CDC 8476 DS1
CDC 8476 DS1
CDC 8476 DS1
After emphasizing the importance of quantitative rock Rock mass classifications, although originally devel-
mass classifications in mining, originally directed to selec- oped for rock tunneling in civil engineering, have been
tion of rock support measures, but subsequently to esti- used in mining for some 35 years, going back to RMR
mates of rock mass properties such as rock mass strength applications in South African hard-rock and coal mining
and rock mass modulus of deformation, current attention [Bieniawski 1972; Laubscher 1976]. In the United States,
calls for a classification specifically for rock mass research investigations by Kendorski et al. [1983] for hard-
excavability by tunnel boring machines (TBMs), which are rock mining, based on RMR, as well as for coal mining
used extensively in tunneling as well as in the mining by Unal [1983] for roof support and Kalamaras and
industry. Bieniawski [1995] for pillar design, also based on RMR,
This paper introduces the Rock Mass Excavability were highly innovative, and their results are used to this
(RME) index for predicting excavability of rock masses by day.
TBMs using a quantification of machine performance and More recently, attention has been paid to rock mass
rock mass conditions. The RME index is based on five classifications aimed at determining rock mass properties,
input parameters aimed at relating rock mass behavior and
i.e., rock mass strength and the rock mass modulus of
machine characteristics: (1) uniaxial compressive strength
deformation. Examples of particularly useful charts for this
of the rock material, (2) drillability/abrasivity, (3) rock
purpose are presented in Appendix B of this paper.
mass jointing at mine drift face, (4) standup time of the
Lately, as machine-bored excavations in tunneling
excavation, and (5) groundwater inflow.
become more common than drill-and-blast tunneling,
Development of the RME index entailed the collection
of extensive data from more than 28 km of tunnels and a need emerged for predicting the performance of tunnel
some 400 case records from projects in Spain involving boring machines (TBMs) based on considerations of
double-shield TBMs. In the process, a number of statistical interaction of rock mass conditions and the TBM opera-
correlations have been established between RME and such tional parameters. If successful, such findings would be of
output parameters as degree of machine utilization, equal interest to mining applications.
advance and penetration rates, thrust and torque of the
cutterhead, and the specific energy of excavation. It was PREVIOUS STUDIES
found that the RME index provides a particularly signifi-
cant correlation for predicting the average rate of advance When one considers the history of underground exca-
(m/day). vation technology, its development, and the major mile-
In essence, the RME index is a classification system stones, the emergence and increasing use of modern TBMs
that features interaction of rock mass conditions with bor- provided both spectacular advantages and achievements, as
ing machine characteristics for use in the early stages of well as complex challenges and problems to designers and
a project. constructors who faced significant shortcomings in our
understanding of the interaction of rock mass conditions
and TBM design and performance.
1 In fact, when Terzaghi introduced his rock load con-
Professor, Superior School of Mines, University of Madrid,
Spain, and President, Bieniawski Design Enterprises, Prescott, cept in 1946, followed by Lauffer’s standup time concept
AZ. in 1958 and Deere’s Rock Quality Designation (RQD) in
Professor, Superior School of Mines, University of Madrid, 1964, these design approaches were directed to selection of
Spain, and President, Geocontrol, S.A., Madrid, Spain. rock reinforcement for tunnel construction by drilling and
blasting. The equipment selected for tunnel excavation was Subsequently, the key objection to QTBM was provided
left to the discretion of the contractor, with little input by by a major study from Norway (where the Q-system was
the designer. Even subsequent modern rock mass classifi- invented) published by Palmström and Broch [2006]. They
cation methods [Bieniawski 1973; Barton 1974] were pre- concluded:
dominantly directed to drill-and-blast tunnels, independent
of TBM characteristics. QTBM is complex and even misleading and shows
Today, this is no longer the case. TBMs have low sensitivity to penetration rate; the correlation
increased in power, size, and type to such an extent that coefficient with recorded data is even worse than
they directly influence tunnel design. Moreover, their conventional Q or RMR or with other basic param-
eters like the uniaxial compressive strength of the
selection is a source of tremendous satisfaction due to
intact rock. It is recommended that the QTBM should
increased safety and higher performance, as well as deep
not to be used.
despair when unexpected ground conditions are encoun-
tered and the TBM may be immobilized for months and This finding is clearly supported by Figure 1.
sometimes has to be rescued by old-fashioned hand mining
or conventional drill-and-blast excavation.
A major problem emerged: how to assess effectively
the interaction between rock mass conditions, as described
by the RMR or Q classification systems, and the design
and performance characteristics of the TBM. Certainly,
some attempts to solve this problem have been made, as
reviewed below, but the state of the art still rests on the
TBM manufacturers and tunnel contractors that must rely
on their experience, ingenuity, and even the will to survive
many adverse conditions.
