IT Supports Organizational Performance in Turbulent Business Environments
IT Supports Organizational Performance in Turbulent Business Environments
IT Supports Organizational Performance in Turbulent Business Environments
IT supports organizational activities that counter environmental business pressure. IT helps in exploiting opportunities created by changing environment to improve their performance and competitive edge. Today is the age of digital economy and IT helps to shift from traditional economy to digital economy. Support is a necessity for an organization to excel or survive.
Digital Economy: Emphasis on the convergence of computing and tele communications via the Internet resulting in the flow of information that will stimulate e-commerce online transactions etc.
Information System collects, processes stores, analyses and disseminates information for a specific purpose. It includes input(data, instructions) and output(reports and calculations). A feedback mechanism may be included. Information Technology is termed as collection of computing systems used by an organization.
Organizational Responses
Porters Model
Porters Competitive Forces Model has been used to develop strategies for companies to increase their competitive edge. It also demonstrates how it can enhance competitiveness. The model recognizes 5 major forces that could endanger a companies position in a given industry.
Adaptive Organizations
Adaptive Enterprise: They respond in a timely manner to environmental changes. Process of becoming an adaptive organization: 1.Recognise environmental and organizational changes as quickly as they occur. 2.Deal with the changes properly and correctly. 3.Not wait for competitors to introduce change. 4.Have a scalable and appropriate IT architecture. 5.Develop an innovation culture.
HP Model:
To be adaptive IT must be sync with business processes(collection of activities performed to accomplish clearly defined goal with starting and ending points) Real Time System is an information System that provides fast enough access to information or data so that appropriate decision can be made eg. Buying a stock etc.
2)Companies that have first mover advantage,but lost the marketplace battle to late movers:
Concentrates on improving collaboration and interaction among people. It is shift from top down management and communication with their activities become a major organization power. People collaborate online , get advice from one another and from trusted experts and find goods and services they really like. Social Network: It is a website where people create their own space on which they write their blogs , share videos , music.These sites allow users to build their home page for free which is then referred to as social networking. Virtual World: It is a computer based stimulated envoirnment intented for its users to inhabit and virtual spaces interact via avatars(usually depicted as 2d,3d etc)
ORGANIZATIONS: Key elements of an organization are its people,structure,business process,politics and culture. Organizations have structure that are compoosed of different levels Senior management: Makes long range strategic decisions and ensures financial performance of firm.
Middle Management:Responsible for monitoring daily activities of the business.Knowledge workers such as engineers,scientists comes under this category.
Operational Management:It consists of production and service workers who actually produce the product and deliver the service.
Management: Management job is to make sense out of many situations faced by organizations,make decisions, and formulate action plans to solve organizational problems. A substantial part of management responsibility is creative work driven by new knowledge and information.
Technology: Information technology is one of many tools managers use to cop with the change. Computer hardware:physical equipment used for input,processing and output activities. Computer software:preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate computer hardware. Data management technology:consists of software governing the program.
Enterprise systems
Enterprise systems,also known as enterprise resource planning(ERP) systems solve this problem by collecting data from various key business processes .
Impact of IT on organizations
Transaction cost theory:
Flattening of organizations: