WU* + +* * * D + +*T *U* +
+* * * * * * * * + +* ***** * WS **+ +* * * *** *** * + +*** *** ***W* * +
+* * X * S S + +* * * XT * + +* * * * + +* * * +
+* * * * *S***S* + +* * * ***X****X*+ +** *** * *** ***+ +* *** *** ***** +
+*GX * + +* * + +* * + +* *G G* +
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*FS WXMMMMM!!!!+ +*GGTT *D D+ +* *T * U*I+ +*!G!* U+
+*S* ***MMMM!!!!!+ +*GTT * ****+ +* * T* * ***T+ +*GTGX ******** +
+* *MMM!! !!+ +*TT * TT+ +* W***WT *T**+ +*!G!* *GGGGGG**+
+* * * ***!! !+ +*T ***** * T+ +** T* ***WTT*D+ +******S*GGGGGGTU+
+*W* US *! + +* *DW *M * + +*T TWU *WTTTT* + +**GGG* *GGGGGG**+
+*X***S* ***** + +* *W *X* + +*W *TW* ***T* + +**GGGX *********+
+*MMM* * + +* * * XM * + +* *TT* *TTT*S+ +**GGG*!!*F F **+
+*MMM*** *S* * + +* *** * *** + +* **T** ***T***D+ +*******G* U+
+*MMM!!* SFS *M + +** MX * + +* W WT*T* + +*** *** F F **+
+*MM!! * *S* *!M + +* * *X* W* * + +**TT**** ***T* + +*WX B * ********+
+*!!! * D!!!M+ +* M* WU* + +*TTTTT*W DWT* + +* * * *UMM**+
+*!! *****!!!!T+ +*T * ***** T+ +*TT*TT*T**WW*T*D+ +* ****** *MMM*U+
+*!!! M!!!!TG+ +*TT TT+ +*TT*TTTT*TTT*T**+ +* ** * *MMMX +
+***!! M!!TGG+ +***T * * TTG+ +******TT*TT****T+ +* ** B XW ***X* +
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
The Dungeon of Fire

This dungeon is known well for the

magical properties of volcanic ash found
near its entrance. Regretfully, though, it
is also deserving of its reputation as one
of the most deadly in the realm.
Gold is an easy find on the first four
levels, but to reach the lower depths, one
must face many dangers.
Beware the Gremlin City on the fifth
level, or starvation will waste thy party.
Take heed when on the sixth level, for
traps surround the gold. I found the
seventh level impossible to pass, but ‘tis
said that gold and the marks of Force
and Fire will reward thee.

