ASTM F2376-17a
ASTM F2376-17a
ASTM F2376-17a
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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F2376 − 17a
D638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 4.1.2 children’s slides—Water slides generally intended
D790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced only for use by persons under the height of 48 in. Water slide
and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi- has a maximum fall distance of 3 in. from slide exit where the
als rider enters the water and water depth is no greater than 24 in.
F747 Terminology Relating to Amusement Rides and De- 4.1.3 mat slides—water slide used with a designated mat as
vices a vehicle.
F770 Practice for Ownership, Operation, Maintenance, and 4.1.4 serpentine slide—curved path as viewed in geometric
Inspection of Amusement Rides and Devices slide path.
F846 Guide for Testing Performance of Amusement Rides 4.1.5 specialty slides—proprietary water slide design, such
and Devices (Withdrawn 2013)3 as an uphill, half-pipe, or bowl ride, which does not conform to
F853 Practice for Maintenance Procedures for Amusement standard classification.
Rides and Devices (Withdrawn 2014)3 4.1.6 specialty vehicle slides—water slide used with a pro-
F893 Guide for Auditing Amusement Rides and Devices prietary vehicle specified by the manufacturer.
(Withdrawn 2013)3 4.1.7 speed slide—water slide where the rider(s) achieve a
F1193 Practice for Quality, Manufacture, and Construction velocity of 25 ft/s or more during the course of the ride.
of Amusement Rides and Devices 4.1.8 tube slides—water slide used with a single or multi-
F1305 Guide for Classification of Amusement Ride and person water slide tube.
Device Related Injuries and Illnesses (Withdrawn 2011)3
F2291 Practice for Design of Amusement Rides and Devices 5. Materials
2.2 ACI Standard:4 5.1 Flume Material—Any material that has the following
ACI-318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Con- basic properties and that meets all other requirements of this
crete practice may be used to construct water slides.
2.3 ASCE Standard:5 5.1.1 Flumes riding surfaces shall be constructed to be
ANSI/ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and smooth.
Other Structures 5.1.2 Flume material shall be demonstrated as strong
2.4 USDA Document:6 enough to support specified loads as defined in Section 8.
USDA-72 The Wood Handbook 5.1.3 Flume components, maintained using the manufactur-
er’s instructions, shall not deteriorate over time in such a way
3. Terminology that a hazard will develop.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.2 Support Materials—Any material that has the following
3.1.1 landing pool—pool intended to receive riders from a basic properties and that meets all other requirements of this
water slide. practice may be used to construct water slide supports.
3.1.2 landing zone—area in a landing pool intended for 5.2.1 Supports for water slides shall be constructed from
receiving riders from a particular slide. durable materials such as wood, metal, concrete, or engineered
3.1.3 lifeguard—individual specially trained in lifesaving composites.
and emergency procedures, responsible for monitoring patrons 5.2.2 Supports for water slides fabricated from metal shall
and responding to aquatic and other emergencies. be either inherently corrosion resistant, or be finished in such a
way as to provide protection from corrosion.
3.1.4 owner/operator—person or organization that is re- 5.2.3 Wood materials shall be finished in such a way to
sponsible for the maintenance and operation of a water slide provide protection against deterioration.
system. 5.2.4 Support material shall be demonstrated as strong
enough to support specified loads as defined in Section 7.
4. Slide Classification
5.2.5 Supports shall be constructed to accommodate regular
4.1 Water slides are classified by their physical and intended inspection and maintenance for structural integrity, material
use characteristics. The classification may be a combination of deterioration, or corrosion, or a combination thereof.
the specific rider vehicle used the type of geometric path, often
serpentine or straight, and the designation as a speed slide if the 6. Notification Requirement
rider’s velocity exceeds 25 ft/s. The following are definitions of
6.1 A water slide system shown to comply with this practice
the types of water slides.
shall meet all applicable requirements specified in this practice.
4.1.1 body slides—water slide used without a vehicle.
Anyone representing compliance with this practice shall keep
such essential records as are necessary to document any claim
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on that the requirements within this specification have been met.
6.2 The owner/operator of a water slide shall notify the
Available from American Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, Farmington
Hills, MI 48333. appropriate manufacturer(s) of any known incident as specified
Available from The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1801 in Guides F1305 and F893.
Alexander Bell Dr., Reston, VA 20191.
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, 6.3 The manufacturer shall notify the appropriate owner(s)/
732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401. operator(s) of similar water slides of an incident that resulted in
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Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2376 − 17a
a serious injury promptly upon the determination by the sections on Manufacturer’s Responsibility of Practices F770
manufacturer that the incident is significantly repeatable. and F853. In addition to the environmental load information,
6.3.1 Such manufacturer notification shall be a bulletin as any restriction, limitations, or special procedures associated
specified in Sections through of Practice with water slides exposed to these environmental loads shall be
F853. included.
7.4.3 Lateral Wind Load (symbol LWL)—For outdoor slides,
7. Structural Design of Water Slides the minimum wind load for all types of water slides shall be
calculated based on 100-mph wind (3-s gust) for non-
7.1 This section defines the loading and strength criteria that
operational conditions. Lateral wind load may be reduced by
shall be used in the structural engineering of water slide flumes
an importance factor of less than 1.0, where appropriate, for
and supporting structures. The strength and stability of the
water slide structures that are unoccupied during extreme
water slide system shall be demonstrated by generally accepted
engineering methods certified by a professional engineer.
7.4.4 Reduced Lateral Wind Load (symbol RLWL)—For
7.2 Dead Loads (symbol DL)—Forces resulting from weight outdoor slides, the minimum wind load for all types of water
of all components of the ride and includes all loads that do not slides shall be calculated based on Section 8.13.1 of Practice
fluctuate with respect to time. F2291 for operational conditions.
7.3 Operational Loads—Forces from water, riders, or 7.4.5 Other Lateral Loads (symbol OLL)—A minimum
vehicles, or a combination thereof, in the ride under normal lateral load equivalent to 10 % of the dead weight of the
operations. structure shall be included.
7.3.1 Water Load (symbol WL)—In free flowing water slides 7.4.6 Snow Load (symbol SL)—The snow load for all types
where water does not collect in pools or streams greater than 2 of water slides shall be calculated in accordance with the
in. deep, the water load shall be a minimum of 15 lbs/linear ft relevant local ground snow load(s).
for every 1000 gal/min of flow. Where the flow is such that 7.5 Overload—Forces from water, riders, or vehicles, or a
water collects in pools or streams greater than 2 in. deep, the combination thereof, under extraordinary operational condi-
actual maximum water load shall be determined and used in tions due to user overload.
calculation, design, or load tests, or a combination thereof. 7.5.1 Calculations for extraordinary operational conditions
7.3.2 Rider Load (symbol RL)—The manufacturer shall that consider user overload shall be based on conditions
specify the rider vehicle and the maximum number of riders specified by the manufacturer and need not consider any other
that are to ride in the flume at one time. live load in combination with such overload. For water slides intended for multiple rider use, the 7.6 Load Combinations—Engineering calculations may use
weight assigned to each rider shall be, at a minimum, the either allowable stress methods (ASD) or load and resistance
weight specified for an adult rider in Section 8.6.1 of Practice factor methods (LRFD). Engineering calculations shall con-
F2291. sider load conditions and combinations of loads in accordance For single rider water slides, the rider weight shall with generally accepted engineering methods. Calculations
be a maximum of 300 lb. shall consider that water slide systems may not be occupied For water slides intended for use by children only, during extremes of weather.
the weight assigned to a child shall be as specified in Section
8.6.2 of Practice F2291. 7.7 Metal Structures—Strength of steel structures under or Ride loads shall be so arranged to cause the greatest above noted loads shall be designed in accordance with current
realistic operational load to the system. AISC, ASCE standards,5 or equivalent national standards. Lateral centripetal forces shall be considered in 7.8 Wood Structures—Strength of timber structures under or
curved sections of flume. Predicted rider speeds should be used above noted loads shall be designed in accordance with current
to calculate these forces. If speeds cannot be predicted, then a USDA-72, ASCE standards,5 or equivalent national standards.
minimum of 15 ft/s for flumes under 15 % slope and 30 ft/s for 7.9 Concrete Structures—Strength of concrete structures
all other flumes shall be used. under above noted loads shall be designed in accordance with If the manufacturer places maximum rider total current ACI-318 or equivalent national standards.
weight limits on a slide, then that restricted load may be used.
7.10 Plastic and Plastic Composite Structures: The weight of the rider vehicle shall be included in 7.10.1 Strength of plastic structures under above noted
determining rider load. loads shall be designed in accordance with generally accepted
7.4 Environmental Loads—Forces from environmental con- engineering methods. Assessment shall be performed in a
ditions of the site such as wind, precipitation, earthquake, and manner suitable for the specific material and structure.
changes in temperature. 7.10.2 Fiberglass reinforced plastic or other composite ma-
7.4.1 Loads and forces due to environmental conditions terials used structurally shall have samples tested for strength
shall be in accordance with applicable local code requirements with accelerated aging in accordance with Test Methods D570,
or ANSI/ASCE 7, or other equivalent national standard. D638, and D790.
7.4.2 The manufacturer/designer shall clearly indicate the 7.10.3 Loads from normal operational conditions shall dem-
environmental loads the water slide was designed for in the onstrate a minimum of 5 to 1 factor of safety against rupture for
operating and maintenance instructions as specified in the fiberglass reinforced plastic or other composite materials.
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F2376 − 17a
7.10.4 Calculations for extraordinary operational conditions
from user overload shall demonstrate a minimum of 2 to 1
factor of safety against rupture of fiberglass reinforced plastic
or other composite materials.
8. Performance Requirements
8.1 General Requirements:
8.1.1 The following are minimum requirements and should
not be substituted where manufacturer experience suggests
more acrimonious values.
8.1.2 Surfaces in reach by slide attendants and riders shall
be made in such a way as to reduce the potential for injury.
8.1.3 A water slide shall be designed and constructed so that
forces on riders allow the rider to use the slide in accordance
with the rules and instructions under normal operating condi-
8.2 Slide Access:
8.2.1 General—Fencing, guardrails, and handrails shall be
installed in accordance with Section 14 of Practice F2291.
8.2.2 If the water slide system includes a starting platform
and the platform is more than 21 in. above surrounding terrain,
the platform shall provide at least 36 in. in distance between
the slide entry and the top of stairs or ramp. Sufficient space
shall be provided on the platform for slide attendant
workspace, signage, and any communication devices needed FIG. 1 Water Slide Clearance Envelope
for operation. Except where a stair or ramp or slide entry joins
it, the platform shall be surrounded on all sides by a guardrail
in accordance with Section 14 of Practice F2291.
8.2.3 Surface of steps, access ramp, and deck shall be
slip-resistant and self-draining.
8.2.4 Slide entry section should interface with the platform
guardrail so that a 4 in. sphere cannot pass between the slide
entry component and the adjacent guardrail component.
8.3 Open Flume Geometry:
8.3.1 Flume cross-section shape shall be configured to
contain the rider(s) or vehicle, or both, under all reasonable
operating conditions. Total depth of section and shape of
cross-section of a flume may be created in a single piece or
more than one piece.
8.3.2 Open water slide flumes shall be kept clear of ob-
stacles within the water slide clearance envelope as shown in
Figs. 1 and 2. Flume riser sections may be added to block
access to anything encroaching in the area.
8.3.3 Water slides shall have additional sidewall height
provided by a flume riser section on the outside part of all
horizontal curves to contain the rider. This flume riser shall be
concave facing the center of the cross-section. The flume riser
may be an integral or separate part from the main flume
component. FIG. 2 Water Slide Clearance Envelope Flume Riser Transition—Flume riser parts shall be
transitioned from sections without flume risers to sections with
flume risers with a maximum angle of 45° from the horizontal.
See Fig. 3. The inside height of the entrance to the cover or flume riser Other Additions—Where a cover, a tube entrance, or shall be at least 48 in.
a flume riser is fitted other than at the beginning of the slide, 8.3.4 Body slides with curved bottom flume sections such
the sides of the slide shall have a smooth transition from that the cross-section of the bottom and the sides are a
horizontal to vertical. Maximum angle of transition will be 45°. continuously curving surface shall have:
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Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2376 − 17a
8.4.2 Body slides with curved bottom flumes shall have a
minimum inside dimension of 30 in.
8.4.3 Tube slides with flat bottom closed flume sections
shall have a minimum inside dimension of 48 in.
8.4.4 Tube slides with curved bottom closed flume sections
shall have a minimum inside dimension of 52 in.
8.5 Flow Rate—The water flow in each slide has an effect
on the performance of the sliding surface.
8.5.1 The manufacturer shall determine the flow rate and
shall set a fixed range of acceptability for each installation at
the time of commissioning.
