Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Intervention Rationale: Prioritized Nursing Problem For Anemia Activity Intolerance
Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Intervention Rationale: Prioritized Nursing Problem For Anemia Activity Intolerance
Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Intervention Rationale: Prioritized Nursing Problem For Anemia Activity Intolerance
3. DEFICIENT Render physical comfort for the Based on Maslow’s theory, basic
KNOWLEDGE patient. physiological needs must be
Grant a calm and peaceful addressed before the patient
environment without education. Ensuring physical
interruption. comfort allows the patient to
Provide an atmosphere of concentrate on what is being
respect, openness, trust, and discussed or demonstrated.
collaboration. A calm environment allows the
Include the patient in creating patient to concentrate and focus
the teaching plan, beginning more completely.
with establishing objectives and Conveying respect is especially
goals for learning at the important when providing
beginning of the session. education to patients with
Consider what is important to different values and beliefs about
the patient. health and illness.
Involve patient in writing Goal setting allows the learner to
specific outcomes for the know what will be discussed and
teaching session, such as expected during the session.
identifying what is most Adults tend to focus on here-
important to learn from their and-now, problem-centered
viewpoint and lifestyle. education.
Explore reactions and feelings Allowing the patient to identify
about changes. the most significant content to be
Support self-directed, self- presented first is the most
designed learning. effective.
Help patient in integrating Patient involvement improves
information into daily life. compliance with health regimen
Give adequate time for and makes teaching and learning
integration that is in direct a partnership
conflict with existing values or Assessment assists the nurse in
beliefs. understanding how the learner
Provide clear, thorough, and may respond to the information
understandable explanations and possibly how successful the
and demonstrations. patient may be with the expected
Give information with the use changes.
of media. Use visual aids like Patients know what difficulties
diagrams, pictures, videotapes, will transpire in their own
audiotapes, and interactive environments, and they must be
Internet websites, encouraged to approach learning
Check the availability of activities from their priority
supplies and equipment. needs.
When presenting a material, This technique aids the learner
start with the basics or familiar, make adjustments in daily life
simple, and concrete that will result in the desired
information to less familiar, change in behavior.
complex ones. Informatiom that is in direct
Focus teaching sessions on a conflict with what is already
single concept or idea. held to be true forces a
Pace the instruction and keep reevaluation of the old material
sessions short and is thus integrated more
When teaching, build on slowly
patient’s literacy skills. Patients are better able to ask
Identify patient’s understanding questions when they have basic
of common medical information about what to
terminology, such as “empty expect.
stomach,” “emesis,” and
“palpation.” Different people take in
Use the teach-back technique to information in different ways.
determine the patient’s Adequate preparation is
understanding of what was especially important when
taught: teaching in the home setting.
- The nurse gives information in This method allows the patient
a caring manner, using plain to understand new material in
language. relation to familiar material.
- Ask the patient to explain in Clearly focuses teaching allows
his or her own words. the learner to concentrate more
- Rephrase the information if completely on material being
unable to repeat it accurately. discussed.
- Again ask the patient to teach- Learning requires energy, so
back the information using his shorter, well-paced sessions
or her own words until the reduce fatigue and allow the
nurse is comfortable that is patient to absorb more
understood. completely.
- If the patient still does not In patients with low literacy
understand, consider other skills, materials should be short
strategies. and have culturally sensitive
Provide preadmission self- illustrations.
instruction materials to prepare Patients are expected to read and
patient for postoperative understand labels on medicine
exercises. containers, appointment slips,
Encourage questions and informed consents.
Provide immediate feedback on The teach-back technique
performance. consists of specific steps in a
Allow repetition of the repetitive order to evaluate the
information or skill. recipient’s knowledge of the
Render positive, constructive content discussed. Patients who
reinforcement of learning are not able to do this method
Incorporate rewards into after multiple cycles is
learning process considered cognitively impaired.
Note progress of teaching and Providing patients with
learning. preadmission information about
Help patient identify exercises has been shown to
community resources for increase positive feelings and the
continuing information and ability to perform prescribed
support. exercises.
Approach individuals of color Questions facilitate open
with respect, warmth, and communication between patient
professional courtesy. and health care professionals and
allow verification of
understanding of given
Immediate feedback allows the
learner to make corrections
rather than practicing the skill
Repeated practice allows patient
gain confidence in self-care
A positive approach by the
patient will help him or her feel
good about learning
accomplishments, gain
confidence, and maintain self-
Rewards help to make learning
fun and exciting.
Documentation allows additional
teaching to be based on what the
learner has completed
Learning occurs through
imitation, so persons who are
currently involved in lifestyle
changes can help the learner
anticipate adjustment issues.
Community resources can offer
financial and educational
Instances of disrespect and lack
of caring have special
significance for individuals of