Cues Nursing Diagnosis Background Knowledge Goal and Objective Nursing Interventions & Rationale Evaluation

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 Px report Fatigue related to Fatigue is a NOC: Endurance NIC: Energy

unusual poor physical subjective Management
weakness condition. compliant with Goal: After 3 days
and both acute and of the nursing
shortness of chronic conditions. interventions, the
breath when It is self-recognized client will be able to
she did her state in which an verbalize reduction
usual individual of fatigue, as The nurse will:
household experiences an evidenced by Patient verbalized
work. overwhelming increased energy Minimize that she was able to
Because of sustained sense of and ability to environment rest comfortably
this, she also exhaustion and perform ADL’s. stimuli to provide and well
loses decreased capacity comfort and
appetite for physical and Objectives: prevent further Patient was able to
often and mental work that is exacerbation of identify factors that
has been not relieved by rest. After nursing fatigue. aggravate and
eating less. However, it is interventions, the relieved her fatigue.
important to know client will be able Assess the client’s
 She added that fatigue is not to: activities and Patient was able to
that she also the same as response to create a schedule
felt tiredness. Tiredness Achieve adequate activities to know that balances
numbing or is temporary. rest. potential causes activity and rest.
“pangangap Fatigue is and appropriate
al” of her associated with a Identify basis of fatigue Patient majority
left arm variety of physical fatigue and interventions. performed ADLs
starting and psychological individual areas of with acceptance of
from her left conditions. control. Assist client in minor help from the
shoulder to developing a nurse.
her fingers. In the case of the Participate in schedule for activity
 She is client, fatigue was desired activities at and rest to balance Patient
unrelieved felt by her due to energy expenditure. demonstrated
by rest. poor physical level of ability. Encourage increased
 BP 160/110 condition of independence with endurance with
mmHg weakness and Perform usual tasks ADLs but assist usual activities.
Nutrition: possibly. with ease. when necessary to
Since she often loses maintain activity Patient
her appetite with (Gil Wayne,2020) Increase activity without causing demonstrates active
her unusual endurance. exhaustion. and positive
weaknesses, she just attitude with
takes light meals or Participate in Encourage client to suggested nutrition
snaks like salitine nutrition do a light task for a management.
crackers and drinks management. day for a few
2 bottles of RC a minutes then
day to feel full. gradually increase
the duration daily
to improve
endurance without

Invovle client in
meal planning to
facilitate adequate
intake and
consumption of
foods that boos
energy and
endurance. Energy
sources include:
oats, whole-grain
bread and cereals.
Protein sources for
stronger tissues:
fish, lean meat and
eggs. Vegetables for
cell health and
repair. Dark greens
like spinach and
broccoli. Advise
reduction of salty
and fatty foods to
guard BP and heart

Note: reports of
increased weakness,
fatigue, and
changes in vital
signs during and
after the activities.

Assist client in
developing a
schedule for daily
activity and rest.

Evaluate the client’s

sleep pattern for
quality, quantity,
and time taken to
fall asleep.

stimuli, especially
during planned
time for rest and

Assist clients with

ADLs necessary;
without causing

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