8.5.2 The water flow valves shall be secured from interfer-
ence or adjustment by unauthorized personnel.
8.5.3 Flow meters, calibrated means of flow measurement,
FIG. 3 Flume Riser or marker(s) indicating proper operational water flow/level
shall be provided for each flume.
8.6 Run Out Lanes:
8.6.1 Run out sections shall be designed to contain, Minimum inside width of 30 in., minimum sidewall
decelerate, and stop riders to allow them to exit the slide.
height of 15 in., and The top 1 in. of curved sidewalls shall be within 10° 8.6.2 A weir or other device shall regulate the water level in
of vertical. the run out to the correct level given correct flow rate for the
8.3.5 Tube slides with flat bottom flume sections shall have: ride. Minimum width of 48 in. inside sidewalls, 8.6.3 To facilitate proper deceleration, a marker shall be Minimum sidewall height of 24 in, and provided to indicate the operational water level in the run out, Sidewalls that are straight may diverge from vertical which the slide attendant/lifeguard may verify prior to allowing
a maximum of 2 in. measured at 24 in. from bottom. the next rider entry to the slide.
8.3.6 Tube slides with curved bottom flume sections such 8.7 Landing Pools:
that the cross-section of the bottom and the sides are a 8.7.1 Landing pools shall be designed to decelerate and stop
continuously curving surface shall have: riders and allow them to exit the water slide without encoun- Minimum inside width of 52 in., tering an obstruction. Minimum sidewall height of 26 in., and 8.7.2 The exit path for riders shall not cross with the landing The top 1 in. of curved sidewalls shall be within 10° zone of other slides. The designated pool exit shall be such as
of vertical. to force the riders to move forward and away from the paths of
8.3.7 Mat slides that are straight in plan shall have: riders from other flumes. Minimum width of 22 in. inside sidewalls, 8.7.3 Water slides entering a landing pool shall have a Minimum sidewall height of 16 in., landing pool of sufficient length to decelerate and stop riders Sidewalls that are straight may diverge from vertical and minimize the potential for contact with the pool wall or
a maximum of 6 in. measured at 16 in. from bottom, and stationary objects (stair, ladder, railing, and so forth) in the The top 1 in. of curved sidewalls shall be within 10° landing pool. Water slides classified as speed slides (rider
of vertical. velocity over 25 ft/s) will require additional pool length.
8.3.8 Multiple Parallel Lane Flumes—Where more than one 8.7.4 Pool depth in the landing zone for water slides for
flume runs in parallel straight-line path (in plan). persons over 48 in. tall shall have a minimum pool depth of 3 The outermost sections shall have sidewalls a mini- ft.
mum of 24 in. in height. 8.7.5 Flume geometry at pool entry shall be straight viewed Where the flume path runs adjacent, there shall be a in plan for the last 8 ft of the water slide entering a pool.
dividing barrier a minimum of 8 in. high between the lanes. 8.7.6 Landing pools for waterslides with a fall distance Each lane shall be a minimum of 22 in. inside width. greater than 6 in. shall have an increase in pool depth from the
8.3.9 Water slides such as specialty slides that cannot be 3 ft minimum according to manufacturer recommendation to
classified above shall conform to the requirements of 9.4. minimize potential impact with pool bottom.
8.3.10 Combination rides may be designed such that sec- 8.7.7 If water supply for the slide(s) is drawn directly from
tions of the slide conform to the requirements of the respective landing pools or other areas accessible to the public, the
specifications above. suction line shall be divided into at least two lines, where
8.4 Closed Flume Geometry: connected to the pool, such that one person cannot block more
8.4.1 The following are minimum requirements and should than one suction line. The fittings and piping details shall be
not be substituted where manufacturer experience suggests designed so that the full volume of water for the slide may be
more conservative values. Total shape of cross-section of a drawn through the remaining fittings at a velocity not to exceed
flume may be created in two or more pieces. 1 ft/s, assuming one suction fitting is fully blocked.
