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Before all things thanks to Allah for giving me, good health and an ability for doing this Tutorial
sheet. I would also like to thank to ENG. Moataz al-tarhoni for their supervision and precious
scientific guidance and to prepare this report, because the whole of the report had been taken from
his explanations. My best thanks go to the Petro Software Team for their precious help.
Petroleum expert has a great tool like (MBAL, PROSPER, GAP, PVTP, REVEAL, RESOLVE,
OPEN, SERVER, and worked examples) software. These tools help the petroleum engineers to
deal with their technical problems in Reservoir or Production operation.
MBAL software: one of the petroleum expert tools which used to build the reservoir modelling
with using the Material Balance Equation (MBE) with our case study. MBAL allows non
dimensional reservoir analysis to be conducted throughout the life of the field, whether this is in
early field life when limited data is available, or even in mature fields where more certainty exists.
As such, this straightforward but powerful reservoir toolkit can be applied throughout the life of
the reservoir, and is often used in conjunction with numerical simulators as a quality check of
history matching, and/or as a proxy model for fast calculations. Using limited data (PVT and
cumulative production) the engineer is well equipped to find the amount of oil in place, and any
associated drive mechanisms. Unlike the classical theory, MBAL can be used to describe any
hydrocarbon fluid (Oil, Gas or condensate) using either Black oil or compositional descriptions in
scenarios where variations in PVT with depth occur (Compositional gradient are important in high
relief reservoirs). Moreover, compartmentalized reservoirs with partially sealing faults, or pressure
activated faults can be modelled and history matched by creating multi-tank models with
transmissibility’s. This evolution of the material balance concept is another innovation from
Petroleum Experts, and extends the range of applicability to full field life, (MBAL,2020).
The MBALTM material balance tool will use for the evaluation.
Reservoir type definition: The MBALTM tool allows the definition of reservoir type in terms of
fluid content. That is, the reservoir can be defined as oil, gas or retrograde condensate. In the first
step, the fluid type for each reservoir will defined by the integration of available engineering and
petro physical information.
Preparation of data and consistency checks are performing on the PVT, production/injection
history, average reservoir pressure, and reservoir and aquifer data. VT Data Validation and QC is
very important process must run for confirming have a valid PVT Study reports and suggesting
the suitability of the data for the evaluation. Production/Injection Data Available a long period of
production history for the reservoirs. Annually or Monthly historical cumulative production and
injection data, and reformat with the correct units before importing into MBAL.
Pressure Data: Each reservoir had adequate and distributed pressure measurements. For each
reservoir, validity checks should make on the average reservoir pressure data by plotting these on
Excel spreadsheet. Invalid pressure points will exclude. Reservoir and Aquifer Data Reservoir data
such as temperature, initial pressure, porosity and connate water saturation are obtaining from
existing records. Aquifer properties are estimate based on known reservoir properties and evidence
from geological maps. Because of the higher level of uncertainty attached to the aquifer
parameters, these are more adjust during the history match phase.
Inputting the reservoir data to MBAL software:
Once you open the MBAL software this window was appearing see fig.1
As shown from the fig .1 The MBAL software was contains of fourth sections and each sections
had been used for specific purpose for DESIGNING our reservoir modelling such as:
I. File: this section was contained several options as shown from the fig 2., each of this option
was used for desirable purpose for example to design a new reservoir modelling go to the
file section and click on (CNTL+N).
II. Tool: from the tool section several parameters have been appeared (see fig 3.) such as:
Material Balance: this option was used to (estimate the original oil in place (OOIP) in the
reservoir, analyses the drive mechanisms and detect either the reservoir was effected by
the water influx (We) or not).
Reservoir Allocation: it’s used when a well is produced from the multi-layers and you
want to know how much each layers were contributing to the total production.
Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo Simulation was used to be form esthetical evaluation the
Decline Curve Analysis: it used to extrapolate into the future or forecasting.