Dargskull Halfblood
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +******* ******+ +***********W****+ +*********** ****+
+*IW * *G G*G* + +*I* S!* M*GS SG+ +*I*M * + +*I*GGG* * * G+
+*W * * *M+ +***S*S*T *S*S*S+ +***M********* * + +***GGG* * * **+
+* ** **!**** * + +*GS S!* !*!SGS + + *M * * + +*GGGGT* * *** G+
+** * *X* * * + +*S*S*S* *S*S*S+ +* ********* * **+ +*GGG*S* *G **+
+* * * * + +* S!S X X SGS!+ +* SB*MMM* * + +*GGTS * *** G+
+**** ***** * * + +*****X* M *X****+ +* *** * * *****!+ +***** * * *G **+
+*G ** *TF * * + +M T + +* * * !!+ +* *** G+
+* !X *F* * * + + ! M F M + +******* ********+ +* ** ** F*G **+
+*G ** * ** *W+ + T ! M + + * + +* F**** G+
+**** * ** *X+ +*****X* M *X****+ +********* ******+ +*** * *****G **+
+*G * ** **D+ +*!SGS X XW U+ +MM*! * + +* * *** G+
+** ******* ** + +*S*S*S* *S****+ +* *!******* ****+ +* * *** *W**+
+* **D D+ +*!STSG*M *G*I*I+ +* *! *I*I+ +* * * *U*I+
+* ********** + +*S*S*S* T******+ +* **************+ +*** * *** ****+
+* M WXD D D+ +*GSGS!* ! *I*I*I+ +* WU*I*I+ +* * *I*I+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +*** MMMMMMMMMMM+ +****************+
+*I*G* * M *T+ +*I*GGTTTT + +*I* GMMMMMMMMTM+ +*UW * +
+*** T * M * * M + +********* ***** + +*** MMMMMMMMGMM+ +*W*** *** **S** +
+*G TTT * M * + +*!G!* * * + + MMMMGMMMMMM+ +* * MTTM*GGG* +
+****S********** + +*!*!* * * * ****+ + MTMMMMMMMMM+ +*** * *****GGG* +
+*GGGGGGGGGGGGG* + +* * * *M+ +MTMMMMM TMMMM+ +* * *GGG* +
+*************** + +*S***********S*M+ +MMMGMM WWWW MGMM+ +* * ***** *GGG* +
+*G* * * M * + +* TTTTTTTTTTT SM+ +MMMMM WFFFFW MMM+ +* * * *GGG* +
+* M * M * M * M + +*X*************M+ +MMMMMT WWWW MMMM+ +* *** * * ***** +
+*G* * * M * + +*G G G*!!!!!!!*M+ +MGMMMMM MMTMM+ +* B* * * +
+*************** + +* G G *!*!*!*!*M+ +MMMMMMMMMGMMMMMM+ +* ********* * **+
+****S**********W+ +* G G *!*!* * *M+ +MMTMMMMMMMMMMMM + +* *GGG* ******* +
+*G*TTT* * WU+ +*G G G*!!! WSM+ +MMMMMMMGMMMMT + +* *GGG* +
+* M * M * M ****+ +* G G *!*!* * **+ +MMMMMMMMMMMMM W+ +* **S****** *** +
+*G* * ***I*I+ +*G G G*!!! W U*I+ +MMMMMMMMMMMM WU+ +* *B +
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
The Mines of Morinia

Surely these mines are the most

extraordinary feat of excavation known
to sentient beings. Bizarre formations
arise as near the surface as the second
level, where seemingly endless corridors
exist. I noted with great care the forma-
tion on thy map.
Many of the lower levels contain
similar illusions. Beware the deathly
dark zones found on many of the levels.
Rumour is that a careful search of these
ruins, abandoned at the invasion of Evil
soon after Exodus began his reign of
terror, will lead to great reward.

Sir Hrothgar
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*UW * X D+ +*F X * * U+ +*D D+ +*UTTTT * !!!!U+
+*W** *** ** *** + +* * * X + +* * *** * *** * + +*TTTTTT * !!!!!!+
+* * * + +* ***********X*+ +* * * + +*TTTTTTT*!!!!!!!+
+* *** * *X* *X+ +* ** * F* + +* * *G*****G* * + +*TTTTWTT*!!W!!!!+
+*** *GS * * * + +* * X **X+ +* * GGG*W*GGG * + +*TTTWDWT*!WDW!!!+
+* * *S* *X* *** + +* * **X**X** + +* ***GG* *GG*** + +* TTTW*****W!!!!+
+* * X X + +*X*****FW * + +* **** **** + +* TTT*MMM*!!! +
+* ***X****F * + +* XWDWX ****+ +* * *W I W* * + +*******MIM******+
+* * X *G **** + +* * W * + +* **** **** + +* MMM*MMM*GGG +
+* * *** * + +* **X**X***** + +* ***GG* *GG*** + +* MMMW*****WGGG +
+* X ** B+ +* * X G**X+ +* * GGG*W*GGG * + +*MMMWDWM*GWDWGGG+
+*X* *** F* **X*+ +* *F * * * * + +* * *G*****G* * + +*MMMMWMM*GGWGGGG+
+* * * * * + +**X**** * + +* * * + +*MMMMMMM*GGGGGGG+
+* *** *X** X G+ +* X ****X*** + +* * *** * *** * + +*MMMMMM * GGGGGG+
+*D X B* GF+ +*U * F+ +*D D+ +*UMMMM * GGGGU+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*GG * * * GG+ +*MMMMMM***MMMMMM+ +* ! * * ! + +*GS SG+
+*G* * * * * *G+ +*M*S*MMM*MMM*S*M+ +* *W* * * * *W* + +*S* ***T*T*** *S+
+* ** ** + +*MSD**MM*MM**DSM+ +*!WIW!T T!WIW!+ +* UTW WTU +
+*** ****X**** **+ +*M*****X*X*****M+ +* *W****T****W* + +* *T****S****T* +
+* *UW WU* + +*MM*** W*W ***MM+ +* !*GGGGGGG*! + +* *W*B F*W* +
+* ***W D*D W*** + +*MMM* U*U *MMM+ +***T*GGG*GGG*T**+ +* * * *S*S* * * +
+* ** D***D ** + +**MMXWU***UWXMM*+ +* *GG***GG* + +* T * SMWMS * T +
+** X **I** X *+ +********I*******+ +* * TG**I**GT * + +* * S *WUW* S * +
+* ** D***D ** + +*MMMXWU***UWXMM*+ +* *GG***GG* + +* T * SMWMS * T +
+* ***W D*D W*** + +*M*M* U*U *MMM+ +***T*GGG*GGG*T**+ +* * * *S*S* * * +
+* *UW WU* + +*MMM** W*W ***MM+ +* !*GGGGGGG*! + +* *W*F B*W* +
+*** ****X**** **+ +*M*****X*X*****M+ +* *W****T****W* + +* *T****S****T* +
+* ** ** + +*MSD**MM*MM**DSM+ +*!WIW!T T!WIW!+ +* UTW WTU +
+*G* * * * * *G+ +*M*S*MMM*MMM*S*M+ +* *W* * * * *W* + +*S* ***T*T*** *S+
+*GG * * * GG+ +*MMMMMM***MMMMMM+ +* ! * * ! + +*GS SG+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
The Perinian Depths