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F2376 − 17a
8.7.8 Body Slide Landing Pools: joints are not perfectly tangent, the upstream edge shall be set Body slides entering a landing pool shall have a above the downstream edge on the riding surface a maximum
minimum distance between the inside of the widest part of the of 3⁄16 in. to ensure that riders will not hit the edge of a lateral
flume riding surface and the closest pool wall of 5 ft. The place joint. (For the purposes of this section, riding surface shall be
of measurement in the pool shall be at any point from water taken to mean the part of the flume where the path of riders is
level to 3 ft below water level and 6 ft in front of the flume expected or found to pass over, for example, the outside half of
termination. The lateral pool wall shall be parallel to or diverge a curved flume section.)
from the axis of the slide. See Fig. 4. 8.9.2 Longitudinal joints on the riding surface shall be made Body slides entering a common landing pool should tangent.
be arranged so as to minimize the potential for riders to come 8.9.3 Edges of lateral joints on body slides may have a
in contact with each other when exiting the flumes of adjacent radius of up to 3⁄16 in. Edges of longitudinal joints in closed
slides simultaneously. flumes may have a radius of up to 1⁄4 in. Edges of longitudinal
8.7.9 Tube Slide Landing Pools: joints in open flume risers may have a radius of up to 3⁄8 in. Tube slides entering a landing pool shall have a 8.9.4 Edges of lateral joints on mat and tube slides may have
minimum distance between the inside of the widest part of the a radius of up to 1⁄2 in.
flume riding surface and the closest pool wall of 4.5 ft. The
place of measurement in the pool shall be at any point from 8.10 Accelerations:
water level to 3 ft below water level and 6 ft in front of the 8.10.1 Slide paths shall be designed so riders in seated or
flume termination. The pool wall shall be parallel to or diverge prone (laying face down) positions do not experience greater
from the axis of the slide. See Fig. 4. than 2 Gs acceleration from gravity and centrifugal accelera- Tube slides entering a common landing pool should tion vectors added together. This limit may be increased to 3 Gs
be arranged to minimize the opportunity for contact with other if the duration is less than 1 s.
riders when exiting the flumes of adjacent slides simultane- 8.10.2 Slide paths shall be designed so that riders in supine
ously. (laying face up) positions do not experience greater than 3 Gs
acceleration from gravity and centripetal acceleration vectors
8.8 Openings and Apertures in Flume Surfaces:
added together.
8.8.1 Openings may be provided in flume surfaces for
introduction of water, drains, special effects, light, and other 8.11 Slide Vehicles:
similar purposes. All edges in openings within reach of riders 8.11.1 Slide vehicle(s), if specifically required by the
shall be smooth with a minimum radius of 1⁄8 in. Openings shall manufacturer, shall be utilized.
not present an entrapment risk. 8.11.2 Alternative slide vehicles shall be approved for use
8.8.2 Openings at the slide start for the main water supply on water slides in writing from the manufacturer prior to guest
do not require guards or gratings unless the rider stands, sits, use.
walks, or slides over the face of the opening during normal 8.11.3 In the event the manufacturer does not provide
slide operation, or if the configuration of the opening is such written documentation of approval for an alternative slide
that a rider moving in the usual direction of travel would not vehicle, testing shall be performed and documented to deter-
become entrapped. Grating shall have a maximum width of slot mine if the proposed alternative vehicle is acceptable as
or hole diameter of 1⁄2 in. outlined in Section 9.
8.9 Seams and Joints: 8.11.4 Slide vehicles shall be maintained in operating
8.9.1 The surface of the sliding section shall form a smooth, condition, including but not limited to all handles or other
secure, and continuous surface. If adjacent edges of lateral holding devices, and conditions of vehicle surfaces in contact
with the slide surface.
8.11.5 Slide vehicles should be removed from service for
repair or replacement when components are missing or damage
is detected, or both.
8.11.6 Slide vehicles shall be constructed to have a cush-
ioning effect for riders who can come into contact with another
vehicle during normal operation of the slide.
8.11.7 Slide vehicles shall float when used in a landing pool.
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Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2376 − 17a
9.3 The manufacturer shall provide a written report to the Leaking seals or joints,
owner/operator, which provides detail of the installation and Loose flume risers in turns,
operational test procedures, time and place of test, test results Excessive movement of the flume,
and supporting data, and identification of the person conduct- Joint openings,
ing the test. Signage placement,
9.4 Special Testing—In the event that a new or innovative Communication device functional,
product or method is used in the design, construction, or Water flow rate in operating range,
operation of a water slide that does not comply with Section 8, Landing pool or run out water level in operating
such a product shall be deemed acceptable as follows. range,
9.4.1 The manufacturer shall prepare a testing procedure, Visual check of slide vehicles, and
this procedure shall be designed to verify the performance of Visual inspection of entrances, exits, stairways,
the slide that does not otherwise comply with Section 8 of this and ramps.