1D Model: it was used for water flooding scenarios in order for predicting the water
breakthrough times or saturations.
Multi-Layer: Calculation of average pseudo-relative permeabilities for a multi-layer
III. Units: this section was used to change the units of your parameters
IV. Help
Fig 3. Tool section
As shown from the fig .3 one of the most important parameters from the tool section was Material
Balance. The Material balance calculations are employed in tracing the inflow and outflow of
material in a process and thus establish quantities of components or the whole process stream. The
procedures are useful in formulating products to specified compositions from available raw
materials, evaluating final compositions after blending, evaluating processing yields, and
evaluating separation efficiencies in mechanical separation systems. However, the material
balance has some limitation and assumption such as:
From the section tool after you click on the material balance the new window was open as shown
from the fig 4. As you can see from the fig 4. The material balance constants of the several option
such as:
History Matching
Production prediction
Add Tank
Add Tanks
Add Well
Material balance options:
I. Options: after you click on this section (options) this widow has been open fig 5.
as show from the fig .5 Generally the options tab was divided for three major parts:
Production history: this tab also has two options see fig 8., if the reservoir was
produced from the all the tank click on the (by Tank), but if you add a well and
your reservoir was produced from this well so choose your production history (by
Compositional model.
2. User information: which let the users to input their specific information about the name
of the (company, field, location, platform and analyst).
3. User comments and Data stamp: this section let the user to write any comment and write
their data about them reservoir model
Fig 7. Tank model tab
Fig 9. Production history tab
The second option from the Material balance was PVT see fig.4, once you click on the PVT
tab this following window was being open as clear at the fig.10.
Fig .10: PVT tab
As shown from the fig 10. The PVT tab was contains the important parameter which called
(fluid properties), from the fluid properties input the desirable data for your reservoir
modelling such as (formation (GOR), oil gravity, and etc.) see fig 11.
Fig .11: fluid properties tab
After you adding the input parameters from the fluid properties tab, click on (table) option as
clear from the top of figure to input the PVT data, see fig 12.
Note: Be careful when you input your PVT data to the MBAL software and you can see your
result plot by clicking on the (plot) icon as placed at the top of the fig.12.
After PVT had been done your next step was to inputting the (tank or well) data, to do this
step do the following steps:
First, from the OPTION section click ON the INPUT then, corresponding to your reservoir
model data try to input those data which you need for your reservoir modelling design, see
fig 13.
As clear at the fig .13, after you clicking on the INPUT section several part will be open such
as (wells data, Tank data and …etc.), so depending on your reservoir modelling you can be
inputting your data, for example if you design a tank with a well for your reservoir modelling
by clicking on the (wells data and tank data as shown from the fig.13) you can be inputting
your data for your wells and tank modelling.
Once you click on the Tank data the following window will be open (see fig.14), from the tank
data you can input the desirable data for your reservoir modelling.
And about the others sections such as (water influx, rock compressibility, and …etc.) input
your data if you have a them data from your field.
Lecture two:
What is the PVT matching with correlations and why we apply it?
PVT data is one of the most important parameters for the Material Balance. PVT data should be
accurate, valid and represent to the reservoir, if the PVT lab was an accurate so you will get a
wrong estimation for oil initially in place and also an accurate for the future prediction for the
There are some correlations that had been used for calculating the PVT data such as; Standing
correlations; Glaso; and .etc .) see fig 15.
From the fluid properties section (as described before, see lecture one fig 11.) you can choose the
best correlation for your PVT data by doing the following steps:
from the fluid properties section click on the MATCH icon as shown from the top of the fig 15.
Then the following window will be open see fig.16.
From the match icon section try to put your data field at the requirement places such as
(temperature, bubble point, and …etc.).
After you input the PVT data from the Match Icon section for the second time click on Match
icon to select the best correlations for PVT data.
