Statistics Question Paper
Statistics Question Paper
Statistics Question Paper
3 (Sem–1) MAT
(Held in 2021)
( General )
( Classical Algebra and Trigonomety )
Full Marks : 60
Time : Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate
full marks for the questions.
z ¸•Û”Ì«1+À¬Û ¬ı±ô¶∏ª
(ii) z is purely imaginary
z ¸•Û”Ì«1+À¬Û fl¬±äøÚfl¬
(iii) z is a non-zero complex number
3 (Sem–1) MAT/G 2
(e) Write the expansion of tan –1 x in
powers of x stating the necessary
Un = ( –1) n
value of .
3 (Sem–1) MAT/G 4
3. Answer any three of the following
questions : 5×3=15
(x > 0)
(b) (i) Applying Cauchy-Schwarz
Inequality prove that 4
fl¬øÂ- ù‰¬ª±Ê«1 ’¸˜Ó¬±1 ¸˝±˚˛Ó¬ √õ∂˜±Ì fl¬1± Œ˚
3 (Sem–1) MAT/G 6
(ii) Test the convergence of the
following series : 6
Ó¬˘1 Œ|ÌœÀȬ±1 ’øˆ¬¸±ø1Ó¬± ¬Û1œé¬± fl¬1± –
Or / Ú±˝◊¬ı±¬
Prove that √[õ∂˜±Ì fl¬1± Œ˚]
( 1r + 2r + ....+ nr ) n, nn ( n ! )r, where
[˚íÓ¬] n N and [’±1n∏] r > 0. 4