9.4.2 The test procedure shall include riders that represent 12. Owner/Operator Responsibilities
the largest and the smallest body types that shall be allowed on 12.1 As specified in Section 4 of Practice F770, the follow-
the slide. ing instructions outline requirements as applicable to water
9.4.3 The test procedure shall be reviewed and approved by slides and include requirements not specified in Practice F770
a third party consultant experienced and an expert in water which are necessary and unique to water slides.
slide operations.
12.2 Each owner/operator shall have written operating pro-
cedures for the individual water slide, which are an integral
10. Identification Marking
part of their staff-training program. These procedures shall
10.1 Installed water slides shall be identified in accordance include but not be limited to:
with Practice F1193, Section 10. 12.2.1 Specific water slide operation policies and proce-
dures with pertinent information from the manufacturer’s
11. Manufacturer Responsibilities instructions including dispatch procedures. Dispatch proce-
11.1 The following instructions outline requirements under dures shall be established for each water slide should include,
Practice F770 as applicable to water slides and include but not be limited to, the following:
requirements not specified in Practice F770 which are neces- Informing each patron of the proper rider position.
sary and unique to water slides. Manufacturers are responsible Established dispatch time intervals for each water
for determining the following: slide. Established communication system between the
11.2 Water flow rate requirements for water slide operation
slide attendant and lifeguard positioned at the landing pool or
and point at which water level in run outs or landing pools are
run-out section.
benchmarked. Limiting the number of patrons in the dispatch pool
11.3 Maximum total passenger weight and maximum num- as required by the manufacturer specifications.
ber of passengers per slide vehicle. Established dispatch procedures shall be followed
11.4 Recommended patron dispatch intervals. by slide attendants prior to dispatching each rider.
11.5 Recommended warnings concerning forces and actions 12.3 Verbal instructions, when required by the
that could aggravate physical conditions such as heart manufacturer, concerning water slide rules that shall be an-
conditions, pregnancy, neck and back conditions, and so forth. nounced to patrons prior to each ride cycle. Pre-ride instruc-
tions may include, but not be limited to: the required position
11.6 Specifications for inspection, maintenance and repair
of hands and feet, rider conduct, exiting procedures, and other
of the slide that shall include, but not be limited to, the
instructions deemed appropriate.
11.6.1 A phone number or fax number to be used by the 12.4 Signage shall be placed by the owner/operator as
owner/operator to secure maintenance or operating assistance specified in Practice F770, subsection 4.3. For water slides,
from the manufacturer. these signs shall include safety, warning, and instructional
11.6.2 Periodic minimum service and component inspection signage reflecting manufacturer recommendations. Signage
checklists. shall be prominently displayed at the slide entrance or other
11.6.3 Cleaning, waxing, repairing, and patching instruc- appropriate area, or both, and shall include but not be limited
tions to include recommended materials. to the following:
11.6.4 Description of the recommended, daily pre-opening 12.4.1 Instructions, which include:
inspection to be performed by slide attendants or maintenance Proper riding position,
personnel, or both, prior to daily operations should include but Expected rider conduct,
not be limited to: Dispatch procedures, Obstruction in the slide path, Exiting procedures, and Cracks, chips, or bubbles in the sliding surface, Obey slide attendant/lifeguard instructions. Rough patch work at joints or cracks, 12.4.2 Warnings, which include:
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Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2376 − 17a Slide characteristics, such as descriptions of speed 14.1.3 Delete (3).
or attraction rating, and 14.1.4 Patron Clearance Envelope Analysis—A patron Water depth of landing zone. clearance envelope analysis shall be performed.
12.4.3 Requirements which include: 14.1.5 Delete 5.5.2. Riders being free of medical conditions, including 14.1.6 The coordinate system shown in Fig. 1 shall be used
but not limited to pregnancy and heart, back, or musculo- as the standard reference for acceleration directions.
skeletal problems, 14.1.7 Delete Maximum/minimum height and weight, and 14.1.8 General drawings or diagrams in plan, elevation, and Any swimming or physical ability requirement, or section views showing the general arrangement of components,
both. including side clearance envelope as described in ASTM
12.5 Major Modifications—As specified in Terminology F2376, Section 8.3.2.
F747, major modifications shall not occur without written 15. Pneumatics
approval from the manufacturer.