Many are the rewards to the

adventurer who dares this dungeon. The
King is an easy Mark on the first level,
but danger lurks below. The access to
lower depths can be achieved only by
magic, save by the use of a ladder
reaching the lowest level, then climbing
up. The vast quantities of golden
treasure will lure the experienced party;
but take care that thou art prepared for
the traps, winds, gremlins, and other
great dangers within.

Sir Geoffrey the Giant

++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+*************** + +****************+ +****************+ +*G* * * *!* * * +
+*U *! !* * * + +*GS SG+ +* S S + + G G * * G +
+* * *** *** + +*S* ********* *S+ +* SSSSSSSSS *S*S+ +* * * * * * * * +
+* W * *+ +* * S B* + +* SSSSSSSSS * ST+ + ! M * *! +
+*** **** ******+ +* * * F * * * + +* SSTSSSTSS *S*S+ +*G* * * * * * * +
+*!* **G * * + +* * * * + +* SSSGGGSSS *TS + + T D ! G* * G +
+* * *G !S X * + +***T***S*S**** *+ +* SSSGGGSSS *S*S+ +* * * * * * * * +
+* * ! * * + +*G G*S*S*G* + +* SSSGGGSSS * S + + G G * *T M+
+* * **S** *** **+ +* * *S*S* * * + +* SSTSSSTSS *S*S+ +* *G* * * * * * +
+*!* * + +*G G*S*S* + +* SSSSSSSSS *WS + + ! M S S +
+*** **X**** * + +***T***S*S**X** + +* SSSSSSSSS *S*S+ +*********S*W*S**+
+* * * D + +* *S*S*UWD* + +* D*USW+ + WUW +
+** * * ****+ +* ***** * XWMWX + +*S*************S+ +*********S*W*S**+
+* ** * * *D + +* * *DWU* + +* S S STSWSU*FGG+ + G M ! S SG !+
+** * * * T + +*S* * ****X**S+ +*S*S*S*S*S*S*GGG+ +* * *G* * * * *M+
+ ** * * + +*GS * S SG+ +* STS S S SWSGGG+ + ! M T G* *M!T+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+* * + +*G G G G G G G G+ +* * T G+ +* * *G*G+
+* **S** * *****!+ +* *S*********S* + +* G ! T + +* *S* * * * GG+
+* * * * * *!+ +*GSW WTTTWSG+ +*T!* G T G + +* SBS * * * *G+
+* S F S * * F *!+ +* *T****S**** * + +* W * ! + +* *S* * * * * GG+
+* * I* * * *!+ +*G*T*I WTTT* *G+ +* GWUW G! T G + +* *G*G+
+* **S** * ***S*!+ +* *T* **S**T* * + +*G W + +* *** **S*******+
+* F* *!+ +*G*W* * *T* *G+ +* T* TG + +* *TTTTTTTTT+
+************* *!+ +* * SWS SWS * + +* T! G *! T+ +** ** ST*******T+
+* *GGG* *!+ +*G* *T* * *W*G+ +* G* ! + +* *T*FS *T+
+* ***** *GG * *!+ +* * *T**S** *T* + +* T TG + +* *** *T*S*S* *T+
+* * * *G DW *!+ +*G* *TTTW U*T*G+ +* G G D + +* *T* SU* *T+
+* * F * ***W* *!+ +* * ****S****T* + +* *T G * + +*** ***T* *** SW+
+* * S F*!+ +*GSWTTTW WSG+ +* ! * *+ +*G G*T* * +
+* *************!+ +* *S*********S* + +*TG T G T ! + +**G*G**T****S** +
+* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!+ +*G G G G G G G G+ +* * G G + +*GGGGG*TTTTTW F+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
Dardins Pit