Fig .17: MATCH icon section after inputting the PVT data
As shown from the fig.17, the MATCH icon section was divided to three sections:
1. Match on
2. Match statistics
3. Correlations: from this part you can choose the best correlations for your PVT data
because this section was containing a lot of the correlations which can be used for
calculating the PVT data (Pb, Rs, Bo and oil viscosity).
Fig .18: after you select one of the correlations for your PVT data, click on the Calc icon
(highlighted with yellow color) to see the results for this correlations
However, from the MBAL software you can see the results for all of the correlations on one
window by only clicking on the Match Param icon (highlighted with yellow color (beside Calc
icon, fig .18), fig.19 shows the Match Param icon section.
Your work as an engineer is to deal with those correlations and select the most accurate correlation
for the PVT data, as shown from the fig .19, all of the correlations which highlighted with yellow
color were clear and corresponding to them PVT data and standard deviation.
One of the way to choose the best correlation is depending on the standard deviation
number, minimum standard deviation number is equal to the best correlation.
Another way, is to see your results plot for each correlation, from the top of the fig.19 there
is an icon with the name PLOT, click on this icon you can see your results parameters such
as the plot of (bubble point pressure vs. time) and (gas oil ration vs. pressure) and …etc.).
according to your results plot you can choose the best correlation because each correlations
matched the more amount of points it will be the best one.
Lecture 3
Complete entering the reservoir data:
As described from the lecture one (see section 1.2.4), after you click on the input section from the
Tank Once you click on the Tank data the following window will be open (see fig.1), from the
tank data you can input the desirable data for your reservoir modelling. From this lecture 3, We
try to know how we can input the data for each of the parameters such as: (water influx, rock
compressibility, rock compaction, relative permeability and production history) through the
MBAL software.
Lecture 3.
3.1 Tank parameters: this section was describing from the lecture one (see the section 1.2.4).
3.2 Water influx: can also be referred to as water encroachment or aquifer influx. It can be
defined as an underground layer of water-bearing porous rock which flows out into any available
space in the reservoir rock, (Okotie and Ikporo, 2018).
As clear from the fig.21, from the water influx section several correlations were existing to design
your aquifer model.
Note: this section will be explained with more details from the lecture 6 (Aquifer Modelling).
3.3 Rock Compressibility section: from the Rock compressibility section (see fig.22) you
can input your reservoir rock compressibility value. However, as shown from the fig.22 rock
compress section was contains of four options:
1. From correlation: this section used for calculating the rock compressibility from those
correlations which existing in the MBAL software. either you don’t have the rock
compressibility value the MBAL software corresponding to the porosity value and the
formation type will calculate the rock compressibility.
2. Variable pressure
3. User specified: this option used when you a have rock compressibility value from your
filed data.
4. None
3.4 Rock compaction: because we work with the Material Balance equation we don’t need this
section for our reservoir modelling. The material balance equation does not depend on the rock
compaction value for calculating the original oil in place.
3.5 Pore Volume vs. Depth: this section depends on the previous section data (Rock
Compaction) to be run. If you don’t input the rock compaction value, the Pore Volume vs. Depth
section will not be active.
3.6 Relative permeability: this section used for inputting the relative permeability of fluids
with saturation od fluids, see fig.23.
Fig.23: relative permeability section
For inputting The relative permeability value in the MBAL software there are two options, see
the (Rel Perm. from (highlighted with the yellow color) by clicking on this option the MBAL
program was give you two ways for inputting relative permeability data;
Corey Functions: by choosing this option the window (see fig.23) was be open and you can
input the desirable data corresponding to the Corey functions.
Tables: this way also used for inputting the relative permeability data, this section rather
than the relative permeability data need to input the saturation data of the fluids see fig.24.
3.7 Production history: this section used for inputting your production history data such as
(time, oil commutation, and …etc.) see fig.25.
After the production history data was be finished you can click on the (Plot) ICON to see your
result plot, for example (cumulative oil production vs. time) and so on.
Lecture four:
History matching: It is a process of modifying the input data into a reservoir model until a
reasonable comparison is obtained between the observed data and the simulated. History Matching
This step is necessary before any prediction of reservoir performance
Two methods will utilize in carrying out the history match namely:
- Analytical method: In the analytical method, non-linear regression will use to estimate
unknown reservoir and aquifer parameters during the history match. The method is graphically
interactive and is based on fitting a model to the trend of pressure vs cumulative production of the
predominant reservoir fluid as changes are made to the input parameters. A match obtain through
the analytical method alone does not guarantee that the right model will use especially where there
is some aquifer
- Graphical method: Verification of the right model will achieve through the graphical method.
Hence, the results of the analytical approach will visualize with the corresponding straight-line
method like the Havlena-Odeh and, Campbell, etc. The analytical model will have considered
adequate if the graphical method produces a good match which guarantees that the hydrocarbon
volumes and aquifer strength applied are correct.
Note: The quality of the history match is directly proportional to the amount and accuracy of the
available data.
MBAL Simulation: After obtaining a history match, the validity of the match will establish by
running a simulation with the final material balance model. The results obtain from the simulation
should compare with the historical input data of pressure, cumulative oil, and finally injection.
History Matching: once you click on the history matching section in the MBAL software this
window will be pop up (see fig.26).
Fig.26: History Matching section
In order to know does the simulation data matched with the actual reservoir data, there are two
ways for this purpose as mention above (Analytical Method and Graphical Method).
Start with the analytical method (see fig.27), the analytical section was show how the actual
reservoir data was matched with the simulation data, from the top of the fig.27 there is an icon
called (Regression) (highlighted with the yellow color), this icon leads the user to an optimum
value for (original oil in place with rock compressibility) to get a good matching between the
reservoir data with simulation data.
As clear from the fig 27, the simulation data with the reservoir data did not match together and in
order to make a good match between them click on the Regression icon and choose the best value
to achieve an optimum matching, see fig 28.
Fig .27: Analytical Method section
As clear from the fig.28, the Regression section will give you two parameters such as (oil in place
and formation compressibility) to play with them to get an optimum matching. To play with the
parameters click on the Calc icon and the MBAL software will calculate an amount for your
parameters and if you accept those values which provided by the MBAL software click on the
(best fit) icon and finally click on done then try to see the matching between your data if this value
does not provide a good matching between your data you need to try for more than one times
Regression to achieve a good matching.
The Graphical Method is another way for estimating an optimum value of original oil in place.
Once you click on the graphical method from the history section, this window was being open (see
To estimate the (OIIP) BY graphical method first you need to select a method for your aquifer
modelling (see fig.30), the Method icon was defining the several ways for designing the aquifer
model for your reservoir, the designing an aquifer is one of the most important work to the reservoir
engineering because any an accuracy will create a major effect on the (OIIP) calculation. After the
aquifer modelling method has been done click on the Best fit ICON (beside Method Icon), then
the MBAL graphically estimate an amount for the OIIP (see fig.31)
Fig .31: after clicking on the Best fit icon the MBAL will estimate an amount for the OIIP, the
estimation value of OIIP was appear at the bottom of the figure see the estimation amount of
OIIP (highlighted with the yellow color).
Lecture five:
The aquifer can be classified as infinite or finite (bounded). Geologically all formations are finite,
but may act as infinite if the changes in the pressure at the oil-water contact are not “felt” at the
aquifer boundary. Infinite system indicates that the effect of the pressure changes at the oil/aquifer
boundary can never be felt at the outer boundary. This boundary is for all intents and purposes at
a constant pressure equal to initial reservoir pressure. Finite system indicates that the aquifer outer
limit is affected by the influx into the oil zone and that the pressure at this outer limit changes with
The significance of the straight-line approach is that the sequence of plotting is important and if the plotted
data deviates from this straight line there is some reason for it. This significant observation will provide the
engineer with valuable information that can be used in determining the following unknowns:
Driving mechanisms.