12.5.1 In the event the manufacturer does not provide 15.1 Pneumatics shall be designed in accordance with
written approval for a major modification, the owner/operator Practice F2291, Section 10.
may retain a different manufacturer or designer/engineer to 16. Safety Related Control Systems
complete or approve the major modification, or both.
12.5.2 Testing shall be performed and documented in accor- 16.1 Safety Related Control Systems shall be designed in
dance with Guide F846 to verify the modification is acceptable accordance with Practice F2291, Section 11.
as outlined in Section 9 of this practice. 17. Mechanical Systems and Components
12.6 The owner/operator shall maintain appropriate water 17.1 Mechanical Systems and Components shall be de-
quality in accordance with local requirements for bathing signed in accordance with Practice F2291, Section 13.
18. Welding
12.7 Inspection and Maintenance Program—Based on the
water slide manufacturer’s recommendations, each owner shall 18.1 Welding procedures, methodology, and inspection
implement a program of maintenance, testing, and inspection, shall be in accordance with Practice F2291, Section 15.
providing for the duties and responsibilities necessary to care 19. Fasteners
for the water slide, safety equipment, and the slide facilities.
12.7.1 Inspections shall be conducted in accordance with 19.1 Fastened connections shall be designed in accordance
the procedures as specified in Practices F770 and F853. with Practice F2291, Section 16.
12.8 Visual checks of safety signs, slide entry, flume, run 20. Adhesive Bonding
out, landing pool, and structural components, water flow, 20.1 Adhesive Bonding shall be in accordance with Practice
landing pool water level, and run out water level shall be F2291, Subsection 16.3.
maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
21. Coatings
13. Rider Responsibility
21.1 Coatings shall be in accordance with Practice F2291,
13.1 See Practice F770. Section 19.
14. General Design Criteria 22. Sanitation/Disinfection
14.1 General design criteria shall be in accordance with 22.1 Sanitation/Disinfection shall be in accordance with
Practice F2291, Section 5 with the following revisions: Practice F2291, Section 21.
14.1.1 Delete (2).
14.1.2 Patron Restraint and Containment Analysis—A pa- 23. Keywords
tron restraint and containment analysis shall be performed. 23.1 construction; design; flume; manufacture; water slide
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed Aug 19 16:21:34 EDT 2020
Downloaded/printed by
Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2376 − 17a
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Definitions: X1.1.12 slide entry section—that part of the water slide
X1.1.1 closed flume—flume that encloses the rider in a where riders enter the flume from the starting platform.
pipe-like cross-section. X1.1.13 slide height—difference in elevation from the cen-
X1.1.2 fall distance—vertical distance between the terminus terline of the flume at the slide exit to the centerline of the
of the slide surface and the water surface of the landing pool. flume at slide entry, measured at the riding surface.
X1.1.3 flow meter—device used to measure the water flow X1.1.14 slide path—geometric layout of the flume sections
for a water slide. that make up the water slide.
X1.1.4 flume—that part of the water slide that contains the X1.1.15 slide vehicle—device intended for use on a water
rider(s) and defines the path of the water slide within which slide upon which the rider(s) sits or lays while sliding.
sliding takes place.
X1.1.16 specialty vehicle—proprietary vehicle sufficiently
X1.1.5 flume riser (splashguard)—extension of the sidewall different from other vehicles designated by the slide manufac-
of an open flume to contain riders or water and is capable of turer as suitable for use in a water slide.
use as a riding surface.
X1.1.17 starting platform—deck structure, usually of sepa-
X1.1.6 instructional signage—signage displayed in public rate construction from the water slide, from which a given
view prior to the entrance of the ride with information provided water slide starts.
to the rider, which informs them of instructions for proper use,
riding position, and expected rider behavior. X1.1.18 water flow—water volume per unit time for a given
water slide.
X1.1.7 mat—flexible sheet usually made of plastic or foam,
suitable for use as a vehicle in a water slide flume to carry a X1.1.19 water slide—see definition in Section 1.
rider. X1.1.20 water slide clearance envelope—design clearance
X1.1.8 open flume—flume that does not completely encircle to minimize the opportunity for contact between the rider and
or enclose the rider. other objects, outside of the flume, where said contact is likely
X1.1.9 rider—any person who is in the act of entering the to cause injury. See Figs. 1 and 2.
flume, using the flume, or getting off of the flume. X1.1.21 water slide system—see definition in Section 1.