‘Ware ye be, for the uncautious

traveler is doomed for certain in this
forsaken hell-hole. Gremlins, traps, and
magical winds will hinder thy progress
on the upper levels, but intelligent and
careful use of secret doors will lead to
thy rewards.
Fountains may be found to cure thy
sick, but beware the poisonous waters
which may flow within. Gold here,
though, is plentiful on the lower levels,
but it must be earned at some cost.
Marks, too, can be found by those who
seek diligently.

Ragnar the Rugged

++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*U W SG X X + +*GS * X SG+ +** S GG S *+ +** +
+**** ** ***** *X+ +*S* *** * *** *S+ +* T *GG GG* T + +* *********** +
+* * X * + +* *X* * + +* *****S***** + +* WX * X X * +
+* *** * *** *** + +* * * * * * *** + +*X** * * GG**X+ +* *X* * *X*X* +
+*X* * * + +* * TD* * *X+ +* * I * S G * + +* * U* * * X X +
+* *X*S* *X***** + +* *****X*X*** * + +* * T***G ** + +* * ** * ******+
+* * * * T *X+ +* X X X + +* ****** ****** + +* * D* +
+* * * * *****X* + +***** * W * ****+ +* * * S * + +* ************* +
+*S* S X + +* X X X + +* * * *** + +* * * M * +
+* ***** * *** * + +* * ***X*X***** + +***S***** * ****+ +* *X*** * *S* * +
+* X * *D* *X+ +*X* * *U * + +* * *S*D W + +* * X * *MSUSM* +
+* *** *** * * * + +* *** * * * * * + +* * S * * *** + +* *X*X* * *S*S* +
+* * S + +* * *X* + +* *********S* * + +* * X * * MS +
+*X* *** * *** *S+ +*S* *** * *** *S+ +* * * * * + +* ***X* ***** +
+* X S SF+ +*GS X * SG+ +* * * * + +* * *+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+* T T T T+ +*D *GGG *D+ +*UW T WU+ +*GGGGMS SMGGG+
+* * * * * * * * + +* * ********* * + +*W* * * * * * *W+ +*GG*GG*FFFF*GGGG+
+*T T + +* * G* * + +* + +*GGGGT******GG*G+
+* * *!*!*!* * * + +* * *******G* * + +* * *W* * * * * + +*GGGT ! TGGG+
+* ! ! T+ +* * *D *G* * + +* WUW T + +*GGT TGG+
+* * * *W* * * * + +* * * *S* *** * + +* * *W*T* * * * + +*GT * TG+
+*T ! WIW ! T + +* * * SUS * * * + +* T+ +*T *! T+
+* * * *W* * * * + +* * * *S* *X* * + +*T* * * * *W* * + +* * *S* +
+* T ! ! T+ +* * * *D* + +* T WUW + +*! * SBS * !+
+* * *!*!*!******+ +* * *******W****+ +* * * * *W*W*W* + +* *S* W +
+* *DMMMM+ +* *GGG* XDWUWDX + +* T WUWDWUW + +*T ! WUW !T+
+* *T* * * *M***S+ +* *********W****+ +* * * * *W*W*W* + +*GT * W TG+
+* T *M*F + +* GGG*D*D + +* WUWUW + +*GGT * TGG+
+* * * * * *M* + +***********X* F + +*W* * * * *W*W*W+ +*GGGT !TGGG+
+*T T*MS F+ +*D S S D+ +*UW T WU+ +*GGGGT ! TGGGG+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
The Dungeon Of Doom

The Dungeon of Doom is a strange

place indeed, with danger lurking round
every corner. Be especially watchful, my
friends, of the traps of level five.
For those brave and strong enough to
reach the eighth level, the gold is
Herein also, a traveler may find
magical fountains, one of each kind. The
prize most sought, though, is the Mark
of Force, hidden well on the dungeon’s

Lord Charles
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*UW * X * GGG+ +*W M W+ +*WS * * SW+ +*D *G G* D+
+*W S *** S GG+ +* ******S****** + +*S* * * * * * *S+ +* *** F *** +
+* F* X * G+ +* * * + +* * * * + +* * * +
+**S****** ******+ +* * * + +* ***** * *** **+ +*** *S*S*S*S* **+
+* *GGM* + +* * D D * + +* *U* *U* + +*G* S S *G+
+* * *G*S*** *** + +* * * + +*** * ***** *** + +* *** *** +
+* * *MST * + +* * * + +* * S S + +* S *S* S +
+*X*X*** * * * **+ +*MS SM+ +* ******T****** + +* F * *G* * F +
+* * * * + +* * * + +* S S * + +* S *** S +
+**S** * *** ***S+ +* * * + +* *** ***** *** + +* *** *** +
+* * D ! + +* * D U * + +* *U* *D* + +*G* S US *G+
+* * ***** **S*+ +* * * + +* ***** * ***** + +*** *S*S*S*S* **+
+*G * S *!* G+ +* * * + +* S * * + +* * * +
+*GG * * * * S GG+ +* ******S****** + +*S* * * * * * *S+ +* *** F *** +
+*GGG* * S *GGG+ +*W M W+ +*WS * * SW+ +*D * * D+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*UT TU+ +*D * * * D+ +*UW *! D !* WU+ +*G* M WU*F +
+*T* * * * * * *T+ +* * * * * * * + +*W* *** * *** *W+ +*G* ****** * *G+
+* + +* S * * S + +* + +* M**GG* **+
+* * F * F * F * + +***S* ** ** *S**+ +* * ********* * + +*M*** G* ** *G+
+* + +* G*X*G + +*** *! F !* **+ +* M* ** * M+
+* * * * * * * * + +* ***G** **G*** + +*!* * F* * * *!+ +*G* *M***** *** +
+* W W + +* ***FWF*** + +* * ** ** * + +***M SS SS M W+
+* * F * D * F * + +** X WUW X *+ +*D* * D * *D+ +*U******U******U+
+* W W + +* ***FWF*** + +* * ** ** * + +*WM * SS SS **+
+* * * * * * * * + +* ***G** **G*** + +*!* * *F* * *!+ +*M* * *****G* *G+
+* + +* G*X*G + +*** *! F !* **+ +*G* M *G***M +
+* * F * F * F * + +***S* ** ** *S**+ +* * ********* * + +******* * *G***M+
+* + +* S * * S + +* + +* M M * M *G* +
+*T* * * * * * *T+ +* * * * * * * + +*W* *** * *** *W+ +*M******* *** * +
+*UT TU+ +*D * * * D+ +*UW *! D !* WU+ +* GGGB*UW M B+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
The Dungeon of the Snake

A wise search party in this most illu-

sive dungeon will allow a clever Thief or
Ranger to lead the way, for all might be
lost in its vast chambers. Secret doors,
as well, prove a hindrance.
Those who succeed in eluding the
lurking gremlins will be disappointed
with the gold, but if the mark of the Snake
or the King is what thou seeketh, come
thou well prepared.

Sir Richard
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+*U *FS + +*TS W + +*GS M M SG+ +*! * * * !+
+* * *** + +*S* * * ****X** + +*S* ****X**** *S+ +* * * * * * * * +
+* W * + +* * * *G!G* + +* * * + +* * * * +
+*** * *******X**+ +* *** ***WX!G!XW+ +* ***W***** *** + +*** ***X*X*** **+
+*F* * + +* D *G!G* + +* * WU*GGG* * + +* *D W F* +
+*S*** *S* * *** + +* *** *** **X** + +* * ***GGG*** * + +* *** *T* *** +
+* * SFS * + +* * *B * W + +*M* *G*GGGGG* *M+ +* X **S** X +
+* * *S* *** **+ +* * * * ***X****+ +* X *GGGDGGG* X + +*****WTSISTW****+
+* * * + +* * W * + +*M* *GGGGGGG* *M+ +* X **S** X +
+* ***** * *** + +* **X**** ***** + +* * ***GGG*** * + +* *** *T* *** +
+* * * D* + +* *G!G* X *U * + +* * *GGG*DW * + +* *F W U* +
+* * * ***** **+ +*WX!G!XW* * *X* + +* *** *****W*** + +*** ***X*X*** **+
+* X * * + +* *G!G* * * X + +* * * + +* * * * +
+* * * * * * * + +* **X** * *** **+ +*S* ****X**** **+ +* * * * * * * * +
+* * * * D+ +* W * *I+ +*GS M M *I+ +*! * * * I+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
+****************+ +****************+ +****************+ +****************+
+* * * + +* S + +* X X * * + +*L * * * +
+* * * * * ***** + +* ***S* * *S*S* + +* * *G* *X* *G+ +* * * * * * * * +
+* * * * * + +* SGS S S + +*W* *** * ****+ +* SW* * * +
+* * * ***** ****+ +*S* *S* *S* * *S+ +*W* *** GG+ +***S*********** +
+* * U*GGG* + +* SDS S + +*T***U***G ****+ +* W*TGTGTGT* +
+* *****G*G***** + +* *S*W*S***S*S* + +*W* *** GG+ +* ***G*G*G*G* **+
+* *GGGTGGG* + +* S S * + +*W* *** * ****+ +* *TGTGTGT* +
+*** *G*TUT*G* **+ +*S* * * *S*S* * + +* * *G* *X* GG+ +*** *G*G*G*G*** +
+* *GGGTGGG* + +* S * S S * + +* X * * GG+ +* *TGTGTGT* +
+* *****G*G***** + +* *S* * * *W* * + +***********X****+ +* ***G*G*G*T* **+
+* *GGG*D * + +* S S * SUS + +* G G G*DS + +* *TGTGTTU* GB+
+***** ***** * * + +* * *S* * *S***S+ +* * * * * *** F + +*** *********S**+
+* * * * * + +* S S S SG+ +*G G G G * + +* * * SF +
+* ***** * * * *W+ +* *S* * *S*** **+ +* * * * * * * **+ +* *** * * *G* +
+* * * WI+ +* * *I+ +*G G G S *I+ +* * *B* U+
++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++
The Dungeon of Time

Just to find this mystic dungeon is

quite a feat, indeed. ‘Tis rumoured that
the apparitions of the Time Lord can be
seen within, hence the name.
To find this most majestic place, all
the powers of the Moon Gates must be
called to aid thee.
I cannot guide thee to the dungeon by
precise location, for no reference point
could I find.
Gold was most abundant there, and if
ye should venture unto the lowermost
depths, the Mark of Kings may be thine.

Mistress Tessa
....OOO.........ooooooo....... .............oooooooOO*OOOOO
..............oooooooooo..... ............oooooooOO*OOOOO
........?....ooooooooooo..... ==== ............oooooooOO*OOOOO
.............oooooooooo...... ............oooooooOO*OOOOO
....OOO.......ooooooo......... .............oooooooOO*OOOOO

Through the deep mists of time, I

searched for this – the most beautiful
and sacred of cities in all the realm.
Though the secrets of its location I am
pledged not to reveal, I can guide thee in
these ways: Carefully search the cities
of Britain and Moon, and through the
fair castle of Lord British. Thy reward
will be the knowledge required to learn
the secret to her mysterious
Within the mighty walls of this great
city are shops of all types where
artisans, craftsmen, and traders sell
their goods. ‘Tis said, though I cannot
attest to it myself, that magical weapons
and armour are for sale here, and that
the oracle here speaks true. Hidden well
in a wooded corner are three wizards who
can aid thee, for they know much of things
exotic, and how best to find them.