𝑁 = (𝐹 – 𝑊𝑒)/( 𝐸𝑜 + 𝑚𝐸𝑔 + 𝐸𝑓, 𝑤 )
Interpretation Technique:
the reservoir engineering knows that the aquifer is existing below the reservoir by
plotting ((FO/ (EO+EW, F) vs. (Np Or Time)), and then:
- If (A) Horizontal Line, the reservoir classified as (Volumetric) i.e., No water influx, (see fig.32).
- If (B OR C) raise the line, the reservoir has been energized by water influx If (B): the outer
boundary has been felt and the aquifer is depleting in union with the reservoir itself (see fig.32).
- If (C): might by strong water drive field, in which the aquifer is displacing an infinite acting
behavior (see fig.32).
However, there are another plot which helps the reservoir engineering for detecting
the STRENGTH OF an aquifer such as Campbell Plot which is Used to identify the
relative strength of aquifer. Plotting F/Et on the Y axis versus F on the X-axis will
yield a plot with one of the characteristic curve shapes as shown below. It should be
noted that we assume the reservoir to be a volumetric reservoir, which is not
producing under water drive so as to detect whether we have a producing aquifer
with water drive or a depletion drive. Therefore, we let We=0.
HOW can I plot ((F/ (EO+EW, F) vs. (Np or Time))? and why I should find them?
You need to find them in order to know does the aquifer is existing or not.
Plot the (pressure vs. formation volume factor (from the PVT data) see fig.34, from the
chart between (pressure and formation volume factor) try to display the equation from the
chart as shown from the fig.34.
Fig .34: displacing the equation from the chart in order to find the Bo as a function of pressure
After you have done all of the steps according to the Campbell plot you can detect the aquifer
which existing below the reservoir. And also those steps help you to design and estimate the
volume of water which invaded to the reservoir.
Lecture six:
Aquifer modelling:
Water influx: can also be referred to as water encroachment or aquifer influx. It can be
defined as an underground layer of water-bearing porous rock which flows out into any
available space in the reservoir rock, (Okotie and Ikporo, 2018).
As clear from the fig.21, from the water influx section several correlations were existing to
design your aquifer model.
Nearly all hydrocarbon reservoirs are surrounded by water-bearing rocks called aquifers. These
aquifers may be substantially larger than the oil or gas reservoirs they adjoin as to appear infinite
in size, or they may be so small in size as to be negligible in their effect on reservoir performance.
As reservoir fluids are produced and reservoir pressure declines, a pressure differential develops
from the surrounding aquifer into the reservoir. Following the basic law of fluid flow in porous
media, the aquifer reacts by encroaching across the original hydrocarbon-water contact. In some
cases, water encroachment occurs due to hydrodynamic conditions and recharge of the formation
by surface waters at an outcrop.
In many cases, the pore volume of the aquifer is not significantly larger than the pore volume of
the reservoir itself. Thus, the expansion of the water in the aquifer is negligible relative to the
overall energy system, and the reservoir behaves volumetrically. In this case, the effects of water
influx can be ignored. Aquifer Negligible Cases. In other cases, the aquifer permeability may be
sufficiently low such that a very large pressure differential is required before an appreciable
amount of water can encroach into the reservoir. In this instance, the effects of water influx can be
ignored as well.
Aquifer Configuration:
Infinite Aquifer:
- Some reservoirs are submitted to constant water loading through an aquifer extending up to
- the effect of the pressure changes at the oil/aquifer boundary can never be felt at the outer
- Aquifer is in contact with the entire hydrocarbon area. - Water invasion occurring vertically is
governed by the reservoir vertical permeability.
- Aquifer surrounded the hydrocarbon reservoir. - Horizontal Permeability is governing the water
The aquifer can be classified as infinite or finite (bounded). • Geologically all formations are finite,
but may act as infinite if the changes in the pressure at the oil-water contact are not “felt” at the
aquifer boundary. Infinite system indicates that the effect of the pressure changes at the oil/aquifer
boundary can never be felt at the outer boundary. This boundary is for all intents and purposes at
a constant pressure equal to initial reservoir pressure. Finite system indicates that the aquifer outer
limit is affected by the influx into the oil zone and that the pressure at this outer limit changes with
Pot Aquifer Model - Aquifer Volume reacts instantly with to a pressure drop at OWC.
- Aquifer expands into the oil zone of an amount function of the water volume and total
compressibility (Aquifer plus rock).
- Can be only used for small aquifers! - Noting this model is independent of time!
𝑾𝒆 = 𝑪𝒘 + 𝑪𝒇 ∗ 𝑾𝒊 ∗ 𝒇 ∗ (𝑷𝒊 − 𝑷)
θ=encroachment angle
𝑊𝑖 = 𝜋 (𝑟𝑎 2 − 𝑟𝑒 )2 ℎ∅ /(5.615)
How the reservoir engineering can use the choose the best correlation and the best method for
calculating the amount of water which invaded to the reservoir:
It was clear that the estimating of water influx it was not an easy work because this calculation
need to know the porosity value with the thickness of aquifer and this is not an economy advantage,
so the only way was depend on the standard deviation number which placed below the regression
section from the history matching section. when you choose any correlation from the water influx
section as shown from the fig 21. After you choose each of the correlation a window will be open
with some parameters and you need to input the required value and then click on DONE icon.
After this step go to the History Matching section and do the same process which described from
the lecture 4 about achieving an optimum matching between the reservoir data with the simulation
Note: be aware when you use the graphical method because when you choose any correlation for
calculating the aquifer volume without None, you need to choose the method also from the
graphical method section for calculation the initial oil in place before you click on Best fit
To compare the actual reservoir data and simulation data from the history matching section click
on (Run Simulation) icon see fig.35, and then click on the Calc icon then click on the plot icon and
finally you can compare all the reservoir data with the simulation data.
Fig .35: Run simulation section
After you click on the Plot Icon section you clearly see the comparing between your both data
and once you click on the variables icon (see fig .36) to compare any parameters which you want
to see them compares between them, see fig .37.
Fig .36: displacing the Variables Icon from the PLOT ICON SECTION.
Fig .36: variable icon section
Lecture SEVEN:
Sensitivity Analysis:
The sensitivity analysis means study of the effect of each parameter on the model, from the History
Matching Section Click on the sensitivity icon to set the value of each parameters in order to
achieve the best matching.
The sensitivity section displays those parameters which you can play with it to achieve a good
matching as shown from the fig.38.
After you estimate an amount for your parameters chose your desirable parameter and then click
on plot icon to see the appropriate amount of your estimation values.
Fig .39: plot section from the sensitivity section
As clear from the fig .39, the x- axis represent your parameter and the y - axis represent the standard
deviation number, the plot tells you if you set the 950 MMSTB for OIIP you will get the minimum
standard deviation and the minimum deviation factor in means the optimum estimation value.
Reservoir Modelling Course using MBAL Software
Course Description
Course Objectives
You will learn interpretation techniques; to help you understanding the reservoir
Analysis the reservoir drive mechanisms and the most prominent at various date.
You will learn how to Match the PVT Laboratory with Empirical Correlations.
Sensitivity Analysis.
Lectures Table & Linking
Part (1): Excel Sheet training (Arabic Language) [total time: 180 min]
12 Lecture (4). Part.2 Reservoir Pressure Click here and Watch,
13 Lecture (4). Part.3 Reservoir Pressure Click here and Watch,
14 Lecture (5). Part.1 Production History Click here and Watch,
15 Lecture (5). Part.2 Production History Click here and Watch,
16 Lecture (6) Pressure Normalization Click here and Watch,
Part (2): MBAL training (English Language) [total time: 330 min]
9 Lecture Technical Skills using Click here and Watch,
Excel and MBAL
10 Lecture (7) Sensitivity Analysis Click here and Watch,