X1.1.10 run-out section—flume surface of a water slide X1.1.22 water slide tube—inflated vehicle that floats in a
where riders are intended to decelerate or come to a stop, or stable fashion in a pool intended for rider use on water slides.
both. The vehicle may have a bottom or have a hole intended for
X1.1.11 slide attendant—individual trained in facility and seating and contains one or more riders as they ride in the
ride-specific operating and emergency procedures. flume; often called a raft, boat, or tube.
X2.1 Section 3.1, Terminology facturers have set individual internal standards. The desire in
X2.1.1 Many terms have a common accepted use in the this practice is to establish generally agreed upon values that
water slide industry that is unique. This is to establish a basic have provided historically safe rides.
common vocabulary as well as a basis for classification that
differentiates design parameters. All terms in this practice are X2.3 Section 5.2, Support Materials
candidates for inclusion in Terminology F747. X2.3.1 Many materials have been used for water slide
supports including: steel, concrete, wood, aluminum, and
X2.2 Section X1.1.20, Clearance Envelope fiberglass reinforced plastics. Corrosion has proved the major
X2.2.1 Water slides are distinct from other amusement rides issue for metal construction primarily for cosmetic concerns.
in that riders are not restrained and may assume unusual and With respect to corrosion of metals, maintenance has proved
arbitrary positions. Hence the methodology of assuming a the most effective factor in minimizing occurrence. Require-
statistical dimension of a body part restrained in a vehicular ments are left deliberately open and emphasize the perfor-
harness is not applicable to slide designs. Historically, manu- mance issue of durability and strength.
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Downloaded/printed by
Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2376 − 17a
X2.4 Section 7, Structural Design of Waterslides component of a slide is the rider. Pumps and mechanical
X2.4.1 Fundamentally, water slides and related access struc- devices are separate and isolated from the rider. One could
tures should not be considered the same as buildings. Some argue slides have no moving parts. Therefore, requirements for
loading conditions commonly accepted for buildings simply testing and inspection do not require the level of care common
will not occur for water slides. Therefore, complete adherence with machines. NDT testing of bearings, shafts, and moving
to building codes requires unreasonable load combinations. parts is unnecessary. The requirements of Guide F846 are not
The simplest example is loads from high winds. No water slide applicable for the most part. Inspection/testing commonly
is operated during a storm. Water slides are not intended to occurs at three points in water slide manufacture: (1) material
provide the function of shelter. Section 8.13 of Practice F2291 supply QA, (2) manufacture/fabrication QA, (3) installation,
recognizes this for amusement rides where operational loads and (4) operation. The last has two aspects, one being verifi-
are calculated with 34 mph wind. cation of the structure often by engineers, and the other being
the actual performance of the slide. The following has been
X2.4.2 Some manufacturers depend on designs prepared for modified from the basic Guide F846 requirements to reflect
an example job for all jobs. Some use load-testing criteria. In common practice.
Europe, TUV will perform tests on water slides using proof
loads if calculations are not submitted. X2.6 Section 9.4, Special Testing
X2.4.3 The intent here is to establish a commonly accept- X2.6.1 This section has been added to address concerns that
able base standard for designs. If individual jurisdictions many of the provisions of the performance section would
decide to require application of local building codes that is inhibit or prevent innovation. A radical or new ride may
their right. introduce a safe feature that goes against requirements in this
practice that are based on past experience. Demonstrating this
X2.4.4 Combinations of loads for design analysis or for
with testing is an obvious solution. However, a higher degree
determining test forces:
of care and completeness in such testing is required compared
DL + WL + RL
to products that have dozens or hundreds of previous success-
ful examples. The use of respected third party consultants is a
normal part of water slide operations and management.
DL + RL + (RLWL)
Therefore, this provides a high level of confidence to verifica-
tion tests of this type of slide.
X2.5 Section 9, Test and Inspection Methods X2.7 Section 13, Rider
X2.5.1 Water slides are distinct from amusement rides in X2.7.1 Responsibility is based on Section 5.x of Practice
that they are mechanically very simple. The only moving F770, as already accepted by F24.
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Stephen Sacco (Case Engineering, Inc. ) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.