Nama: Arif Andri Panjaitan NIM: 7193210004
Nama: Arif Andri Panjaitan NIM: 7193210004
Nama: Arif Andri Panjaitan NIM: 7193210004
NIM : 7193210004
1. A business process is a set of activities that receive one or more inputs and produce
outputs that are of value to customers. Then, a business process is a set of activities
in a business to produce products and services.
Financial information system is an information system that is under management with the
function to manage company finances. This financial information system will later be
integrated with the accounting information system for data matching issues. There are
several important reasons why you should implement a financial information system in your
To record all financial transactions within a certain time
Can be integrated with accounting information systems
As an audit and crosscheck on business income and expenses
Assist in tax calculations
Accelerate auditors in conducting company financial audits.
--Human resources
This information system is often used by HRD and personnel within the company to store
employee personal data, basic salary, allowances, bonuses, years of service, positions and so
With this information system, the work of the HR department can be easier. In addition, this
human resource information system can also be combined with management, financial and
other information systems.
--Manufacturing and production
For your business that is engaged in manufacturing or production, having this management
information system is a must. There are several benefits to be gained from manufacturing
information systems such as:
For recording production in business
To record production results that do not pass the quality check
Record goods orders
Record production costs
Production needs analysis
Provide real-time data on ongoing production activities
And many others.
3. There are four major types of information systems in contemporary organizations serving
operational, middle, and senior management.
Systems serving operational management are transaction processing systems (TPS),
such as payroll or order processing, that track the flow of the daily routine transactions
necessary to conduct business.
MIS and DSS provide middle management with reports and access to the
organization’s current performance and historical records. Most MIS reports condense
information from TPS and are not highly analytical.
DSS support management decisions when these decisions are unique, rapidly
changing, and not specified easily in advance. They have more advanced analytical models
and data analysis capabilities than MIS and often draw on information from external as well
as internal sources.
ESS support senior management by providing data of greatest importance to senior
management decision makers, often in the form of graphs and charts delivered via portals.
They have limited analytical capabilities but can draw on sophisticated graphics software and
many sources of internal and external information.
4. A company will use information systems to improve / assist employees in order to support
their performance. Management information system is very important influence for the
company because its role is very vital or very impactful for the company itself. With the use
of management information systems companies can have advantages in business processes
within the company.
Business processes that previously did not use management information systems will take a
long time. Using a SIM will have advantages for the company because business processes
can be shortened or simplified. In its use management information system has a system that
can help the performance of employees in the company. So the company does not need to
take a long time in some of its business processes.
5. Information systems have a very important role in a business within the company.
Information systems have a role in supporting operational business activities, supporting
management in decision making, and supporting competitive strategic advantages.
Support operational business activities.
from accounting to tracking customer orders, information systems provide support for
management in the day-to-day operations of business activities. When rapid response or
response becomes important, the ability of information systems to be able to collect and
integrate information into various business functions becomes critical or important.
Support for decision making.
Information systems can combine information to help managers run the business better, the
same information can help managers identify trends and to evaluate the results of previous
decisions. Information systems will help managers make better, more informed, and more
meaningful decisions.
Information systems designed to help achieve the company's strategic goals can create a
competitive advantage in the market.