INPUT DATA FORM f or Rock Ma ss Excava bility
Name of Tunnel .............................................................................................................................
Initial chainage of section:..............................Final chainage of section.........................................
After much overwhelming evidence, such as shown in Length of section:..............................m (should be > 40 m)
Figure 1, we concluded that modifying an existing rock Duration of excavation (days):.......................................................... (number + 1 decimal)
mass quality classification, be it the RMR or Q, for Average Rate of Advance ARA = ...................m/day
determining rock mass excavability was not an effective Lithology:..........................................................................................Average depth:............. .......m
approach for modern engineering practice. Accordingly, ROCK MASS PARAMETERS
research devoted to rock mass excavability was initiated in Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock (? c):........................................MPa
Drilling Rate Index DRI:................. Type of homogeneity at excavation face:..................... .........
2004 with the objective of establishing an index, similar to N° of joints per meter:...............Rock Mass Rating RMR: range.........................average…...........
the RMR, but which was specifically directed to predicting Orientation of discontinuities with respect to tunnel axis
rock mass excavability, rather than rock mass quality. This
(perpendicular, parallel or oblique):..............................................................
work was aimed at selecting the appropriate method of
tunnel excavation, having considered rock mass-machine Stand up time:...................hours Groundwater inflow at tunnel face: .............liters/sec
interaction, using TBMs or conventional mechanized exca- Rock Mass Excavability RME range.....................................average....................
al. [2006] was based on analyses of 387 sections of three Average speed of cutterhead rotation: .......... ................rpm Applied Thrust:...................m . kN
case, the tunnels studied included detailed data on rock Rate of Penetration:...................................... mm /min
mass characteristics and TBM parameters, as shown in the N° cutters changed:....................................... Rate of TBM utilization: .................. ...............%
The above equation consists of two terms. The first Cutterhead Thrust (FC) and Torque (T)
represents the specific energy of the cutterhead thrust from
static loading, while the second is the specific energy of Figures 6–7 show the correlation of RME with both FC
rotation incurred by the rotating cutterhead. In this study, and T values, providing acceptable coefficients of R=0.64
the specific energy of rotation (Er) was related to the RME and R=0.71, respectively, for single- and double-shield
in Figure 5. TBMs.
ARA R (5)
Figure 5.—Correlation between the RME index and the
specific energy of excavation. where ARAT = predicted true value of ARA from the
correlation with RME;
ARAR = recorded average rate of advance,
m/day, achieved in a tunnel section;
FL = factor of experience as a function of
tunnel length excavated;
and FC = factor of effectiveness by the crew
handling the TBM and the terrain.
Table 3.—RME adjustment factor (FC) 3. The effect of blasting damage, because in hard-rock
mining drilling and blasting, unless smooth blasting
is used, may have an adverse effect on stability com-
Effectiveness of the crew Adjustment
handling TBM and terrain factor (FC)
pared to machine boring.
Less than efficient....................... 0.88 As a matter of fact, all of the above effects were incor-
Efficient ....................................... 1.00 porated into the Mining Basic RMR (MBR) classification
proposed by Kendorski et al. [1983].
Very efficient ............................... 1.15
There are various types of excavating machines used
in mining. In modern hard-rock mines, machine excavation
This produces a refined RME07 correlation depicted in is used to construct access drifts and chambers, while in
Figure 8 devoted specifically to double-shield TBMs. coal mines, continuous miners and shearers are common.
In each case, to access mineral deposit production, mines
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR APPLICATIONS employ roadheaders and/or open-type TBMs.
IN MINING The RME index can be applied directly to evaluate
excavability of mine drifts and chambers. However, at the
Applications of rock mass classifications in mining time of writing, work on correlations between the RME
require some special considerations compared to civil and ARA is still in progress for roadheaders and open
engineering for a number of reasons. The three most TBMs. In fact, investigations to determine a correlation
important are— between the RME and ARA for open-type TBMs began
last year, with results expected to be presented by June
1. The effect of in situ stresses, since mines are usually 2007.
deeper than tunnels; As far as applications to roadheaders and similar
2. The effect of the induced stresses, because in mining machines are concerned, we are still in the process of data
the stress field changes as mining advances and also collection and would welcome any case histories of
due to adjacent excavations; and RME applications in this respect by interested parties. In
ARAT = 0,813RME07 - 32,56
σci≤45 MPa
ARAT (m/día)
30 σci>45 MPa
ARAT = 0,597RME07 - 24,88
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Figure 8.—Correlation between the RME07 and the average rate of advance for double-shield TBMs. For RME<50, TBMs in
double-shield mode are not recommended.