Lord Dupre´
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^^OO^^ooooo^^^^^^OOOO^ ^^^ooooo^^ ^^oooooo^^*.....^^^OO^^OOOOO^
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^OOO^^OOOOOO?OOO^^^^^^^^oo................oo^^^OO^OO^..# ^O=O^
^OO^^^^^^OOO?OOO^^^^^^^oo.................o^^^OOO^OO^^ ^^*^^
^OO^^OO^^^^OOOO^^^^^oooo........ooo.......o^^OOOO^OOO^^ ^^^^
^OO^^OOOO^^^^^^^^^OOooo........ooooo......^^ooOO^^^OOO^ .^^^^
^OO^^^OOOOOO^^^^OOOooo........oooooo......^oooo^^O^OOO^^^ ...^^^
^^^^^O^^^^OOO^..... ^^^^^^^^.. ..^O=OO^^OOO^^^OOOOOOOO^^OOOO^
^^^^OOO^OOO^O^....? ^^^^^^^^ ^^O*^OO^^^^^OOOOOOOO^^^^^O^O^
^^^^O^O^O^^^O^... ^^^^^^^ ^OO^OOOO^OOOOOOOO^^^^^OOO^O^
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^^^^O^OOO^^^^^^O^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ OO^^^ OO^
^^^^O^^^OOOOOO^O^^ ^^ ^*^ ? ^^ ^O^
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^^^^OOO^OOO^OOOOOO^^^ ^^^^^ ^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^ OOOO^
The Lost Continent
Although I, myself, failed in my search for
the Lost Continent, I bring the story oft
told by the minstrels who roam the land, in
hope that it will aid in thy quest.

“Many, many years ago, there lived a

strong and sensitive people who in habited
the island-continent of Ambrosia. These
people developed great powers over the
forces of nature, and ‘tis rumoured that even
the power to change one’s physical being
rested within the realms of their knowledge.
From these stories grew the legends of the
Magic Shrines of Ambrosia.
“The Island prospered as the years
passed, and the strange power grew in
“Then, without warning, there was a
great and violent upheaval, and the Earth
sank suddenly into the oceans. A great
whirlpool pulled the Island beneath the
depths of the sea. The whirlpool exists yet,
and many claim it to be the path to lost
Sentri the Seeker
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My heart is grieved that the task of
writing this portion of the Great Work
has fallen unto me. The most revered
Ranger in all the realm, our beloved
Shamino, was sent in search of know-
ledge regarding the castle known only as
“Death”. By sheer strength of will, he
returned to us, broken in body and spirit,
with terror-stricken eyes and a mind-
less, babbling tongue.
I was the first to reach him as he
approached the castle. As I embraced
him in joyful reunion, I heard his last
intelligible words: “The stronghold of
Exodus. All may enter, none shall
leave.” Before I couldst fully under-
stand his condition, he collapsed in total
submission to his suffering. In his
scratched and bloodied hand, he clutched
his Gift: this priceless map of the Castle
Wouldst there be another way to rid
our land of the Evil One! I fear we send
thee to a horrible end. Prepare thyself
Scribe Fenton
Dearest Friends –

The knowledge held within this book

should serve thee well in thy quest.
Search deep within thyself to find the
strength to overcome the darkness.

Those who are strong of will and great

in wisdom shall not fail; but the
darkness spreads swiftly indeed.

So take this Work and go quickly to the

quest. Good luck and farewell until the
scourge is vanquished.
I, Lord British, wouldst extend
my thanks to all those subjects of
the Realm for their invaluable
assistance in bringing this
Work unto thee.

A special thanks to the Scribe

Fenton, for its editing;
Master Robert, Lord of the
Guild of Scribes, which brings
this Work unto thee, and to
Ilona, for her assistance in
arranging it in its final form.

Copyright © 1983-1987 by Origin Systems, Inc.

136 Harvey Road
Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053

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