addition, applications in room-and-pillar and longwall Bieniawski ZT [1973]. Geomechanics classification of
mining will require modifications to the actual structure of jointed rock masses. J S Afr Inst Civ Eng Dec:382–398.
the RME index due to the specific nature of such mining Bieniawski ZT [1989]. Engineering rock mass classi-
operations. For example, the ratings for the standup time fications: a complete manual. New York: John Wiley &
parameter may require an adjustment factor due to the Sons.
degree of fracturing in the roof strata and due to the effect Bieniawski ZT [2004]. Aspectos clave en la elección
of the induced stress in order to better assess the stability del método constructivo de túneles (in Spanish). In: Pro-
of the rock mass in these types of mining operations. ceedings of Jornada Técnica (Madrid, Spain), pp. 1–37.
Also in: Ingeopress, No. 126, pp. 50–68.
CONCLUSIONS Bieniawski ZT, Celada B, Galera JM, Álvares M
[2006]. Rock mass excavability (RME) index: a new way
After 3 years of studies and analyses of more than 400 to select the optimum tunnel construction method. In: Pro-
case histories, RME seems to provide a tool that enables ceedings of the ITA World Tunnelling Congress (Seoul,
tunnel designers and constructors to estimate the perform- South Korea).
ance of TBMs. Future work will focus on extending the Blindheim OT [2005]. A critique of QTBM. Tunnels &
RME to all types of TBMs and improving the existing Tunnelling Int 6:32–35.
correlations with the significant operational output param- Grandori R, Jager M, Vigl, L [1995]. The Evinos
eters. Extending this work for more applications to mining TBM tunnel. In: Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and
provides challenging opportunities. Tunneling Conference. American Society of Civil
Engineers, pp. 132–146.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Kalamaras ES, Bieniawski ZT [1995]. A rock mass
strength concept incorporating the effect of time. In: Pro-
This paper was made possible by the dedicated work ceedings of the ISRM Congress (Tokyo, Japan). Balkema,
of the professional staff at Geocontrol, S.A., Madrid, pp. 295–302.
Spain, including the first two recipients of the Bieniawski Kendorski FS, Cummings RA, Bieniawski ZT, Skin-
Scholarship for tunneling research at the Superior School ner EH [1983]. Rock mass classification for block caving
of Mines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Doña María mine drift support. In: Proceedings of the 15th ISRM
Álvarez Hernández and currently Don José Carballo Congress (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia). Balkema, pp.
Rodrígez. These Bieniawski Scholarships were generously B101–B113.
funded by Geocontrol, S.A. Kirsten HAD [1982]. A classification for excavation.
Civ Eng S Afr 7:293.
REFERENCES Laubscher DH, Taylor HW [1976]. The importance of
geomechanics of jointed rock masses in mining operations.
Abrahão RA, Barton N [2003]. Employing TBM In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Exploration for
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Alber M [1993]. Classifying TBM contracts. Tunnels 128.
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Alber M [2001]. Advance rates for hard-rock TBMs mass classification systems with particular reference to the
and their effects on project economics. Tunnelling Undergr Q-system. Tunnelling Undergr Space Technol 21(6):575–
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Barton N [2000]. TBM tunneling in jointed and classifications. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 39:771–788.
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Bieniawski ZT [1972]. Engineering classification for drilling. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2:57–73.
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Mech, Pretoria, South Africa. standards for coal mine roofs [Dissertation]. University
Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
The figure below presents an example of the actual procedure for calculating RME07 for one of the case histories
plotted in Figure 8.
The Rock Mass Excavability classification features Most of all—users, please beware! It is not recom-
one parameter—standup time—depicted in Figure 3, mended to apply any rock mass classification system on its
which is determined from the Rock Mass Rating (RMR), own, be it NATM, RMR, or Q. Instead, both RMR and Q
as shown in Appendix A. Since RMR was first introduced should always be used to cross-check the results and com-
in 1972 and published internationally in 1973, it is appro- pare recommendations, even if known correlations exist
priate to briefly summarize some of the lessons acquired between these two systems, which sometimes turn out to
about rock mass classifications after 35 years of use be oversimplifications.
throughout the world.
The most important aspect to remember is that the
main application of RMR is not just recommendations for
rock support (because they change as technology changes),
but estimation of rock mass properties for design and
numerical purposes, i.e., the modulus of deformation of the
rock mass, rock mass strength, and standup time. Figures
A–1 and A–2 depict these strength and deformation
relationships. In fact, the RMR case histories for these
purposes still remain the prime data for analyses and
correlations and are published in full [Bieniawski 1989].
There are three general guidelines to be observed for
good engineering practice: